Every Nation's Pillar of Success Is Its Younger Generation

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Every nation’s pillar of success is its younger generation

Youth is the structural and functional framework of the nation. Every nation’s pillar of success is
its younger generation and its achievements. The future of the nation lies in the all-around
development of youth. Hence youth plays a supreme role in nation-building.
The people living in a country are responsible for the development and progress of the nation
itself. Out of the total population in any of the nation, 20-30% is constituted of the youth. The
working people and especially young people decide the progress of any of the nations. The
progress of the nation is decided by several measures, i.e. development in science, technology,
health, management, and others. To excel in all these criteria is only possible by youth
empowerment on social, educational, and economical grounds
The youth must be directed in a positive direction to get success in all these spheres. The focus
on the development and training for youth must be taken into account. There is a need for proper
education and skill development of the youth so that they can prosper in the right direction.
Youth is full of potential and enthusiasm to work and heed towards success
Jose Rizal said, “youth is the hope of our future.” Thus, we should allow them to create change
and challenge them to be the real hope of our future
The youth of today is going to shape tomorrow’s status of the nation and therefore the power and
potential of youth must be fully utilized by providing them with sufficient opportunities. The
second but most important factor is empowering youth, as there are various challenges faced by
Role of Youth
 The youth is filled up with mind talents and creativity. If they raise their voice on any
issue, are successful in bringing the transformation.
 Youth are considered to be the voice of the nation. The youths are like raw material or
resources to the nation. The way they are shaped, they are likely to emerge in the same
 Different opportunities and empowering youth procedures must be adopted by the nation,
which will enable the youth to make career-oriented in various streams and fields.

A beautiful saying of Nelson Mandela that, “Youth of today are leaders of tomorrow” is true and
applicable in each and every aspect. The youth lays the foundation of development for any of the
nations. Youth is that stage in the life of an individual, filled up with several capabilities and
potential of learning along with performing

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