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UNIT-I INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS: Meaning-definition- functions-importance and limitations of statistics- Collection of data Primary and Secondary data-Schedule and questionnaire-Frequency distribution-Tabulation Diagram and graphic presentation of data, Statistical System in India QUESTIONS 1A)Define statistics and explain its importance and limitations 1B)Pie chart (OR) 2B) Histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve Short and very short Primary and Secondary data Schedule and questionnaire Definition, objectives: and characteristics of measures of central tendency- types of Averages — Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean- Harmonic Mean-Median-Mode-Quartiles-Deciles-Percentiles Properties of averages and their application. Meaning, definitions, objectives of Dispersion, Range Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation- Co-efficient of variation-Definition and Objectives of Skewness-Karl Pearson and Bowley’s Measures of Skewness QUESTIONS 2a) CENTRAL TENDENCY (M,Me,Mo) 2b) DISPERSION(SD,QD,MD) I Short and very short skewness, (AM,GM &HM), ( Mo =3me-2m), (CV=SD/MEAN*100) UNIT-III_ MEASURES OF CORRELATION AND REGRESSION: Meaning, Definition and use of Correlation-Types of Correlation — Carl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient-Spearman’s Rank correlation —Probable error- Meaning utility of Regression analysis comparison between Correlation and Regression-Regression equations-interpretation of Regression coefficients. QUESTIONS 2A Correlation (can Pearson’s OR Rank aca 2B FROM Regression X OR Mx My Y sDx = SDy r 2B .Comparison between Correlation and Regression Short and very short : Probable error, use of Correlation, Types of Correlation (Bxy , Byx and r) UNIT-IV SET THEORY: Set, Subset, Types of Sets- Operations on sets- Venn Diagram — De Morgan’s Laws- and applications of Set theory, Law of indices, Arithmetic progressions, Geometric progressions and Harmonic Progressions QUESTIONS Set (De Morgan’s Laws) Indices I progressions UNIT-V MATRIX: Definition-Examples--Types of matrices- Matrix addition- Multiplication Determinant of matrices- Minors - Co-factors- Inverse of a Matrix. QUESTIONS INVERSE METHODS CRAMMERS RULE I

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