Q7. Explain The Following Message Appeals With Examples

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Explain the following Message Appeals with examples:

a. Fear-
Fear appeal advertising is based on a persuasive message that emphasizes the
potential dangers and harm that will befall individuals (in this case, the audience)
if they do not adopt the messages' recommendations. Some examples include
anti-drunk driving campaigns, dental hygiene ads warning of the health dangers
associated with not flossing and the use of a frying egg to depict “your brain on
drugs”. Executions of these strategies have evolved over the years.
b. Humor-
Humor has long been one of the most common approaches used in advertising.
Whether in a big televised event like the Super Bowl or in new forms of digital
advertising, everyone is exposed to funny ads, some of which both entertain the
audience and help sell a product.
c. Sex –
The Sex Appeal is one of roughly twenty advertising strategies that marketing
professionals use to persuade people to buy a product, pay for a service, donate
to a cause, or otherwise be persuaded. The Sex Appeal lures audiences by
appealing to their sexual desires and fantasies.
d. Rationality –
The rational approach uses marketing to try to prove the product's quality and
usefulness by listing the product's benefits, or quoting facts or statistics. By
contrast, emotive marketing instead appeals directly to a consumer's emotional
state, needs and aspirations. For example, if you are advertising a vehicle that you
know has technical features that will appeal to your audience (maybe enhanced
sound system, better gas mileage, higher safety rating, and so forth), you can use
the rational appeal to make your audience nod their head and say, “yep, that
makes total sense.
e. Emotions –
Emotional marketing is the deliberate use of persuasive messages that tap into
human emotion to form a deep connection with the audience toward achieving
the desired result. ... It can be fear, anger, joy, or any other human emotion that
is strong enough to influence decision-making or urge an action. Example - Always
#LikeAGirl Campaign. ... Gillette's “Perfect Isn't Pretty” Emotional Advertising
Campaign. ... P&G “Thank You, Mom - Strong” ... Gatorade's “The Boy Who
Learned To Fly” ... Airbnb's “Let's Keep Traveling Forward” Campaign. ... Lysol
“Protect Like A Mother” ... Lean Cuisine #WeighThis Campaign.
f. Scarcity –
Scarcity marketing is a technique marketing teams use to encourage customers to
make a purchase before a product or discount goes away. Often, this means
putting timers on sales and promotions, limiting the number of items in stock or
creating seasonal or promotional items to sell for a short time. A popular tactic
used by travel sites, Booking.com displays how many rooms there are left for
some hotels, so customers will have to hurry. To play up the scarcity game, they
also indicate how many people are currently viewing the same hotel, so
customers will have to act even faster.
g. Testimonial –
In promotion and advertising, a testimonial or show consists of a person's written
or spoken statement extolling the virtue of a product. The term "testimonial"
most commonly applies to the sales-pitches attributed to ordinary citizens,
whereas the word "endorsement" usually applies to pitches by celebrities. Quote
Testimonials. When you think of testimonials, you're probably picturing the
traditional quote type of testimonial, Social Media Testimonials.
h. Social –
Social marketing has the primary goal of achieving "common good". Traditional
commercial marketing aims are primarily financial, though they can have positive
social effects as well. In the context of public health, social marketing would
promote general health, raise awareness and induce changes in behaviour.
Meanwhile, social marketing puts forward behavior change to generate long-term
mutual good. For example, it might encourage people to reduce their
consumption of fast food or alcohol, increase their consumption of organic food,
and encourage a healthy lifestyle in the health sector.
Q8. What is an FCB Grid? Explain each block with examples.
The FCB lattice or Foote, Cone and Belding model is an integrative way to deal
with decipher the purchaser's purchasing conduct and its suggestion for taking on
appropriate publicizing system. It is portrayed on a grid with the assistance of four
critical elements, i.e., thinking, feeling, high association and low inclusion.
This model was planned with the assistance of the hypothesis of the right or left
mind. As the right cerebrum of a human body shows the passionate
characteristic, so is the inclination component of this model does. Likewise, as the
left mind connotes the levelheaded conduct of people, the figuring component on
the left half of the network does likewise. FCB Matrix FCB grid deals with the four
huge elements organized in an example. Here, the thinking to feeling angle
extends from left to right on the x-pivot, while the high to low contribution moves
through and through on the y-hub.
Allow us now to perceive how the quadrants shaped change from each other:
Content: FCB Grid FCB Matrix Examples Product Categorization Advertising
Strategies FCB Matrix FCB network deals with the four huge elements organized
in an example. Here, the thinking to feeling viewpoint extends from left to right
on the x-hub, while the high to low contribution moves start to finish on the y-
hub. Allow us now to perceive how the quadrants framed shift from each other:
FCB Grid February 13, 2020 by Anjali J 2 Comments Definition: The FCB network
or Foote, Cone and Belding model is an integrative way to deal with decipher the
customer's purchasing conduct and its suggestion for taking on appropriate
promoting methodology. It is portrayed on a network with the assistance of four
huge elements, i.e., thinking, feeling, high association and low contribution.
In 1980, Richard Vaughn, alongside his partners, recommended the FCB Model.
He was the Senior Vice President of FCB (Foote, Cone and Belding) Advertising
organization around then. This model was planned with the assistance of the
hypothesis of the right or left mind. As the right cerebrum of a human body
demonstrates the enthusiastic property, so is the inclination element of this
model does. Additionally, as the left cerebrum implies the judicious conduct of
individuals, the figuring component on the left half of the lattice does likewise.
Content: FCB Grid FCB Matrix Examples Product Categorization Advertising
Strategies FCB Matrix FCB lattice chips away at the four critical elements
organized in an example. Here, the thinking to feeling perspective stretches from
left to right on the x-pivot, while the high to low contribution moves through and
through on the y-hub.
Allow us now to perceive how the quadrants shaped differ from one another:FCB
Matrix Informative (Quadrant 1): The costly items having an undeniable degree of
significance to the purchasers and requires extraordinary thinking for navigation,
lies in this classification. The imminent purchaser initially learns or assembles total
data about the item; then, at that point, he/she feels the need of getting it; and
later makes the last buy.
Full of feeling (Quadrant 2): The important items which hold an enthusiastic
property and requires buyer commitment are viewed as emotional items. The
purchaser follows a vibe, learn and do arrange. That is he/she initially fosters an
association with the brand or the item; gains total information on it; at long last
gets it.
Constant (Quadrant 3): This classification of items incorporates ordinary
fundamentals. Hence, the client encounters a low contribution however insightful
decision making while at the same time buying these things. The purchaser
initially acquires the item; gives it a shot and decides if it tackles the reason or
not; then, at that point, fosters a confidence in the brand.
Fulfillment (Quadrant 4): The items whose buy is driven by the feelings; in any
case, the purchasing choice doesn't need a lot of shopper contribution, lies in this
quadrant. The shopper purchases the item; has a positive or negative outlook on
the buy; and afterward finds out with regards to the item.
FCB Examples Given beneath are some item portrayals, and the quadrants they
have a place with: Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance 'Exiting the workforce Life Goal'
Advertisement: It shows how one can anticipate retirement from work before the
age of 60 years, by picking this exit from any 9 to 5 work plan. This item lies in
educational or; high association and thinking classification, i.e., first quadrant.
Tanishq's bubbly assortment 'Virasat': The brand featured in its commercial, the
meaning of the old practice of purchasing and adoring gold adornments, on the
propitious celebration of Diwali. Subsequently, it really has a place with the high
contribution and feels segment, which is ordered in the second quadrant as an
emotional item.
Ghadi Machine Wash: This item is included as an expert for cleaning garments in
the clothes washer, which saves client's experience as well as practical. This is a
normal item and its choice depends on low association, however it requires
thinking; consequently, it lies in the third quadrant.
Sunfeast Dark Fantasy's 'New Meetha' crusade: The item commercial shows the
satisfaction of the desserts hankering by having this liberal bread roll. It is acted
like an option in contrast to customary Indian desserts. This item brings fulfillment
since it is a low inclusion and feeling class, lying in the fourth quadrant. Item
Categorization on FCB Grid FCB network has a high importance in concluding the
class to which an item has a place. The showcasing methodology for the items
and administrations cannot entirely settled assuming that the organization knows
about the significance an item holds for the purchaser. Quadrant 1 - Informative:
The results of high worth, for the most part bought unique, requires a great deal
of reasoning and purchaser inclusion. These incorporate properties, land,
protection, family vehicle, speculations, security framework, and so forth
Quadrant 2 - Affective: These items are important; however, their buy choice is
more impacted by the purchaser's feelings, rather than scientific reasoning. A
portion of these are marriage dress, gems, beauty care products, collectibles,
aromas, and so forth
Quadrant 3 - Habitual: The standard use things, for example, a family more clean,
fuel, cleanser, paper and a lot more are expressed as constant items.
Quadrant 4 - Satisfaction: Ice creams, sweet shops, inexpensive food, sodas,
easygoing garments, amusement and hello cards are the items whose buy or
utilization carries fulfillment to the buyers. Publicizing Strategies in Relation to
FCB Grid Since all the promoting efforts are finished with a reason to contact the
designated crowd, it becomes fundamental to comprehend the level of
customer's assumption and commitment.
The FCB lattice shows the purchaser's dynamic interaction and hence, assists the
associations with coordinating their promoting endeavors in the correct bearing.
Individual Selling As we probably are aware, that the items in the main quadrant
are for the most part once in a blue moon or worth buy, the buyers need to
obtain adequate item data.
Individual offering is an extraordinary choice to have direct purchaser cooperation
and furthermore to determine their inquiries. Long and Informative
Advertisements Most of the items in the first quadrant and some in quite a while
two and three require long and drawing in ads to associate with the imminent
purchasers. The ongoing items require such advertising procedure to shape a
sharp brand picture.
Direct Marketing The technique of direct showcasing works for a wide range of
items; in any case, it is noticeably utilized for publicizing the useful and full of
feeling items since the purchasers need to get guaranteed of anything that they
Advertising When it comes to high contribution and sentiments ruled items,
developing solid advertising can do ponders. Along these lines this integrative
showcasing approach is profoundly utilized for emotional items publicizing. Brand
Advertisements Such promotions center around associating with the crowd by
underlining and fortifying brand values. Such notices foster purchaser's fondness
towards the brand as well as gives a serious level of fulfillment. Subsequently, the
vast majority of the items in quadrants two and four are promoted through this
Broadcast Advertisements The items which are of low contribution for the
purchasers are promoted on TV or radio. This helps the items lying in the
quadrants three and four, to contact the planned mass purchasers. Free Samples
Many of us purchase the items with free offers or preliminary packs to benefit the
arrangement. Such a procedure is as often as possible used to make the customer
attempt the new scope of items having a place with the third quadrant.
Deals Promotion Various plans, for example, limits, gifts, dependability focuses
and so forth are utilized by the organizations to pitch the results of quadrants two
and four. Place to checkout Advertisements These ads are generally usually set up
at the departmental stores, shopping centers and different stores, to advance the
results of quadrants two and four. There the ads can promptly catch the
consideration of forthcoming customers.
Informal Publicity Being relevant for the items in the quadrants two, three and
four, this is the most solid item advancement procedure. The current shoppers
expose or talk about the items to make a buzz or increment the interest.
Feel Good Advertisements This idea of bliss showcasing is significantly applied to
the items lying in the fourth quadrant. The purpose for it is the fulfillment or
satisfaction customers feel on having an item requires brand availability and
passionate embracement.
Bulletin Advertisements While looking out for the signs, we frequently bang
across the side of the road notices that are shown on the boards. Such a
procedure interests and fosters a quick requirement for the fourth quadrant
items. Presently when you know the importance and appropriateness of the FCB
network for promoting your items, your showcasing can never turn out badly.

Q12. Explain the following terms with examples:

a. Media - Media marketing refers to marketing initiatives that focus on reaching
audiences through different types of media outlets to promotes a company or its
products and services using media. The traditional mediums include print, radio,
television, direct mail and telephone; while the online mediums include email,
social media, pay per click marketing, search engine marketing, and mobile

b. Media vehicle- refers to a specific method (like digital, radio, newspaper,

television program, digital media, newspaper, magazine, radio station, outdoor
advertising location, etc.) of media used by a business to deliver advertising
messages to its target audience.

c. Add unit- is a placeholder for an ad on a website or app which are placed to

monetize traffic. There are many different kinds of ad units, including banner ads,
interstitial ads, rewarded video ads, offer wall ads, and playable ads. Each ad unit
looks and behaves differently.

d. Continuity marketing means persuading a customer to agree to automatic

shipments—books, vitamins, cosmetics, pantyhose, CDs, coffee, first-day-of-issue
stamps, audiotapes, coins, ingots and other collectibles as well as home study
courses which qualify as continuity marketing.
e. Impact - Impact Marketing + Communications is a full-service, integrated
marketing and communications firm with a growing national and international
presence. Impact provides a personalized and research-based approach to
increase brand awareness, elevate missions, and drive ROI.

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