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Ladies and gentlemen ,good afternoon.Today as the opposition.I am

going to have a speech about same-sex people can not made up a
family .
In the first part of the speech ,I will make my rebuttal .The Oxford
Dictionary defines family as a group of people connected by a close
relationship usually limited to relationship by blood .SO,my group
disagree with what the debater said before,we will show our reasons
soon.My speech is divided into three main points.First,about child ,a
woman and a man can provide a better environment for child ,This is the
most common and best family model.Second,about human rights,If
more and more people form same-sex families, surrogacy, human
trafficking will become the norm, and countries like India have a serious
problem with human trafficking.The third but most important ,about
country’ development,We need people to work in all walks of life and
children to provide parents with a secure old age.To some extent,
homosexuality has brought a burden to the country's long-term
I hope you will vote us, for the healthy growth of young people, for
human rights, for the long-term development of the country, vote your
precious vote!

Now,I would like to provide my statement.First,about child.As we all

know,same-sex couple doesn’t have the ability to have a child
themself,the only way to have a child is to adopt .Yes,of course ,there is
still other ways,I will talk about it soon.Now let's go back to the kids.If
they are lucky enough to have a child ,there are still lots of potential
problems in the future life.Let's imagine that this child is old enough to
go to school ,how can he or she introduce parents to his or her friends!
Of course, it's ridiculous to ask such a young child to understand the
ethics of the same sex, he will wonder why mom and dad are both male
or female.This is a little hard for an adult to accept, let alone a child.By
the way,studies have shown that you love man or woman can be
affected,if a child live in such environment,he has a good chance of
becoming a homosexual.You may say that’s ok.But I want to tell you
same-sex couples are more insecure than common couples,they have
trouble staying in a long-term relationship,different from the common
family ,children are the bond between parents.The same-sex couple’s
child is more easily to be hurt He was vulnerable to becoming an orphan
after his parents' relationship broke up.Our society is developing at a
high speed ,ideological and cultural diversity have also increased.But
discrimination still against gay people.As an adult you lover and you may
be strong ,don’t care about other’s words.But for a child ,so young
age ,he don’t understand why his family are so different from others.His
youth would have been subject to numerous criticism because of his
special family,even school violence.Even if he grows up to understand
that his parents are together out of love, he can't make up for being
bullied as a child.We recognize that love is important, not limited to age,
nationality, gender but love is not a cure for all pain.The same-sex family
can’t provide a health environment for child.So we disagree with the
same-sex couple made up a family.

Now,please pay attention to another part,about human right.We

know that same-sex couple don’t have the ability to have a child .An
industrial chain has been developed in foreign countries. Surrogacy and
human trafficking are becoming common.If we support same-sex family
to make up a family , to some extent, we encourage the development of
this distorted industrial chain.Decades later,society will be completely
out of control.You can choose a child just as by goods in the shop,if you
have enough money you can choose whatever you like .In the future,
technology will allow you to create your own child,have big eyes,high IQ
and EQ......Since ancient times, the birth of life has always been a very
sacred thing, which can never be measured by money, let surrogate,
human trafficking become a popular and common thing .As you just said,
gay adoption needs strict procedures, and it is difficult to adopt children
through such formal channels, so many people choose to buy a child .A
complete industrial chain has even been formed in countries such as
India,many young girls sell their wombs because they are poor.I am so
sad to hear and know this message.If we agree with that same-sex
people can make up a family no matter how well intention we are, we
end up being part of the human trafficking and human rights abuses.We
all don’t want to see that,so we disagree with the same-sex couple made
up a family.
The last but most important ,about country’s development.Take
china as an example.The national Bureau of statistics china’s population
on the main land has reached 1.41 billion.The population has grown by
more than half a percent annually over the past decade,but dropped
slightly compared to the period 2000 and 2010,we will face problems in
the aging of population that have never been faced before.The same-sex
couple can’t have a child, the country will lose a lot of labor force to a
large extent ,if you want to hire someone to do the same job ,it will be
more and more expensive ,if you want to buy a same good ,it will be
more expensive too.About twenty years ago ,couples are not allowed to
have more than one child ,but today is different ,country need more and
more people to do all kinds of jobs.If we do not have so many people at
home, we will have to go abroad to find labor, which will greatly increase
the hidden danger of national development.If things go on like this, we
won't even have enough people to serve in the military and will have a
negative population growth like the European and American countries.If
we allow same-sex people to make up a family ,it can be worse.Another
important point ,if same-sex couple without child ,country will pay for
them,it is a heavy burden.The medical expenses of the elderly are not a
small expense,our country can use this money do lots of things,build
more school,develop science and technology......These problems cannot
be ignored,we need to think twice about allow same-sex couple to make
up a family .
To sum up,that is all what i want to talk about.For the healthy
growth of young people, for human rights, for the long-term
development of the country,please vote us.
Thank you!

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