Soal Tenses 10

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1. “Do you hear something?

“Yes, somebody …. at the door”
a. Knocks
b. Knocked
c. Is knocking
d. Has knocked

2. Reza … about her before they met.

a. Had already heard
b. Had already been heard
c. Had been able to update
d. Had be able to update

3. If they had had a better goal keeper, they …. the game.

a. Would have been lost
b. Would loose
c. Wouldn’t have lost
d. Wouldn’t lost

4. Mia will……a new bag and shoes

a. Buying
b. Buys
c. Buy
d. Bought

5. They . . . . . at nine tomorrow morning.

a. Are fishing
b. Will be fishing
c. Go fishing
d. Will fishing

6. Manda and Kiki will not . . . . . the meal when you arrive at home.
a. Cook
b. Cooking
c. Be cooking
d. Cooked

7. If you had told me you needed a ride, I ……. earlier.

a. Left
b. Will leave
c. Would leave
d. Would have left
8. Before she reaches to her apartment, I’ll __________ my things and ready to go.
a. have packed
b. pack
c. be packing
d. packed

9. Why ……. your sister crying so loud? Please give her candies or something.
a. is                                
b. am
c. are                            
d. Were

10. Would you like something to drink? No, thanks. I …. So much

a. Have drunk
b. has drunk
c. Will drank
d. am drinking

11. Joko ….. for hours, so he was bored.

a. Had been waiting
b. Is waiting
c. Has been waiting
d. Was waiting

12. If you had gotten up earlier, you ….. time to eat a good breakfast.
a. Would have
b. Would had had
c. Would had
d. Would have had

13. They……. this music two hours ago

a. Listened
b. Listen
c. Listening
d. be listen

14. When we arrived, the supper …

a. Was being eaten
b. Was eaten
c. Were being eat
d. Were being eaten

15. If you ….. every day, you would be so fit.

a. Exercise
b. Exercises
c. Exercised
d. Had exercised
16. I ….. dinner tonight if you clean the house
a. Cook
b. Cooks
c. Will cook
d. Would cook

17. If I ….. you, I’d tell him the truth.

a. Was
b. Were
c. Am
d. Have

18. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide are believed to be the primary …. Of the
global warming.
a. Reason
b. Burden
c. Income
d. Source

19. Don't make so much noise. Noriko ..... to study for her ESL test!
a. Try
b. Tries
c. Tried
d. is trying

20. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ..... a bath!
a. is having
b. having
c. have
d. has

21. If Sandoro were not busy, he would come to Sandra’ birthday party today.
The sentence informs that ….
a. Sandoro can’t attend Sandra’s birthday party because he is busy now
b. Sandra has celebrated her birthday party and Sandoro came
c. Sandoro can’t come to Sandra’s birthday because it has passed
d. Sandoro is very busy now but he will come to Sandra’s birthday party
22. Andre: I left my wallet at home! But I have to be at the meeting in 15 minutes. Can
you give me a ride?
Anwar: Sorry, I took the bus today. ….. I’d offer you a ride. Do you need money for
a. I can bring you there
b. If I drove my car
c. If I take a taxi
d. If I had a new bicycle

23. Anorexia nervosa is an eating …. That is characterized by attempts to lose weight that
can result in eventual starvation and even death if not treated.
a. habit
b. matter
c. problem
d. Disorder

24. Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?"

Mary: "No, I'm not. I ..... school dances. they're loud, hot and crowded!"
a. not enjoy
b. don`t enjoy
c. doesn`t enjoy
d. am not enjoying

25. If I … my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

a. finish
b. finishes
c. would finish
d. had finished

26. If you cook vegetables for long time, they … their nutrients.
a. Lose
b. Loses
c. had lose
d. would lose

27. I would never lend to you if I … before.

a. Know
b. Knows
c. Knew
d. had known
28. If we … earlier, we would have reached school.
a. wake up
b. woke up
c. woken up
d. had woken up

29. The music … when I left her.

a. Was playing
b. Were playing
c. Were being playing
d. Was played

30. Erza and Yuki . . . . . Soccer on the field when they . . . . . the money.
a. Is playing, finding
b. Were playing, found
c. Was playing, found
d. Played, find

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