(A卷) I-1 Be動詞、現在式解答

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級別(A 卷) I-1 Be 動詞、現在式 國 中 英 文 評 量 卷   and

姓名: 4 _______________
eats fish every day.  班級:
My dog likes water, and
_________ they 5 分數:
    water every day.__
I like my cat
一、單選擇 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15%)
and my two dogs very much. 6 are my good friends.
( C ) 1. Jolin(蔡依林) and Jay(周杰倫) _______ singers.
補充單字: live 住 together 一起 very much 非常
(A) is (B) am (C) are (D) aren’t 例 My name is Amy. I go to school every day. I (B)am a student.
( 1A ) My dog (A) have
1. likes (B) has (C) Am (D) are
( B ) 2. A: Are they your sisters? B: Yes, __________. They are my sisters. milk. It (C) drinks milk every day.
(A) they is (B) they are (C) you is (D) you are ( A ) 2. (A) dogs (B) dog (C) a dog (D) a dogs
2 My father likes fish. He (A) eats fish every day.
( B ) 3. Your brother ________ not a doctor. ( B ) 3. (A) like (B) likes (C) liking (D) liked
3 They have many books. They (E) read books every day.
(A) are (B) is (C) am (D) Are ( D ) 4 (A) she (B) they (C) We (D) it
4 He is my friend. She is my friend. They (D) are my friends.
( D ) 4. A: Is your father a teacher? B: No, ________. He ________ an engineer. ( A ) 5 (A) drink (B) drinks (C) drinking (D) drinked
5 A: (F) Is Amy your teacher? B: Yes, she is my English teacher.
(A) he is ; is (B) he isn’t ; are (C) he is; are (D) he isn’t ; is ( D ) 6 (A) It (B) He (C) She (D) They
6 I am Judy’s teacher. She is my student. She (G) isn’t my daughter.
( C ) 5. She ______ a good girl.
A eats fish every day E read books every day
(A) am (B) are (C) is (D) X
B am a student. F Is Amy your teacher?
二、改錯 (請將錯誤的地方圈起來,圈對 2 分,答案對 2 分;每題 4 分、共 20%)
( drink ) 1. They drinks water every day. C drinks milk every day. G isn’t my daughter.

( has ) 2. Our teacher have five books. D are my friends. H Is Tom your student?
( is ) 3. He are a singer. 六、閱讀測驗 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 4 分、共 20 分)
( students ) 4. They aren’t a student. I’m Mark Lin. I’m 29. I like music and movies. I love animals: I have two dogs,
four birds, and one cat.
( 去掉 a ) 5. You are a actors.
I’m busy at work. I don’t have many friends. I would like to make friends.
三、英翻中及中翻英 (每題 3 分、共 9%) (本文選自專門替中國人寫的英文課本初級)
1. Is he a happy boy?

他是一個快樂的男孩嗎? ☆ love 愛/ animal 動物/ be busy at 忙於/work 工作/ many 許多/would like 想要
/make friends 交朋友
2. We have three cats and four birds.

我們有三隻貓和四隻鳥。 ( A ) 1 How old is Mark?

3. 你的弟弟有一隻大狗。牠每天睡午覺。 (A) He is twenty nine years old.

(B)He is twenty five years old.
Your brother has a big dog. It takes a nap every day.
(B) He is twenty two years old.
( B ) 2 Does Mark like animals?
四、配合題 (請將依照文意,將最適合的詞組或句子填入空格裡。每題 3 分、共 18 分)
(A) Yes, he has a lot of fish.
(B) Yes, he has dogs and birds.
五、克漏字填空 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 18%)
I 1 one cat and two 2 . They live in a big house together. My cat 3 fish, (C) No, he hates animals. * hate 討厭
( A ) 3 How many animals does Mark have?

(A) 7

(B) Nine

(C) Eight

( A ) 4 Does Mark have many friends?

(A) No, he doesn’t.

(B)Yes, he does.

(C)We don’t know.

( C ) 5 What does Mark want to do? * want to 想要

(A) He wants to have a new job. * job 工作

(B) He wants to have new animals.

(C)He wants to have new friends.

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