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Ruey Huei Yeh & Mei-Huan Hsieh
Department of Industrial Management , National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology , 43, Keelung Rd. Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan
Published online: 09 Feb 2010.

To cite this article: Ruey Huei Yeh & Mei-Huan Hsieh (2007) FUZZY ASSESSMENT OF FMEA FOR A SEWAGE PLANT, Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 24:6, 505-512, DOI: 10.1080/10170660709509064

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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 505-512 (2007) 505


Ruey Huei Yeh* and Mei-Huan Hsieh
Department of Industrial Management
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
43, Keelung Rd. Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a widely used risk assessment tool to identify
the potential failure modes of a product or a process. By ranking the priorities for corrective
action according to the respective effects of the failures, the chance of the failures can be
reduced or eliminated. However, there could be several difficulties during conducting con-
ventional FMEA such as the subjective and qualitative description in natural language, the
relative importance among the risk ratings, the difference of risk representation among the
same ratings; and the knowledge shared among FMEA team members. Thus, a new risk as-
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

sessment system based on fuzzy theory is proposed in this paper to deal with these difficul-
ties. Furthermore, an FMEA is conducted for a sewage plant to demonstrate the proposed
fuzzy assessment of FMEA.

Keywords: failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), risk assessment, fuzzy theory.

1. INTRODUCTION In a traditional FMEA, three parameters (se-

verity, occurrence, and detection) are utilized to de-
Quality and reliability of products and manu- scribe each failure mode by rating on a 1-10 scale.
facturing processes are critical to the performance of Severity rating is the seriousness of the effect of a
the final products. They are also important indices for failure to the next component, subsystem, system, or
meeting customer satisfaction. In order to fulfill cus- customers. Occurrence rating is the likelihood or
tomer requirement for quality and reliability, some frequency of the failure occurring with 1 being the
actions for assuring the quality and reliability of least chance of occurrence and 10 being the highest.
products or processes should be taken by all engi- Detection rating is the inability to detect the failure or
neers involved. One of the most powerful methods the probability of the failure not being detected be-
available for measuring the reliability of products or fore the impact of the effect is realized.
process is failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Traditionally, the criticality assessment of
The procedure and some difficulties for conducting FMEA is performed by developing a risk priority
FMEA are given in this section. The FMEA incorpo- number (RPN). RPN is the product of the severity (S),
rating fuzzy theory is developed in Section 2. The occurrence (O), and detection (D) ratings. Failure
case of a sewage plant is given in Section 3 to dem- modes having a higher RPN are assumed to be more
onstrate the proposed fuzzy assessment of FMEA. important and given a higher priority for corrective
Finally, some conclusions are drawn in the last sec- action than those having a lower RPN. The procedure
tion. * for conducting FMEA is given below.

1.1 Traditional FMEA 1.2 The procedure of FMEA

The process for conducting FMEA can be di-

FMEA is a widely used quality improvement
vided into several steps as shown in Figure 1. These
and risk assessment tool in manufacturing industry.
steps are briefly explained as follows.
This tool combines the human knowledge and ex-
perience to: (1) identify known or potential failure
step 1. Collect the function of system and build a
modes of a product or process, (2) evaluate the fail-
hierarchical structure, divide the system into
ures of a product or process and their effects, (3) as-
several subsystems, composing of compo-
sist engineers to initiate corrective actions or preven-
tive measures, and (4) eliminate or reduce the chance
step 2. Determine the failure modes of each compo-
of the failures occurring.
nent and its effects. Assign the severity rating
(S) of each failure mode according to the re-
Corresponding author: spective effects on the system.
506 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

step 3. Determine the causes of failure modes and

estimate the likelihood of each failure occur-
ring, Assign the occurrence rating (O) of each
failure mode according to its likelihood of
step 4. List the approaches to detect the failures and
evaluate the ability of system to detect the
failures prior to the failures occurring. Assign
the detection rating (D) of each failure mode.
step 5. Calculate the risk priority number (RPN) and
establish the priorities for attention.
step 6. Take recommended actions to enhance the
performance of system.
step 7. Conduct FMEA report in a tabular form.

1.3 The difficulties of conducting FMEA

The conventional FMEA has been one of the

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well-accepted reliability and safety analysis tool due

to its visibility and easiness. However, FMEA team
usually suffers from several difficulties when con-
ducting FMEA in real industrial situation [7]. These Figure 1. FMEA procedure
difficulties are summarized s follows.
1. The statement in FMEA is often subjective and Teng and Ho [5] developed an approach to integrate
described qualitatively in natural language. It is FMEA, product design, and process control to estab-
difficult for FMEA to precisely evaluate reliabil- lish an overall quality control plan. Jenab and Dhillon
ity and safety of a product or a process. [4] proposed a group-based FMEA model to aggre-
2. The three parameters, severity(S), occurrence gate the intuitive decision of experts about impor-
(O), and detection (D) ratings, are assumed to tance of parameters. Bowles and Pelaez [2] were the
have the same importance. It neglects that the first persons to propose a technique using member-
relative importance among severity, occurrence, ship function in criticality analysis. Bragli [3] pro-
and detection ratings may be different in pratice. posed a technique to assign the weighted factors to
3. The RPN is generated by multiplying the (S), (O), each parameter and normalized RPN value.
and (D) ratings. However, the same value of In this paper, we propose to incorporate the
RPN may imply difference risk representations. fuzzy theory into FMEA in order to overcome the
For example, consider two different failure difficulties in the risk assessment for conducting
modes having value of 6, 2, 1 and 2, 3, 2 for their FMEA. The process of the proposed assessment sys-
(S), (O), (D) ratings. Both of them will have the tem is developed in the following section.
same RPN value of 12, and hence the same pri-
ority for actions. In fact, their risk representa-
tions may be different in practice. 2. INCORPORATING FUZZY
4. In conducting FMEA, the diversity and ability of THEORY IN FMEA
the FMEA team members are the most important
considerations. It is difficult to share the team Fuzzy system is a knowledge-based system
members’ experience. Thus, there is a need to which is constructed from expertise and experience in
develop a knowledge-based assessment system. the form of fuzzy IF-THEN rules. Through building
knowledge-based model, expert knowledge and
For the difficulties mentioned above, several judgment could be utilized to make the FMEA as-
researches of FMEA have been developed in order to sessment method more reasonable and convenient.
enhance the performance of FMEA. Bell [1] devel- The overall structure for using fuzzy theory is shown
oped a method of causal reasoning in FMEA. Wang in Figure 2.
[6] proposed an approach combining FMEA and the As illustrated in Figure 2, this approach is
Boolean Representation Method (BRM). similar to the fuzzy expert system and control system,
the inference process of fuzzy FMEA includes:
Yeh and Hsieh: Fuzzy Assessment of FMEA for a Sewage Plant 507

Figure 2. Structure of FMEA based on fuzzy theory

1. Fuzzification: tic term. And, the value of membership function is

Through defining the membership functions of one such as u(b) when the rating completely belongs
input fuzzy sets which are determined by expertise, to the linguistic term.
the three parameters, (S), (O), and (D) ratings, can be For example, three experts are asked to deter-
transformed into fuzzy input. mine the membership function of the linguistic vari-
2. Rule evaluation: able severity. The process is presented as follow:
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

By using the IF-THEN rules gathered from Let Wi be the degree of competence for ex-
experts and engineers and integrating them into fuzzy pert i, and x ∈ X be a specified severity rating.
rule, the fuzzy IF-THEN rules in fuzzy rule base can Each of experts provides a value of bi ∈ X to rep-
be combined into a mapping from fuzzy inputs to
resent the most likelihood value which completely
fuzzy conclusion.
belongs to the linguistic terms, and a pair of values
3. Defuzzification:
(ai , ci ) to represent the likelihood interval of the
Through defining the membership functions of
output fuzzy sets and the defuzzifier, fuzzy conclu- linguistic terms. The values a, b, c for the triangular
sion can be converted into a real-valued risk repre- fuzzy number are expressed in Equation (1):
The detailed process of carrying out the pro- 3 3 3
a = ∑ Wi ai , b = ∑ Wi bi , c = ∑ Wi ci (1)
posed FMEA is explained in following section. i =1 i =1 i =1

2.1 Fuzzy membership function The results of b generated by experts are pre-
sented in Table 1. The input membership functions of
This approach uses linguistic variables to rep- five linguistic terms for severity in this example can
resent the severity, occurrence, and detection of each be illustrated in Figure 4.
failure mode. Each linguistic variable has five lin- Risk, the output linguistic variable, is used to
guistic terms to describe it. These linguistic terms are represent the priority for corrective action with five
Remote (R), Low (L), Moderate (M), High (H), and linguistic terms, Low (L), Fairly Low (FL), Moderate
Very High (V). (M), Fairly High (FH), and High (H). Experts are
In the proposed fuzzy FMEA approach, several also asked to determine this output membership func-
experts are required to develop the membership func- tions using triangular fuzzy number (a, b, c).
tions of the three variables. Assume that there are n
experts asked to determine the membership functions.
Assign the degrees of competence Wi ( i = 1," , n ) 1
for each of the experts according to their experience 0.8
and knowledge about this domain. The sum of the
degrees of competence must be one. 0.6
Furthermore, the triangular fuzzy number (a, b, 0.4
c) is used to develop the membership functions in this
approach. As illustrated in Figure 3, x represents the
specified rating and u(x) represents the value of its 0
membership function (the degree of membership). In 0 a b c ∞
order to evaluate whether a given rating x ∈ X may
belong to a linguistic term, each of the experts is
asked to give the values a, b, c ∈ X in the interval [0,
Figure 3. Triangular fuzzy number
10]. The value of membership function is zero such
as u(a) when the rating doesn’t belong to the linguis-
508 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Table 1. The value b of membership function Table 2. An example of fuzzy rules

bi Rule # Sev. Occ. Det. Risk
1 R R M, H, or V L
i Wi R L M H V
2 M M R, L, or M M
1 0.5 1 3 5 7 10 3 M M R or L FH
2 0.3 1 3.5 5.5 8 10 4 H M R or L H
3 0.2 1 3.7 6 8.5 10 5 H M M, H, or VH FH
b 1 3.29 5.35 7.6 10 6 V L L H

2.2 Fuzzy rule base

Fuzzy rule base is a collection of fuzzy

IF-THEN rules which are constructed from experts’
experience and judgment. In fuzzy IF-THEN rule, the
antecedent (the IF-part) is compared to the fuzzy in-
put variables, and the consequent (the THEN-part) is
the fuzzy output variable. Each fuzzy IF-THEN rule
is expressed as:
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

Figure 5. The membership value for severity

IF severity is Remote and occurrence is Remote and
detection is High, THEN risk is Low.

Because each of the three input linguistic

variables has five linguistic terms, the total number of
combinations is 125 ( 5 × 5 × 5 ). All the combinations
should be grouped to generate the fuzzy rule base.
The example of some rules presented in Table 2.

2.3 Fuzzy inference process

Figure 6. The membership value for occurrence
In this paper, minimum inference engine is
used to combine the fuzzy IF-THEN rules in fuzzy
rule base and implicate the fuzzy conclusion. The
minimum inference engine uses: (1) min operator for
“and” in the IF-part of rules and max operator for the
“or” in the IF-part of rules, (2) the union combination
(max operator) to aggregate the consequence of indi-
vidual rules. In the following, an example is pre-
sented to explain the process of the minimum infer-
ence engine.
For example, suppose that there is a failure
Figure 7. The membership value for detection
mode with 6, 5, 6 for (S), (O), (D) ratings. Its mem-
bership values for severity, occurrence, and detection
Table 3. The membership values for the example
are illustrated in Figures 5, 6, and 7. These member-
ship function values are also listed in Table 3. Linguistic Var. Linguistic Term MF Value
M 0.5
H 0.18
1 R L M H V Occurrence M 0.85
0.8 M 0.25
0.6 L 0.27
In Table 3, there are four combinations and can
fire the rule #2, 3, 4, and 5 in Table2. According rule
#2, the IF-part is the intersection of severity= M,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
occurrence= M, and detection= M, with membership
x values of 0.5, 0.85, and 0.25, respectively. Thus, the
conclusion of risk= M has a membership value of
Figure 4. Membership functions for severity
min(0.5, 0.85, 0.25) = 0.25.
Yeh and Hsieh: Fuzzy Assessment of FMEA for a Sewage Plant 509

Other conclusions are presented in Table 4. In risk of failure mode.

particular, there are two conclusions of risk= FH
with the value of 0.27 and 0.18 for the degree of Table 4. The fuzzy conclusion for the example
membership. Take the maximum value to be the un- IF THEN
ion combination. The fuzzy conclusions must be Sev. Occ. Det. Risk
transformed into a real-valued risk representation as M(0.5) M(0.85) M(0.25) M(0.25)
follows. M(0.5) M(0.85) L(0.27) FH(0.27)
H(0.18) M(0.85) M(0.25) FH(0.18)
2.4 Defuzzification H(0.18) M(0.85) L(0.27) H(0.18)

There are several defuzzification algorithms After explaining the procedure of the proposed
have been developed. In this paper, the center aver- fuzzy FMEA, a case of sewage treatment system will
age defuzzifier will be adopted due to its advantages be presented to demonstrate the proposed approach
of plausibility, computational, simplicity, and conti- and the traditional RPN approach in the next section.
nuity. In center average approach, yi is the center
of the i-th fuzzy set and wi is the height of the i-th 3. CASE OF A SEWAGE PLANT
fuzzy set. The center average is similar to the mean
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

value of a random variable, and it determines a real In general, the purpose of a sewage plant is to
point y ∗ as: treat and control the wastewater or sewage, and then
to ensure the treated water fulfill the environmental
regulations. A sewage treatment system (STS) con-
y∗ =
i i i
tains several processing facilities or subsystems.
∑w i i
According to its functions, STS can be classi-
fied into five subsystems: sewage collection, precipi-
tation, treated water discharge, chemicals, and pre-
In the preceding example, the fuzzy conclu- cipitate treatment. The facilities in these five subsys-
sions can be illustrated in the output (risk) member- tems are shown in Figure 9. In order to mathemati-
ship functions (see Figure 8). In Figure 8, the shadow cally express each failure mode, let Fij represent the
area means the fuzzy conclusion. The centers of the
j-th failure mode in the i-th subsystem (i = A, B, C, D,
M, FH, and H fuzzy sets are 3.7, 6.1, and 10 (the E, and j = 1, " , n ). After conducting the traditional
point having the max membership value). The heights
of the M, FH, and H fuzzy sets are 0.25, 0.27, and FMEA and the proposed FMEA, the partial results of
0.18 (the height of the shadow area). them are presented in Table 5 and compared in the
By using Equation (2), center average defuzzi- following section.
fier generates a real value y ∗ = 6.24 to represent the

Figure 8. The fuzzy conclusion for the example

510 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)


1. Chemical feeding machine (H2SO4)

2. Chemical feeding machine (PAC)
3. Chemical feeding machine (Polymer)

A-Sewage Collection C-Discharge
Sewage 1. Grit chamber Treated
1. Raw water intake 2. Rapid mixing basin 1.Treated water basin Water
2. Screen 3. Gelatification basin 2. Pump
4. Sedimentation basin

E-Precipitate Treatment

1. Concentration basin Mud

Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

2. Sludge dewatering machine

3. Sludge pump

Figure 9. Block diagram for a sewage plant

3.1 The results achieved by applying fuzzy FMEA. Other investiga-

tions can be carried out in the same manner. In addi-
Comparing the results of the traditional FMEA tion, the fuzzy rule base can also be revised or up-
with the proposed FMEA, the difference between dated when more information of a product or process
these two methods can be clearly observed in Table 5. is available. As a result, the proposed assessment
The failure modes FB 5 , FB 7 , and FC1 have the method can be continuously improved.
same RPN of 80 and the same priority. How-
ever, the different ratings combinations can infer dif- Table 5. The results of comparing traditional FMEA
ferent fuzzy risk. Thus, they have the fuzzy rankings with fuzzy FMEA
of 8, 16, and 13, respectively. By using the fuzzy Failure Risk Ranking Ranking
(S, O, D) RPN
FMEA, it is convenient for user to differentiate the Mode (fuzzy) (RPN) (fuzzy)
risk representations in the failures having the same FA1 (5, 6, 3) 90 3.09 7 9
RPN. FA 2 (3, 8, 3) 72 2.73 12 15
Consider that the failure modes FA 2 and FB1 (7, 3, 6) 126 6.75 3 1
FD 3 where the RPN is 72. The value of (S), (O), (D) FB 2 (5, 4, 2) 40 2.5 17 17
ratings are 3, 8, 3 and 6, 6, 2 for F A2 and FD 3 . FB 3 (6, 6, 3) 108 3.71 5 4
Although the RPN for both failure modes are the FB 4 (6, 7, 3) 126 4.33 3 3
same, the risk level may be different. The ranks of
FB 5 (5, 4, 4) 80 3.34 9 8
F A2 and FD 3 are 15 and 4, and the failure mode
FB 7 (4, 4, 5) 80 2.7 9 16
FD 3 has a higher priority than F A2 . Thus, the tradi-
FC1 (4, 5, 4) 80 2.82 9 13
tional FMEA may result in a different action.
In addition, the ranking produced by the pro- FD1 (5, 7, 4) 140 3.7 2 6
posed method doesn’t differentiate the failure modes FD 2 (6, 8, 4) 192 5.48 1 2
which have the adjacent ratings. Failure modes FA1 FD 3 (6, 6, 2) 72 3.71 12 4
and FE 5 , where (S), (O), and (D) ratings are 5, 6, 3 FE1 (4, 7, 3) 84 2.82 8 13
and 5, 6, 2. The fuzzy ranking is 9 for both failure FE 2 (4, 8, 2) 64 2.83 14 12
modes. This entails these two failure modes should
FE 3 (4, 2, 7) 56 2.88 16 11
be given the same priority. However, the traditional
FMEA method produces the resulting RPN of 90 and FE 4 (3, 8, 4) 96 3.7 6 6
60 for failure modes FA1 and FE 5 . FE 5 (5, 6, 2) 60 3.09 15 9
The analysis of the results produced by the tra-
ditional FMEA and the fuzzy FMEA methods shows
that a more accurate, reasonable ranking can be
Yeh and Hsieh: Fuzzy Assessment of FMEA for a Sewage Plant 511

causal reasoning for automated failure modes and ef-

4. CONCLUSIONS fects analysis,” Proceedings of Annual Reliability and
Maintainability Symposium, Jan. 21-23, Las Vegas,
In this paper, a FMEA based on fuzzy theory 343-353 (1992).
approach is proposed and a prototype of the risk as- 2. Bowles, J.B. and C.E. Pelaez, “Fuzzy logic prioritiza-
sessment experts system is developed. The analysis tion of failures in a system failure mode, effects, and
of a sewage treatment system (STS) is presented to criticality analysis,” Reliability Engineering and Sys-
demonstrate the proposed fuzzy FMEA method. tem Safety, 50, 205-213 (1995).
In practice, subjective judgment is described in 3. Braglia, M., M. Frosolini, and R. Montanari, “Fuzzy
natural language which is sometimes inaccurate, criticality assessment model for failure modes and ef-
vague, and uncertain. When conducting FMEA, as- fects analysis,” The International Journal of Quality
and Reliability Management, 20, 503-525 (2003).
signing the (S), (O), and (D) ratings in natural lan-
guage may produce an unrealistic and misleading 4. Jenab, K. and B.S. Dhillon, “Group-based failure ef-
impression. As a result, the RPN produced by these fects analysis,” International Journal of Reliability,
Quality and Safety Engineering, 12, 291-307 (2005).
three ratings would overlook the relative importance
among these parameters and result in misunderstand- 5. Teng, S.H. and S.Y. Ho, “Failure mode and effects
analysis: an integrated approach for product design
ing. and process control,” The International Journal of
The application of linguistic terms allows ex- Quality and Reliability Management, 13, 8-26 (1996).
perts to provide a more reasonable and meaningful
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 10:47 17 November 2014

6. Wang, J., T. Ruxton and C.R. Labrie, “Design for

information for these three parameters. Fuzzy rule safety of engineering systems with multiple failure
base could allow experts to construct the more realis- state variables,” Reliability Engineering and System
tic and logical rules. By using the fuzzy set and mem- Safety, 50, 271-284 (1995).
bership function, the imprecise information can be 7. Xu, K., L.C. Tang, M. Xie, S.L. Ho, and M.L.
improved to reflect real situations. Using the fuzzy Zhu, ”Fuzzy assessment of FMEA for engine sys-
IF-THEN rules collected from experts, experts’ tems,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 75,
knowledge and experience can be incorporated in the 17-29 (2002)
risk assessment tool. It is more convenient to differ-
entiate the risk representations among the failure ABOUT THE AUTHORS
modes having the same RPN.
Through building knowledge-based model, Ruey Huei Yeh is currently a full professor and the
expert’s knowledge and judgment can be reserved chairman of the Department of Industrial Manage-
efficiently. Furthermore, the information of each fail- ment at the National Taiwan University of Science
ure can be revised or updated by experts. The pro- and Technology. He also serves as an associate editor
posed assessment model can be continuously im- of the IEEE Transactions on Reliability. He received
proved. both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations
The most critical disadvantage of the tradition Engineering from the University of Michigan – Ann
FMEA is that various combinations of the three pa- Arbor, and his B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the
rameter ratings may produce an identical value of National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan. His research
RPN; however, the risk representations may be thor- interests include reliability theory, applied probability,
oughly different. In this paper, a new risk assessment warranty cost analysis, and quality management.
technique is proposed to resolve the difficulties arisen
in conducting the procedure of the traditional FMEA. Mei-Huan Hsieh is a graduate student in the De-
partment of Industrial Management at the National
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Taiwan University of Science and Technology. She
received her B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the
This research is supported in part by a grant (NSC National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan. Her research
94-2213-E-011-036) from the National Science areas include reliability theory, warranty cost analysis,
Council, Taiwan. and production scheduling.

(Received December 2006; revised March 2007; ac-

REFERENCE cepted June 2007)
1. Bell, D., L. Cox, S. Jackson, and P. Schaefer, “Using
512 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)


台北市基隆路四段 43 號

失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis; FMEA)是一種被廣泛地運用餘
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