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Introduction -
Exhibition is an event at which objects such as paintings/products or any art work are shown to
the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public, or the
act of showing these things

Exhibitions is the platforms that your business needs to achieve your goals. Regardless of the
sector and industry you have decided to operate in, a trade fair marketing can provide you
opportunities that the day-to-day business correspondence usually does not. With the
opportunities of participating as an exhibitor or as a visitor there will be benefits for both types
of attendance. The market trends are experiencing constant fluctuations and being part of such
event might be essential for your future professional plans. In the following paragraphs we will
take a closer look how beneficial a trade fair could be if you attend prepared for its prospects.

Importance of Exhibition
1. Connect With Clients Face-to-Face

One of the biggest advantages of exhibiting is that it allows you to meet clients in person. Our
need for human interaction is the main reason why exhibitions have not lost out to modern

Despite all the marketing opportunities the internet has provided businesses, the bottom line is
that people still prefer to meet people they do business with. To win leads you need to gain
trust. Clients have more trust when they can meet you in person. As face-to-face
communication is the best way to avoid any misunderstandings, it is no surprise that customers
have more confidence in it.

What is more, unlike email marketing or cold calling, exhibitions show attendees are people
who have turned up to learn about the services or products your business has to offer. This
means you have a unique opportunity to sell your business to a hall full of people who are
receptive and interested.

2. Stay Ahead of the Pack

Exhibiting alongside the bigger players in your industry might seem like a daunting prospect,
but this is a rare chance to find out what your competitors are up to. Although you can check
out your industry rivals online, an exhibition will give you the opportunity to see first-hand
what others in your field are doing.

Exhibitions are the places where businesses will launch their new products or try out new ideas.
This will allow you to see how they are received by attendees, and help you decide if you want
to take your business in a similar direction or not. Attending an exhibition lets you see how your
competitor’s new product or service goes down with the crowd and will help you decide if this
is something you want your business to do or avoid.

More importantly, most exhibitions or trade shows will host a series of presentations, seminars,
and lectures from leading experts in your field. These talks can offer you new insights that you
might otherwise have missed.

Simply by attending an exhibition, you get to find out the direction your industry is heading in,
which means you can successfully plan for your future business strategies.

3. Brand Awareness

Having a stand at an exhibition is a great way to make a name for yourself in your industry and
let everyone know your company is important enough to have a presence at leading events.

Exhibitions are also one of the few places where you can operate on a level playing field with
your rivals. As everyone exhibiting at the same event has the same access to the same number
of receptive clients, it is the perfect place to establish your brand and strengthen your
business’s position in your industry.

Of course, simply being present at the exhibition is only one part of this. You will need to
ensure you stand out from other exhibitors. The only way to do this is with a design that
attracts the right type of attention.

Leading exhibition designers, Quadrant2Design, state that “an eye-catching exhibition stand is

everything when it comes to exhibiting, and will determine the number of leads you go home

4. Find New Business Partners

Having a strong supply chain is a key factor in upscaling your business. If your business is more
product-based, then your suppliers will be a crucial factor behind the quality and availability of
the products you can offer and the margin at which you sell them.

Not all the significant connections you make at a trade show will be lucrative leads, surprisingly
some of the most productive connections you make will be with other exhibitors.

If you’re attending an industry event, not everyone standing will be a direct rival. As you’ll
have a prime opportunity to meet other businesses in your supply chain, you can make some
vital connections that will help your business grow.

5. Generate Lucrative Leads and Close Sales

Attending an exhibition gives you the opportunity to expand your customer base. Most of the
attendees are going to be potential clients who are interested in your industry and the products
or services you offer.
Compare this to the effectiveness of a “hit and miss” cold-calling or emailing campaign, where
your attempts to gain leads will most likely be met with annoyance, by most of your target

Exhibiting gives you an invaluable chance to close deals with people in buying mode and
capture leads that will transform your business.

As an exhibition event means you get to sell directly to receptive decision-makers, the scale of
lead generating openings provided by exhibiting cannot be underestimated.

6. Get Direct Feedback from Your Target Audience

Exhibitions or trade shows offer a unique opportunity to find out first-hand what your
customers want and don’t want. And unlike other methods of attaining customer feedback at a
trade show, you can receive real-time feedback on your products or services.

It’s also the ideal environment to test how attendees feel about changes you’re thinking about
making to your business. With only a small amount of preparation you could gain some
valuable market research that may help you unlock some of your business’s issues.

7. Networking

Often an overlooked reason for exhibiting, but the chance to meet and connect with likeminded
people in your industry should not be played down. 

For smaller businesses, without a huge advertising budget, networking events at exhibitions
present invaluable ways to generate new business. According to an SME survey, over 71% of
SMEs have gained business through face-to-face networking at a trade show.

As trade shows bring together businesses in your field from far and wide to one location all at
the same time, they are a great way to know the people in your industry. What is more, it is
also a rare chance to arrange meetings with clients or business partners who will be attending
the event.  

Taking the time to network with your industry peers at an exhibition might open up invaluable
business possibilities you would never have otherwise come across.  
Exhibiting offers your business unique benefits that no other form of marketing can match. Benefits that
can transform your SME into a leading company in your industry.

If you’re thinking of exhibiting your business, then hopefully this list has helped you see the
opportunities to be gained from this unique form of marketing.

Good luck with your exhibition event!

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