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BTLE 30453


E-learning, also referred to as online learning or electronic learning, is the acquisition of

knowledge which takes place through electronic technologies and media. In simple language, e-
learning is defined as “learning that is enabled electronically”. Typically, e-learning is conducted
on the Internet, where students can access their learning materials online at any place and time.
E-Learning most often takes place in the form of online courses, online degrees, or online
This lesson is about Authorware as an aid for e-learning applications.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the aspects of E-learning.
2. Examine the process in Authorware as an aid of e-learning.
3. Evaluate the value of e-learning applications to people

 Module for Lesson 5
 Authorware Software


E-learning is a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically; it can

also include performance support content. It helps organizations manage training events, self-
paced courses, and blended learning programs. It provides automation that replaces rigorous
and expensive manual work, saves time, and enables you to organize your content, data, and
learners. It tracks and reports on training activity and results.
E-learning is a means of education that incorporates self-motivation, communication,
efficiency, and technology. Because there is limited social interaction, students must keep
themselves motivated. The isolation intrinsic to e-learning requires students to communicate
with each other and the instructor frequently to accomplish their assigned tasks. E-learning is
efficient as it eliminates distances and subsequent commutes. Distance is eliminated because
the e-learning content is designed with media that can be accessed from properly equipped
computer terminals, and other means of Internet accessible technology.

E-learning is a flexible term used to describing a means of teaching through technology.

The different types of e-learning are based on:

Means of communication
There are several different means for individuals to communicate with each other and
their instructor. E-learning can be conducted solely through on-line applications. In other cases,
if distance is not a factor, some face-to-face communication can be included to create blended
e-learning. Blended e-learning includes elements of web interaction and in-person interaction.
Technology broadens the definition of face-to-face as there can be the use of two way video,
and two way audio. Introducing these elements of participation create a blended e-learning

E-learning can either be Synchronous or Asynchronous. Synchronous means that real
time communication is implemented, such as video conferencing, teleconferencing, and on-line
chat programs. Asynchronous indicates that other means of communication are utilized that do
not require real time responses. Examples of asynchronous e-learning include; e-mail, list
serves, threaded discussions, blogs, and on-line forums.

E-learning class structure

E-learning class structure addresses how the instruction is administered. E-learning can
be self-paced, instructor-led, or self-study with an expert. Self-paced instruction is administered
by giving the learner the materials she needs to complete the training/instruction. Instructor-led
training affords the learner a guide to implement the instruction. Self-study with an expert is a
combination of self-paced and instructor-led. As in self-paced, the learner is responsible for
staying on task and on schedule, however as in instructor-led, there is interaction with an
authority figure that checks the learners' progress.
Technologies used

Technology used to implement instruction is not limited to web-based materials. E-

learning can be achieved by utilizing any form of technology that sustains information yielding
media. Video/Audio tape, aside from being an obsolete technology is a viable means to
implement instruction. More current technology aids the learning experience because there are
more means to convey the information. Technology is the most variable element in e-learning.
The more advanced the technology becomes, the more options there are to further e-learning.
The creation of the Internet subsequently created e-learning, as dial-up connections were
replaced by cable modems, speed and bandwidth increased; correlatively the quality of on-line
instruction improved because computers were able to support the media. As speed increases
and devices become smaller and more mobile; training will become more flexible and further
boost the growth and popularity of e-learning.

E-learning Evolution
Up until about ten years ago, training was not done in front of a computer, but in the
classroom with a qualified trainer. As technology improved, companies began to integrate
training with the computer and the field of e-learning began to take shape.
In the early 1990s, many companies were using videotape-based training for their
employees. The idea of putting training on video was a good idea, though it was lacking in a few
areas (1) Customization based on needs of users, (2) Expensive to maintain and (3) Could not
be upgraded easily. There is also the issue of employees having to hunt down the proper
equipment in order to watch the videos. These videos often had limited interactions which lead
to the nearly impossible task of tracking progress and assessment.
Since it was obvious that video was not the best solution, a new form of training
evolved, CBT or Computer Based Training. “Windows 3.1, Macintosh, CD-ROMs, PowerPoint
marked the technological advancement of the Multimedia Era”. Employees would also be able
to simply pop in a CD to their personal computer at their desk and complete the training.
Although the CD-ROM Computer-Based Training made advances toward the better, it
still lacked the ability to track employees' performance in a central database and was also not
as easy to upgrade. All these problems would disappear with the use of the Internet as a means
of delivering content. The problem was, when the content was placed on the web, it was simply
text to begin with and maybe a few graphics. People in the field of e-learning began to realize
that you simply cannot put information on the web without a learning strategy for the users. “...In
order for technology to improve learning, it must 'fit' into students' lives…not the other way
around. As a result, e-learning was born.”
One of the first innovations in actual e-learning was the LMS or Learning Management
System. “The first Learning Management Systems (LMS) offered off-the-shelf platforms for
front-end registration and course cataloging, and they tracked skills management and reporting
on the back-end.” This enabled schools and companies to place courses online and be able to
track students' progress, communicate with students effectively and provide a place for real-
time discussions. The eClassroom evolved shortly after, which are “...web-based synchronous
events with integrated CBT and simulations.”

What is E-Learning Used for in Education?

E-Learning has a vast amount of uses across all sectors of society and the available
examples of e-learning being used effectively are plentiful.

Adult E-Learning
For adults, online learning often manages to solve the numerous challenges adult
learners face during studies. Online learning allows them to progress at their own pace, to
submit assignments and take assessments at times best suited for them. This kind of flexibility
is especially beneficial for adult learners because often they are forced to balance employment,
family duties and online learning altogether.

Corporative E-Learning
Companies, on the other hand, use e-learning to boost the knowledge, skills, and
overall productivity of their employees while cutting down on the costs normally associated with
employee training. Successful companies who have utilized e-learning in the past include
Toyota, Shell, PayPal, Lyft, among others. On the other hand, for career seekers and
unemployed people, e-learning has become an effective method of boosting their resumes and
developing new skills in fields they are most interested in. Not only are there online learning
courses available for virtually any career direction, but there are even “career track” type of
online training programs which often come with a guaranteed job proposal for all graduates.
Online Colleges
For educational institutions, e-learning brings perhaps the most potential uses of all.
Many accredited online colleges already offer online degree programs, and more of them will
start to do so in the upcoming years. E-Learning degrees enable universities to accept
considerably more students than they would have otherwise been able to due to space and
working staff constraints. With e-learning, universities have the chance to become more
international than ever before. With increased amounts of admitted students and reduced costs,
educational institutions that are properly able to adapt to the standards of Internet learning will
undoubtedly see increased profitability.

E-learning with Authorware

There are also many different elements that can make up an e-learning program, such
as live or pre-recorded lecture content, video, quizzes, simulations, games, activities, and other
interactive elements.
For us to understand more, let’s watch the following video presentation:

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