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Name : pobri shifa acha

NIM : 2006102020103
Class : English Teaching Methodology Group 01
1. Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
Grade : 1 junior high school
Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Attitude: Understanding the Teachers explain the
METHOD: Grammar Student are expected to:
Demonstrate good ethics, meaning and know material and then ask
Translation Method 1. Students are able make their
morals,and personality, the formula of some student to do the
text by following the formula
discipline, neatness, tenses, there are
assignment based on that had been taught before.
responsibility and courtesy. simple present and
 Teachers give the text and the text. 2. Students are able to translate
present continuous
explain the background The assignment and understand the meaning of
Skills : tense.
information of the text. sometimes given to do the text.
Able to understanding about Translate sentences
 Teachers ask student to make individually and in the 3. Students are able to answering
the meaning of the sentences from Indonesian to
interpretation of the text and group. Student should the question that based on the
and be able to translate the English and
translate it. be able to translate and text. The question is about the
text with the correct answering question
tenses that used in the text.
grammar. related to the text.  Teachers give assignment to the do the interpretation
student to answering the based on the text.
Knowledge : question that based on the text.
Able to understanding about
the meaning of the text, also
can translate it to the correct
grammar and answering the
question related to the text.


Grade: 2 junior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Able to understand Teachers explain how
Attitude: METHOD: Communicative Student are expected to:
Demonstrate good ethics, how to describing to play the game.
Language Teaching 1. Student be able to speak
morals, and personality, things and feeling After that teacher will
with target language with
discipline, neatness,
confident to speak LEARNING STRATEGIES : demonstrate it in accurate and fluently.
responsibility and courtesy.
in front of the class.  Teacher will divided student front of the class. 2. Student is brave to speak
Skills : Student will be into a small group and then give Most of the games target language in every
Students are able to listen to more motivated to a picture strip story or picture are made for daily life.
and speak in the classroom
3. To manage and practice
with English and learn target card to each group in the group teamwork not for
conversation in daily life. language. and then the student have to individual work. student to speak with the
describe the picture to another correct attitude and
Knowledge : group in the class. grammar.

Develop student’s speaking

skills, encourage asking and
giving directions in English
and develop student’s
speaking micro skills
Grade: 2 junior high school

Study Materials Methods and Learning Students Learning

Expected Final Ability Evaluation and Assessment
(Learning Materials) Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 To understand the Teachers explain and
Attitude: METHOD: Audio Lingual Student are expected to:
main idea of the demonstrate the
Demonstrate good ethics, 1. To speak aloud the dialogue
morals, and personality, dialogue and the dialogue of the text
LEARNING STRATEGIES : correctly. Transform questions into
discipline, neatness, reading. and then teacher ask statements.
responsibility and courtesy.  Teacher will introduce a new
 Repeat the dialogues
student to memorize 2. Complete a dialog using nouns,
Skills : with a partner.
and act out the verbs or adjectives.
 To follow teacher’s
 Teacher will act out the
Students are able to listen
direction happily. To dialogue using pictures, dialogue. 3. To speak out their thoughts in
to and speak in the
gestures and props simple English.
classroom with English join in the activities
and conversation in daily 4. To speak grammatical pattern
voluntarily.  Teacher will act out the
 To speak aloud the dialogue by modeling it two
5. To discuss with group members and
dialogue correctly. times.
Knowledge : answer questions fluently.
Transform questions  Student will repeat each line of
Develop student’s 6. To reinforce the abilities in
into statements. the new dialog several times.
speaking skills, encourage listening, reading, speaking.
 Complete a dialog
asking and giving
using nouns, verbs or
directions in English and
develop student’s
 To speak out their
speaking micro skills
thoughts in simple
 To speak grammatical
pattern correctly.
 To discuss with group
members and answer
questions fluently.
 To reinforce the
abilities in listening,
reading, speaking.


Grade: 1 junior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 To understand the Teachers explain the
Attitude: METHOD: Contextual Learning Student are expected to:
descriptive text. materials clearly.
Method 1. To discuss with group members
Demonstrate good ethics,  Student able to Student will ask to
and answer questions fluently
morals, and personality, make their own make a descriptive text
LEARNING STRATEGIES : 2. To understand the descriptive
discipline, neatness, descriptive text. with their team.
 Teacher will divided a text and make descriptive text
responsibility and  Student be able to
class to small group. correctly.
analyze and the
courtesy.  Each group will be 3. Student able to understand the
structure of the
given a descriptive text parts of speech that are used in
descriptive text.
Skills : to read. descriptive text.
 Student will find out the
Students are able to know
difficult word and also
and read the English
the structure of
sentence correctly. Also
descriptive text.
can memorize a lot of new
 Each group will be
asked to make
descriptive text.
Knowledge :

Develop student’s
knowledge to target
language by knowing the
sentence and new
vocabulary that appear in
their daily life.

Grade: 1 junior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Teachers explain
Attitude: METHOD: Direct Method Student are expected to:
Student are willing to about the materials
Demonstrate good ethics, 1. Student be able to speak
morals, and personality, reading aloud, do the clearly by showing
LEARNING STRATEGIES : with target language with
discipline, neatness, question answer
some examples,
responsibility and courtesy.
exercise,  Teacher will place some picture
conversation practice, pictures also some
in the front of the class and ask accurate and fluently.
fill-in-the-blank gestures to make the
Skills : student to open their book to a 2. Student is brave to speak
exercise, can follow section clear.
Students are able to listen to the dictation while certain page number. target language in every
and speak in the classroom Teacher will ask
 Teacher will call student one by daily life.
with English and learning and also can student to read aloud
conversation in daily life. able to make a one to read loudly the text and 3. To manage and practice
other will follow. and give some student to speak with the
Knowledge :  In the meantime teacher will question based on the correct attitude and
point a part of the picture after text with target grammar.
Develop student’s speaking
each sentence is read. language.
skills, encourage asking and
 Teacher will use gestures,
giving directions in English
pictures, examples, or other
and develop student’s
means to make the meaning of
speaking micro skills
the section clear.

Grade: 1 senior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Teachers change the
Attitude: Able to understand METHOD: Suggestopedia Student are expected to:
Demonstrate good ethics, class situation to be
how to describing Method 1. Familiarize themselves with the
morals, and personality, so emotional.
discipline, neatness, things and feeling lyrics of the song,
Teacher as the 2. Express feelings indirectly
responsibility and courtesy. using target
motivator speak and using analogy; and
Skills : explain the materials 3. Reflect on their relationships
 Teacher will ask the student to
with target language. with their own parents.
Students are able to listen to write a word that describes their
and speak in the classroom
with English and parents.
conversation in daily life.  Teacher ask student to close
their eyes and focus on the song
Knowledge : that already played.

Develop student’s speaking  After listen to the song, teacher

skills, encourage asking and ask student to make analogy
giving directions in English from the song that related to
and develop student’s their parents.
speaking micro skills


Grade: 1 senior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Teachers fix errors
Attitude: METHOD: Silent Way Student are expected to:
Students observe that students make
Demonstrate good ethics, 1. Student be able to speak
morals, and personality, the material by during learning, such
discipline, neatness, with target language with
dialogue text. Then as errors in
students analyze pronunciation,
responsibility and courtesy. LEARNING STRATEGIES : accurate and fluently.
observations and vocabulary mentions,
 Teachers started learning by 2. Student is brave to speak
Skills : make hypotheses etc. Teachers give
airing a video related to the target language in every
Students are able to listen to about the content of theme of the material to be
positive comments
daily life.
and speak in the classroom the conversation such as good job,
with English and covered. 3. To manage and practice
conversation in daily life. that they read. well done or very student to speak with the
   Teacher asks students about
Finally, student the perceptions and responses good to students who correct attitude and
Knowledge : makes a that display video using come forward so they grammar.

Develop student’s speaking simple dialogue abo utterances commonly used are motivated.

skills, encourage asking and ut the material when learning.

giving directions in English and practices it in  The teacher gives examples of

and develop student’s the front of class. vocabulary related to the theme
speaking micro skills of the material.
 Teacher gives the text of the
dialogue on the subject matter.
 Students observe dialogue text
by silent reading. (Observe)
 Then, students write down what
is their initial response example
content of dialogue, language
function, etc. (Hypothesize)
 Teacher asks student responses
about the dialogue and
compares their results with each
 Students make simple
conversation on the subject
matter. In this activity, students
work in pairs. (Experiment)
 The teacher asks the students to
practice their conversation in
the front off class.
Grade: 1 senior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Student able to Teachers explain how
Attitude: METHOD: Community Student are expected to:
Demonstrate good ethics, understanding and to pronounce a phrase
Language Learning
morals, and personality, responding the in target language. 1. The students can understand and
discipline, neatness,
instructions heard LEARNING STRATEGIES : Teacher should be respond the conversation.
responsibility and courtesy.
verbally. 2. The students be able to share and
 Teacher will divided student more active to make
Skills : expressing about their feelings.
Also able to into a small group and then ask class more active.
3. The students can speak English
Students are able to listen to expressing the them to introduce themselves.
and speak in the classroom without anxiety or feel
with English and simple instructions After that teacher ask them to
conversation in daily life. talk about how their feeling to
the class.
Knowledge :  Teacher played a tape and write
Develop student’s speaking down the phrase that occurred

skills, encourage asking and in the tape. Teacher asks student

giving directions in English what phrase that they want to

and develop student’s learn and then focus on that

speaking micro skills until student pronounce it

Grade:1 senior high school

Study Materials
Methods and Learning Students Learning
Expected Final Ability (Learning Evaluation and Assessment
Strategies Experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Student able to Teachers explain the
Attitude: METHOD: Total Physical Student are expected to:
Demonstrate good ethics, understanding and word using body
morals, and personality, responding the gestures and ask 1. Students engage in
discipline, neatness,
instructions heard LEARNING STRATEGIES : student to copy it. It conversation.
responsibility and courtesy.
verbally. 2. Students provide and obtain
 Teacher will have the student helps student to
Skills : information,
Also able to stand in a circle. memorize it quickly.
Students are able to listen to expressing the siple 3. Express feelings and emotions,
 Teacher will say some action
and speak in the classroom and
with English and instructions word related to the topic of the
conversation in daily life. 4. Be able to exchange opinions
materials and then ask student
to watch, repeat and copy the
Knowledge : teacher.

Develop student’s speaking

skills, encourage asking and
giving directions in English
and develop student’s
speaking micro skills

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