Eye Tracking Literature Analysis

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Retina Movement

A Literature Analysis Report
Retina Movement : Basics

Eye tracking or Retina tracking is the process of tracking the movement of the eye to
determine where the user is looking. Simply put, it enables the device to take input from
the eye movement of a user and act on it.

The human eye is a complex structure consisting of three crucial parts, namely - the pupil,
the iris and the retina. Here, the iris is responsible for regulating the amount of light that
is admitted to the retina by expanding and contracting the pupil.

Here, the eye muscles control the movement of the eye - either from side to side or from
top to bottom.
Eye Tracking Methods

Eye tracking methods can be divided into two groups , those measuring the angular
position of the eye with respect to the head and those from the other perspective -
measuring the position of the eye relative to the environment.

The method in question here, is called Video Oculography. Here, the task is given to a
video based eye movement tracker, which capitalizes on the results of both
aforementioned methods for better and more accurate results. The former is used for the
study of Oculomotor Dynamics while the latter is used for Gaze Point Measurements on
a UI.
Exploring Techniques

CNNs Infrared Eye Tracking

Convolutional Neural Networks are a Infrared Eye Tracking use Infrared

type of neural network that have cameras set next to a display - aimed
different convolutional layers used to at the subject which tracks the pupils
train and build hidden levels of with the help of reflections cast on
neurons that connect the input with the eye.
output classes for classification,
which are activated depending on The position of the reflections
the input stimuli. relative to the pupil is used the
determine the point of regard or the
reference point which the user is
predicted to be looking at.
Applications of Retina Movement

Retina movement or Eye Tracking can be used in multiple fields such as Automation
Technology, Cognitive Human Behavioral Studies, Aviation among others. Eye Tracking
can be extremely useful for monitoring human behaviour under duress.
This is reinforced by the fact that the human eye performs certain actions involuntarily.
Listing out a few :

1. Eye Control for Accessibility and Assistive Technology.

2. E-Learning.
3. Car Assistant System.
4. Iris Recognition.
5. Field of View Estimation.
Types of Eye Tracking

1. Sensor-Based eye tracking (EOG).

2. Computer vision based eye tracking :

a. Pattern recognition for eye tracking.
b. Eye Tracking based on Corneal Reflection Points.
c. Eye Tracking based on Shape.
d. Eye tracking using Dark and Bright pupil effect.
e. Eye Tracking using Eye Models.
f. Hybrid Eye tracking techniques
Research Papers Analyzed

1. Human Eye Tracking and Related Issues:

A Review

Singh, Hari. (2012). Human Eye Tracking and Related Issues: A Review. International
Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2. 1-9.

Takeaways :

This paper discusses various methods of eye tracking, comparing their performance based on
factors like accuracy, ease of use, costs involved, portability and versatility.
Research Papers Analyzed

2. Mobile-Based Eye-Blink Detection Performance Analysis on Android Platform

Md. Tala Bin Noman and Md. Atiqur Rahman Ahad - Dept of CSE, City University, Dhaka,

Takeaways :

This paper fronts it’s research with the help of a real time mobile phone based gaze tracking and eye
blink detection system on Android OS.
Research Papers Analyzed

3. Convolutional Neural Networks for Eye Tracking Algorithm

Jonathan Griffin and Andrea Ramirez - Stanford University

Takeaways :

This paper offers a variety of information with respect to the various methods that are used in the
industry to provide Eye Tracking applications. This paper is also a good source of conceptual
explanations with the writers explaining the concepts in crisp yet simple words.

The main challenge is to optimize the output and the accuracy of the system under
constraints such as Camera Quality, Processing Speeds and Light Infringement - issues
most commonly faced while deploying sophisticated applications on lower end or budget

Our aim is to neutralize the physical capabilities of the device and deliver a model which
is optimized for the best results.
Thank You!
Group Members :

Ajay D
Anuvaishnav C
Abhishek M B
Sudhanshu D

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