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Group 5
Nur Zakinah Zainuddin (1952342012)
Andi Sri Mega Putri (1952342009)

What do we mean by "digital materials"? We define them simply as "materials delivered
digitally." In other words, the definitive feature of digital materials is their mode of delivery.
Be they paper materials in the 197os or digital materials today, the most distinctive difference
is how the content and methodology are communicated. As McLuhan (1964, p. 8) rightly
points out, "Each medium, independent of the content it mediates, has its own intrinsic effects
which are its unique message" and the delivery mode is likely to influence our perceptions.

What Does Research Say about the Effectiveness of ICT in

Language Education?
We searched for research that reports or predicts the effects of the use of digital materials
for language learning and found that most of the literature tends to focus on the identification of
resources and affordances (i.e. capabilities of apps, software or equipment for potential user
performance) and discusses ways of exploiting ICT resources for language learning.

Are Digital Materials Better at Facilitating Second-Language Acquisition?

 Second Language Acquisition

Tomlinson (2013b) explains that it is generally agreed that SLA is facilitated by:
• A rich and meaningful exposure to language in use.
• Affective and cognitive engagement.
• Making use of those mental resources typically used in communication in the L1 (e.g.
visual imaging and the inner voice).
• Noticing how the L2 is used.
• Being given opportunities for contextualized and purposeful communication in the L2.
• Being encouraged to interact.
• Being allowed to focus on meaning.

 Samples of Digital Materials

Based on our arguments that "accessible and well-structured principled digital materials"
that are readily available could help teachers realize "how technology could provide resources
that are likely to engage, empower and facilitate language learning"

 Match Between the SLA Principles and Selected Digital Materials

What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Digital Materials?

 Basic Requirements Digital materials require:
1. financial resources.
2. hardware (e.g. computers, mobile phones, tablets)
3. robust network connectivity
4. applications (i.e. software)
5. digital literacy such as computing skills, ability to use the Internet, ability of teachers,
students and learners to use the technology
6. technical support
7. a digital community to interact with.
 Durability
 Choice
 Linking
 Interactivity
 Mobility
 Multifunctionality

A Summary of the Potential Benefits and Problems

of Using Digital Materials

 Potential Benefits
• Class hours are limited; technology enables individual autonomy and collaborative
• Collaborative and interactive writing at a distance.
• Collaboration beyond the classroom.

 Problems
• There are costly requirements such as technological devices and network connections
before digital materials can be used.
• Technology changes so fast and often bemuses teachers.
• Technology is only a support.

Our Recommendations for Using and Developing

Digital Materials
We recommend that:
• Digital materials should always be designed and evaluated according to criteria developed
to maximize the likelihood of language acquisition.
• We should all remember that technology is only a tool and what matters is not how
marvelous the technology is but how it is used by teachers and learners to facilitate

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