Topic 01: Introducing A Friend: Lesson 01 - Introduction

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Lesson 01 - Introduction

Topic 01: Introducing a Friend

Vocabulary Meaning Example
Meet (v) Gặp, gặp gỡ Nice to meet you, Peter.
Holiday (n) Kỳ nghỉ I’m just here on holiday.
Spell (v) Đánh vần How do you spell that?
– Are you from around here?
Australia (n) Nước Úc
– No, Australia.
Mateys (n) Bạn (một từ khác chỉ bạn bè) Good day, mateys!
– Good day, mateys!
Peace (n) Lời chào tạm biệt
– Peace.
Expression Meaning Example
How’s it going? Dạo này cậu thế nào? Hey, Peter! How’s it going?
How are you? Cậu khỏe chứ? Hi, Anna! Good. How are you?
This is … Đây là … This is my friend, Felice Lachlan. Felice, this is Peter.
Nice to meet you. Rất vui được gặp cậu. Nice to meet you, Peter.
How do you spell that? Cậu đánh vần tên đó như thế nào? That’s a pretty name. How do you spell that?
Hit the books Học hành chăm chỉ Yeah, me too. Gotta hit the books, as they say.
It was great meeting you. Rất vui được gặp cậu. It was great meeting you, Peter.
Catch ya later. Hẹn gặp lại sau. Catch ya later!
Topic 02: Where do you live?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Staying (v) Ở lại, lưu lại No, I’m British. Where are you staying?
Business card (n) Danh thiếp I’ll check. Do you have a business card?
Employee (n) Nhân viên Are you the new employee?
Expression Meaning Example
You can call me Cậu có thể gọi tôi là My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jennie.
Where are you from? Cậu đến từ đâu? My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jennie. Where are you from?
I’m from Japan. Tôi đến từ Nhật Bản. I’m from Japan. Are you American?
Where are you staying? Cậu đang ở đâu? No, I’m British. Where are you staying?
I’m staying in Tôi đang ở I’m staying in a hotel, but I’m looking for an apartment.

Where do you live? Chị sống ở đâu? I’m staying in a hotel, but I’m looking for an apartment. Where do you live?

I live by Tôi sống gần I live by the park. It’s a very nice, safe and quiet place.
Same here Tôi cũng thế Same here. Are there any apartments available by the park?
Sorry, not yet, but you can contact me via or at this
Contact me via Liên hệ với tôi qua
phone number, 215-034-6890.
Topic 03: What is your job?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Expert (n) Chuyên gia Can I check? I’m sort of an expert.
Doctor (n) Bác sĩ Wow, really? Are you a doctor?
– Are you a doctor?
Foot doctor (n) Bác sĩ chuyên về chân
– Yes, I’m a foot doctor.
– Wait, are you sewing them?
Tailor (n) Thợ may
– Yes, I also work as a tailor.
Expression Meaning Example
Look beat Trông mệt mỏi You look beat, what’s wrong?
I’m sort of Phần nào, đại loại Can I check? I’m sort of an expert.
Are you a doctor? Anh là bác sĩ à? Wow, really? Are you a doctor?
I’m a foot doctor. Tôi là một bác sĩ chuyên về chân Yes, I’m a foot doctor.
It’s very kind of you. Anh thật tốt bụng. Great. It’s very kind of you.
Work as Làm việc như Yes, I also work as a tailor.
Lesson 02 - People
Topic 01: Jack’s Family Portrait
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Grandparents (n) Ông bà These are my grandparents at their old house in Thailand.
Aunt (n) Cô They moved to the US when my dad and aunt were babies.
Grandfather v Ông My grandfather was a doctor in Thailand.
Doctor (n) Bác sĩ My grandfather was a doctor in Thailand.
Work (v) Làm việc He had to work as a cleaner.
Cleaner v Người lao công He had to work as a cleaner.
Inspiring (adj) Truyền cảm hứng That’s really inspiring.
Blood (n) Máu I guess it’s in our blood.
Cousin (n) Anh (em) họ No, that’s my cousin.
Pregnant (adj) Mang thai Yep, pregnant with me!
Expression Meaning Example
Is this …? Đây có phải là …? Oh, is this your family?
These are… Đây là … (dùng với danh từ số nhiều) These are my grandparents at their old house in Thailand.
Moved to Chuyển tới They moved to the US when my dad and aunt were babies.
Was a doctor Là một bác sĩ (trong quá khứ) My grandfather was a doctor in Thailand.
My grandfather was a doctor in Thailand, but when they moved here, he
Work as a cleaner Làm việc như một lao công
had to work as a cleaner.
Follow in his dad’s
Đi theo con đường của cha anh ấy He wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps.
It’s in our blood Nó đã ngấm vào máu của chúng tôi Yes, my sister and I wanna be doctors, too. I guess it’s in our blood.
That’s… Đó là … No, that’s my cousin. I’m over here.
Pregnant with me Mang thai tôi Yep, pregnant with me!
Topic 02: A High School Reunion
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Fantastic (adj) Tuyệt vời You look fantastic!
Reunion (n) Cuộc họp mặt Do you know if Nick is coming to the reunion?
Married (v) Kết hôn I’m so happy to see that you two got married!
Couple (n) Cặp đôi You are always such a good couple.
I remember you two were not just classmates but …a couple in high
Classmates (n) Bạn cùng lớp
Expression Meaning Example
You look fantastic! Trông cậu tuyệt quá! Rose? Is that you? Oh, you look fantastic!
It’s so good to see you Thật tốt khi gặp cậu Angie! It’s so good to see you!
Got married Kết hôn I’m so happy to see that you two got married!
Work out Tập thể dục; tiến triển tốt, đến đâu, tới đâu Our relationship didn’t work out.
Topic 03: Just in Time for the Company Trip
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Department (n) Bộ phận, phòng, ban What department are you in?
R&D (n) Nghiên cứu và phát triển I’m in R&D.
Trip (n) Chuyến đi, chuyến du lịch Are you going to join the company trip next week, Jenny?
Newcomers (n) Người mới Are newcomers allowed to come?
Relaxation (n) Nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn I think everybody is eager for a little relaxation.
Expression Meaning Example
What department are you
Em ở bộ phận nào? I work in sales. What department are you in?
Allowed to Được phép Are newcomers allowed to come?
Team building Xây dựng đội nhóm We want everyone there for the team building.
I am always up for Em luôn muốn Well, I am always up for a beach trip.
Is eager for Háo hức I think everybody is eager for a little relaxation.
Lesson 03 - Time
Topic 01: The Triathlete
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Cuộc thi thể thao 3 môn phối hợp (chạy, bơi, đạp
Triathlon (n) I can’t believe you’re really doing a triathlon next week!
Awake (adj) Thức dậy Usually I’m awake by 4:30 or 5:00, and then I run 10 miles.
Thankfully (adv) Thật may mắn Thankfully, there’s a pool near my office, so I use that.
Cycling (n) Đạp xe What about cycling?
I spend pretty much all of Saturday and Sunday cycling around my
Spend (v) Dành ra
I spend pretty much all of Saturday and Sunday cycling around
Neighborhood (n) Khu phố, khu nhà
my neighborhood.
Gym (n) Phòng luyện tập thể dục Well, I go to the gym and use an exercise bike on rainy days.
Rainy (adj) Mưa Well, I go to the gym and use an exercise bike on rainy days.
Expression Meaning Example
I can’t believe you’re really doing a triathlon next week! How are you
Doing a triathlon Tham gia cuộc thi phối hợp
training for it?
Get up Thức dậy I get up early every day to run.
What time do you Mấy giờ thì cậu Wow. What time do you finish running?
It’s time to Đến giờ làm gì I run for about an hour, and then I swim until it’s time to go to work.
I cycle on the weekends. I spend pretty much all of Saturday and Sunday
On the weekends Vào những ngày cuối tuần
cycling around my neighborhood.
Good luck Chúc may mắn Wow, good luck Jackson!
Topic 02: Invitation to What?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Party (n) Bữa tiệc Hey, Sharon, what time will you be at the party?
Inviting (v) Mời Is this a party … or … are you inviting me to dinner, Robert?
Afraid (adj) E rằng, sợ là Thanks, but I’m afraid I’m busy tomorrow.
Busy (adj) Bận rộn Thanks, but I’m afraid I’m busy tomorrow.
Expression Meaning Example
My party. It’s 8:00 PM tomorrow night. Me, you, an Italian restaurant. Are
Are you free? Cậu có rảnh không?
you free?
Pick you up at Đón cậu vào lúc It’s a party. I’ll pick you up at seven, okay?
I’m afraid I’m busy
Tôi e rằng ngày mai tôi bận rồi. Thanks, but I’m afraid I’m busy tomorrow. I’m going to a real party.
Maybe another time Có lẽ là để dịp khác Yeah, no. I understand. Maybe another time.
Would you like to come
Cậu có muốn đi cùng tôi không? Well… Would you like to come with me?
with me?
Got it! Hiểu rồi – Got it! I’m looking forward to it!
– Uhm… A swimsuit. There’s a pool.
I’m looking forward to Tôi đang trông chờ đến
– Got it! I’m looking forward to it!
What time is it? Mấy giờ rồi? Yeah, same! … Oops! What time is it?
– Yeah, same! … Oops! What time is it?
It’s 10:30 10h30
– It’s 10:30.
Oh, I’ve gotta go. Ồ, tôi phải đi rồi Oh, I’ve gotta go. See ya.
You bet! Được thôi, tất nhiên You bet! What time? … And … where?
Let’s meet here tomorrow at noon. Bring something to grill. How’s that
How’s that sound? Nghe ý đó thế nào
Let’s Hãy Let’s meet here tomorrow at noon.
Topic 03: Why didn’t you Come to My Party?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Birthday (n) Sinh nhật Tom, isn’t your birthday coming up soon?
Born (past participle-phân
Sinh ra I was born in 1981.
từ 2 của động từ “bear”)
No, I think this year my girlfriend and I are going to the beach for
Romantic (adj) Lãng mạn
a romantic weekend together.
No, I think this year my girlfriend and I are going to the beach for a romantic
Together (adv) Cùng nhau
weekend together.
Celebrate (v) Chúc mừng Awesome! How are we going to celebrate?
Boring (adj) Nhàm chán No offense, but you guys are boring.
Great (adj) Tuyệt vời The party was great, wasn’t it?
Expression Meaning Example
Coming up Sắp tới Tom, isn’t your birthday coming up soon?
I was born in Tôi sinh năm 37. I was born in 1981.
When is your birthday? Sinh nhật cậu khi nào? Oh, okay! …. Liam, when is your birthday again?
A month away Một tháng nữa It’s on February 19th, so about a month away.
No offense, but you guys are boring. I always throw a huge party for my
No offense Không có ý gì đâu
Throw a huge party Tổ chức một bữa tiệc lớn I always throw a huge party for my birthday!
Wasn’t it? Phải không? The party was great, wasn’t it?
Showed up Đến, xuất hiện No, it wasn’t. Nobody showed up
Lesson 04 - Renting and sopping
Topic 01: Apartment Hunting
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Living room (n) Phòng khách This is the living room.
View (n) Tầm nhìn It has a nice view of the park from that window.
Pets (n) Vật nuôi, thú cưng Oh, by the way, are pets allowed?
Allowed (v) Được phép Oh, by the way, are pets allowed?
Extra (adj) Phụ, thêm Of course, but you need to pay an extra fee of 50 dollars per month.
Fee (n) Phí, lệ phí Of course, but you need to pay an extra fee of 50 dollars per month.
Doable (adj) Có thể thực hiện That sounds doable.
Neighborhood (n) Khu dân cư Is the neighborhood safe?
Safe (adj) An toàn Is the neighborhood safe?
Crime (n) Tội phạm There is some crime in the park, but nothing serious.
Bedrooms (n) Phòng ngủ Would you like to see the bedrooms?
Upstairs (n) Tầng trên Let’s go upstairs then.
Bathroom (n) Phòng tắm This is the master bedroom, with its own bathroom.
Cozy (adj) Ấm cúng It’s cozy.
Downstairs (n) Tầng dưới It’s downstairs.
Rent (n) Tiền thuê And how much is the rent?
Sign (v) Ký, ký tên Sounds good. Let’s sign the lease.
Lease (n) Hợp đồng cho thuê (bất động sản) Sounds good. Let’s sign the lease.
Expression Meaning Example
A nice view of Một tầm nhìn đẹp ra It has a nice view of the park from that window.
By the way Nhân tiện, nhân đây Oh, by the way, are pets allowed?
Master bedroom Phòng ngủ chính This is the master bedroom, with its own bathroom.
Home office Văn phòng tại nhà You can also use it as a home office.
Where is the second – Where is the second bathroom?
Phòng tắm thứ hai ở đâu?
– It’s downstairs.
– And how much is the rent?
How much is the rent? Tiền thuê là bao nhiêu?
– It’s $800 a month… plus $50, if you have pets.
– And how much is the rent?
It’s $800 a month 800 đô la một tháng
– It’s $800 a month… plus $50, if you have pets.
Sign the lease Ký hợp đồng thuê Sounds good. Let’s sign the lease.
Topic 02: The Super Shopper
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Total (n) Tổng cộng, toàn bộ Your total will be seventy two.
Expected (v) Liệu trước, đoán trước That’s more than I expected. How much is that fancy jelly?
Fancy (adj) Nhiều màu How much is that fancy jelly?
Jelly (n) Mứt How much is that fancy jelly?
Organic (adj) Hữu cơ The organic jelly is sixteen dollars.
Well, sixteen dollars is a little steep for one, but twenty-four dollars for two
Steep (adj) Quá cao
might be worth it.
Coupons (n) Phiếu giảm giá And I have some coupons…
Cash (n) Tiền mặt How would you like to pay? Cash or credit?
Credit (n) Tín dụng How would you like to pay? Cash or credit?
Expression Meaning Example
How would you like to pay? Chị muốn thanh toán như thế nào? Your total will be seventy two. How would you like to pay?

More than I expected Nhiều hơn tôi nghĩ That’s more than I expected. How much is that fancy jelly?
How much is Bao nhiêu That’s more than I expected. How much is that fancy jelly?
Put that back Để cái đó lại Oh no. My daughter likes it, but that’s too much. I have to put that back.
That’s actually on sale now, buy one get one half off. Would you like to do
On sale Đang giảm giá
That’s actually on sale now, buy one get one half off. Would you like to do
Buy one get one half off Mua 1 tặng 1 nửa
Well, sixteen dollars is a little steep for one, but twenty-four dollars for two
Be worth Đáng giá
might be worth it.
Would you like to Chị có muốn Would you like to use all of those?
Topic 03: What’s Your Style?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Outfit (n) Bộ đồ, trang phục Oh my gosh, look at this outfit. Isn’t it great?
Cô nàng đẹp trai, chỉ những cô gái thể hiện cá
Tomboy (n) You don’t like the tomboy look?
tính giống một cậu con trai
Trendy (adj) Hợp thời, theo mốt It’s trendy, but I think women should dress like women.
Respect (v) Tôn trọng I respect that. I think it’s fun and cool to be a little different sometimes.
Different (adj) Khác, thay đổi I respect that. I think it’s fun and cool to be a little different sometimes.
Shoulders (n) Vai You’re right. But my shoulders are too wide to pull it off.
Wish (v) Ước muốn No! I wish I had your shoulders.
Style (n) Phong cách It sounds like someone is going to have a whole new style!
Tomboy-ish (adj) Kiểu tomboy Yes. Maybe I’ll try on some tomboy-ish stuff. Who knows, I might like it.
Expression Meaning Example
Dress like Mặc giống, mặc như It’s trendy, but I think women should dress like women.
You’re right. But my shoulders are too wide to pull it off. I just look like a
Pull it off Mặc cái gì đẹp
Go shopping Đi mua sắm No! I wish I had your shoulders. Anyway, do you want to go shopping?
Try on Thử, mặc thử Yes. Maybe I’ll try on some tomboy-ish stuff. Who knows, I might like it.
It sounds like Nghe có vẻ như It sounds like someone is going to have a whole new style
Lesson 05 - Hobbies
Topic 01: You Listen to What?!
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Cold (adj) Lạnh Wow! It’s so cold here!
Promise (v) Hứa Yes, promise you won’t tell anyone, okay?
Music (n) Âm nhạc Actually, K-pop is the only kind of music I listen to.
Listen (v) Nghe Actually, K-pop is the only kind of music I listen to.
Idol (n) Thần tượng Yoon Yojong is my idol.
Hip hop (n) Nhạc hip-hop But please keep this a secret, all of my friends only listen to hip hop.
Understand (v) Hiểu, nắm được ý (của một người) I understand how you feel.
Feel (v) Chà? I understand how you feel.
Folk music (n) Nhạc dân ca I used to be embarrassed about liking folk music.
Expression Meaning Example
– Wow! It’s so cold here!
Wow! It’s so cold here! Chà! Ở đây lạnh quá!
– ‘Cuz there’re a lot of fans! Yeah!!
Are you into K-pop? Cậu thích nhạc Hàn Quốc à? Oh my gosh, is that Black-Two? Are you into K-pop?
Promise you won’t tell – Promise you won’t tell anyone, okay?.
Hứa là cậu sẽ không nói cho ai biết
anyone – Of course. You’re not the only one. I think K-pop is cool, too.
What other kinds of music Loại nhạc nào khác I think K-pop is cool, too. What other kinds of music do you like?
I understand how you feel. I used to be embarrassed about liking folk
I understand how you feel Tôi hiểu cảm giác của cậu
I used to be embarrassed I understand how you feel. I used to be embarrassed about liking folk
Tôi đã từng thấy xấu hổi khi thích nhạc dân ca
about liking folk music music.

What do you like about folk – Really? What do you like about folk music?
Cậu thích gì ở nhạc dân ca?
– Folk music is really meaningful to me, and I think that it’s beautiful.
– Really? What do you like about folk music?
Meaningful to me Ý nghĩa với tôi
– Folk music is really meaningful to me, and I think that it’s beautiful.
– Yeah, I feel the same way about K-pop… The whole meaningful thing.
You think so? Cậu nghĩ vậy à?
– You think so?
I’ll have to listen to more of
Tôi sẽ phải nghe nó nhiều hơn Maybe I’ll have to listen to more of it then.
Put your hands up in the air Cháy hết mình thôi nào Okay now! Put your hands up in the air!!! Yeah!!!

Topic 02: I Prefer Comedies

Vocabulary Meaning Example
Depend (v) Phụ thuộc, tùy thuộc It depends. What movie are you talking about?
Scary (adj) Đáng sợ, rùng rợn That sounds a little too scary for me.
Comedies (n) Phim hài No way! I just prefer comedies.
Dramas (n) Phim truyền hình Well what about dramas, do you like those?
Guess (v) Đoán, nghĩ, chắc rằng They’re okay, I guess.
Subtitles (n) Phụ đề A foreign film? So I’ll have to read subtitles the whole time?
Movie theater (n) Rạp chiếu phim I know that a French one showing at the little movie theater downtown.
Downtown (n) Trung tâm thành phố I know that a French one showing at the little movie theater downtown.
Expression Meaning Example
Do you like Cậu có thích Hey, Carl, do you like scary movies?
I really want to see Tôi rất muốn xem Well, I really want to see The Ring, it just came out.
It just came out Vừa mới ra mắt Well, I really want to see The Ring, it just came out.
That sounds a little too
Cái đó nghe hơi quá đáng sợ với tôi Oh gosh, I don’t know… that sounds a little too scary for me.
scary for me
Are you a chicken? Cậu nhát gan thế à? Wait a second, are you a chicken?
No way! I just prefer comedies. To me, the whole point of movies is to
I just prefer comedies Chỉ là tôi thích các phim hài hơn
make people laugh.
The whole point of movies Mục đích cuối cùng của các bộ phim là để khiến No way! I just prefer comedies. To me, the whole point of movies is
is to make people laugh mọi người cười to make people laugh.
What about dramas Thế những bộ phim truyền hình thì sao Well what about dramas, do you like those?
Out right now Đang chiếu They’re okay, I guess. Are any good dramas out right now?
Showing at Đang chiếu tại I know that a French one showing at the little movie theatre downtown.
Foreign film Phim nước ngoài A foreign film? So I’ll have to read subtitles the whole time?
Topic 03: My Favorite Sport
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Bóng đá kiểu Mỹ hay còn gọi là bóng bầu dục Mỹ
American football (n) Some of my friends are really into American football.
(tiếng lóng gọi là bóng cà na)
Badminton (n) Cầu lông I have another friend, who’s absolutely crazy about badminton.
Swimming (n) Bơi lội Swimming is fun – mostly, but it’s challenging.
Gin Rummy (n) Bài Gin Rummy Maybe I’ll just learn how to play Gin Rummy, instead.
I, on the other hand, get bored out of my mind chasing a little “birdie”
Chasing (v) Đuổi, săn đuổi
around the backyard.
Challenging (adj) Khó khăn, thách thức Swimming is fun – mostly, but it’s challenging.
On the other hand, if I learn how to swim and someone else is drowning, I
Drowning (v) Chết đuối
might be able to save a life.
Although, now that I think about it, I’d rather flail around the backyard
Flail (v) Chạy quanh
chasing a little birdie…
Expression Meaning Example
Someone asked me the other day, what my favorite sport is and I realized,
Favorite sport Môn thể thao yêu thích
I don’t have a favorite sport.
I guess it’s fun – if you like getting crushed by a guy who’s the size of a
It’s fun Vui, thú vị, hay đấy
I guess it’s fun – if you like getting crushed by a guy who’s the size of a
Getting crushed Bị đè bẹp
Crazy about badminton Điên cuồng vì cầu lông I have another friend, who’s absolutely crazy about badminton.
I, on the other hand, get bored out of my mind chasing a little “birdie”
Get bored out of my mind Chán ngán
around the backyard.
On the other hand, if I learn how to swim and someone else is drowning, I
Save a life Cứu một mạng sống
might be able to save a life. That’d be fun.
Why complicate things? Tại sao phải phức tạp hóa mọi thứ? Why complicate things? Life’s too short for sports
Lesson 06 - Food
Topic 01: I Have a Bit of a Sweet Tooth
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Menu (n) Thực đơn Would you like some time to look over the menu?
Appetizers (n) Món khai vị Could we start with some appetizers for the table, please?
Weight (n) Cân nặng I’m watching my weight.
Portion (n) Khẩu phần ăn Do you think one portion is enough for everyone?
Hurt (v) Gây hại A little cake never hurt anyone…
Slice (n) Miếng, lát, phần Sorry, do you mean one slice?
Today’s special (n) Món đặc biệt của ngày hôm nay Of course, today’s special is garlic bread. Would you like that?
Worried (adj) Lo lắng That’s a good idea. But I’m worried that’s too much.
Dessert (n) Món tráng miệng And if you’re still hungry, you can always order dessert.
Family style (n) Phong cách, kiểu gia đình How do you feel about ordering a few family style dishes?
Expression Meaning Example
Would you like some time Chị có cần thời gian để xem qua thực đơn Hi, welcome to Mario’s Italian Restaurant. Would you like some time to
to look over the menu? không? look over the menu?
Could we start with some
Chúng tôi có thể bắt đầu với các món khai vị We already know what we’d like. Could we start with some appetizers for
appetizers for the table,
được không? the table, please?
Do you think one portion is Anh có nghĩ rằng một phần là đủ cho tất cả mọi
Yes, please. Do you think one portion is enough for everyone?
enough for everyone? người không?
Get a salad to share Gọi một phần rau trộn để ăn chung với nhau It should be. If you’d like, you could also get a salad to share.
That’s a good idea. But I’m worried that’s too much. We all want to order a
Order a main dish Gọi một món chính
main dish as well.
How do you feel about ordering a few family style dishes? If it’s too much
Take it home Mang về nhà
you can take it home.
Watching my weight Giảm cân Oh no, I shouldn’t eat anything too sweet, I’m watching my weight.
A little cake never hurt – Oh no, I shouldn’t eat anything too sweet, I’m watching my weight.
Một chút bánh sẽ không gây hại cho ai cả
anyone – A little cake never hurt anyone…
That’s a good idea Đó là một ý kiến hay That’s a good idea. But I’m worried that’s too much.
Thought of that Nghĩ ra điều đó I hadn’t thought of that. What do you all think?
Topic 02: Home Cooking
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Dinner (n) Bữa tối We’re about to have dinner.
Plans (n) Kế hoạch Sorry, I’d like to stay Mom, but I have plans with a friend tonight.
Fast food (n) Thức ăn nhanh You’ve been eating fast food way too often.
French fries (n) Khoai tây chiên You know french fries are potatoes, and they’re sort of healthy, too.
Expression Meaning Example

We’re about to have dinner Chúng ta sắp ăn tối rồi Where are you going? We’re about to have dinner.

Have plans Có kế hoạch Sorry, I’d like to stay Mom, but I have plans with a friend tonight.
To work over dinner Làm việc trong bữa tối Actually we’re going to work over dinner.
Way too often Một cách quá thường xuyên Burgers again? You’ve been eating fast food way too often.
No offense to you Không có ý gì đâu Well no offense to you, but you’re beginning to look like a McBurger.
Topic 03: Easy as Pie
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Disaster (n) Thảm họa Well that was a disaster.
Ordering (n) Gọi (món ăn, thức uống…), đặt (hàng…) It turns out ordering out is a lot easier than cooking at home.
Easier (adj) Dễ hơn It turns out ordering out is a lot easier than cooking at home.
Cooking (v) Nấu ăn It turns out ordering out is a lot easier than cooking at home.
A lot (quantifier) Nhiều It turns out ordering out is a lot easier than cooking at home.
Difficult (adj) Khó khăn And cooking is much more difficult than it looks in videos.
Tricky (adj) Phức tạp, rắc rối Thankfully, the icing wasn’t tricky, so the cake didn’t look that bad.
Expression Meaning Example
Much more difficult than it
Khó hơn nhiều so với lúc nhìn And cooking is much more difficult than it looks in videos.
How complicated could it
Phức tạp đến đâu chứ How complicated could it be? It’s just cake and icing, I thought.
Followed the video I put my phone on the kitchen counter and followed the video
Làm theo video hướng dẫn
instructions instructions.
The woman in the clip kept saying “You’re doing great!” and “Doesn’t that
You’re doing great! Bạn đang làm rất tốt!
look delicious?”
The woman in the clip kept saying “You’re doing great!” and “Doesn’t that
Doesn’t that look delicious? Trông nó không ngon sao?
look delicious?”
Scrunched up like he just Nhăn như vừa căn phải miếng chanh (“nhăn như But when my husband took the first bite, his face scrunched up like he
bit into a lemon khỉ ăn ớt”) just bit into a lemon.
But when my husband took the first bite, his face scrunched up like he just
Took the first bite Thử miếng đầu tiên
bit into a lemon
Lesson 07 - Guide
Topic 01: Wrong Way!
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Town (n) Thị trấn Are you near town?
Behind (adv, preposition) Sau, phía sau Then my house is right after the park, behind the shopping center.
West (adv) Phía Tây Town’s about fifteen minutes west from here.
A bit (quantifier) Một chút I’m on my way to your party but I’m a bit lost.
Expression Meaning Example
On my way Đang trên đường I’m on my way to your party but I’m a bit lost. Can you help me?
Where are you now? Giờ cậu đang ở đâu? Sure. Where are you now? Are you near town?
Excuse me, how far am I
Xin lỗi, tôi cách thị trấn bao xa? Um…I’m not sure. Let me ask. Excuse me, how far am I from town?
from town?
About fifteen minutes west Excuse me, how far am I from town? Town’s about fifteen minutes west
Khoảng mười lăm phút về phía Tây
from here from here. You’re on I-95 now.
At the second traffic light, Yes. You want to head west. At the second traffic light, take a left. Then
Đến đèn giao thông thứ hai, rẽ trái
take a left my house is right after the park, behind the shopping center.

Right after the park, behind Ngay sau công viên, phía sau Trung tâm mua Yes. You want to head west. At the second traffic light, take a left. Then my
the shopping center sắm. house is right after the park, behind the shopping center.

Okay, I’m passing one traffic light…and here’s the second one. You said
Passing one traffic light Đang đi qua một đèn giao thông
turn left?
Okay, I’m passing one traffic light…and here’s the second one. You
Turn left Rẽ trái
said turn left?
Turning right Rẽ phải Oh, okay. Turning right now…I’ll see you soon! Bye!
You were supposed to Cậu đã được dặn dò/ yêu cầu Wait! Don! Donald! You were supposed to turn left! Don! Oh gosh…
Head west Đi thẳng về phía Tây Yes. You want to head west. At the second traffic light, take a left.
Topic 02: Family Trip
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Every passenger is entitled to one carry-on and one checked bag of no
Carry-on (n) Hành lý mang theo
more than twenty pounds for domestic flights.
Every passenger is entitled to one carry-on and one checked bag of no
Domestic (adj) Nội địa
more than twenty pounds for domestic flights.
Baggage (n) Hành lý And what are your baggage requirements?
Requirements (n) Thủ tục, luật lệ, yêu cầu And what are your baggage requirements?
Expression Meaning Example
I’d like to ask about Tôi muốn hỏi về (Phong cách lịch sự) Hi, I’d like to ask about tickets from Philadelphia to Hawaii.
How many Bao nhiêu And how many tickets would you like to purchase?
Economy, business class,
Phổ thông tiết kiệm, thương gia hay hạng nhất? And will those be economy, business class, or first class?
or first class
Would you like to purchase Bạn có muốn mua And would you like to purchase round trip tickets now?

Round trip Khứ hồi And would you like to purchase round trip tickets now?
Every passenger is entitled to one carry-on and one checked bag of no
Entitled to Được quyền mang
more than twenty pounds for domestic flights.
Every passenger is entitled to one carry-on and one checked bag of no
Checked bag Hành lý ký gửi
more than twenty pounds for domestic flights.
Topic 03: Rest Stop
Vocabulary Meaning Example

Trip (n) Chuyến đi My very first bus trip in a foreign country was an unforgettable experience.

Foreign (adj) (thuộc) nước ngoài My very first bus trip in a foreign country was an unforgettable experience.
The thing is… I didn’t speak the language, and no one could speak
Language (n) Tiếng, ngôn ngữ
Expression Meaning Example

Very first bus trip Chuyến đi xe buýt đầu tiên My very first bus trip in a foreign country was an unforgettable experience.

My very first bus trip in a foreign country was an unforgettable

Unforgettable experience Trải nghiệm khó quên.
And I wanted to get to the beach but I didn’t have a lot of money, so
Decided to take the bus Quyết định đi xe buýt
I decided to take the bus instead of the train.
The bus picked me up at my hotel, which was really convenient, but after
Really convenient Thực sự tiện nghi
we got on the highway, the trouble started.
As soon as we got on the The bus picked me up at my hotel, which was really convenient, but as
Sau khi chúng tôi lên đường cao tốc
highway soon as we got on the highway, the trouble started.
I really needed to use the bathroom, and buses, unlike trains, don’t have
Unlike trains Không giống như xe lửa
The thing is… I didn’t speak the language, and no one could speak
Speak the language Nói ngôn ngữ đó
She understood my problem by reading my body language and spoke to
Body language Ngôn ngữ cơ thể
the bus driver for me.
To be honest, I had never spoken to anyone on a bus before, but this
Helped me out Đã giúp đỡ tôi
woman really helped me out.
The bus driver sped to the next stop and let me off for a few minutes. Crisis
Crisis averted Khủng hoảng được ngăn chặn!
Lesson 08 - Travel
Topic 01: The World Tour
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Passports (n) Hộ chiếu Charlotte and Daisy don’t even have passports.
Birth certificates (n) Giấy khai sinh Do you know where their birth certificates are?
Book (v) Đặt chỗ Don’t be silly! We can just book all the tickets online.
Online (adj) Trực tuyến Don’t be silly! We can just book all the tickets online.
Awaits (v) Chờ, đợi Come on, let’s go get those passports, Mongolia awaits us!
Expression Meaning Example
Aren’t you getting a little Haha, “world tour,” really? Aren’t you getting a little ahead of
Không phải anh đang hơi quá vội vàng đấy chứ?
ahead of yourself? yourself? Charlotte and Daisy don’t even have passports.
Okay, so the first stop is the post office! Do you know where their birth
First stop Điểm dừng đầu tiên
certificates are?
– Yes dear, they’re downstairs. And, after the post office?
Travel agency Công ty du lịch
– Probably the travel agency…
Don’t be silly! We can just book all the tickets online. But where should we
Don’t be silly! Đừng ngốc nghếch như vậy
Well, seeing Europe would be neat. We could visit our ancestors’
Ancestors’ homeland Quê hương tổ tiên.
But is it safe? I’d rather go to Asia so our kids can see a totally different
Totally different culture Nền văn hóa hoàn toàn khác biệt
We could go to Mongolia and camp in the remote wilderness. That would
Remote wilderness Chốn hoang dã xa xôi
really open our kids’ eyes to the world.
Open our kids’ eyes to the We could go to Mongolia and camp in the remote wilderness. That would
Mở mang tầm mắt của bọn trẻ với thế giới
world really open our kids’ eyes to the world.
Oh, don’t worry so much, it’ll be fine. Anyway, I’ve already booked the
Don’t worry so much Đừng lo lắng quá nhiều
Topic 02: Can I Upgrade, Please?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Suite (n) Phòng hạng sang Currently the only room with a sea view that’s available is a suite.
Upgrading (v) Nâng cấp I don’t mind upgrading.
Yes. We were really hoping to have a sea view, but our window
Overlooking (v) Quan sát từ trên cao xuống
is overlooking the parking lot.
Pool (n) Bể bơi Would you like us to move your things there while you enjoy the pool?
Expression Meaning Example
How may I help you? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho ông Good morning. This is Michelle speaking. How may I help you today?
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear
Ồ, tôi rất tiếc khi nghe điều đó Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, Sir. I’ll send someone up immediately!
– Of course. Is there anything else I can help you?
Is there anything else I can
Còn điều gì khác tôi có thể giúp ông không? – Yes. We were really hoping to have a sea view, but our window is
help you?
overlooking the parking lot.
Quite hot Khá nóng Well, the air conditioner isn’t working and the room’s quite hot.
Yes. We were really hoping to have a sea view, but our window is
Parking lot Bãi đậu xe
overlooking the parking lot.
Sea view Tầm nhìn ra biển Currently the only room with a sea view that’s available is a suite.
Please do Xin vui lòng Yes, please do. Thank you, Michelle.
Topic 03: A Tropical Hideaway
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Holiday (n) Kỳ nghỉ There I was, taking a long overdue holiday.
Staying in a luxurious hotel with a picturesque landscape spanning every
Balcony (n) Ban công
direction from my balcony.
Beach (n) Bãi biển That’s when she told me there was, in fact, a beautiful beach.
Cruisin’ (v) Đi chơi biển So I got directions, rented a bike, and started cruisin’ the coast.
Coast (n) Bờ biển So I got directions, rented a bike, and started cruisin’ the coast.
Destination (n) Điểm đến, đích đến I was determined to reach my destination, though, and it was worth it.
Sunlight danced across the sea and the grains of sand glistened like
Crystals (n) Tinh thể, pha lê
white crystals.
Shore (n) Bờ biển Dipping my toes into the clear cool water, I sat on the shore.
I watched the sun as it fell off the edge of the horizon and a crescent moon
Horizon (n) Chân trời
appeared from behind the shadows.
I watched the sun as it fell off the edge of the horizon and a crescent moon
Crescent (adj) Hình lưỡi liềm
appeared from behind the shadows.
Breathtaking (adj) Hấp dẫn, ngoạn mục It was breathtaking, and I was in awe.
Expression Meaning Example
There I was, taking a long overdue holiday, staying in a luxurious
Luxurious hotel Khách sạn sang trọng hotel with a picturesque landscape spanning every direction from my

There I was, taking a long overdue holiday, staying in a luxurious hotel with
Picturesque landscape Cảnh quan đẹp như tranh vẽ
a picturesque landscape spanning every direction from my balcony.

Rocky beach Bãi biển với đá bao phủ And all I could focus on was the trash filled, rocky beach below.
Turns out Hóa ra (Cách dùng tắt của It turns out) Turns out, the receptionist was right.
If not for the lush tropical scenery, and a convenience store for
Tropical scenery Cảnh quan nhiệt đới replenishing food and water on my way, this would have been the bicycle
ride from hell.
Was in awe Đắm chìm trong niềm kinh ngạc It was breathtaking, and I was in awe.
Lesson 09 - Emotion
Topic 01: Woe is Me!
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Crying (v) Khóc What’s wrong, Susan? You look miserable. Are you crying?
Terrible (adj) Đau khổ I have something terrible to tell you: I broke my iPhone.
Empty(adj) Trống rỗng No, Sarah, I feel empty inside! And my contact list is empty, too.
Trendy (adj) Sành điệu If I buy a cheap phone, I won’t be as trendy.
Surprised (adj) Ngạc nhiên I’m surprised that you’re worried about looking fashionable.
Fashionable (adj) Hợp thời trang I’m surprised that you’re worried about looking fashionable.
Expression Meaning Example
You look miserable Trông bạn đau khổ vậy What’s wrong, Susan? You look miserable. Are you crying?
Well, don’t feel too bad about that, Susan. You can take it to a store to
Feel too bad Cảm thấy quá tệ
have it fixed.
I’m a little surprised you’re being so dramatic, Susan. You know what they
I’m surprised Tôi thấy ngạc nhiên
say, it’s no use crying over spilled milk.
It’s no use crying over I’m a little surprised you’re being so dramatic, Susan. You know what they
Đừng tiếc rẻ con gà quạ tha.
spilled milk say, it’s no use crying over spilled milk.

Oh this is terrible! My shirt has a giant coffee stain on it! This is my favorite
Planning on wearing Dự định, có kế hoạch mặc
shirt, and I was planning on wearing it to dinner with John tonight!

I feel empty Tôi cảm thấy trống rỗng I feel empty. Everything I love is leaving me.
– You are still going to see John, tonight, right?
Things are looking up Mọi thứ sáng sủa hẳn lên
– Oh. Suddenly, things are looking up.
Topic 02: Rock n’ Roll n’ Feelings
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Orchestra (n) Dàn nhạc giao hưởng This makes playing in the orchestra especially difficult.
…but as long as everyone is doing their personal best for the sake of the
Personal (adj) Cá nhân
…but as long as everyone is doing their personal best for the sake of
Music (n) Âm nhạc
the music…
…personalities can blend as beautifully and as naturally as the sounds of
Personalities (n) Cá tính
the instruments.
….personalities can blend as beautifully and as naturally as the sounds of
Sounds (n) Âm thanh
the instruments.
…personalities can blend as beautifully and as naturally as the sounds of
Instruments (n) Những nhạc cụ
the instruments.
Violin (n) Vĩ cầm Mick, for instance, plays first violin, which totally fits his personality.
He’s extremely decisive and a little abrasive at times, but he’s a
Decisive (adj) Quyết đoán
He’s extremely decisive and a little abrasive at times, but he’s a
Abrasive (adj) Thô ráp
He’s extremely decisive and a little abrasive at times, but he’s
Perfectionist (n) Người cầu toàn
a perfectionist.
Percussionists (n) Những người chơi trống Tommy is one of the best percussionists I’ve ever heard.
Stubborn (adj) Cứng đầu …but he is super stubborn and his inflexibility can be super annoying.
Inflexibility (adj) Cứng nhắc …but he is super stubborn and his inflexibility can be super annoying.
Annoying (adj) Khó chịu …but he is super stubborn and his inflexibility can be super annoying.
Rhythm (n) Nhịp điệu …because music is so precise in rhythm and timing.
Timing (n) Thời gian …because music is so precise in rhythm and timing.
Like the slide of his trombone, he’s even–tempered and easy going,
Trombone (n) Chiếc kèn trombon
making everyone laugh when things get intense.
Intense (adj) Căng thẳng …making everyone laugh when things get intense.
Emotional (adj) Tình cảm She’s like an emotional mind reader.
Sense (n) Cảm thấy …she can sense our moods when we walk into the room.
Moods (n) Những tâm trạng …she can sense our moods when we walk into the room.
Sensitive (adj) Nhạy cảm She’s also incredibly sensitive, like me.
Agitated (adj) Tức giận One day, she sensed I was agitated.
She picked up on it right away and encouraged me not to take things so
Encouraged (v) Khuyến khích
It’s about the music, get your ego out of the way and put your feelings into
Ego (n) Cái tôi
the music, the rest will take care of itself.
It’s about the music, get your ego out of the way and put your feelings into
Feelings (n) Những cảm xúc
the music, the rest will take care of itself.
Expression Meaning Example
First chair Đội trưởng That probably explains why he’s been first chair forever.
Balance all of us out Cân bằng tất cả chúng ta Billy, on the other hand, balances all of us out.
He’s even-tempered and easy going, making everyone laugh when things
Even-tempered Rất bình tĩnh
get intense.
He’s even-tempered and easy going, making everyone laugh when things
Easy going Cởi mở
get intense.
…reminding me to stay out of my head, she said: “It’s about the music, get
Stay out of my head Đừng suy nghĩ nhiều your ego out of the way and put your feelings into the music, the rest will
take care of itself.”
Topic 03: Social Media Depression
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Depression (n) Trầm cảm Some researchers have coined the term “social media depression”.
Jealousy (n) Ghen tị …to describe the feelings of jealousy and guilt.
Guilt (n) Tội lỗi …to describe the feelings of jealousy and guilt.
Instead of feeling more connected to people, we feel jealous and
Jealous (adj) Ghen tị
Instead of feeling more connected to people, we feel jealous
Inadequate (adj) Thiếu thốn
and inadequate.
Unrealistic (adj) Không thực tế It creates unrealistic expectations that lead to feelings of depression…
Disconnecting (v) Ngừng kết nối …which then leads us to disconnecting and isolating more.
Isolating (v) Cô lập …which then leads us to disconnecting and isolating more.
The key to overcoming this negative evolving state of mind is to trust that
Negative (adj) Tiêu cực
you are good enough and perfect, just the way you are.
The key to overcoming this negative evolving state of mind is to trust that
Perfect (adj) Hoàn hảo
you are good enough and perfect, just the way you are.
Expression Meaning Example
Coined the term Đặt ra thuật ngữ Some researchers have coined the term“social media depression”.
…we can center our minds on the things that matter most: our personal
Personal relationships Những mối quan hệ cá nhân.
Snap out of it! Put your device down and ask a friend to meet you face-to-
Snap out of it! Hãy trút bỏ nó ra khỏi người!
face for an ice cream so you can talk.
The key to overcoming this negative evolving state of mind is to trust that
State of mind Trạng thái (của suy nghĩ)
you are good enough and perfect.
Lesson 10 - Work Place
Topic 01: Knocking it Out of the Park
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Presentation (n) Bài thuyết trình Hey Colin, do you want to finish our marketing presentation this afternoon?
Interested (adj) Quan tâm, thích thú Everyone is interested in what we have to say.
Confused (adj) Bối rối What? I’m confused. I thought you knew.
Panicking (v) Hoảng sợ I’m panicking a little bit.
Polished (adj) Trau chuốt We need to make a polished and exciting marketing plan in… one day.
Exciting (adj) Thú vị We need to make a polished and exciting marketing plan in… one day.
Thrilling (adj) Hấp dẫn And we need to make a thrillingpresentation.
Boring (adj) Nhàm chán If our presentation is boring, we’re going to get fired.
Relaxed (adj) Thoải mái Look relaxed!
Stressed (adj) Căng thẳng I can’t look relaxed when I feel so stressed!
Support (n) Sự hỗ trợ Do you need any support from IT?
Expression Meaning Example
That’s a good idea Đó là một ý hay That’s a good idea. Actually, are you free to talk about it now?
Are you free to talk about it
Bây giờ bạn có rảnh để nói về nó không? That’s a good idea. Actually, are you free to talk about it now?
– Sure. I’m really worried about this.
I’m really worried about this Tôi thực sự lo lắng về chuyện này
– We’ll be fine. Everyone is interested in what we have to say.
– Sure. I’m really worried about this.
We’ll be fine Chúng ta sẽ ổn thôi
– We’ll be fine. Everyone is interested in what we have to say.
That’s a good point Đó là một điểm tốt That’s a good point. But can I ask you one thing?
Cứ hỏi đi!
Go ahead! – That’s a good point. But can I ask you one thing? – Go ahead!
Nghĩa khác: Tiến hành đi
Going to be Sẽ (Dự định, dự tính chắc chắn xảy ra) Okay. Don’t panic. We’re going to be fine.
Great to hear. I think our entire quarter comes down to your marketing
Comes down to Trông đợi vào
plan, and everyone feels the same way.
Great to hear. I think our entire quarter comes down to your marketing plan,
Feels the same way Đều cảm thấy như vậy
and everyone feels the same way.
Great to hear. I think our entire quarter comes down to your marketing plan,
Knock it out of the park Thể hiện thật xuất sắc and everyone feels the same way. I hope you guys knock it out of the
park this afternoon.
I hope you don’t mind. Tôi hy vọng bạn không phiền Oh, we decided to move it up a bit. I hope you don’t mind.
All set Tất cả đều đã sẵn sàng Nope, we’re all set.
Topic 02: Not “Management Material”
Vocabulary Meaning Example

Manager (n) Người quản lý “You son, are an idiot!” Said the manager to the ‘managee.’ “You’re fired!”.

Managee (n) Người bị quản lý “You son, are an idiot!” Said the manager to the ‘managee.’ “You’re fired!”.
Motivate (v) Thúc đẩy How does a leader motivate employees to do their work best…
Micromanage (v) Kiểm soát từng chi tiết nhỏ …he’s constantly in my face, trying to micromanage everything I do.
Stapler (n) Cái dập ghim …but all I have, is the lousy stapler on my desk.
Report (v) Báo cáo He has to report to his boss, the same way I have to report to him.
…but I know I need to make some sacrifices if I want to move up in the
Sacrifices (n) Hy sinh
Bossy (adj) Hách dịch I want to be a friend to my colleagues, not a bossy one either.
Expression Meaning Example
If only we could all be as quick-witted as Steve Martin’s Clouseau in the
Quick-witted Nhanh trí
Pink Panther, when it comes to our managers at work.
I know he’s under a lot of pressure. He has to report to his boss, the same
Under a lot of pressure Chịu rất nhiều áp lực
way I have to report to him.
I’ve never really thought Tôi chưa bao giờ thực sự nghĩ về điều này trước I’ve never really thought about this before, but I know I need to make
about this before đây some sacrifices if I want to move up in the world.
I’ve never really thought about this before, but I know I need to make some
Move up in the world Thăng tiến trong thế giới này
sacrifices if I want to move up in the world.
There’s no doubt in my mind that I can, or that I will, but one thing I know
There’s no doubt Không nghi ngờ gì
for sure is when I do?
There’s no doubt in my mind that I can, or that I will. But one thing I know
Know for sure Biết chắc chắn
for sure is when I do?
Topic 03: Office Gossip: It’s Not All Bad
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Gossip (n) Thị phi Is it gossip, or authentic assessment?
Meetings (n) Các cuộc họp …like company e-mails or staff meetings, can be beneficial.
Frustrating (adj) Gây khó chịu While gossip is frustrating and fraught with negative consequences…
Fraught (adj) Đầy rẫy While gossip is frustrating and fraught with negative consequences…
Negative (adj) Tiêu cực While gossip is frustrating and fraught with negative consequences…
Disgruntled (adj) Bất bình Is it just a disgruntled co-worker who’s mean?
Mean (adj) Hẹp hòi Is it just a disgruntled co-worker who’s mean?
Legendary (adj) Huyền thoại …a legendary story that offers valuable insight for navigating your life?
Insight (n) Cái nhìn sâu sắc …a legendary story that offers valuable insight for navigating your life?
Navigating (v) Định hướng …a legendary story that offers valuable insight for navigating your life?
Authentic (adj) Chân thực Is it gossip, or authentic assessment?
Assessment (n) Sự đánh giá Is it gossip, or authentic assessment?
Expression Meaning Example
It’s true, no one likes a gossiper, but research shows that the rumor mill is
Rumor mill Phạm vi tin đồn
a good place for passing out information.
Or, is the water cooler talk you’re hearing, a legendary story that offers
Water cooler Chuyện phiếm
valuable insight for navigating your life?
Lesson 11 - Life Experience
Topic 01: Why don’t You Try Writing a Bucket List?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Fulfilled (adj) Thỏa mãn I’ve felt way more fulfilled since I started writing my goals down.
Goal (n) Mục tiêu My biggest goal is to become the most famous singer in the world!
Expression Meaning Example
I’m so jealous Tôi thật ghen tị! Ugh. Did you see Dave’s pictures from India? I’m so jealous!
You’ve also done lots of
Bạn đã làm được rất nhiều việc hay ho Don’t be jealous, you’ve also done lots of cool stuff.
cool stuff
The most interesting place
Nơi thú vị nhất tôi từng đến là I wish. The most interesting place I’ve ever been is… work.
I’ve ever been is
Well, if you want to do more interesting things, you should make a bucket
If you want to Nếu bạn muốn
list. That way you can keep track of your goals.
Well, if you want to do more interesting things, you should make a bucket
You should Bạn nên
list. That way you can keep track of your goals.
Well, if you want to do more interesting things, you should make a bucket
That way Bằng cách đó
list. That way you can keep track of your goals.
Interesting idea Ý tưởng thú vị That’s an interesting idea. How has it changed you?
For one thing, I wasted less For one thing, I wasted less time. I knew that I wanted to write a book, so
Trước hết, tôi lãng phí thời gian ít hơn
time I worked harder on that goal. Do you have any big goals like that?
Biggest goal Mục tiêu lớn nhất My biggest goal is to become the most famous singer in the world!
The most famous singer Ca sĩ nổi tiếng nhất My biggest goal is to become the most famous singer in the world!
Hmm… If I were you, I would start with a slightly smaller goal. For
If I were you Nếu tôi là bạn
example, have you ever sung in front of anyone before?
Hmm… If I were you, I would start with a slightly smaller goal. For
A slightly smaller Nhỏ hơn một chút
example, have you ever sung in front of anyone before?
Maybe you can try Có lẽ bạn có thể cố gắng So maybe you can try to sing in a local show first.
So maybe you can try to sing in a local show first. But the most important
The most important thing Điều quan trọng nhất
thing to do is to work on your goal a little bit every day.
Ugh, but that’s not as exciting as being the most famous singer in the
That’s not as exciting as Điều đó không thú vị như
It’s always good to Lúc nào cũng tốt You’re right, but it’s always good to start small, right?
Topic 02: The Most Unforgettable Summer
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Even so, all of them had gone on such incredible journeys, which included:
Raising (v) Nuôi nấng
raising kids, learning skills, and overcoming challenges.
Ideally, what I’d like to do is helping other people, so I’m volunteering at an
Volunteering (v) Đi tình nguyện
old folks’ home.
Expression Meaning Example
More adventurous than Thích phiêu lưu, thích khám phá hơn All of my friends are more adventurous than I am.
So even though I’d like to travel with them this summer, I’m going to stay
I’d like to travel with them Tôi rất muốn đi du lịch với họ
Ideally, what I’d like to do is helping other people, so I’m volunteering at
Ideally, what I’d like to do is Lý tưởng nhất, điều tôi muốn làm là
an old folks’ home.
The most unforgettable So far, this summer has been the most unforgettable experience of my
Trải nghiệm khó quên nhất trong cuộc đời tôi
experience of my life life.
At first I just visited once a week, but spending time with the elderly was
Spending time Dành thời gian
the most interesting thing I had ever done.
The most interesting thing I At first I just visited once a week, but spending time with the elderly was the
Điều thú vị nhất tôi từng làm
had ever done most interesting thing I had ever done.
…but spending time with the elderly was the most interesting thing I had
Wound up Rốt cục là
ever done, so I wound up going every day!
I had been longing for Tôi đang khao khát có I had been longing for a meaningful experience, and I finally found it there.

What I really loved about What I really loved about going there was talking about all sorts of things
Điều tôi thực sự thích khi đến đây là
going there was with the people I met
Even so, all of them had gone on such incredible journeys, which included:
Journeys Những chặng đường,những hành trình
raising kids, learning skills, and overcoming challenges.
Topic 03: What is a Gap Year?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Don’t be afraid to venture into the unknown or explore the landscape of
Venture (v) Phiêu lưu
your imagination.
Expression Meaning Example
Each year, in fact, more and more students are taking a year off between
Taking a year off Nghỉ học một năm
high school and college.
Năm học thứ mười ba (Năm cách quãng giữa …more and more students are taking a year off between high school and
Gap year
phổ thông và đại học) college to enjoy a “gap year,” and you can too!
See the world NOW, while you’re still young, beautiful and determined
Make a difference Tạo nên sự khác biệt
to make a difference.
There are several important questions to ask yourself before pulling the
Questions to ask yourself Những câu hỏi để hỏi bản thân bạn
There are several important questions to ask yourself before pulling the
Pulling the trigger Kéo cò súng (chốt quyết định)
Here’s to Trên đây là Here’s to minding the gap and making a difference.
Lesson 12 - Future Goal
Topic 01: What are You Planning?
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Decided (V) Quyết định Okay. Have you decided what you’re doing it on yet?
Expression Meaning Example
I’d like to ask you some – What can I help you with?
Tôi muốn hỏi bạn một số câu hỏi và xin ý kiến
questions and get your – I’d like to ask you some questions and get your opinion about my
của bạn về
opinion about final research project.
I’m torn between doing To be honest, Professor, I’m torn between doing something on the
Tôi đang bị giằng xé giữa làm một việc gì đó về
something on banking industry or the hospitality industry.
To be honest, Professor, I’m torn between doing something on the banking
Banking industry Ngành ngân hàng
industry or the hospitality industry.
To be honest, Professor, I’m torn between doing something on the banking
Hospitality industry Ngành khách sạn
industry or the hospitality industry.
Have you thought about Bạn đã nghĩ về Have you thought about your long and short-term goals?
Well, my short-term goal is to work at a bank and go to graduate school,
My short-term goal is Mục tiêu ngắn hạn của tôi là
but long-term, I want to open up my own hotel.
Graduate school Trường sau đại học What do you want to study in graduate school?
– What do you want to study in graduate school?
Hospitality Management Quản lý khách sạn
– Hospitality Management, of course.
Hmm, you wanna work at a bank to learn how to save money… How do
How do you plan on Bạn định lên kế hoạch như thế nào cho ?
you plan on paying for grad school?
Take out Gánh, chấp nhận (khoản vay ngân hàng) Uhhh, I hadn’t thought about that… I guess I’ll have to take out some loans.
You want to work at a bank to save some money, to eventually go to
Ultimate goal Mục tiêu cuối cùng graduate school, where you’ll study Hospitality Management, your ultimate
That makes a lot of sense Điều đó thực sự rất có ý nghĩa Wow! That makes a lot of sense, actually.
Now, back to your research project. You can come see me anytime. My
My door’s always open Cánh cửa của tôi luôn rộng mở.
door’s always open.
Topic 02: Time Management
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Overwhelmed (V) Choáng ngợp, tràn ngập Then, I feel completely overwhelmed.
Calendar (N) Lịch, A good friend once suggested that I keep a calendar.
I can actually add alerts to it so they go off accordingly, reminding me to
Alerts (N) Báo thức, cảnh báo.
stop what I’m doing and move on.
I can actually add alerts to it so they go off accordingly, reminding me to
Reminding (V) Nhắc nhở
stop what I’m doing and move on.
Extra (Adj) Thêm, hơn thường lệ … but it was worth taking a little extra time to plan.
Efficient (Adj) Hiệu quả, năng suất cao It actually saves me tons of time because I’m more efficient now!
Arranging (V) Sắp xếp And, arranging and prioritizing all the things I have to do.
Prioritizing (V) Phân loại ưu tiên And, arranging and prioritizing all the things I have to do.
Productivity (N) Năng suất …and in control of my choices and my productivity.
Hectic (Adj) Rất bận rộn, tất bật For instance, I know that Mondays are usually really hectic at work.
So I put “Workout” on my calendar every Monday morning because I
Workout (N) Sự tập luyện (thể dục thể thao)
generally work late.
Light (Adj) Nhẹ, nhẹ nhàng, nhạt Wednesdays are usually light work days.
Expression Meaning Example
Time management Quản lý thời gian I have really been struggling with time management, lately.
Spread myself too thin Chia bản thân mình ra quá nhiều Constantly racing, I spread myself too thin, doing nothing well.
Jack of all trades and a
Một nghề sống đống nghề chết Like I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none.
master of none
Wednesdays are usually light work days, so I leave Tuesday nights open
Hang out Đi chơi
to hang out with friends.
I also block off several hours on the weekends to work on my true passion:
Block off Để trống
I’m always more energized and inspired if I set an alert to stop and take a
Take a break Nghỉ ngơi
Topic 03: The Obstacle in our Path
Vocabulary Meaning Example
Concerned about the ambitions of his courtiers, he placed a big boulder in
Ambitions (N) Sự tham vọng, Sự cầu toàn
the middle of the road leading to the palace.
Concerned about the ambitions of his courtiers, he placed a big boulder in
Courtiers (N) Quan lại, triều thần
the middle of the road leading to the palace.
Concerned about the ambitions of his courtiers, he placed a big boulder in
Boulder (N) Tảng đá
the middle of the road leading to the palace.
The first people to stumble upon it were some of the King’s
Merchants (N) Thương gia, người buôn bán
richest merchants.
Roadblock (N) Chướng ngại vật, vật cản Curious to see what this roadblock would do to their days’ journeys …
… he hid nearby to see if anyone would stop to remove the obstacle from
Obstacle (N) Khó khăn, trở ngại
the road.
Finally, a peasant, whose arms were burdened with heavy vegetables that
Peasant (N) Tá điền, nông dân phải thuê ruộng đất. would later become part of the King’s feast, came upon the obstacle in his
It was an extraordinary achievement for any man, let alone this one, and
Weariness (N) Sự kiệt sức
his weariness showed.
Gathering up the King’s feast, he continued on his way when he saw
Satchel (N) Chiếc túi đeo
a satchel in the road where the boulder had been.
Doth (V) Từ cổ – Dạng cũ của từ “does” To the man who doth pass on a golden opportunity …
… to the man who hath helped to improve the human condition, the riches
Hath Từ cổ – Dạng cũ của từ “has”
of the kingdom will be yours forever more.
Expression Meaning Example
It was an extraordinary achievement for any man, let alone this one, and
Extraordinary achievement Thành tựu phi thường
his weariness showed.
Blinded by the brilliance of Blinded by the brilliance of something shiny, he found out it was stuffed
Bị lóa mắt bởi thứ gì đó sáng rực
something shiny</td with gold coins and a note from the King.

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