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Intelligent contract development

Get secure and updatable smart contracts

ScienceSoft offers full-cycle smart contract development services to
provide efficient, hack-resistant, modifiable blockchain-enabled smart
contracts and oracles.
The smart contract development service includes development, testing, and blockchain deployment of smart
contract logic. By following best practices, Science Soft reduces the gas consumption of smart contracts and
ensures cyber resistance.

Revolutionize your business with smart contract development services for private, public, and hybrid
blockchains. With extensive expertise in a variety of smart contract programming languages and technology
stacks, we help businesses automate operations, streamline workflows, and reduce the cost of critical

Digital Smart Contract Architecture

Before reaching the coding part, our experts outline a basic architecture design that defines the business logic
of a smart contract solution. As the computer-based protocol requires a bug-free workflow, we implement the
best practices to create smart contract architecture

Smart Contract Design and Development

We design and develop custom smart contracts with features adaptable to a range of industries. Our solutions
ensure error-free creation, execution, and management of smart contracts on any compatible blockchain with
understandable and enforceable digital agreements

Smart Contracts Optimization

We ensure effective smart contract optimization to facilitate wastage reduction of gas on different blockchain
platforms. We implement generic improvements like short-circuiting, fixed-size byte array, and meaningful
use of libraries while also reducing transaction costs.

Smart Contract for De-centralized Applications

We develop DApps with smart contracts that encode business logic and enable direct interaction between two
trading or transacting parties. Our smart contracts seamlessly achieve business objectives and solve intricate
operational complexities with efficiency. Digital wallet smart contract
We develop digital wallets with smart contracts to enable businesses to make reliable and fast transactions
without relying on third parties. They are developing multi-signature digital wallets with smart contracts that
enhance the secure storage and exchange of digital assets.

Ethereum and Hyperledger smart contract development

We are developing Ethereum-based ERC-20 and ERC-721 token contracts written in Solidity for use cases
such as stablecoin and healthcare wallets. We also offer Hyperledger smart contract development for the
financial sector, healthcare, retail, automotive and other industries.
Timing estimation and cost factors for smart contract development
adjustment High-level quote for small smart contract development projects:

• Business analysis-2 weeks.

• Logic and building design-2 weeks.

• Development of smart contracts-1 month.

• Oracle Development-1 month.

• Deployment and integration-1 to 2 weeks.

Cost factor

• The complexity of intelligent contract logic.

• Number of parties / organizations involved.

• The entire range of blockchain solutions.

• Number of integrations required.

Important pricing model:

• Fixed price – for small projects and PoCs.

• T & M – For most smart contract projects.

Benefits of smart contracts developed with Science Soft

Science Soft uses proven best practices for smart contract coding, such as variable stacking, markle proofing,
signatories, ownership and rent exemption checks, to reduce gas consumption and eliminate loopholes in smart
contract logic. To do. Lead and advanced developers also perform multiple code reviews and audits to prevent
re-entry, insecure code and dead code, obsolete dependencies, and other logical vulnerabilities.

changeable Science Soft makes it easy to update smart contracts by introducing a proxy contract mechanism.
Our smart contract developers guarantee proxy vulnerabilities by introducing dangerous functional restrictions
and avoid variable conflicts after updates by separating variables from logic.

Entrepreneur friendly
Thanks to centralized or decentralized Oracle, ScienceSoft's smart contracts can be easily integrated into
business ecosystems of all types and sizes.

Our developers can also design custom "if / then" smart contract scenarios to avoid immediately penalizing
specific customers.That way, rest assured that the automated nature of smart contracts will not compromise
your valuable business partnership.

Think of Science Soft as a smart contract developer

Intelligent contract advice

Analysis of smart contract requirements.

Design of smart contract architecture.

Blockchain platform recommendations.

Recommendations for integration into existing / future IT ecosystems. Recommendations for future smart
contract upgrades.

Smart contract code audit. Creating detailed documentation for smart contracts and Oracle development

PoC smart contract and / or Oracle development.

Development of smart contract

• Analysis of smart contract requirements.

• Conceptualization of smart contract solutions.

• Architectural design of smart contract solutions.

• Intelligent contract development.

• Oracle development.

• Automatic testing of smart contracts. • Intelligent contract review.

• Make the contract available on the blockchain platform.

• Integrate Oracle with the blockchain and IT ecosystem.

Smart Contracts on Solana

Our developers are well prepared to build smart contracts on Solana, an open source blockchain known for
transaction efficiency and speed. Developed with Solana, smart contracts can be executed quickly and with
low transaction fees. This is the main reason companies want to do business based on the Solana blockchain.
Solana's smart contracts work with all types of Web3 applications. Solana-based smart contracts can be
developed using popular blockchain programming languages.

polygon smart contract

Polygon or matic networks are a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum networks that solves Ethereum scalability
issues. Polygon's smart contracts can be used for a variety of dapps as new applications work fine. Polygons
have their own home currency, $ MATIC. Polygon supports Ethereum in other ways, so you can use smart
contracts in your network of all applications supported by Ethereum and EVM. Our experts can develop high
quality smart contracts with Polygon for any enterprise.

Staking pool smart contract

The staking pool is used in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications to ensure that the platform does not
interfere with the liquidity of tokens. In the staking pool, token investors are regularly rewarded for staking. It
acts as a passive source of revenue while maintaining uninterrupted liquidity on the platform. Staking pool
smart contracts help the DeFi platform's investment and rewards mechanism. Our experts excel in developing
the perfect smart contract for staking pools according to all relevant mechanisms.
smart contract for real estate tokenization
Real estate tokenization is primarily used for metaverse and real-world plots. In this case, smart contracts can
be used to complete the transfer of assets from one party to another. Our experts can create smart contracts for
real estate tokenization by including all the terms and property details needed to make a transaction. Such
smart contracts based on real estate tokenization can easily be created on any blockchain network that supports
these applications.

smart contract for reward distribution (game)

Games have become an important part of the Web3 world, with multiple revenue mechanisms already
dominating the space. Distribution of game rewards is the main function behind such an acquisition
mechanism. Smart contracts for game reward sharing can be beneficial because they can be executed to reward
players when they successfully complete a mission. Web3 spaces are completely focused on momentum, so
smart contracts for web3 games can help you quickly distribute rewards to your players.
custom smart contract
Blockchain technology hasn't been discovered yet, so new applications are likely to appear most randomly.
The development of smart contracts for such new applications and customized smart contracts for existing
applications is easily possible with our services. Customization depends on the application and the utility of the
code. Our experts are good at integrating all the conditions into a customized smart contract, making sure that
all the technical requirements are met.
smart contracts for trade finance
In the field of Web3, trade finance is based on decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. On the DeFi side,
operations such as lending, borrowing, mortgage formation, and staking are popular. Without human
involvement, trade finance smart contracts are the only solution to these complex DeFi banking problems. Our
experts can create smart trade finance contracts that meet all the conditions of the DeFi platform and the trade
finance you want to carry out.
TRON smart contract
Smart contracts function as self-execution programs that contribute to the smooth execution of company
operations. TRON is one of the well-known decentralized blockchain platforms. It has its own native
cryptocurrency called TRX (Tronix). TRON's smart contracts utilize the Solidity programming language.
When a smart contract is triggered, the associated function is automatically performed. TRON smart contracts
work well with dapps and digital wallets.
Smart contract-based MLM
By leveraging the benefits of smart contract MLM software, your business is guaranteed to reach many
milestones in the process. Not only does it bring great benefits, but all participants receive a wealth of
incentives. It primarily affects the changeability, distrust and inefficiency that is prevalent in your company.
Impressive referrals are achieved once the network is created. It's extremely flexible, promises efficient
performance, and can grow quickly regardless of company size or type.
Dapp smart contract
Resources can be used appropriately to perform a complex set of tasks. The task of the new application is to
ensure high scalability. Dapps usage has grown significantly over the last few years, so it's important not to
miss the benefits and avoid the disadvantages at all costs.
Digital wallet smart contract
Increasing use of fintech solutions will require the adoption of digital wallets. The development process
requires continuous exchange of information without multiple errors to provide perfect results. The
introduction of automation, encryption and timestamps will work.
DEX smart contract
We are developing a state-of-the-art decentralized exchange that utilizes smart contracts. DEX smart contracts
offer a wealth of benefits in the form of more advanced data protection, secure management of private keys
and digital assets, immutable business logic, and secure data maintenance.
Ethereum smart contract
We are well equipped to develop ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens written in the Solidity programming language
that can be used for stablecoin development. Our superior smart contracts on Ethereum can be used efficiently
in industries such as healthcare, financial services, retail and automotive.
Smart contract optimization
Whether it's a central sys tem or a distributed network. Smart contracts can be optimized to improve
performance. You can quickly measure your results without wasting time updating your backend. This doubles
the performance benefits.
DEFI smart contract
Solidity-encoded DeFi automatic smart contracts can be used for bill settlement, billing, asset tracking and
What is a smart contract?
Smart contracts are the backbone of any blockchain network. These are digital formats encoded with the rules
and conditions of the transaction's overall architecture. Therefore, if the rules and conditions are met
successfully, the transaction will be executed automatically. Otherwise, execution will be aborted.
What are the benefits of smart contract services?
The benefits of using smart contract services consist of the main beneficial elements of the platform, such as
complete anonymity, data backup, complete accuracy, fast, and highly secure transactions.
How to get a smart contract?
Smart contracts are a core component of any blockchain network. These software applications are available by
contacting a number of blockchain developers and choosing smart contract developers according to their own
Ethereum smart contract development
Smart contracts are at the core of blockchain networks. They can be developed on different blockchains. Smart
contracts built on top of the Ethereum blockchain are called Ethereum smart contracts. Ethereum smart
contract development is a structure that provides enterprises with development benefits.
How smart contracts work
Smart contracts are programmable code. The functionality of smart contracts depends entirely on the
conditions and rules coded in the software application. If the conditions match the conditions of the smart
contract, the transaction succeeds or the transaction ends immediately. It has proven to be very safe and
DeFi smart contract
The financial sector has revolutionized with the introduction of DeFi. The decentralized financial sector is built
entirely on the power of blockchain technology. Blockchain networks are executed by the effect of smart
contracts, and these smart contracts that are executed exclusively for DeFi applications are called DeFi smart

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