ANG, Sandy

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THEILA ¢ BoRP Concept Bible Sandy Ang dy 1803978 CIicwIcCI CCI cCIcniIcnIcnIcnicnicnicnicnicnicricricr) TABLE OF CONTENTS Story Synopsis Theia ~ Biography ~Tumtable Borp = Biography Final Spread Visual Development - Theia's World = Theia's Asteroid = Theia's House “Long Background - Theia's Room Layout - Theia's Room Isometric Character Development = Character Shapes = Pairings = Refinement = Final Pair = Final Pose = Hair Exploration = Clothes Exploration Final Lineup ~ Colour Exploration Final Colours GUIGWICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLICLI STORY SYNOPSIS 56:5 0200 device Theia is a space shepherd and lives on a medium size asteroid with her family. ‘She owns a very special space Alpaca: Borp the burper. Every day, she will bring her alpaca, to pasture in the star field. Borp takes his sweet time feeding on the little star flowers which leave Theia with a lot of time to read her precious books. Sometimes she gets too engross. Today is one of those days: the book is so amazing, Theia does not realize that Borp has walked off and eaten ‘so many star flowers it has gotten itself stuck on a meteor. Now Theia has to figure out a way to get Borp unstuck before the the meteor floats away in space with her precious special alpaca on board. She tries in every possible way to reach him and fetch him back to no avail. The alpaca is pretty clueless although the rotation motion of the meteor is about to make him sick. The only possible option left, now, is to sacrifice her book and make Borp live up to its name. She is torn, She loves the book dearly but Borp is about to leave her for ever. Theia tosses her book at Borp’s belly and the alpaca burps out loudly and strongly enough to make them both fall back on their asteroid and send all the star flowers in the star field flying around. From the rooftop of their home Theia and Borp enjoy a beautiful star flower meteor shower together. THEIA BIOGRAPHY. 5) 0012 dente ‘Theia is 2 14 year old gid, ving by herself (with her space alpaca) in the desolated part of 2 Medium Size Asteroid, close to the star il. She is the daughter ofa sailor and likes to collect strange things from all over the Universe that her father bring back as present from his many trips. ‘Although she likes to read adventure books and often fantasizes about them, she imagines herself as the protagonist ofthe stores she reads, she is actually nat very adventurous herself. Her lif is pretty monotonous and made of routines but she does not mind that, she is not the type who wishes her fe would be less boring, on the contrary she is a firm believer that adventures are better an paper. She often read in very dim light and wears specs. Her only friend is Borp, whois not very affectionate but is fun to hang out with because he lets her ride on his back and his wool is ‘colorful and fluffy and can be used to make space knitted clothing “Thela loves colors, has never seen vast bodies of water {her father may be a sailor but he is @ space sailor after al), she loves knitting her own clothing and blankets, reading, cooking giant space vegetables, owns a starfish tank, and when she is older she wants to become an alpaca wool knitwear designer for children all over the Universe. She goes to schoo! in the nearby settlement. Has @ lot of friends and is good student but i not good in space sports. Because school is a very noisy place she is quite happy to come back home to a quiet environment Her father comes back home every 2 months and brings her strange presents, they usually spend two weeks together before he has to leave again ‘Theia's mom is a 9 to 5 clerk ata local Space mine. She sometimes brings her back strange rocks, space plants and space bugs. She likes to comb Theis hairin strange hairdos that Theia sometimes hides in a space hatthoodielcap, ‘Age: 14 Height: 2m Weight: 100kg Traits: Pigeon-toed, strong legs, bad eyesight THELA TURNTABLE BORP BIOGRAPHY 51000 omise orp is a special breed of Space Alpaca His favorite food is Star Flowers, though they make him gassy (because stars are made of gas) Heis a very sow and clueless alpaca, not the happy prancing around kind “Theia doubts Borp is even aware of her existence as he only gets excited when it's time to go to the field and he sees her opening the door to his space bam. His wool is very fluffy and colorful and he burps a lot and loudly, Age: 4 Height: 6m Weight: 1000kg ‘Traits: Bat-like, camouflages, claws to dig up starflowers Entire cluster is, snowflake-shaped The asteroids and planets are linked together by the subway and highways Theia's asteroid is just one of the many. Some asteroids aren't as populated, like Theia's ‘Snowman-shaped, covered in snow Sparsely populated with Theia, her neighbour - who is also ‘the guard at the guard post, and the general store people Has a huge glowing starflower field ‘A huge shipwreck rests there eternally, it was said to be a large passenger ship ‘that carried the people here THELA’S HOUSE Actually a ship, her father is a sailor after all. Is parked here for now, unless they decide to move again. Control Room: To drive the ship, with the engine controls and steering wheel, Has a nice high view. Bedrooms & toilet: Second floor, for Theia and her parents’ bedrooms. Actually a big dragon beat. Chinese heritage. Living room ete: Kitchen, dining room, fireplace. Igloo is divided, the upper half is the living space, The basement is the lower half, it's a boiler room of sorts, LONG BACKGROUND 406 8% oud Ww ee \e Lae ott C Balcony: Connected to her room. She goes there to read her books while enjoying the snowy scenery outside. It's like her own little bubble where it’s just her and the vast white land. Clothes rack: Able to rotate over to her workspace for easy access when she's making new clothes. Pipes: Made of 2 metal, but \yaeematne not cold to the touch. The fireplace downstairs channels warm air into all the pipes of her house. Bam Making sure that all the metal pipes are warm. ts Sewing machine: Old but reliable, passed down from her mother. Runs on foot power. Knitting supplies: Uses the other side of the L-shaped desk to knit, Wall stands: Actually her old glasses drilled into the wall. Uses them to put up pictures for inspiration when she's making new clothes, That way she won't have to stick pictures on the wall everytime. Dresser: Stores her underwear and other clothes. And knick knacks she gets from her parents that she doesn't display in her room. Umbrella: Used when snow falls and she doesn't want to get wet. Often used to look fancier too, when she travels to the city. Stick: Helps her walk through heavy snow. aes Seo For a quick slide downstairs when she's too lazy to take the stairs Bookshelf: Stores all her books, can be rotated with the lever so she can locate her books without walking

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