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Q3. What were the strengths of the MGI team?

How would you have evaluated the MGI team on

paper, that is, before their first meeting?

 MGI was initially founded by three individuals and the founders needed support from individuals
having a business background. Eventually, multiple people joined the team but forming an effective
team was an issue.
 Strengths of the MGI team -
The strengths of the MGI team were that each member of the team brings his or her unique asset.
The different people in the team had different areas of expertise and they were self driven
individuals who have the ability to succeed. The founders of the team were friends from quite some
time and were aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses allowing them to work well
together. All the team members were devoted to making it a success. In addition to their
professional backgrounds, other factors of each person’s identity contributed to their strength as a
group. If each team member's individual skill sets and identities are properly put to use, they have
the potential to form a diverse, multitalented, and highly productive team.
 Team Evaluation -
The MGI team looked good as well as bad in various ways before the first meeting on paper. The
root cause of their process problems were a lack of direction and clear personal responsibilities.
There was little organization to their efforts. There were individuals who were not present during
the first round of meetings, and this created a lot of confusion and frustration in moving the project
forward. As the meetings progressed, there was even more frustration and confusion in how
individuals viewed each other’s role within the team. There was no real process around the
discussions. No goals or agendas were set. Hence, the team lacked a sense of direction. The people
within the team were another cause of the problem. Every individual possessed a distinctive and
specialized skill set, but on the whole, the team lacked congruency. The management seemed like
they can get over small differences, but clearly this was not the case.

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