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WORD AND STRUCTURE KNOWLEDGE FOR QUESTIONS 1 TO 12, CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD/PHRASE TO COMPLETE EACH ‘SENTENCE. Example Potato chips are p A. creamy B. silky 1. of the friends | play with are mean, but the others are very friendly. AL Any B. Some Cc. Much 2. Ali is my best friend. We have known for three years. A. each other B. ourselves C. us 3. Don't throw the book away. you don’t want it, | will take it. ‘A. When B. if Cc. Why 4. Have you read any of books? A. this B. that C. these 5. We're hard for the match next week. A. practise B. practised C. practising 6. An honest person is one who the truth. A. speaking B. speaks C. spoke 7. Iwas in a hurry to go out and play, so | time to finish my homework. A. had B. didn’t have C. do have 8. On Sundays, | have to go for my football practice early in the morning, so | up at 5 am. A. wake B. woke C. waking 9. Lucy has not been able to play football her accident last month. A. for B. had C. since 10. | never to like apples, but now | love them. A. used B. use C. using Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 2 ShIEO-SETA 11. Don't worry about the exams. I'm sure you pass them. A. shall B. are Cc. will 42. Oliver doesn’t to wear a cap to school every day, but he usually does. A have B. has Cc. had REARRANGE THE WORDS TO FORM A MEANINGFUL SENTENCE. Example cat / the /curiosity / killed a d b c B.(cdba) 18. are / harmless / to people / most ants ai b c d A. bade B. abcd C. dabc FOR QUESTIONS 14 TO 20, READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THAT FOLLOW. OSTRICH The flightless ostrich is the world’s largest bird. They roam in the African savanna and desert lands, and get most of their water from the plants they eat. Though they cannot fly, ostriches are strong runners. They can run up to 43 miles (70 kilometers) an hour. They may use their wings as “rudders” to help them change direction, while running. An ostrich’s powerful, long legs can cover 10 to 16 feet (8 to 5 meters) in a single stride. These legs can also be dreadful weapons. Ostrich kicks can kill a human or other carnivorous animals. Each two-toed foot has a long, sharp claw. Ostriches live in small herds that typically contain less than a dozen birds. All the hens of a herd place their eggs in one nest, each one of which weighs as much as two dozen chicken eggs. The hen and the male, both take turns looking after the giant eggs. Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. The old saying probably originates due to the bird's defensive behaviour. Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) Sh IEO-SETA 14. At the approach of trouble, ostriches will ie iow and press their long necks to the ground in an attempt to become less visible. Their feathers blend well with sandy soil and, from a distance, give the appearance that they have buried their heads in the sand. Ostriches typically eat plants, roots, and seeds, but will also eat insects, lizards, or other creatures available in their sometimes harsh habitat. How fast can an ostrich run? A. 70 miles an hour B. 16 miles an hour C. 43 miles an hour 15. They use their _____ to change direction while running. A. legs B. wings C. toes 16. Ostriches can kill a human being with their A. wings B. neck C. legs 17. Usually, oatriches live together. A. adozen B. less than twelve C. twenty four 18. Who takes care of the giant eggs? A. Male ostrich B. Female ostrich C. Both of them 19. When ostriches feel threatened, they _ A. stand tall with their long necks B. bury their head in soil C. lie low and try to hide 20. Ostriches get most of their water from A. insects B. seeds C. plants Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) SPOKEN AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION FOR QUESTIONS 21 TO 24, CHOOSE THE BEST REPLY TO COMPLETE EACH CONVERSATION. 21. Example Steve: | live in a big city. Jill: p A. | live near the park B. So dol) C. also Mandy: Hey Perry did you see the match last night? Perry: No, while | the match, the power went off, so | couldn't watch the whole match. A. watched B. watch C. was watching 22, Mark: Hey! | finished the puzzle. Lucy: Thank god! You have been doing that hours. A. since B. for G. 23. Mother: Why did you get such a low grade in Mathematics? | thought you knew all the formulas. Son: Yes, but A. I did some silly mistake B. I had some silly mistakes C. I made some silly mistakes 24. Vikas: Oh no! This cake, | baked is very hard and tasteless. Pallavi: Don’t worry, often as you expect. ‘A. things don’t make out B. things don't work out C. things don’t cook out Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 5h IEO-SETA FOR QUESTIONS 25 TO 30, CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION TO COMPLETE EACH BLANK. 25. Dear Mandisa, Thank you for your letter, ___(25)_ came yesterday. It’s always good to hear from you. |was ___(26)__of writing to you. | wanted to tell you something exciting. ve recently started learning to__(27)__a piano and | love it. __(28)_ my piano teacher told my parents that | was good at it, my parents bought me a five-octave keyboard. It almost looks like a piano. | play the keyboard a lot. I'm not very good but I enjoy it a lot. |____@9)__ go to my friend’s house and we play together. She too has a similar keyboard. My father has brought me a book, which has ___(30)__ songs. | love playing the keyboard and | play every evening. | can play ‘twinkle, twinkle little star’ very well now. What about you? Do you play any instrument? Write soon, Love Isabel am> < 3 5 2 5 26. thinking planning preparing oF) perform play work opr lom> 28. > After Before Later oR 29. 9 3 seldom C. regular 30. A. plenty a lot of C. lots » Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) ACHIEVERS SECTION FOR QUESTIONS 31 AND 32, CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD/PHRASE TO COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE. 31. It was raining this morning and | got very wet. | my umbrella in the house. A left B. forget C. kept 32. | wonder why Alisha hasn't replied to my message. She not have got it. A. could B. might C. should REARRANGE THE WORDS TO FORM A MEANINGFUL SENTENCE. 33. what / I don't / Anil is doing / know a b c d A. cabd B. bdac C. abdc FOR QUESTIONS 34 AND 35, CHOOSE THE BEST REPLY TO COMPLETE EACH CONVERSATION. 34. Jay: We haven't got any bread. Kapil: Oh, | forgot to buy some. | go and get some now. A. will B. would ©. should 35. Nasim: Are you enjoying your new school with your new classmates? Gagan: Yes, I'm with my new classmates. A. carrying on well B. getting on well C. keeping on well eee Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)

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