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Arrange by:

1. M. ARDY ROBIANSYAH (176410548)

2. MEISY DISMELA (176410770)
4. MERYANNAV SABILAH (176410969)
5. NOFIA AGUSTIN (176410866)
6. NOPA DEOPANI (176410627)
7. NOTARI WAHYUNI (176410946)
8. OKTAVIRA NADIRA (176410668)
9. ZAFRULLAH (176411049)



Assalammu’alaikum, wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil'alamin, a big thanksgiving to Allah SWT for grace and

guidance so that we are all in a state of physical and spiritual health until now.
The author is also grateful, because Allah SWT the author can complete a group
paper that titled "Instrument Test". The author also thank to Dr. Dedek Andrian as
the supporting lecture of the Evaluation and Techniques for Achieving Learning
Outcomes in Mathematics Education Students.

This Test Instrument paper is the assignment of the Evaluation and

Techniques for Achieving Learning Outcomes in Mathematics Education
Students. This paper contains the definition and types of instruments; the
definition, function, and types of test instruments; test forms; advantages and
disadvantages, as well as examples of each test instrument. All contents of the
material in this paper are useful so that teachers can know about the test
instruments in educational evaluation and can choose the right type of test in
evaluating students.

The author apologizes if there are word errors in this paper. Hopefully the
readers can understand the contents of this paper and put it into practice in daily
life, especially the teachers in the learning process. Critics and suggestions the
authors expect to write better papers in the future.

Wassalammu’alaikum, wr. Wb.

Pekanbaru, August 14th 2019




1.1 Background

The learning process is never free from evaluation. Evaluation is a review of

the activities that have been carried out. In education, evaluation is the
assessment of students to find out their development after studying certain
materials in a certain period.

Evaluation must always be at the end of the learning process or at the start
one. It aims to determine the development of students in learning, that’s
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. Not only that, evaluation is
also useful to find out how successful the teaching process has been carried
out. By knowing the results, a teacher, principal, or agency responsible for
education can improve and upgrade the quality of education.

In order to carry out a valid evaluation, it must first know the instruments of
the evaluation. Evaluation is identical to a test. To get accurate data, the type of
test that will used must be precise.

1.2 Formulation of The Problem

1.2.1. What kind of instrument?
1.2.2. What is the test instrument?
1.2.3. What kind of test instrument?
1.2.4. What kind of test form?
1.2.5. What the advantages and disadvantages of each test instrument?
1.2.6. What the example of test instrument?

1.3 Purpose
1.3.1. Get knowladge about instrument and the function.
1.3.2. Get knowladge about test instrument, the function, and kind of test
1.3.3. Get knowladge about test form.
1.3.4. Get knowladge about the advantages and disadvantages of each test



2.1 Instrument of Evaluation

According to Ali Hamzah (2014:92) an instrument is a set of measuring

instruments in the form of written, material, oral used to measure something. The
measuring instruments in question are those used in education.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that the instrument is a

research design or structure that is designed in such a way that is systematic and
valid or can be trusted. This design is used to measure the ability of students who
aim at the extent to which students understand the knowledge that has been given
or delivered by the teacher, as well as the percentage of success of teaching
programs. Students must be able to answer or do the evaluation provided so that
the teacher understands the extent of students' knowledge.

Educational evaluation instruments are divided into two types, it is test and
non-test instruments. According to Anas Sudijono (2011: 67) a test is a method
used to carry out measurements and assessments in the field of education in the
form of a series of tasks so that values can be compared with certain standard

Thus, the test instrument is a measurement tool to test someone's abilities and
can be compared with certain standard values. Test instruments are widely used
to evaluate learning outcomes in terms of the work of these students.

While the non-test instrument is a measuring tool or valuing technique to

obtain a picture without testing the object in order to obtain information related to
the object. According to Anas Sudijono (2011: 76) non-test instruments are
generally more evaluating learning outcomes in terms of the ethics of these
students. The types of non-test instruments include observations, interviews,
questionnaires, or document checks.

2.2 Test Instrument

The test comes from Old French namely testum which means a plate to set
aside precious metals. The person who makes the test is called a tester while the
person who carries out the test is called a testee .

According to Anas Sudijono (2011: 67) a test is a method used to carry out
measurements and assessments in the field of education in the form of a series of
tasks so that values can be compared with certain standard values.

Ibadullah Malawi (2016: 15) says the test is a tool used to gather facts or
information and is official when compared to other measuring instruments.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that the test instrument is
a systematic fact-gathering tool to test one's abilities and can be compared with
certain standard values. Through the test instrument the teacher can know the
development of students in the realm of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
after carrying out the learning process at a certain time scale. In addition, the
teacher can also find out the interests and talents of students in the learning
process. By knowing how students learn, it will be easier for teachers to develop
learning strategies.

Anas Sudijono (2011: 67) mentions two functions of the test instrument


1. As a measure of the level of student development after taking the learning

process within a certain period.
2. As a measure of the success of teaching programs that have been

2.3 Type of Test Instruments

As a student must have carried out the test. The exercises, assignments,

practicum, midterm, semester exams, national exams are all tests. The tests are
carried out to measure the ability of students after learning certain subject matter
in a certain time. Not only at school or college, the person that will work is also

required tests, such as intelligence tests, psychological tests, physical tests, and so

In general, the test instruments are divided into two types namely written

tests and oral tests. Written tests are tests that are given and must be answered in
writing. While oral tests are tests given and must be answered verbally.

In addition to written tests and oral tests, test instruments can be divided
based on the measurement object and its function, the number of test takers, time
availability, response demands, and their level. Based on the number of
participants who took the test, the test was divided into two types namely
individual tests and group tests.

2.3.1 The types of test instruments are based on the object of


Berdasarkan object of measurement , the test is divided into two, namely the

personality test and achievement test .

1. Personality test

According to Stanley and Kenneth (Chabib Thoha, 1994: 44) personality

test is a test used to measure a person's attitude and mentality. The types
of personality tests include:

 Pengukuran attitude, to determine a person's propensity to respond

to the surrounding world.

 Pengukuran interest, to find something that really wants someone.

 Pengukuran talent , to know the basic capabilities of being owned

by someone.

 Intelligence test, to know one's intelligence level. 

2. Achievement test

Stanley and Kenneth (Chabib Thoha, 1994: 44-46) said the meaning of the
achievement test is a test used to measure a person's ability or skill to the
knowledge he has acquired.

2.3.2 The types of test instruments are based on their functions

According to Anas Sudijono (2011: 68) based on its function the test can be
divided into 6 namely:

1. Selection test

Selection tests are tests conducted to select new students. This test material
is a prerequisite for participating in an educational program that will be
followed by prospective students. Selection tests can be in the form of written
tests, oral tests, or tests of deeds. By taking this test, students who pass the
selection are students who get grades above the set standards.

2. Pre-test

Pre-test is a test that is given before the subject matter is given. Pre-test is

useful for knowing the level of mastery of students over the material to be
taught. The contents of this test are materials that have been mastered by
students before the subject matter is given. If students master all the questions
given in the pre-test, then the subject matter does not need to be taught
again. If students only master a portion of the material in the pre-test, only
material not mastered by students needs to be taught.

3. Post-test

Post-test is a test given after the subject matter is given which is useful for
knowing students' mastery of the subject matter that has been given and
usually the contents of the post-test are the same as the contents of the pre-
test. Thus, the results of the post-test can be compared with the results of the
pre-test. Teaching programs can be said to be successful when the results of
the post-test are better than the results of the pre-test.

4. Diagnostic test

Diagnostic test is a test conducted to find out exactly the types of

difficulties students face in a particular learning process. Diagnostic tests can
be carried out in writing, orally, or in action. The material in this test is usually
material that is difficult for students to understand. If the results of this test are
low, then the student concerned needs to be given specific guidance to
improve his level of mastery of the subject matter.

5. Formative test

Formative test is a test given at the end of the subject matter. Formative

test material is generally easy to difficult. If the results of the formative test
are good, then the subject matter can be continued. If the results of the
formative test are not good, then remedial and learning process improvement
needs to be held.

6. Summative test

Summative test is a test given after all subject matter is

finished. Therefore, the material in the summative test is more and more
difficult than the formative test. Summative test is what will determine the
value of student success after taking a learning process for one semester.

2.3.3 The types of test instruments are based on time availability

Based on the time available to complete the test, the test is divided into 2
types including:

1. Power test, i.e. the time given to do the test is not limited.
2. Speed test, i.e. there is a time limit in doing the test.

2.3.4 Types of Test Instruments Based on the Desired Testee Response

Based on the desired testee response in the implementation of the test,


1. Verbal test, namely the testee is required to provide answers both verbally
and in writing in the implementation of the test.
2. Nonverbal test, namely the testee is required to provide a response in the
form of action in the implementation of the test. According to Chabib Thoha
(1994: 63) the purpose of this test is to assess changes in student attitudes
and abilities in applying a particular skill.

2.3.5 Types of Test Instruments Based on Level

Based on the level of the test can be divided into two types, namely:

1. Standard test

Standard tests are tests compiled by a team of experts or certain authorized

institutions, covering a wider area by testing the validity and reliability several
times so that the results can be accounted for. This standard test can be used
for a long period of time.

2. Non-standard test

Non-standard tests are tests that are prepared by teachers without

conducting trials and analyzes so that validity and reliability cannot be
accounted for. This test is designed to better suit students' situations and

2.4 Test Form

1.4.1 Essay Test

Sukardi (2011: 94) said that essay tests are a form of written question
questions addressed to students and students must be able to describe
and develop their ideas in accordance with the knowledge of each student. The
form of questions or essay items can be constructed using specific question
assist words that contain the abbreviation 5W + 1H, namely what, why, who,
where, when and how.

Suharsimi (2013: 177) said that the essay test is that students are required
to answer questions in the form of discussion or are required to arrange answers
in a decomposed manner.

According to Eebel, (1991: 188) essay questions require students to

answer these questions according to their individual understanding.

Based on some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that essay

tests are questions in the form of questions that require students to answer them
by explaining in detail according to their respective understanding. Some
examples of essay tests include:

1. What is the meaning of education?      

2. Mention 2 terms of education from experts!      

According to Sukardi (2011: 101), in the teaching and learning process in

class, essay tests are still widely used by teachers. Essay tests have advantages
and disadvantages, namely:

1. Adventages of the essay test

 Measuring the knowledge that each student has

 Students can arrange and arrange answers in sentence form according to

their ability to answer to students

 Students are more courageous in expressing their opinions

2. Disadvantages of essay test

 Less appropriate between students' answers with the material given by the

 The form of questions that have many meanings, so that makes students
tend to answer with doubt

According to Ngalim (2012: 38) essay tests have good and bad or
weaknesses, among others:

1. Advantages of the essay test

 Train students to express opinions and ideas in answering questions

 Can be dictated to students

2. Badness or weakness

 Heterogeneous so that it can be difficult for testers to scale it.

 Can cause misunderstanding for students because the characteristics of

essay makers vary.

1.4.2 Short Answer Test

According to Sudjana (2016: 44), a short answer test is a form of questions

in which only one answer is certain, which can only be judged right or wrong.

According to Ebel (1991: 179) , a short answer test is a question in the

form of words or numbers that require students to answer questions.

Thus, short answer tests are questions that require answers in the form of
words or numbers. Questions in the short answer test can be in the form of
questions or mortar tests. The following are a few examples of short answer
tests, including.

a. A square has a side of 4 cm. Determine the area of the square!

b. It is known that the beam length is 10 cm, width 7 cm and height 5

cm. The volume of the object is ...

According to Sudjana (2016: 45), in a short answer test there are

advantages and disadvantages among them:

1. The advantages of a short answer test

 Easy to arrange questions

 Students cannot answer by just guessing

 Students can answer the questions briefly

2. Weaknesses in short answer tests

 Requires a long time in answering a problem

 Difficult the teacher in checking answers if the students' answers are


1.4.3 True-False Form Test

A true false test can be said to be an easy test to do. Students are only
required to show whether the statements on the questions are true or
false. According to Sudjana (2016: 45), the test of right and wrong is a form of
questions that requires students to analyze the right or wrong of the question.

According Suharsimi (2013: 181), the test of right and wrong questions is
in the form of statements by circling the letter B if he thinks is correct and
circling the letter S if the statement is wrong.

Based on these definitions, true-false tests are questions in the form of

statements which have to be determined. How to determine the truth in this test
varies, for example circling the letter B as true or the letter S as false. There are
also ways to answer by writing the word "right" or "wrong", checking or
crossing letters or boxes in column B (true) or S (false), and there are many
other ways to answer this test. Some examples of forms of true and false
questions, including:

a. (B) - S: 1 km = 1000 m

b. B - (S): Lake Toba in West Sumatra

According to Sukardi (2011: 122), like other learning outcomes tests,

right-wrong tests also have strengths and weaknesses. Among them:

1. The advantages of sal form are true and false

 Easy and fast in assessing

 Quick in answering questions

2. Weakness of the form of right-wrong questions

 It is probable that students guessed at jawan

 The difficulty of teachers knowing the ability of students who are

smart and less clever

1.4.4 Matching Matches

According to Sudjana (2016: 47), a test of matched problem form is a

question that requires students to adjust the right answer between two
statements. According Suharsimi (2013: 188), match testing is a test that has two
interconnected lanes.

In answering matched questions, students must match one statement with

another statement that has a certain relationship. The way to answer is
varied. Students can answer by drawing a line between the statements in the first
column to the statements that have links in the second column. Example:

Group A Group B

(b) 1. √64 a. 0

(c) 2. 10² b. 8

(a) 3. 2(100)-200 c. 100

Matching match also has advantages, namely:

 Quick in assessing

 Can measure a discussion 

While the weakness of the form of matched questions is that they can only

measure based on memorization and facts .

1.4.5 Multiple Choice

According to Sudjana (2016: 48), a multiple choice question form test is a

form of questions that has several answer choices, but only has one correct
answer key.

According Suharsimi (2013: 183) , a multiple-choice test is a form of

matter that has an explanation or notice a pengertia n uncertain or incomplete.

The choice of answers in multiple choices varies. There are multiple

choice questions that have 2 answer choices, 3, 4, and 5 answer choices. Usually
each answer choice is marked with a code letter a, b, c, d, and e. Students can
answer it by circling or crossing the letter code. Here's an example of a multiple
choice question:

1. What does MONAS stand for?

A. Asasi Monument               

B. National Monument

C. National Momentum

2. Here are 4-legged animals:

a. Cat

b. Fish

c. Snake

d. Goat

 According to Sukardi (2011: 126), in evaluating learning, multiple choice

tests have advantages and disadvantages namely:

1. Advantages of multiple choice

 Can measure student knowledge from the results of answers given by


 Can know cognitive, affective and psychomotor in students

 The results of sisawa answers can be corrected together

2. Multiple choice disadvantages

 It takes a long time to construct multiple choice test items

 The great opportunity for students to guess answers

2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of each Test Instrument

Implementation of a test must be based on the objectives to be

achieved. Errors in the choice of test instrument types can result in errors in the
data or information obtained. Several factors for choosing the right type of test
instrument include the purpose, the method used, the advantages and
disadvantages of the type of test instrument. The following are the strengths and
weaknesses of each test instrument.

2.5.1 Oral Test

According to Yusuf (2015: 95) the lack of an oral test is that educators
need a long time to find the success of all students in the class, because
educators need to face them one by one. But by passing this test educators can
know firsthand the ability of their students.

2.5.2 Writing Test

The advantage of writing tests is that students can complete each question
by thinking through the answers first, and also students do not need to deal
directly with the person giving the test. But the disadvantage of this writing test
is that this test provides opportunities for students to make a cheat sheet.

2.5.3 Personality Test

The advantage of writing tests is that students can complete each question
by thinking through the answers first, and also students do not need to deal

directly with the person giving the test. But the disadvantage of this writing test
is that this test provides opportunities for students to make a cheat sheet.

The advantage of this test is that by using this test educators can measure
the attitudes, interests, talents, and intelligence of their students.

2.5.4 Selection Test

The advantage of the selection test is that with this test we can find out the
quality of the people being tested, such as college entrance tests and so
forth. The drawback is that the material provided usually covers the whole so
students must have more mastery of the material or have broad insight.

2.5.5 Pre-test

The advantage of pre-test is that by using this test the teacher can measure
the ability of students by providing material that has not been studied, and if
students can understand it and finish, the lesson does not need to be taught
again. The weakness of the pre-test is that the material given is material that has
not been studied so that it is feared students cannot understand it.

2.5.6 Post-test

The advantage of the post-test is that the material given by the teacher is
material that has been learned so that students will find it easier to
understand. And we can also know the extent to which students can understand
the lesson.

2.5.7 Diagnostic Test

The advantage of diagnostic tests is that diagnostic tests can be done in

writing, orally, or in action. The weakness of this test is that the material
provided is usually material that is difficult for students to understand.

2.5.8 Formative Test

According to Yusuf (2015: 97) the advantages of formative tests are the
teacher can find out the weaknesses or weaknesses in the implementation of
each learning unit. With this information, the learning unit can be immediately
repaired in the next activity. The disadvantages of formative tests are that they
provide opportunities for students to cheat.

2.5.9 Summative Test

The advantage of the summative test is that by doing this test the teacher
can know the mastery or achievement of students in a particular field. The
weakness of the summative test is that this test is done after all the subject matter
is finished, so that the material provided is quite a lot and can make students
difficult to remember the material.

2.5.10 Strenght Power

According to Yusuf (2015: 98) The strength of a power test is that the time
allotted to do the problem is not limited. But the power test has a weakness that
is the problem being worked on has a high degree of difficulty.

2.5.11 Speed Test

According to Yusuf (2015: 98) The advantage of speed tests is that this
test has a low level of difficulty so students can answer every question. But the
speed test has a weakness that is students do not have enough time to complete
each question, if students are not able to think quickly. So that only those who
have high speed can do all the questions.

2.5.12 Verbal Test

The advantage of a verbal test is that the person who tests gives a response
or answers a question using language in the form of writing or conversation so
that we can find out its meaning. The disadvantage of this test is that we can run
out of vocabulary in response to every question raised.

2.5.13 Non-verbal Test

The advantage of this test is that this test can be used for people who are
not able to write and read, this test can also train students to improve their ability
to apply a particular skill . The disadvantage is that the nonverbal test does not
use language, so misunderstandings can occur sometimes. 

2.5.14 Standard Test

According to Yusuf (2015: 95) the strength of the standard test is that it
has high validity and reliability. This test is really capable of testing what you
want to be tested, thorough and consistent, as well as practical and has been
standardized. But the weakness of standardized tests is that standardized tests are
very limited, and generally come from the western world. The tests that have
been standardized and sourced from the western world, may not necessarily be
used directly in Indonesia, because in their home country uses a specific

2.5.15 Non-standard Test

According to Yusuf (2015: 95) the advantage of non-standard tests is that

non-standard tests are prepared by the teacher so students can more easily
understand them, because these tests are designed by adjusting the situation and
conditions of their students. But the weakness of the non-standard test is that the
test is not yet known for its validity and reliability.

2.6 Example of Test Instrument

2.6.1 Placement Test

The school conducts tests on new students to determine the majors

the new students can take. As a test at the high school level to determine whether
the student entered into the department of Natural Sciences or Social
Sciences . Therefore, this placement test is used .

2.6.2 Summative Test

Every one semester the school will always carry out semester
examinations to find out students' understanding of the material that has been

studied for 6 months. Through this semester exam, the school can determine
what needs to be done in the next semester to improve student achievement and
whether the student is eligible to graduate.

Summative tests can be done in writing, for example in the semester

mathematics exam, PKN, Indonesian, and so on. It can also be done verbally ,
for example in foreign language lessons students are asked to have a
conversation. In addition, there are also semester exams that are carried out with
actions, for example sports and dance practices in art subjects.

2.6.3 Formative Test

For example , a mathematics teacher is teaching algebra material, then

after the material is finished the teacher will give a test or quiz about the material
that has been taught previously which aims to hone students' memories of
whether he is able to understand the material being taught.

2.6.4 Diagnostic Test

An 8th grade math teacher at a junior high school gives a test to students
about algebraic material. The teacher gives questions ranging from basic
mathematical operations to a three-variable equation system. It turns out that
some of the students are unable to answer questions from the material system of
two-variable linear equations. The teacher gives time for students who have
difficulty in material linear equations of two variables to repeat the material.

2.6.5 Pre-test and Post-test

To find out the effect of Polya's Problem Solving Model Learning in

solving mathematical problems, Indri Anugraheni (2019: 3) mentioned in his
research using pre-test and post-test to measure the ability to solve mathematical
problems. The provision of pre-test aims to measure the ability of students to
solve mathematical problems before learning the Polya Problem Solving Model,
while the post-test aims to compare the ability of students to solve mathematical
problems after being given this learning model.

2.6.6 Personality Test

An example of a personality test that shows interest in learning from each

student. For example, students are asked to answer a number of questions related
to learning interest, such as questions about their hobbies, increase in report
cards, frequency of reading in one day, time he studied in a day, and so on.

2.6.7 Non-verbal Test

A research makes modeling tools to measure the speed and determination

growing niche wishful finalty football game by using a digital image. To
measure the effectiveness of this model, it was tested directly by the football
club in the city of Tasikmalaya with 20 soccer players. Then 20 footballers are
divided into two equal numbers. The first group performed a mental kick skills
test using a conventional digital image model and then. Whereas the second
group conducted conventional penalty kick skills tests first, then used
a digital image model . (Iis Marwan, 2016: 118).

2.6.8 Verbal Tes

Robi'atul Adawiyah (2017: 116) mentions test instruments based on

scientific literacy developed in the form of multiple choice questions. In
addition, this scientific literacy-based test instrument also assesses the grammar
and effectiveness of the language used by test takers.

2.6.9 Power Test

The development of the speed test and power of the self-defense kick was
tested by using the Dollyo Chagi kick technique several times by several
Tekwondo athletes from the Satria Indonesia Tekwondo Academy club. This
tool will determine the time and strength of a given kick. (Martinus Ivan
Pradana, 2018: 6).

2.6.10 Speed Test

For example the Riau Islamic University is conducting a Final Semester

Examination, a test given by the campus provides a time limit that students can

use to answer. For example, questions that require a count take 90
minutes to 120 minutes, whereas questions that do not count usually only take
60 minutes to 80 minutes.

2.6.11 Standard Test

National exams are held annually for final year students at every level of
education. The questions on the National Examination are compiled by
institutions that have been given authority.

2.6.12 Non-standard Test

An example of a non-standard test is a teacher who gives daily tests to

students after completing certain subjects. This test is made directly by the
teacher either distributed by photocopy or dictated



After studying the instruments and test instruments ranging from

understanding, function, types, to examples it can be concluded:

3.1 The instrument is a set of measuring tools to assess students' ability to

understand the things they have learned during the learning process.
3.2 The test instrument is a systematic measurement tool that aims to gather facts
that can be compared with predetermined standard values.
3.3 The types of test instruments in general are written tests and oral tests. In
addition, test instruments can be divided based on measurement objects and
their functions, number of test participants, time availability, response
demands, and their level.
3.4 The forms of the test are ssai test, short answer, right-wrong form, matched
questions, and multiple choice.
3.5 Each test instrument certainly has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore,
the teacher must be able to choose the type of test instrument needed when
evaluating students.


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No Name of reference Page in papper Page in reference

1. Writer: Drs. Ali Hamzah, Page 3 Page 92.
M.Pd an instrument is a set Instrumen adalah
Related Years : 2014 of measuring seperangkat alat
Tittle: Evaluasi instruments in the ukur berupa
Pembelajaran form of written.... tulisan, materi,
Matematika lisan yang dipakai
Related City: Jakarta untuk mengukur
Publisher: PT sesuatu.
2. Writer: Anas Sudijono Page 3 page 67.
Related Years: 2011 a test is a method Tes adalah cara
Tittle: Pengantar used to carry out yang digunakan
Evaluasi Pendidikan measurements... untuk melakukan
Related City: Jakarta pengukuran dan
Publisher: PT penilaian dalam
Rajagrafindo Persada bidang pendidikan
yang berupa
serangkaian tugas
sehingga diperoleh
nilai yang dapat
dengan nilai
standar tertentu.
3. Writer: Anas Sudijono Page 3 Page 76.
Related Years: 2011 non-test instruments Instrumen non tes
Tittle: Pengantar are generally more umumnya lebih
Evaluasi Pendidikan evaluating learning kepada
Related City: Jakarta outcomes mengevaluasi
Publisher: PT hasil belajar dari
Rajagrafindo Persada segi etika peserta
didik tersebut.
4. Writer: Ibadullah Malawi Page 4 Page 15
Related Years: 2016 the test is a tool used Tes merupakan
Tittle: Evaluasi to gather facts or suatu alat yang
Pendidikan information... digunakan untuk
Related City: Magetan mengumpulkan
Publisher: CV. AE fakta..
5. Writer: Indri Anugraheni Page 18 Page 3
Related Years: 2019 mentioned in his Tes dilakukan
Tittle: PENGARUH research using pre- sebanyak dua kali
PEMBELAJARAN test and post-test to yaitu sebelum
PROBLEM SOLVING measure the ability diberikan

MODEL POLYA to solve pembeljaran ....
TERHADAP mathematical
KEMAMPUAN problems.
Related City: magetan
Publisher: CV. AE
Vol: 4
Number: 1
6. Writer: Martinus Ivan Page 19 Page 6
Pradana The development of Subyek uji coba
Related Years: 2018 the speed test and dalam penelitian
Tittle: power of the self- pengembangan ini
Pengembangan Alat Tes defense kick was adalah.....
Kecepatan dan Power tested by using the
Tendangan Bela Diri. Dollyo Chagi kick
Related City: Jogjakarta technique
7. Writer: Robiatul Page 19 Page 116
adawiyah mentions test Instrumen tes yang
Related Years: 2017 instruments based on dikembangkan
Tittle: Pengembangan scientific literacy berua soal-soal
Instrumen Tes Berbasis developed in the pilihan ganda....
Literasi Sains: Menilai form of multiple
Pemahaman Fenomena choice questions....
Ilmiah Mengenai Energi
Related City: Yogyakarta
Vol: 5
Number: 2
8 Writer: Iis Marwan Page 19 Page 124
Related Years: 2016 A research makes Untuk menguji
Tittle: Model Alat Ukur modeling tools to efektifitas model
Kecepatan dan Ketetapan measure the speed peneliti
Tendangan Finalty and determination melakukan
Permainan Sepak Bola growing pengujian secara
Berbasis Pengolahan niche wishful finalty langsung.....
Citra Digital Related football game by
City: Yogyakarta using a digital
Vol: 1 image. ...
Number: 1
9 Writer: Prof. Dr.A. Muri Page 14 Page 177
Yusuf, M.Pd the lack of an oral Tes bentuk essay
Related Years : 2013 test is that educators adalah sejenis tes
Tittle: Asesmen dan need a long time to kemajuan belajar
Evaluasi Pendidikan find the success of yang memerlukan
Related City: Jakarta all students in the jawaban yang

Publisher: PT class, bersifat
GRAFINDO PERSADA pembahasan atau
uraian-uraian kata.
10 Writer: Prof. Dr.A. Muri Page 16 Page 97
Yusuf, M.Pd the advantages of Tes formatif yaitu
Related Years : 2013 formative tests are tes yang diberikan
Tittle: Asesmen dan the teacher can find untuk memonitor
Evaluasi Pendidikan out the weaknesses kemajuan
Related City: Jakarta or weaknesses in the belajar.....
Publisher: PT implementation of
GRAFINDO PERSADA each learning unit....


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