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Select the correct answer from the four choices given!

1. Having watched “Avengers: End Game” which 7. Since it premiered in 2001, the Showtime
becomes a long-awaited movie as final phase series “Homeland” (either you are with us, or
three of all Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, you are with the terrorists) ____ to be one of
____. the most bigoted shows on television.
A. many people want to re-watch “Iron Man” A. proved C. has proved
B. “Iron Man” becomes the first movie many B. had proved D. have proved
people want to watch
C. Marvel makes “Iron Man” as the first 8. In order for things to change, the industry
superhero to be shown at MCU needs to understand the scale of the problem,
something that the Riz Test—a Muslim
D. many movies of Marvel Cinematic
Universe need re-watching equivalent of Bechdel test inspired by Riz
Ahmed’s speech—hopes ____.
A. achieving
2. Although beavers rarely remain ____ for more
B. to have been achieved
than two minutes, they can stay underwater
C. to be achieved
as long as fifteen minutes before having to
D. to achieve
surface for air.
A. submerging C. submerge
9. A computer buff ____ delights in the digital
B. submerged D. submersion
past, Mr. Lendino, 45, wrote a book called
“Breakout”, about the Atari machines of the
3. Built in 1882, the Kinzua Viaduct in McKean
1980s that ushered in a new era of gaming.
County, Pennsylvania, is open only to those
A. which C. whom
visitors ____ are able to walk its 2,058-foot B. whose D. who
A. to whom C. which 10. ____ the scammer was finished with the
B. whom D. who minimal paperwork, IngramSpark—a print-
on-demand publisher in Tennessee—had 11
4. As inevitably as human culture has changed new books.
with the passing of time, and ____. A. Once C. If
A. so does the environment B. While D. However
B. so has the environment
C. the environment does too
D. the environment has also 11. ____ at the site of a fort established by the
Northwest Mounted Police, Calgary is now
5. Whenever matter in one form is transmuted one of Canada’s fastest growing cities.
to ____ form, a phase change is said to have A. Having built C. Built
taken place. B. Building D. It is built
A. the other C. another
B. other D. others 12. The factory management received many
letters from the ____ customers complimenting
them on their new product.
6. ____ the fact that members of the far right and
white supremacist movements are A. satisfies C. satisfying
responsible for carrying out the B. satisfyingly D. satisfied
overwhelming majority of extremist-related
murders in the US in the last 15 years, 13. Abdul ____ continuing his education to the
according to Hollywood it has been Muslims graduate program to working in business.
whom the public have had to fear the most. A. likes C. had rather
A. In spite C. Although B. would rather D. prefers
B. Despite D. Because
14. In adolescence, a young person may
experience some emotional stress ____
conflicting and confusing social demands.
A. Despite C. Because
B. In spite of D. Due to

15. It was the Midwest where the American craft

movement seems ____ most vigorously, partly
through its association with the Prairie School
of Architecture.
A. to have flourished
B. to have been flourished
C. to be flourished
D. flourishing

16. Results of Neymar’s moving to PSG have not

followed in European competition and, after a
season ____ he was reported to have clashed
with team-mates, he could leave the club.
A. in which C. which
B. in when D. where

17. Kylian Mbappe, a talented young France

forward, denies ____ Paris Saint-Germain
A. to make C. make
B. making D. for making

18. As speculation grows over Griezmann’s

future, the 28-year-old France international is
remaining ____.
A. patiently C. patients
B. patience D. patient

19. In the next season, Southampton, one of the

Premier League clubs, will have to let go of at
least five squad members ____ raise funds for
more arrivals.
A. in order to C. since
B. as D. in order for

20. Vincent Kompany, ____ on four occasions with

Manchester City, is out to make a big impact
on his return to boyhood club Anderlecht.
A. won the Premier League
B. who won the Premier League
C. who winning the Premier League
D. won the Premier League who
Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English!

21. A great aviation pioneer (A), Amelia Earhart was already famous (B) when she sets (C) out on her ill-
fated attempt to circle (D) the globe in 1937.

22. Dentistry (A) is a branch of (B) medicine that (C) has developed very dramatic (D) for the last twenty

23. Meadowlarks are (A) about the same size with (B) robins, but they have heavier (C) bodies, shorter tails,
and longer (D) bills.

24. The Statue of Liberty was originally (A) proposed (B) in 1865 commemorating (C) the alliance (D) of
France with the American colonies during the American Revolution.

25. The easier (A) process for mining gold is panning, which (B) involves using a circular (C) dish with a
small pocket at the bottom (D).

26. The Executive Mansion, constructed (A) in the 1790’s and (B) now popularly (C) called the White House,
is oldest (D) public edifice in Washington, D.C.

27. In the period between 1918 and 1939, various political, economic, and geographic factors combined (A)
in determine (B) the extent to which (C) a country developed (D) civil aviation.

28. The main attractive (A) at Sequoia National Park is thirty-five groves (B) of giant sequoias, the largest
living (C) things in (D) the world.

29. Electricity is the phenomenon associated (A) with positively and negatively particles charged (B) of
matter at rest (C) and in motion, either individually (D) or in great numbers.

30. The planets far from the Sun are such remote (A) from any heat source (B) that their temperatures are
thought (C) to be near (D) absolute zero.

31. Since prehistoric (A) times, artists (B) portrayed (C) subjects that represent (D) their culture.

32. Mahogany is often considered (A) the finest (B) cabinet wood because its (C) has most of the qualities
desired (D) for furniture making.

33. Calcium, the most abundant (A) mineral in the body (B) works with (C) phosphorus in maintain (D)
bones and teeth.

34. The participants proposed (A) some suggestions (B) in the meeting, then (C) the chairman did (D) the

35. Benjamin Franklin made (A) the first bifocal spectacles for him (B) by sawing (C) the lenses of his (D)
eyeglasses in half.

36. All birds (A), alike (B) most reptiles and a few (C) primitive mammals, develop from embryos in eggs

outside (D) the mother’s body.

37. The pain-killing agent most commonly (A) administered in dentistry is (B) the local anesthetic, who (C)
produces loss of feeling (D) only in a specific area.

38. Inventor Granville Woods received his (A) first patent at (B) January 3, 1984, for (C) a steam (D) boiler

39. Research on pain has been neglected (A), although the mainly (B) reason people take medicine (C) is to
relieve (D) pain.

40. According to the recent (A) survey, the number of homeless persons (B) in Indonesia have (C) increased
for (D) the last two years.

Reading Comprehension
Passage 1 (question number 41 s.d. 43)
Parents send their children to school with the intentions, believing that formal education is what
kids need to become productive, happy adults. Many adults do have qualms about how well schools are
performing, but the conventional wisdom is that these issues can be solved with more money, better
teachers, more challenging curricula, or more rigorous tests. But what of the real problem is the school
itself? The unfortunate fact is that one of our cherished institutions is, by its very nature, falling our
children and our society.
Children are required to be in school, where their freedom is greatly restricted, far more than most
adults would tolerate in their workplaces. In recent decades, we have been compelling them to spend
ever more time in this kind of setting, and there is strong evidence that this is causing psychological
damage to many of them. And as scientists have investigated how children naturally learn, they have
realized that kinds do so most deeply and fully, and with greatest enthusiasm, in conditions that are
almost opposite to those of school.
Compulsory education has been a fixture of our culture now for several generations. President
Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are so enamored of it that they want even longer school
days and years. Most people assume that the basic design of today’s schools emerged from scientific
evidence about how children learn. But nothing could be further than the truth.
Schools as we know them today are a product of history, not of research. The blueprint for them
was developed during the Protestant Reformation, when schools were created to teach children to read
Bible, to believe Scripture without questioning it, and to obey authority figures without questioning them.
When schools were taken over by the state, made compulsory, and directed toward secular ends, the
basic structure and methods of teaching remained unchanged. Subsequent attempts at reform have failed
because they have not altered the basic blueprint. The top down, teach-and-test method, in which
learning is motivated by a system of rewards and punishments rather than by curiosity or by any real
desire to know, is well designed for indoctrination and obedience training but not much else. It is no
wonder that many of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and innovators either left school early (like
Thomas Edison) or said they hated school and learned despite it, not because of it (like Albert Einstein).

41. What is the purpose of the text? A. Beliefs
A. To review how compulsory education B. Requests
in the USA has met parents’ C. Remarks
expectation D. Views
B. To remind American parents that the E. Doubts
formal school is basically a product of
culture 43. What is the topic of the text above?
C. To tell the readers that formal schools A. Restrictions on children’s freedom at
in the USA have been constantly the US schools
developed for a long time B. Parents’ expectation on reformation
D. To discuss if the American school in American school system
system is truly effective to educate C. Doubts on the effectiveness of the
children American school systems
E. To describe how American children D. Regulations for American children to
learn at school and in the real-life stay longer at schools
settings E. Absence of a research-based school
system in the USA
42. Which of the following is closest in
meaning to the word “qualms” (line 2)?

Passage 2 (question number 44 s.d. 48)

Sometimes experience in other countries can help people to understand their own identity better.
Mahatma Gandhi was born 1869 at Portandar in Western India. After studying in India, he dreamt of going
to England to study. He was told that his Hindu religion did not allow voyages abroad. However, Gandhi
was very determined and he finally left for England in 1887. At first, he tried to learn to behave like an
English gentleman, but he soon learnt that it was better to be himself. He studied law in London, qualifying
in 1891. He also learnt about other religions.
He returned home to India and worked as lawyer for two years. After some problems, he was
offered a job in South Africa. Here he experienced racism as a member of the Indian community. He
decided to fight for the rights of the Indians using “passive resistance”. He had three main beliefs, namely
non-violence, religious tolerance and truth. When he finally returned to India in 1915, he became a great
political leader. During the fight for independence, he was often put in prison, but his beliefs never
Gandhi had studied in Britain, so he understood the British better than they understood him.
Gandhi’s leadership led to independence, but, on Independence Day, August 15, 1947, Gandhi refused to
celebrate. He was in favor of Hindu-Muslim unity but Muslims and Hindus could not agree, so a separate
Muslim state was formed in Pakistan. In 1948, Gandhi started fasting between India and Pakistan. He was
assassinated by a Hindu fanatic on 30th January 1948. India and Pakistan are still fighting in Kashmir today.
The fight for independence was a difficult one, but not as difficult as the fight for non-violence, religious
tolerance and truth.
C. Mahatma Gandhi learned and
44. The following statements are true about understood about some religions well
Mahatma Gandhi, EXCEPT… D. Mahatma Gandhi fought hard for
A. Mahatma Gandhi’s studying in Britain unity of his nation
was against Hinduism principles E. Mahatma Gandhi did not like the idea
B. Gandhi believed in non-violence, of Hindu-Muslim unity in India
religious tolerance and truth

45. The passage above mainly deals with E. he experienced racism when he was in
Mahatma Gandhi’s… South Africa
A. search for principles of his three main
beliefs 47. Mahatma Gandhi got his university degree
B. fighting against racism in South Africa in…
C. political career as an important A. 1887
national leader B. 1915
D. experience to identify his life C. 1891
principles D. 1947
E. political struggle for India’s E. 1948
48. The word non-violence in ‘he had three
46. We can infer from the following main beliefs, non-violence, religious
statements about Mahatma Gandhi, tolerance, and truth’ (paragraph 2) can
EXCEPT… best replaced by…
A. he understood Hinduism and Islam A. favorable conducts
equally well B. peaceful actions
B. he knew well the characteristics of the C. political spirits
English people D. religious prejudices
C. he had good knowledge about law E. passive behaviors
D. he had the hardest time fighting for
independence of his nation

Passage 3 (question number 49 s.d. 54)

The process of global warming and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a deadly cycle
in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming have created a
dangerous relationship. The link between these two forces has become clear in recent years. As the
climate becomes warmer, forests will become drier, spawning the perfect environment for fires. In
addition, as forest fires continue and gain intensity, the trees release more carbon into the atmosphere
which contributes to the greenhouse effect and which therefore causes global warming.
The increase in forest fires can now be seen as a factor which contributes to global warming. Trees,
in the carbon cycle, are labeled as a “sink” or a store for carbon. The ability of trees to store carbon dioxide
has helped to reduce the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere. But now that more trees
are being burned through increased forest fires, this stored carbon is being released and the CO2 becomes
part of the greenhouse gases that drive the greenhouse effect, so we believe that extra fires intensify
global warming. Furthermore, carbon is released in the decomposition of the trees after the fire. There is
no doubt that global warming and forest fires are linked to rising temperatures.
Global warming is a process which has been occurring for years and whose effects have been more
intensively felt by all of living creatures. Forest fires have also been recorded for years, but as mentioned
they are a natural process. Therefore, it would be reasonable to attack global warming first. Muck work
has been done already to solve this problem. Some plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as
Kyoto Protocol has been in place for years, but they have shown little results.
Some experts who care about global warming say the solutions must start at home. People, who
suffer from immediate effect of global warming, must realize that most of their day to day activates
contribute to climate change. But, reducing what is called a “carbon footprint” is not difficult. It can be as
easy as changing travel methods, instead of driving to school or working every day, biking or walking; or

it can be as easy as buying an energy efficient appliance, or switching the lights off in rooms which are not
being used.
Leadership from ordinary people is what it will take to fight against global warming. People must
educate each other on these harmful effects and make them known; but this process will continue to
damage forests around the world unless something is done to reduce the effects of global warming.
52. The pronoun ‘they’ (paragraph 3) refers
49. It is implied in the text that… A. living creatures
A. people can comfortably survive living B. gas emissions
in the very hot world C. some plans
B. the number of scientists on global D. whose effects
warming increases every year E. forest fires
C. world rising temperature can only be
stopped by intelligent experts
D. the education on the dangers of global
warming has been well introduced
E. all people must be actively involved in 53. Which of the following is closest in
saving the world from destruction meaning to the word ‘decomposition’
(paragraph 2)?
50. The text mentions all of the following, A. development
EXCEPT… B. deterioration
A. the factors leading to world rising C. destruction
temperature D. depletion
B. the solutions against global warming E. diversity
C. the education about global warming
D. the size of global warming 54. What is the topic of the text?
E. the effects of forest fires A. Global warming and forest fires as
factors contributing to rising
51. The purpose of the text is to… temperatures
A. report the dangers of global warming B. The process of global warming and the
for the survival of living creatures destructive nature
B. persuade the reader against the world C. Home solutions to anticipate the
rising temperature rising world temperature
C. argue for the importance of the D. The greenhouse effect as a cause of
efforts to stop global warming global warming and forest fires
D. compare between global warming E. The effects of global warming on the
and forest fires human civilization
E. describe the effects of global warming

Passage 4 (question number 55 s.d. 60)

The information and communication technology revolution can be easily recognized as the latest
revolution in the history of mankind, impacting every facet of business, society, and life worldwide with a
speed beyond imagination. The last centuries have seen a continuous evolution process, which started
with the industrial revolution at the end of 18th century. This revolution has its roots in the invention of
the first electronic computers in the 1940s, continued with the development of information technology
during following decades and explored in the early 1990s. In the 1960s and 1970s, computer technology
was mainly utilized in the business data processing and scientific applications of a mostly number

crunching nature. As a result, the use of this technology was limited to those who had a good command
of these systems and computer programing languages. With the invention of microprocessors, a new idea
of distributed information established itself and computers became available on a personal basis. The
contemporary development of networking both on a local and a wide area (LAN and WAN) merged
computer and information technology with telecommunication. In the 1960s, the matching of the two
technologies led to the information communication technology, with a strong focus on the management
and dissemination of information by both providers and users.
The most noticeable explosion in the information and communication technology revolution was
the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW) and its potential in the early 1990s. during the past two
decades, WWW technologies have become the driving force in allowing people worldwide to
communicate and exchange information in ways that have created a totally new dimension for mankind,
at such a point that ‘global villages’ are the words today better describing our planet. In recent years,
through the use of web-enabled technologies, organizations of all types and sizes around the world have
managed to utilize the technologies to conduct both information processing and dissemination with their
prospective customers, suppliers, students, and governments. These technologies, now allowing readily
available information for everyone regardless of their geographic location, bring the true meaning of the
information age to its full realization and prepare a new era for mankind: the knowledge society.
In recent years, the science of understanding the nature of information processing and
management combined with computer and telecommunication technologies to process, disseminate, and
manage information has become known as ‘information and communication science and technology’. It
has many resources and components and originated many new disciplines but, what is more, it intervenes
in changing mankind’s habits and lifestyle.

55. The author organizes the idea in the text D. An individual’s habit and lifestyle
by… determine the way in the use of
A. contrasting the technology of earlier information and communication
years to that of recent years technology
B. showing the revolution of the E. Everyone should always be aware of
technology in different areas the future of information technology
C. explaining the cause and its effects of
technology across different areas 57. The purpose of the text is to…
D. emphasizing the characteristics of A. propose a new term, ‘global village’
technology in each period B. describe a brief history of information
E. presenting the development of and communication technology
technology chronologically C. present the causes of the
communication revolution
56. Which of the following is true according to D. provide examples of the massive use
the text? of the World Wide Web
A. The computer was only employed by E. explain the making of micro-
those who understood the systems processors
and programming languages in its 58. In which paragraph(s) of the text does the
early development author mention that everyone can access
B. Computers are primarily used for information anywhere?
individuals A. 1
C. In global villages, every individual is B. 2
connected via World Wide Web C. 3
D. 1 and 2

E. 2 and 3 B. information is available depending on
geographical location
59. Which of the following is closest in C. in the information age, people are
meaning to the word ‘merged’? networked together through
A. Combined technology
B. Helped D. information is processed and
C. Provided distributed widely by organizations to
D. Served create global villages
E. Connected E. World Wide Web was created to
answer the information and
60. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that… communication demand
A. information explosion occurred in the

Combination Passage 1 (question number 61 s.d. 65)

Text A
Carbon emissions from a meat-hungry developing world could be cut back substantially by
improving animal breeds and feed, according to a study. It is estimated that livestock farming contributes
18-51 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Demand for livestock products is predicted to
double by 2050 as a result of growing populations, urbanization, and better income in the developing
world, which will cause emissions to rise.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, suggests that 12
percent of total livestock-related emissions in 2030 could easily be shortened with simple improvements
in production. These include: switching to more nutritious pasture grasses; supplementing livestock diets
based on grass with small amounts of crop residues or grains; restoring degraded grazing lands; growing
trees that trap carbon while producing leaves that livestock could eat; and adopting more productive
“Organizations from the West, especially the World Watch Institute, have continued to blame
livestock-keeping for being one of the major polluters of the world, yet livestock keeping’s positive by far
outweigh the negatives,” said Mario Herrera, co-author of the paper and a senior scientist at International
Livestock Research Institute.

Text B
Livestock farmers in developing countries have a relatively small environmental footprint and their
animals provide them with food, income and transport for their crops, said John Byron. “What these
farmers need are technological options and economic incentives that help them intensify their production
in sustainable ways,” he added.
Steinfeld, coordinator of the Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative at the Food and
Agriculture Organization, said: “If one were able to connect this smallholder development by making poor
farmers benefit through the possibility of carbon offsets and carbon markets that would indeed create a
win-win situation where one would have socioeconomic benefits, targeting poor people, while reducing
the carbon ‘hoofprint’ i.e. the carbon footprint of livestock.”
Improving livestock production should be done to improve livelihoods and not just for climate
reasons, said Kirtana Chandrasekaran, food campaigner for Friends of the Earth. She added that intensive
agriculture also contributes to biodiversity loss so “it’s very dangerous” just to look at lowering emissions
“when there’s a whole host of other factors affecting improvement in livestock farming.”

61. Which of the following statements can be A. contribute more to economic benefits
hypothetically figured out based on the for the humans’ livelihood
information in these two weeks? B. address reduction of carbon
A. The increase in population, emissions, biodiversity and better
urbanization, and earnings leads to quality of life
the higher demand for livestock C. result from provision of appropriate
consumption, and thus the higher technology and economic motivations
carbon emissions D. are controlled from the side economic
B. The significant increase in greenhouse and technological management
gas emissions is due to changes in E. consider both technology and natural
people’s lifestyles and activities, factors affecting livestock farming
including the higher demand for
livestock products 64. The argument for livestock farming in the
C. Desirable livestock farming is parallel first text differs significantly from that in
with reduction of greenhouse gas the second text in that the first text deals
emissions, improvement of with…
biodiversity, and better A. seven minor topics; the second three
socioeconomic quality of the poor minor ones
D. Whatever the technological attempts B. three major topics; the second five
are made to improve livestock major ones
production to meet the people’s C. one general topic; the second two
demand, higher carbon emissions will minor ones
constantly increase D. two major topics; the second three
E. Although it affects positively the major ones
poor’s socioeconomic status, livestock E. eight minor topics; the second six
farming activities negatively influence minor ones
biodiversity as well as global climate
condition. 65. The theme of these two texts would most
likely be…
62. The following ideas reflect opinions in the A. research for better livestock farming
two texts, EXCEPT… B. livestock farming and carbon
A. better management in livestock emissions
farming links to less gas emissions C. livestock as a top source of air
B. better life quality should also result pollution
from improved livestock farming D. arguments for sustainable livestock
C. sustainable livestock farming farming
potentially leads to low carbon E. cutting carbon emissions in livestock
emissions farming
D. in spite of its carbon emissions,
livestock farming gives more
E. livestock industries have affected
greenhouse gas emissions

63. It can be concluded from the two texts

that productions are considered
‘successful’ if they…

Passage 5 (question number 66 s.d. 68)
The present study sought to document the word reading and comprehension levels attained by
children who were implanted by 5 years of age. It was hypothesized the improved speech perception abilities
acquired with cochlear implantation would promote phonological coding skills. (1) ….
Three subtests of diagnostic reading assessment batteries standardized on hearing children were
administered to 181 children between 8 years 0 month and 9 years 11 months of age who had 4 to 6 years
of implant experience. (2) …. It included a lexical decision task, a rhyme task, and the digit span subtest of
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age compared with the normative
data for hearing children. (3) ….
They were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, and later onset of deafness
between birth and 36 months.
(adapted from Journal of Ear and Hearing)

66. Which option best completes (1)? C. However, standard measurement was
A. The finding showed that the hypothesis applied to test the subjects
was accepted D. Consequently, the assessment was
B. The implantation was eventually shown used to evaluate the reading skills
to be successful E. Instead, an interview consisting of
C. The following paragraph would discuss many different tasks was conducted
the findings of the study
D. The objective of the study was to see 68. Which option best completes (3)?
the subjects’ reading skills A. The results were categorized based on
E. It would also facilitate the acquisition of the subjects’ status
the beginning reading skills B. Data were collected on the basis of
several different items
67. Which option best completes (2)? C. Reading competence was associated
A. Likewise, the children were obliged to with three aspects
take a reading test D. The subjects consisted of different age
B. In addition, a battery of processing children
measures was administered E. Findings showed various levels of
reading skills

Passage 6 (question number 69 s.d. 73)

Education is often viewed as school in traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning
can only take place in formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and
environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of ‘what is education?’. However, we
can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to
develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society’s economic success? Or is it to simple focus
on individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our
answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted
growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition,
general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
As global citizens, it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up
with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide
quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many
countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of
EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to
overcome? The answer has in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to
compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and
narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways, the most basic access to technology can serve as

a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at disadvantage when trying to
grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

69. The author’s main concern in the first 72. The situation the author shows in the
paragraph is that… passage above is best described as follows…
A. there is no exact definition about A. quality education fundamentally
education ensures quality living in all sectors
B. education is a fundamental individual’s B. education is essentially everyone’s right
right yet it still has its challenges
C. everyone has right to get quality C. there are problems in education in spite
education of its significant role
D. education occurs in any place not just D. as long as nations compete, education
schools cannot progress
E. development can be gained through E. absence of am exact definition causes
education problems in education

70. If the author is right concerning the role of 73. The part following the passage above would
education, the following might be predicted likely discuss…
to take place, EXCEPT… A. lack of access to technology in
A. longer life expectation developing countries to support
B. lesser birth rates educational practices
C. improved welfare B. needs of modern digital technology to
D. better quality living back up the implementation of EFA in
E. more job opportunities education
C. roles of technology in providing
71. The following sentences reflects the individuals with cheap and accessible
author’s opinions in the passage, EXCEPT… quality education
A. everyone has right to get education D. inability of developing nations to
B. education cannot be easily defined compete with developed countries in
C. EFA provides quality education by 2015 technology
D. Education is basic to human E. government’s role and responsibilities
development in managing education for their citizens
E. The EFA goals are faced with serious

Passage 7 (question number 74 s.d. 79)

Ginger, buts, fatty fish, and whole grains are just some of the many foods that have been publicized to
have anti-inflammatory properties; but do they work? It turns out that experts agree that eating a diet rich
in such foods may in fact help lower the levels of inflammation in the body. However, they stress that adding
or increasing the consumption of any one food is likely not going to have a profound effect on one’s health.
In a new, small study, researchers found that men who consumed flaxseed for 42 days experienced a
significant decrease in inflammatory markers compared with men who didn’t consume flaxseed. In another
study, the authors found that taking ginger root extract appeared to reduce markers of colon inflammation.
In addition, according to the results of a study, curcumin, which is the main compound in the spice turmeric,
used in curry, could help suppress biological mechanisms that lead to the inflammation in disease of the
tendons. Rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are some of the conditions that have
been linked with higher levels of inflammation.
However, Kirkpatrick stressed that adding just one specific food to your diet is unlikely to work wonders
for lowering inflammation, or for improving health in general. Kirkpatrick also stressed that people who take
dietary supplements do not get the same results as those who consume real foods that have anti-
inflammatory properties. Moreover, in order to lower inflammation through diet, it is also important to stay

away from foods that can promote inflammation, such as sugar, she said. “therefore, it is not just about
adding these things in, it is also about taking pro-inflammatory foods out,” said Kirkpatrick.
“Food is medicine, but it is hard to compare medicine that is created in a lab with something that is
grown in the ground to determine what is going to be beneficial.” Kirkpatrick said. Depending in a person’s
condition, and the reasons for their inflammation, medication may be necessary, while food can be still a
nice add-on.
(adapted from Medical News Today)

74. The conditions required to reduce the 77. The possible role of anti-inflammatory
inflammation stated in paragraph 2 are foods is best described in the paragraph(s)…
found in paragraph(s) … A. 1 and 2
A. 1 B. 1 and 3
B. 3 C. 2 and 3
C. 4 D. 2 and 4
D. 1 and 3 E. 3 and 4
E. 2 and 4
78. Paragraph 3 implies that…
75. Based on the passage, which of the A. a well-proportioned diet is good to
following reflects the idea relationships reduce inflammation
between consuming ginger, buts, and fatty B. carbohydrate is the source of pro-
fish, and whole grains and health? inflammatory foods
A. Thirst and drinking C. pro-inflammatory should not be in the
B. Age and physical strength list of diet
C. Learning efforts and grades D. various anti-inflammatory supplements
D. Sleeping hours and body freshness work better
E. Bodily exercise and physical growth E. the nature of inflammatory foods is still
76. The argument in the last line of the
paragraph 4 assumes that… 79. Which of the following best restates the
A. having a balance diet can help reduce idea of paragraph 2?
inflammation A. The inflammation, the study found, is
B. consuming more curry is good to avoid caused by improper biological
inflammation mechanism
C. getting medication is a better way to B. Some studies showed that anti-
solve inflammatory problems inflammatory foods could lower
D. taking foods with anti-inflammatory inflammation
materials can cure inflammation C. The studies conclude that consuming
E. studies on the influence of foods with the extract shows to be more effective
anti-inflammatory property are D. Anti-inflammatory foods are factually
consistent spicy foods we consume every day
E. Inflammation results in arthritis,
cardiovascular disease, and diabetes

Passage 8 (question number 80 s.d. 85)

There are numerous consequences due to illegal logging and illegal activities in the forestry sector.
Revenues lost by governments caused by illegal logging results in decrease of their ability to invest in the
forestry sector. This has an effect on the poverty levels, primarily because of the revenue lost by the
governments. As a result, this reduces the financial capability as well as the programs that could be
implemented to help the poor.

Moreover, poor people are not in a position to influence political bodies. This keeps them from
accessing the forest resource. Finally, the resource’s low cost contributes to an increase in waste and
harvested from forests managed in a sustainable manner. In adequate forest law enforcement and
governance in other countries can also threaten sustainable forest management.
As for direct negative consequences of illegal logging on the wood products industry, their effect is to
simultaneously increase harvesting and increase availability of timber, thus lowering the price of producers.
The price decrease suffered by producers can lead to unfair competition, thus reducing the profitability of
legal companies. Illegal logging is a disincentive to sustainable forest management. The illegal timber trade
threatens not only the viability of legal trade, but also its reputation.
Despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest activities, such as
consumers who could benefit from lower process and national industries that could increase their
competitiveness by having access to lower timber prices.
Several initiatives have emerged to combat illegal logging and illegal activities in the forestry sector.
Among them, it is important to mention the policy statements issued by wood producers’ associations,
government initiatives which range from procurement policies to the signature of memoranda of
understanding between countries, and the procurement policies of major do-it-yourself centers.
Other more practical solutions are being put forward to reduce illegal logging and trade. Some of those
solutions relate more to timber trade. There is no doubt that forest certification is seen, for some, as a tool,
among many others, that enables control over the illegal wood trade, especially when it comes to the chain
of custody. Also, there are other methods presently used or put forward to help combat illegal logging and
illegal trade. They include log tracking systems, legality license-based verification systems such as labelling,
private and public procurement policies, international cooperation and coordination on trade statistics,
information exchange on illegal logging and illegal trade, and the study of possible trade-related measures.
(adapted from UNECE)

80. The author’s bias regarding impacts of 82. What is the author’s attitude towards illegal
illegal logging is that… logging?
A. it provides affordable timber for the A. Concerned
poor B. Pessimistic
B. various disastrous impacts result from it C. Optimistic
C. it gives incentive for forest D. Neutral
management E. Critical
D. local industries increase their level of
competitiveness 83. The paragraph following the passage will
E. international markets are flooded by most likely discuss…
timber logged illegality A. solution details about timber-trade-
related methods
81. In connection to paragraph 1, paragraph 2 B. log certification processes for
functions to… international markets
A. give specific impacts of illegal logging on C. parties involved in studies on trade-
wood factories related measures
B. exemplify illegal logging risks from D. examples of cases on methods in
economy perspectives combating illegal logging
C. provide details of several negative E. explanation on log tracking and license
impacts of illegal logging verification systems
D. show two different sources on various
impacts of illegal logging 84. Which of the following best summarizes the
E. explain domino effects of illegal logging passage?
towards sustainable forests A. Multi-national cooperation is required
to fight illegal logging
B. Illegal logging impacts a government
socially, economically and politically.

C. Governmental and non-governmental A. the poorer the people, the more
organizations should fight illegal logging helpless they will be
D. Various solutions on illegal logging B. the more extensive the illegal logging,
should be implemented to result the poorer the people
effectively C. the wider the illegal logging, the less
E. Urgent solutions are needed to stop forest will remain on earth
illegal logging with its multi-negative D. the richer the people, the more they
effects will influence the government
E. the more illegal logs entering the
85. Based on the passage, it can be market, the more competitive the
hypothesized that… prices

Combination Passage 2 (question number 86 s.d. 90)

Text A
The nuclear industry is in near-terminal decline world-wide, following its failure to establish itself as a
clean, cheap, safe, or reliable energy source. The on-going crisis in nuclear waste management, in safety and
in economic costs has severely undermined the industry’s credibility. It is currently desperate to find a valid
rationale and justification for renewed state support and funding. It is promoting the claim that as nuclear
power station does not emit carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas, switching from fossil fuels to nuclear
power is the only way to cut Carbon Dioxide (CO2) without radically changing consumption patterns.
However, even the most perfunctory examination of the issue shows that nuclear power has no role
whatever in tacking global climate change. In fact quite the opposite is true; any expended on attempting to
advance nuclear power as a viable solution would inevitably detract from genuine measures to reduce the
threat of the global warming.

Text B
Nuclear energy produces no greenhouse gases, but it has many drawbacks. Now a radical new
technology based on thorium promises what uranium never delivered: abundant, safe and clean energy and
a way to burn up old radioactive waste. Named after “Thor”, the warlike Norse god of thunder, thorium could
ironically prove a potent instrument of peace as well as a tool to soothe the world’s changing climate. With
the demand for energy on the increase around the world, and the implications of climate change beginning
to strike home, governments are increasingly considering nuclear power as possible alternative to burning
fossil fuel. A thorium reactor is different; and, on paper at least, this radical new technology could be the key
to unlocking a new generation of clean and safe nuclear power. It could prove the circuit breaker to the two
most intractable problems of the 21st century: our insatiable thirst for energy, and the warming of the world’s

86. What of the following best reflects the 87. Which of the following is actual according to
theme discussed in the passage above? the passage above?
A. Use of nuclear power as a clean source A. Thorium is empirically cleaner and less
of energy dangerous to environment
B. Impact of nuclear power on B. Nuclear power emits no carbon dioxide
environment C. Fossil fuels are possibly replaced by
C. Link of nuclear power and global nuclear power
warming D. Governments strongly support the use
D. Thorium as an alternative for nuclear of nuclear power
energy E. Nuclear-powered electricity is efficient
E. Climate change and conventional and clean to environment
nuclear power

88. Both passages are different in terms of… D. the use of nuclear power is an
A. greenhouse effects caused by nuclear alternative preferred by governments
power stations E. nuclear power needs replacing by
B. negative impacts of nuclear power carbon-emission free and safe ones
C. nuclear energy as an alternative power
D. governments’ supports to nuclear 90. If the thorium technology is efficient
power ingenerating energy…
E. the role of nuclear power to climate A. global warming will not take place
change B. nuclear power will reduce global
89. Ideas in the passages above can be best C. more finance is needed to run the
summarized as… technology
A. nuclear energy requires governments D. governments will build more power
to have good waste management plants
B. nuclear power is empirically expensive E. carbon emissions will be reduced to
and dangerous zero
C. nuclear energy is a choice which is
clean, safe, and long lasting

1. A. many people want to re-watch “Iron Man”
‘Misplaced Modifier’ yaitu participal phrase (frasa participle) atau modifier/penjelas tambahan lainnya
yang muncul sebelum subject tidak sesuai dengan (atau merujuk ke) subjectnya atau bisa juga sebaliknya
(subject yang tidak sesuai dengan participal phrase atau modifier-nya). Sementara itu, dalam kalimat
tersebut justru subject nya yang tepat yang harus disesuaikan dengan merujuk pada participal phrase
“Having watched…”, jadi subject yang tepat/sesuai dengan rujukan participle tersebut adalah “many
people” bukan “Iron Man” atau “Marvel” karena yang bisa “menonton” (having watched) adalah orangnya
bukan tokoh film ataupun pembuatnya.
2. B. submerged
Adjective yang terletak setelah kata kerja ‘be (is/am/are, was/were, been, be), seem, look, become, grow, turn,
remain dan linking verb lainnya’ difungsikan sebagai pelengkap (complement), dan jenis adjective ini
disebut ‘predicative’. Jika adjective yang muncul setelah linking verb berasal dari verb, maka verbnya
tersebut harus dibentuk menjadi ‘past participle’ (V3 tanpa auxiliary).
3. D. who
Conjunction yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah Adjective Clause dengan jenis
Relative Pronoun as Subject/RPS (…noun ‘person’ + who + V // …noun ‘thing’ + which + V). Dalam hal ini,
karena noun yang menjadi rujukan dari conjunctionnya (antecedent) berupa orang “those visitors”, maka
relative pronoun yang digunakan adalah “who”.
4. B. so has the environment
Positive elliptic dengan menggunakan pola “so + auxiliary + S” yang berasal dari kalimat positive. Dalam hal
ini, auxiliary “has” digunakan karena ia merujuk pada verb berpola present perfect (S + have/has + V3).
5. C. another
Penggunaan kata yang tepat adalah ‘another’, karena dilihat dari bendanya berupa singular noun
(bermakna satu dan tidak jelas dari berapa benda yang dimaksud).
6. B. despite
Kata yang bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah preposition “despite”. Jika terdapat
rangkaian “preposition + the fact that” dalam Adverbial Clause, maka ia fungsinya sama dengan
conjunction dan bisa diikuti rangkaian subject dan verb (kalimat).
Catatan: conjunction “because” dan “although” tidak bisa dirangkai dengan frasa “the fact that”.
7. C. has proved
Tense yang menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sudah dilakukan dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini yang
ditandai dengan clause of time “since it premiered in 2001” yaitu tense Present Perfect (S + have/has +
V3) + since Simple Past (S + V2).
8. D. to achieve
Setelah certain verb “hope(s)”, objectnya harus berupa to infinitive (to Vbi).
Catatan: Jika terdapat to infinitive (to Vbi) lebih dari satu di opsi jawaban, maka bedakan to infinitive yang
berbentuk aktif (to Vbi/to have V3) dengan to infinitive yang berbentuk pasif (to be V3/tp have been V3).
Terdapat dua opsi jawaban to infinitive yang berbentuk pasif sehingga tidak mungkin jadi pilihan kedua-
duanya tersebut. Oleh karena itu, to infinitive yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah
yang berbentuk/bermakna aktif (“to achieve” = mencapai/meraih).
9. D. who
Conjunction yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah Relative Pronoun as Subject/RPS (… who + V
O/C) karena noun yang terletak sebelum conjunctionnya berupa orang (somebody), yaitu kata “buff”
10. A. once
Kata yang bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah conjunction “once” (= when/after)
yang dalam penggunaannya biasanya melibatkan tense yang sama, yaitu bisa simple present-simple present
atau simple past-simple past (waktu dalam dua kejadian harus sama) yang termasuk ke dalam bagian
Adverbial Clause of Time.
11. C. built

Past Participle (V3) yang berfungsi sebagai adverb—terletak di awal kalimat—merupakan hasil
peringkasan dari adverbial clause dan bermakna pasif.
Catatan: berikut ini beberapa bentuk/variasi participle yang biasanya digunakan sebagai adverb
(di awal kalimat, atau bisa juga di tengah kalimat meskipun jarang)
o (Conj.) Ving, makna aktif) + Object (bisa juga Adverb, namun jarang)
▪ Ving (secara umum) + noun (as object)
▪ Having (+ V3) + noun (as object)
▪ Being + adjective/adverb/noun (as complement)
o (Conj.) V3, makna pasif + Adverb
▪ V3 (secara umum) + preposition + noun (as adverb)
▪ Having been V3 + preposition + noun (as adverb)
12. D. satisfied
Past Participle (V3) yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan terletak sebelum noun termasuk ke
dalam fungsi adjective yang ‘attributive’ (menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan noun) atau
menggambarkan karakter/sifat noun tersebut.
Catatan: adjective yang berbentuk past participle (V3) biasanya menggambarkan makna pasif,
atau lebih tepatnya dalam kasus di kalimat tersebut bermakna kondisi/keadaan, yaitu “satisfied
customers” (pelanggan yang puas/terpuaskan).
13. D. prefers
Kata kerja “prefer(s) + Ving” ketika digunakan dalam ‘preference’ (ungkapan rasa suka terhadap
aktivitas lebih dari satu), maka ia harus dipasangkan dengan preposition “to”.
Catatan: kata kerja “prefer(s) + to Vbi” ____ (rather) than ____ (to) Vbi
14. D. Due to
Kata yang bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah kata depan (preposition)
karena yang muncul sesudahnya adalah “Ving” (gerund) atau bukan subject & verb. Meskipun
kata “because” dan “due to” secara makna sama yaitu menyatakan alasan (reason), namun secara
fungsi keduanya berbeda. Kata “because” berfungsi sebagai conjunction, sedangkan “due to”
berfungsi sebagai preposition.
• Conjunction + S V (O)—kalimat
• Preposition + noun/Ving—bukan kalimat
15. A. to have flourished
Setelah certain verb “hope(s)”, object aktivitasnya harus berupa to infinitive (to Vbi). Dalam hal
ini to infinitivenya berbentuk perfect “to have V3”.
Catatan: Jika terdapat to infinitive (to Vbi) lebih dari satu di opsi jawaban, maka bedakan to
infinitive yang berbentuk aktif (to Vbi/to have V3) dengan to infinitive yang berbentuk pasif (to
be V3/tp have been V3). Terdapat dua opsi jawaban to infinitive yang berbentuk pasif sehingga
tidak mungkin jadi pilihan kedua-duanya tersebut. Oleh karena itu, to infinitive yang dibutuhkan
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah yang berbentuk/bermakna aktif.
16. A. in which
Conjunction yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah Relative Adverb of Time/RAT (…
when (= in/on/at which) + S V O) karena menjelaskan noun sebelumnya yang berupa nama waktu
Catatan: Conjunction “where” atau “when” tidak bisa didahului preposition “in/on/at”.
17. B. making
Object dengan makna aktivitas yang harus muncul setelah kata kerja khusus (certain verbs) “deny(ies)”
adalah “Ving” (gerund).
Catatan: Certain Verbs + Gerund (Ving)—yang ‘common’ (umum) digunakan
Admit Consider // Can’t help Imagine
Deny Avoid Mind

Advise Risk Finish // Fancy

Suggest Keep
Enjoy Recommend // Resist
Tolerate Discuss
Anticipate Understand

18. D. patient
Terdapat verb ‘remain(ing)’ (= “keep”, salah satu bagian “linking verb”) yaitu kata kerja yang sesudahnya
harus muncul adjective.
19. A. in order to
Kata yang bisa terletak sebelum “raise” (verb ‘bare infinitive’) adalah “in order to” (= so as to) yaitu salah
satu bentuk frasa to infinitive yang bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan makna tujuan (purpose).
Catatan: frasa “in order to” + Vbi, sedangkan frasa “in order for” + noun/Ving
20. B. who won the Premier League
Relative Pronoun as Subject/RPS (… who/which + V) yang difungsikan sebagai penjelas tambahan dari
subject (appositive), dan terletak di antara subject dan main verb.
Catatan: peringkasan (reducing) dari adjective clause tidak boleh berbentuk “who/which/that + Ving/V3
(tanpa auxiliary)”.

21. C. sets → set

Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb, yang dalam hal ini melibatkan pola tenses. Verb “sets” (present) harus
diubah menjadi “set” (past) karena terdapat keterangan waktu lampau “in 1937”.
22. D. dramatic → dramatically
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan bentuk/jenis kata. Jenis kata yang bisa menjelaskan verb (persis terletak
sebelum/sesudah verb—jika tidak memiliki object) adalah adverb. Kata “dramatic” (adjective) harus
diubah menjadi “dramatically” (adjective + ly = adverb) karena menjelaskan verb “has developed”.
23. B. with → as
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan preposition. Dalam hal ini, kata “the same” memiliki pasangan preposition
(prepositional phrase) berupa kata “as” bukan “with”.
24. C. commemorating → to commemorate
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb yang dalam hal ini melibatkan bentuk infinitive. Verb yang seharusnya
digunakan setelah kalimat pasif (“be + V3”) adalah to infinitive (to Vbi) yang berfungsi sebagai adverb dan
bermakna tujuan (purpose).
25. A. easier → easiest
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan comparison degree. Pola degree yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut
adalah Superlative Degree (perbadingan “paling” dalam lebih dari dua hal), yaitu “the most…” (untuk
adjective/adverb yang lebih dari dua atau lebih suku kata), “the …-est” (untuk adjective/adverb yang hanya
satu suku kata saja) “the least” (untuk menyatakan makna kurang), dan semua pola Superlative Degree
harus didahului oleh determiner (umumnya adalah article “the”).
26. D. oldest → the oldest
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan comparison degree. Kata “oldest” yang merupakan pola adjective superlative
degree dalam penggunaannya ia harus menggunakan determiner, minimal berupa article “the”.
27. B. determine → determining
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb. Jika ada verb yang muncul setelah preposition, maka verb tersebut
harus diubah menjadi “Ving” (gerund).
28. A. attractive → attraction.
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan bentuk/jenis kata (word form). Kata “attractive” (adjective) tidak bisa
berfungsi sebagai subject dan terletak sebelum verb/predikat, selain itu, ia tidak bisa dijelaskan oleh kata
“main” (adjective) sehingga ia harus diganti menjadi “attraction” (noun), adjective + noun = noun phrase.
29. B. particles charged → charged particles
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan bentuk kata dalam susunan frasa. Frasa “partciles charged” (noun +
adjective) terbalik posisi/urutan katanya karena pola noun phrase itu seharusnya “charged particles”

(adjective + noun). Selain itu, kesalahan bisa juga dilihat dari kata “negatively” (adverb) yang dalam hal ini
tidak bisa menjelaskan kata “particles” (noun).
30. A. such remote → so remote
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan pilihan/pasangan kata (word choice). Dalam hal ini, kata “such”—dalam
adverbial clause of result—tidak bisa menjelaskan kata “remote” (adjective) karena fungsi kata “such”
untuk menjelaskan noun phrase sementara untuk penjelas adjective/adverb, kata yang digunakan untuk
menjelaskannya adalah “so”.
Catatan: Adverbial Clause of Result
• so + adjective (tanpa noun)/adverb + that S V (O)
• so + many/few… atau much/little… + that S V (O)
• such + (a/an) + adjective + noun (noun phrase) + that S V (O)
31. C. portrayed → have portrayed
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb, yang dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan pola tenses. Tense yang
menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sudah dilakukan dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini yang ditandai
dengan adverb of time “since prehistoric times” yaitu berpola Present Perfect (S + have/has + V3).
32. C. its → it
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronoun. Penggunaan pronoun yang tepat dalam kalimat tersebut harusnya
adalah “it” (subject pronoun) karena muncul sebelum predikat/verb bukan “its” (possessive adjective—
kata kepemilikan yang harus disertai noun).
33. D. in maintain → in maintaining
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb. Jika ada verb yang muncul setelah preposition (kata “after” dalam
kalimat tersebut bukan conjunction karena tidak diikuti rangkaian subject dan verb), maka verb
tersebut harus diubah menjadi “Ving” (gerund).
34. D. did → made
Kesalahan dalam pilihan kata (word choice) yang tidak sesuai dengan fungsi dan penggunaannya. Verb
“make” (made) biasanya digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi “do” (did/done) di soal Error Recognition,
begitu pun juga sebaliknya. Verb “make” memiliki makna menghasilkan, membuat atau menciptakan
sesuatu (to produce, create, or construct). Sedangkan “do” bermakna menjalankan, melakukan atau
mengerjakan (to perform, act, or accomplish).
Common Expressions with Verb “Make” Common Expressions with Verb “Do”

make (a) comparison do (a) job

make (a) contribution do (an) assignment
make (a) decision do business (with)
make (a) distinction do (one’s) duty
make (an) attempt do (one’s) work
make (an) investment do research
make (an) offer do someone (a) favor
make (a) plan
make (a) prediction
make (a) promise
make (a) sound/noise
make (a) suggestion

35. B. him → himself

Jika pronoun yang muncul sebagai object (setelah predikat/verb) dan jenisnya sama dengan subjectnya
(Benjamin Franklin (he) = him), maka pronoun di objectnya tersebut harus diakhiri dengan kata
“…self/selves” (merujuk ke diri sendiri) atau disebut reflexive pronoun.
36. B. alike → like

Kesalahan dalam penggunaan pilihan/pasangan kata. Kata “alike” dan “like” hampir memiliki kemiripan
dalam segi penulisannya. Namun, keduanya memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Kata “alike” meskipun ia jenis
katanya adjective tetapi tidak bisa diikuti noun (predicative adjective—kata sifat yang terletak setelah
verb). Sementara itu, kata “like” biasanya digunakan untuk menggantikan kata “alike” karena berfungsi
sebagai preposition (kata depan sebelum noun).
37. C. who → which
Kesalahan dalam pilihan/pasangan kata (word choice) yang dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan
penggunaan relative pronoun. Conjunction yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah
Relative Pronoun as Subject/RPS (… who + V + O/C) dan karena noun yang terletak sebelum
conjunctionnya berupa benda “anesthetic” (something), maka ia menggunakan relative pronoun
38. B. at → on
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan preposition. Preposition (kata depan sebelum noun) yang tepat dalam
penyebutan tanggal (date) adalah “on”, sedangkan “at” (penggunaannya dalam waktu) digunakan
untuk jam atau waktu-waktu tertentu yang durasi waktunya pendek seperti night atau midnight.
39. B. mainly → main
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan bentu/jenis kata yang dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan noun phrase (adjective
+ noun). Adverb tidak bisa menjelaskan noun karena jenis kata yang bisa menjelaskan noun
hanyalah adjective, jadi kata “mainly” (adjective + ly = adverb) diubah menjadi “main” (adjective).
40. C. have → has
Kesalahan dalam penggunaan verb yang dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan ketentuan subject & verb (subject
verb agreement). Kesesuaian antara subject dan verb (subject-verb agreement) yaitu verb dalam
kalimat tersebut harus menyesuaikan dengan subjectnya, dalam hal ini subject yang digunakan
adalah rangkaian kata “the number of homeless persons (= people)” yang dianggap singular. Oleh
karena itu, verb yang harusnya digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah “has” (singular verb).
• The number of + Plural Noun… + Singular Verb (is, was, has, Vs/es)
• A number of + Plural Noun… + Plural Verb (are, were, have, V tanpa s/es)

41. Dalam paragraph satu dlsebutkan bahwa many parents do have Mm; about how well schools are
performing... Jadi tujuan darl teks adalah to discuss If the American school system Is truly effective to
educate children.
Jawaban D

42. Qualms: rasa pemas

Jadi, kata yang mendekatl adalah doubts ragu
Jawaban E

43. Paragraph 1-3 berbicara tentang keraguan dari sistem pendidikan yang ada di Amerika. Jadi, jawaban
yang tepat adalah C.
Jawaban C

44. Pernyataan yang salah dari pilihan ganda adalah Mahatma Gandhi did not like the Idea of Hindu-
Muslim Unity In India. (Mahatma Gandhi tldak setuju dengan persatuan Hindu-Muslim di India)
Sedangkan dalam paragraph 3 disebutkan bahwa He was in favor of Hindu-Muslim unity (la sangat
mendukung persaturan Hindu-Muslim)
Jawaban E

45. Hal yang berkaitan erat dengan Mahatma Gandhi adalah Experienced to identify his life principles.
Dalam paragraf 2 di sebutkan bahwa He decided to fight for the right of Indians using "passive
resistance”. He had three main beliefs, namely non-w'olence, religious tolerance, and truth. Ketiga hal
tersebut menjadi prinsip hidup nya.
Jawaban D

46. Pernyataan yang salah dari pmhan ganda adalah He had the hardest time fighting for independence of
his nation. Sedangkan dalam paragraf terakhir disebutkan bahwa the fight for independence was a
difficult one, but not as difficult as the fight for non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth.
Jawaban D

47. Mahatma Gandhi mendapatkan gelar sarjana nya pada tahun 1891. Dalam pragraf 1 disebutkan bahwa
He studied law in London, qualifying in 1891.
Jawaban C

48. Non-vlolence, religious tolerance, and truth. Ketiga hal adalah sebuah aksi damai dari Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaban B

49. Makna terslrat dalam teks adalah all people must be actively involved In saving the world from
Jawaban E

50. Hal yang tidak dl bahas dalam teks adalah the size of global warming.
Jawaban D

51. In the last paragraph mentioned that Leadership from ordinary people Is what it will take to fight
against global warming. people must educate each other on these harmful effects and make them
known. Jadi tujuan dari teks di atas adalah persuade the reader to fight against the world rising
Jawaban B

52. SBMPTN 2014 kode 652

Kata 'they’ merujuk kepada ’some plans’. Dalam paragraf 3 disebutkan bahwa some plans to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, such as Kyoto Protocol has been In place for years, but they have shown
little result.
Jawaban C

53. Decomposition: Pembusukan. Jadi, kata yang mendekati adalah deterioration = memburuk. Jawaban

54. In paragraph 2 mentioned that There is no doubt that global warming and forest fires are linked to
rising temperature.
Jawaban A

55. Di setiap paragraf, penulis selalu menjelaskan perkembangan teknologi dari zaman dahulu ke masa
Jawaban E

56. In paragraph 1 mentioned that the use of this technology was limited to those who had a good
command of these systems and computer programing languages. Jadi, pernyataan yang tepat sesual
dengan teks adalah A.
Jawaban A

57. Dalam paragraf 1 dlsebutkan bahwa, the last centuries have seen a continuous evolution process, which
started with the Industrial revolution at the end of 18‘ century. The revolution has its root: In the
Invention of the first eIectIonic computers In the 1940’s ... kalimat tersebut menjeiaskan perkembangan
teknoIogI pada abad ke 18.. jadi tujuan dari teks adaiah describe a brief history of information and
communication technology.
Jawaban B

58. In the last line of paragraph 2 mentioned that These technologies, now allowing readily available
Information for everyone regardless their geographic location ...
Jawaban B

59. Merged = menggabungkan.

Kata yang paiing mendekati adaiah Combine = menggabungkan.
Jawaban A

60. Kesimpuian dari paragraf 2 adalah World Wide Web was created to answer the Information and
communication demand.
Jawaban E

61. In text A, paragraph 1 mentloned that by 2050 as a result of growing populations, urbanization, and
better income In the developing world, which will cause emissions to rise. Jadi, Jawaban yang tepat
adalah A.
Jawaban A

62. Pernyataan yang salah dari pilihan ganda adalah E, livestock industries have affected greenhouse gas
emissions significantly. Karena dalam teks A dan B membahas tentang 'livestock farmers’.
Jawaban E

63. In text A paragraph 2 mentioned that, 12 percent of total livestock related emissions in 2030 could
easily be shortened with simple improvements in production. And also, in text B last paragraph stated
that…. Intensive agriculture also contributes to biodiversity loss so”It’s very dangerous” just to look at
lowering emissions….. therefore, It can be concluded from the passages above that productions are
considered successful if they address reduction of carbon emissions, biodiversity and better quality
Jawaban B

64. The first text deals with one general topic, while the second deals with two minor ones.
Jawaban C

65. Tema yang tepat untuk kedua teks adalah livestock farming and carbon emissions.
Jawaban B

66. Dalam kalimat sebelum nya dljelaskan It was hypothesized that the Improved speech perception
abilities acquired with cochlear Implantation would promote phonological coding skill. (Hipotesa
tentang peningkatan kemampuan berbicara yang diperolah dari implantasi koklea...) Jadi, kalimat
selanjutnya yang tepat adalah E, it would also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skill.
Jawaban E

67. Di kalimat awal paragraf 2 dijelaskan three subtests of diagnostics reading assessment batteries
standardized on hearing children were administered to 181 children... (3 subtes dari analisis penilaian
membaca 'batteries standardized’ pada pendengaran anak-anak telah diberikan kepada 181 anakanak
...) Jadi, option best completes is B, in addition a battery of processing measures was administered.
Jawaban B

68. Dilihat dari kalimat selanjutnya menjelaskan tentang aspek-aspek They were higher nonverbal
Intelligence, higher family socio-ecanomic status, and later onset of deafness between birth and 36
months. Jadi Option best completes is C, reading competence was associated with three aspect.
Jawaban C

69. In paragraph 1 the author mentioned, we can perhaps agree that education Is basic human right. (kita
telah setuju bahwa pendldikan adalah dasar dari hak asasi manusia) Jadi Jawaban yang tepat adalah
8, education Is a fundamental Individual’s right.
Jawaban B

70. Pilihan ganda yang salah adalah D, lesser birth rates. However In last line paragraph 1 stated that the
role of education can improove In areas such as health, nutrition, general income, and living standards,
and population fertility rates. Dalam kalimat tersebut peran pendidikan mampu
’menalkan/mengembangkan’ beberapa aspek, salah satu nya adalah angka populasi bukan malah
menurunkan (lesser).
Jawaban B

71. Pilihan ganda yang salah adalah C, EFA provides quality education by 2015. Kalimat tersebut bukanlah
opini penulls, melalnkan fakta darl suatu data.
Jawaban C

72. Kalimat yang tepat untuk mendeskripsikan keseluruhan isi teks adalah Education is essentially
everyone’s right yet It still has Its challenges.
Jawaban B

73. Dalam paragraf terakhir mendiskusikan tentang most basic access to technology can serve as a
valuable educational tool. Jadi paragraf selanjutnya kemungkinan mendiskusikan tentang lack access
to technology .In developing countries to support educational practices.
Jawaban A
74. The conditions required to reduce the inflammation stated in paragraph 2 are found in paragraph 1
and 3. In paragraph 1 mentioned that… eating a diet rich in such foods may in fact help lower the levels

of inflammation in the body. And also in paragraph 3 stated that…. adding just one specific food to your
diet is unlikely to work wonders for Iowering inflammation...
Jawaban D

75. In first paragraph mentioned that, Ginger, nuts, fatty fish and whole grains are just some of the many
foods that have been publicized to have anti-infiammatory.
Jawaban D

76. Dalam paragraf terakhir disebutkan bahwa, Food is medicine, but it is hard to compare medicine that
is created in a lab with something that is ground... (makanan bisa dijadikan sebagai obat, tetapi tidal:
bisa disamakan dengan obat yang dibuat di lab) S, it’s assumes that getting medication is a better way
to solve inflammatory problems. (mendapatkan pengobatan adalah cara terbaik untuk mengatasi
masalah peradangan).
Jawaban C

77. Paragraph 1 and 2 describe the possible role of anti-inflammatory foods.

Jawaban A

78. Dalam paragraf 3 disebutkan bahwa Moreover, In order to lower inflammation trough diet, it is also
important to stay away from foods that can promote inflammation such as sugar…. (Bagaimanapun,
cara untuk mengurangi peradangan meialui diet, penting untuk menjauhi makanan yang
menyebabkan peradangan, seperti gula ...) So, paragraph 3 implies that pro-inflammatory should not
be In the diet list. (makanan yang menyebabkan radang tldak termasuk kedalam diet-llst)
Jawaban C

79. Small study, researcher found that men who consumed flaxseed for 42 days experienced a significant
decrease in in inflammatory markers... Therefore, best restates the idea of paragraph 2 is B, some
studies showed that anti-inflammatory foods could lower inflammation.
Jawaban B

80. The author's bias regarding impacts of illegal logging. is D, local industries increase their tevel of
competitiveness. (para industry lokal meningkatkan Ievel daya saing mereka) It's mentioned in
paragraph 4 despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest
activities, such as national Industries that could I crease their competitiveness by having access to lower
timber prices.
Jawaban D
81. Paragraph 2 talked about several negative impacts of illegal logging.
Jawaban C

82. Dalam paragraf 1 disebutkan bahwa there are numerous consequences due to illegal logging and illegal
activities in the forestry sector. (terdapat beberapa masalah/konsekuensi yang disebabkan oleh illegal
logging dan illegal activities dalam sektor kehutanan) Jadi, Author’s attitude towards illegal logging is
Jawaban E

83. Kalimat terakhir dalam paragraf akhir menjelaskan tentang methods presently used to help combat
illegal logging and illegal trade. (metodemetode yang dlgunakan untuk memberantas Illegal logging

dan _f|legal trade) Jadi, the paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss about parties
involved in studies on trade-related measures.
Jawaban C

84. Best summarize the passage is B, illegai logging Impacts. a government socially, economically, aind
Jawaban B

85. Hypothesized based on the text is C, the wider the illegal logging, the less forest will remain on earth.
Jawaban C

86. The theme based on the texts Is link of nuclear power and global warming.
Jawaban C

87. In passage A stated that nuclear power station does not emit carbon dioxide. (Pemancar tenaga nuklir
tidak memancarkan karbon dioksida) Therefore, the factual according to the passages is B, nuclear
power emits no carbon dioxide. (tenaga nuklir tidak memancarkan karbon dioksida)
Jawaban B

88. Both passages are different In terms of greenhouse effects caused by nuclear power stations.
Jawaban A

89. Best summarize according to the passage is E, nuclear power needs replacing by carbon emission free
and safe ones.
Jawaban E

90. In passage 8 stated that…. thorium could Ironically prove a potent Instrument of peace as well as a tool
to soothe the world’s changing climate. Hence, If the thorium technology Is efficient ingenerating
energy nuclear power will reduce global warming better. So, the appropriate answer is B.
Jawaban B


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