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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your good friend helped you prepare for an important presentation at work.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
- Describe how your friend helped you
- Explain why you appreciate this help
so much
- Offer to do something nice for your
friend to repay the favor
Write at least 150 words
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Mel
Dear Mel,
I’m writing to thank you another time for helping me prepare for my big presentation at
work. As you know, I was quite nervous. With your help, I gained the confidence to do
my best.
To be more specific, it was immensely helpful that you acted as my “audience” so I could
simulate giving my speech. Each time we practiced, you gave me helpful comments and
encouragement. Your feedback really helped me to refine my message.
I am so thankful that you devoted all of last Saturday to working with me. I know you’re
busy these days with work and family responsibilities. I’ve always been able to count on
you for support like this. I’m happy to report that, with your help, my company has
decided to give me a promotion so that I can work on the proposal that I discussed in
my presentation!
I know you don’t expect it, but I would like to treat you to dinner sometime soon. Do you
have a free evening in the next few weeks so I could take you out?
Talk to you soon,

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