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1. Don’t come at five o’clock because …. tennis then.

a. I play
b. I’ll be playing
c. I’m going to play
d. I’ve played.

2. By the end of this year I …. English for six years.

a. Will study
b. will have been studying
c. have been studying
d. had been studying

3. At 8 P.M. tomorrow we …. TV.

a. will be watching*
b. have watched
c. are watching
d. will watch

4. Miss. Rafida …. For one hour before my father arrived.

a. had been waiting*
b. has been waiting
c. has waited
d. was waiting

5. After …. 30 kilometers, we stopped to have a rest.

a. We covered
b. Covered
c. We have been covered
d. we had covered

6. I know that one of my students …. in your company since he graduated.

a. work
b. to work
c. working
d. has been working

7. Nothing …. Since we left.

a. is changed
b. was changed
c. has been changed
d. would be changed

8. His English is very good. He …. quite a lot.

a. must have been practicing
b. will have practice
c. should practice
d. practices

9. I hope that by the time my father retires, I …. a job.

a. get
b. got
c. will have got
d. am getting

10. The quality of the paper and the picture of these magazines …. Not very good.
a. It is
b. Is
c. They are
d. to be

11. Someone …………. the door now. We are not in the living room.
a. are knocking
b. knock
c. is knocking
d. knocked

12. My older sister receives a lot of flowers ……….

a. Now
b. Tomorrow
c. every February
d. yesterday

13. X: Where did you buy your new book last night?
Y: ………..
a. I sold it in Gramedia.
b. I borrowed it from my friend.
c. I bought it in Fajar Agung.
d. I took it in Ramayana.

14. Carmen and I ……… the lunch yet. So, we are very hungry now.
a. haven’t eat
b. haven’t eating
c. hadn’t eaten
d. haven’t eaten

15. X: Why didn’t you answer my phone last night?

Y: Sorry, I ………. out to meet my lecturer, and I left my mobile phone at home.
a. Go
b. am going
c. went
d. have gone
16. Sam ………. a very terrible accident on the avenue yesterday.
a. to see
b. saw
c. being saw
d. is seen

17. Desi, Mitha, and Nina ………. here for ten years.
a. Been
b. being have
c. have been
d. be have been

18. They have known each other since ……….

a. two days
b. tomorrow
c. 2003
d. three years

19. Ms. Jenifer ………. a lot of novels since she was a teenager.
a. has being read
b. has read
c. has been read
d. has readed

20. X: Are you and your sister going to ………. the movie tonight?
Y: No, we are not. We are very busy this evening.
a. come to
b. see
c. play
d. theatre

21. I think ………. come at the meeting tomorrow.

a. I will
b. I will to
c. I will be going to
d. I will to going to

22. A: Hello, my name is Alice Wong

B: Hi, I’m Susan Crane.
A: Sorry, ………. ?
B: It’s C-R-A-N-E

a. How do you spell your last name

b. What’s your last name
c. How do you spell your first name
d. What’s your spelling
23. ……. your brother and sister ………. four languages?
a. Did-speak
b. Does-speak
c. Do-speaks
d. Do-speak

24. Bob’s niece is very cute. ……….name is Mia.

a. Her
b. His
c. He
d. She

25. What are they doing right now?

a. They are doing swimming
b. They swim right now
c. They are swimming
d. They usually go swimming

26. Mega can’t come to the conference right now because she………. her little baby.
a. taking care of
b. is taking care of
c. is takes care of
d. be taking care of

27. Ruth has just …………. from South America, she looks tired.
a. Returning
b. Returns
c. Returned
d. has been returned

28. . “Can you be our guest speaker in famous to famous TV talk show around 9 pm
“I guess I can’t. I …… a classical music concert at Mulia Ball Room then.”
a. Am performing
b. Will be performing
c. Will performed
d. Have been performing

29. “When is the chairman of the meeting going to announce the important and decisive
“when all director board members ….. in the hall.”
a. Will be showing
b. Are going to show up
c. Show up
d. Were showing up
30. “Nowadays, thousands of Indonesian labors illegally working in Malaysia are
“That’s not shocking the government; they ….. the same experience for more than ten
years until recently”
a. Had
b. Have
c. Have had
d. Had had

31. Seanu …… for a man called ‘Juragan’ when someone eventually reminded him that
the man had died a year before.

a. Has searched
b. Was searching
c. Searched
d. Has been searching

32. “Can you accompany me to go shopping this afternoon?”

“ I guess so. Pick me up at 2 p.m., and I …… home from school.”
a. Will have come
b. Have come
c. Am coming
d. Will be coming

33. “Perdana is shouting too loudly, isn’t he?”

“ I think he is, I’m afraid he …… the sleeping baby.”
a. Woke up
b. Will wake up
c. Wakes up
d. Would wake up

34. The family ……. In that new house for two months when it was burnt down.
a. Are living
b. Were living
c. Had been living
d. Lived

35. “Can I use your Jaguar to go dating tonight, Dad?”

“I am afraid you can’t, the mechanic …… its dynamo.”
a. Is still checking
b. Has been checking
c. Will still check
d. Still checks
36. the engine …… smoothly when it suddenly stopped.
a. Runs
b. Running
c. Was running
d. Is running

37. The bus came after I …. For about forty minutes.

a. Have been waiting
b. Have waited
c. Am waiting
d. Had been waiting

38. We are very proud of our new ….., which will allow two employees to share one full-
time position.
a. theory
b. note
c. policy
d. production

39. When it is time to buy a new smartphone, you should definitely research all the
information that is available about them in order to get the….. one possible.
a. better
b. best
c. good
d. goodest

40. …… the email yet to confirm the hotel reservations for the regional conference?
a. you have sent
b. have you sent
c. sended you
d. you have to send

41. we called the factory this morning because we are worried ….. the order won’t arrive
in time.
a. When
b. That
c. If
d. How

42. White clothes are more ……. to keep clean than black or other dark clothes.
a. Harder
b. Hardest
c. as hard
d. more harder
43. The sign stated that there would be a maximum ….. of $500 for throwing litter on the
a. fine
b. waste
c. hazard
d. indication

44. Firefighters have to respond …… there is a fire alarm in a building even though many
of these alarms turn out to be pranks or errors.
a. Since
b. However
c. Whenever
d. Promptly

45. The school provides good facilities, still, many students ……

a. Have enjoyed studying here
b. Have been satisfied with them
c. Have so much to complain about
d. have her friends join this school

46. ………. Prabu rarely does his vocal rehearsal, he is always one of the best singers in
any singing contest.
a. Whenever
b. Since
c. Although
d. Because

47. I ____________ a really interesting programme about men and women's brains on TV
last night.
a. Watched
b. am watching
c. was watching
d. watch

48. I cut my finger while I __________________ dinner ready.

a. Got
b. Get
c. am getting
d. was getting

49. 'Can I speak to Mr Watkins, please?'

'He _______________ lunch actually. Shall I ask him to call you back?
a. has
b. is having
c. had
d. was having

50. Joyce _______________ for an insurance company. She says it's quite a good job.
a. Works
b. Worked
c. is working
d. was working

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