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Anomia: Case studies with lesion localization

Article  in  Neurocase · January 1998

DOI: 10.1080/13554799808410605


93 364

3 authors:

Anne Foundas Stephanie K Daniels

Louisiana State University University of Houston


Jennifer Vasterling
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


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Anomia: Case studies with lesion localization

Anne L. Foundas , Stephanie K. Daniels & Jennifer J. Vasterling

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(1998) Anomia: Case studies with lesion localization, Neurocase, 4:1, 35-43, DOI:

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Nrurocase ( 1 998) Vol. 4, pp. 3543 0 Oxjord University Press 1998

Anomia: Case Studies with Lesion Localization

Anne L. Foundas13, Stephanie K. Daniels’*3and Jennifer J. Va~terling‘’~

‘Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Tulane University School of Medicine, *Neurology Service,
%peech Pathology Service and 4Psychology Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, New Orleans, LA, USA


In a recent case study of anomic aphasia following a unilateral left hemispheric stroke limited to
Brodmann’s area 37, it was proposed that this area may be important for object naming by allowing the
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

semantic system access to stored lexical information. Based on this finding and theories postulating a
modular system for word retrieval, we proposed that a patient with a lesion to area 37 and another patient
with a lesion to a speech production region located serially downstream from area 37 would both be
anomic, and in neither case could the anomia be attributed to a significant semantic impairment. Using a
case study design to investigate the level of naming disturbance in these two patients with unilateral left
hemispheric strokes, we have demonstrated that Patient I,who had a lesion to area 37, and Patient 2,with a
lesion to inferior-lateral portions of Brodmann’s area 6, were anomic with semantic knowledge of words
relatively preserved.

The mechanisms that mediate naming are complex, and three input modalities: (i) the object form via visual, tactile
many theories exist regarding the process of word retrieval or auditory input, (ii) the word sound, and (iii) the written
(for review, Kay and Ellis, 1987; Kremin, 1988; Rothi et al., word with lexical output occurring via speaking or writing
1991). A cognitive neuropsychological approach is one the target word. Given these assumptions and observa-
method that can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of tions, the locus of a naming failure can be identified within
naming failures in patients who present with anomia. a modular information processing system. A model of
Although controversy exists regarding some aspects of this naming, based on Rothi et aL’s (1991) approach, was
approach, Rothi et al. (1991) have suggested that there are applied by Raymer et al. (1997) in their case study of a
two assumptions that are central to the accurate processing patient who developed acute anomia following a left
and production of words: (i) there is an internal infor- hemispheric ischemic stroke. Raymer et al. (1997) devel-
mation processing system that mediates naming, and (ii) oped the Florida Semantic Battery to assess their patient’s
the system is modular. Therefore, the accurate processing naming failures based on Rothi’s cognitive neuropsycho-
and production of words comprise discrete subunits or logical naming model (Rothi et al., 1991). The battery
modules that are organized into four cognitive processes. assesses the integrity of each component of this modular
These four processes are: lexical input, stimulus recog- language processing system model. Their assessment of
nition, semantic knowledge and lexical retrieval. The integ- H.H. demonstrated a multimodal naming deficit with rela-
rity of each of these cognitive processes and of their tively intact semantics across input modalities, suggesting
component subunits is integral for accurate naming to that H.H. had a semantic egress disorder with intact
occur. Furthermore, each of these processes is thought lexical-semantic processing. That is, their patient was
to be semi-independent and to have different inherent impaired beyond the level of semantic processing, but prior
properties. Whereas lexical input and lexical output are to the level of mode-specific verbal and graphemic output
purported to be modality-specific, the semantic system is lexicons. H.H.’s difficulty with word retrieval was associ-
purported to be modality-independent. Consequently, ated with a discrete lesion to Brodmann’s area 37 in the left
errors of lexical input and output can occur at the level of cerebral hemisphere. Based on these observations, Raymer
a specific input or output modality, while deficits in the et al. (1997) suggested that area 37 may be a portion of
semantic system are modality-independent. According to supramodal association cortex that subserves lexical-
Rothi et al. (1991), at the level of lexical input there are semantic associations, and is crucial for accurate naming.

Correspondencefo: Anne L. Foundas, MD. Department of Psychiatry and Neurology. Tulane University School of Medicine, 1430 Tulane Avenue SL-23.
New Orleans. LA 701 12-2632, USA. Fax: (504) 5874270 or (504) 584-2671; e-mail:
36 A. L. Foundas, S. K. Daniels and J. 3. Vasterling

We had the opportunity to examine two patients with word spontaneously. Therefore, in our patients with more
acute strokes who presented with relatively pure anomic impairment at the level of lexical output, the BNT is a more
aphasia and lesions restricted predominantly to a single accurate measure of the naming deficits. Reading and
anatomic site. One patient had a lesion to Brodmann’s area Writing subtests of the WAB were not completed due to
37, and the other patient had a lesion to the inferior-lateral failure. On the Boston Naming Test (BNT) (Kaplan et al.,
portion of Brodmann’s area 6. Given Rothi et d ’ s (1991) 1983) 24/60 words were produced correctly without cueing,
model of naming, Raymer et aL’s (1997) localization of and 41/60 were produced correctly with phonemic cueing.
pure anomia, and assuming a distributed neural network He would spontaneously give semantic cues for pictures
for naming that involves portions of parieto-occipito- that he had difficulty naming on the BNT. For example, for
temporal and inferior frontal cortex, we predicted that a the target word ‘camel’, he responded ‘animal’. For the
patient with a lesion to area 37 and another patient with a target word ‘bench’, he responded ‘seat’ then ‘yard seat’.
lesion to neocortical regions in the network located serially For the target ‘pelican’, he responded: ‘a bird, plenty in
downstream (Le. inferior frontal cortex) would both be Louisiana’. For ‘trellis’, he responded: ‘keep the flowers
anomic, and in neither case could the anomia be attributed up’. Scores with stimulus cueing are not reported as both
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

to a significant semantic impairment. patients spontaneously provided stimulus information

when the name was not spontaneously elicited.
Computerized topographic (CT) scan showed an area of
Case histories and initial screening decreased attenuation in the left posterior inferior medial
occipito-temporal lobe extending onto the lateral ventral
Patient I
surface. Using Damasio and Damasio’s technique (1989),
This 60-year-old right-handed man with a twelfth-grade the lesion involved area 37 and portions of areas 18 and 19,
education, had the abrupt onset of word-finding difficulty but spared areas 39, 40 and 22 (Fig. la,b,c).
on 10 January 1994. On initial examination he was alert
and oriented with fluent spontaneous speech output
except for word-finding pauses. Spontaneous speech was Patient 2
grammatical with normal phrase length, articulation, This 47-year-old right-handed man, with a college
and prosody. Confrontation naming was impaired, while education, had an abrupt onset of a speech disturbance on
comprehension and repetition were relatively intact. He 28 December 1993. On initial examination, he was alert and
was unable to read except for words with high iconic oriented with fluent spontaneous speech output that was
recognizability and was unable to write except for some grammatical, with normal phrase length, articulation and
letters of the alphabet. There was evidence of mild limb prosody except when blocked by word-finding pauses
apraxia. Immediate, short-term and remote memory were and circumlocutions. Comprehension and repetition were
intact. There was no evidence of hemispatial neglect, relatively intact. He was impaired on confrontation
visuoconstructive deficits, nor extinction to double naming, but could demonstrate the use of objects. Reading
simultaneous stimulation. Cranial nerve examination and writing were impaired similarly to spontaneous speech
was intact except for an incongruous right superior output. There was no evidence of left-right confusion,
quadrantanopia. Sensory, motor, cerebellar, gait and finger agnosia, or acalculia. He had mild limb apraxia.
station were intact. Deep tendon reflexes were symmetric Immediate, short-term and remote memory were intact.
with bilateral flexor plantar responses. There was no evidence of hemispatial neglect, visuo-
Westem Aphasia Battery (WAB) (Kertesz, 1982) con- constructive deficits or extinction to double simultaneous
firmed an anomic aphasia (Aphasia Quotient = 93.4). His stimulation. Cranial nerves, sensory, motor, cerebellar,
spontaneous speech fluency score was 19/20. Subscores on gait and station were intact. Deep tendon reflexes were
the Naming subtests of the WAB were: Object Naming symmetrical and plantar responses were flexor.
54/60; Word Fluency (category animals) 9/20; Sentence Formal language testing demonstrated a WAB Aphasia
Completion 10/10 and Responsive Speech 10110. The sum Quotient (Kertesz, 1982) of 93.2, and was consistent with
of the Naming subscores divided by 10 gave a naming score an anomic aphasia. His spontaneous speech fluency score
of 8.3 (maximum lo), which fell within a score of 0-9 was 18/20, which was mildly more dysfluent than Patient 1.
considered to meet the criteria of anomic aphasia (Kertesz, Subscores on the Naming subtests of the WAB were:
1979). The Object Naming subtest constitutes 60% of the Object Naming 58/60; Word Fluency (category animals)
naming score. Cards of pictured objects, forms, letters, 15/20; Sentence Completion 10110; Responsive Speech
numbers and colors are presented and the patient is asked 10/10, for a total score (after dividing by 10) of 9.3. This
to point to each item. Real items are also presented score falls just outside the range of 0-9 considered to meet
including objects, furniture, body parts, fingers, and left- the criteria of anomic aphasia (Kertesz, 1979). The Reading
right body parts. This naming task differs from the BNT subtest revealed 92/100, Writing 81/100. On the BNT
(Kaplan et af.,1984) as the patient is required to point to (Kaplan rt af., 1984), he correctly named 38/60 pictures of
the named object and is not required to generate the target objects without cues, and 42/60 with phonemic cueing. He
Anomia: case studies with lesion localization 37
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Fig. 1. CT Scan showing Patient 1’s lesion (a), with axial (b) and lateral (c) views of the full extent of the lesion.

would spontaneously give semantic cues for pictures on the .

responded: ‘stelts . . . sticks . . I forgot’. For ‘knocker’,he
BNT that were often preceded by a phonemic or semantic responded: ‘handle, no lock . . . thing you knock with’. For
paraphrasic error. For example, for the picture ‘stilts’, he ‘tongs’, he said: ’tongue . . . uh, uh . . . ice handle’.
38 A. L. Foundas, S. K. Daniels and J. J. Vasterling

CT scan demonstrated an area of decreased attenuation distracter pictures: bus, canoe, boat. For the word form
in the left hemisphere involving portions of the frontal condition, an example would be: the target word ‘ankle’
operculum limited to premotor cortex. Using Damasio and with the distracter pictures: wrist, hair, feet.
Damasio’s technique (1989) the lesion localized to inferior- In the Semantic Associate task, the subject was requested
lateral portions of area 6 adjacent to but sparing area 4 to select from an array the stimulus that was most closely
(Fig. 2a,b,c). related to the target stimulus. This task consisted of 60
stimuli presented in two conditions: Visual-Visual and
Verbal-Verbal. For the Visual-Visual condition the stimuli
Experimental testing
consisted of a horizontal array of three pictures of objects
In order to demonstrate that the deficits in naming in these with a single target object below this array. The subject was
patients were beyond semantic word processing, we admin- instructed to ‘Point to which of the three pictures is closely
istered portions of the Florida Semantic Battery (Raymer related to the target picture.’ The objects were either
et a/., 1997). In addition to the standard language tasks semantically related or perceptually related to the target
described in the case studies above, we administered a object. For example, for the target object ‘carrot’, the three
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

tactile and auditory discrimination task to demonstrate objects included two objects in the same semantic category
that subjects were anomic across the three input modalities: (e.g. rabbit and squirrel), and one object that was
visual, tactile and auditory. All tasks were administered to perceptually related to the target (e.g. flashlight). For the
the two patients and three age-, gender- and education- Verbal-Verbal condition the stimuli (n = 60) consisted of
matched controls. Each item was scored as correct or an array of written words instead of pictures of objects. As
incorrect for a total number of correct responses for each in the Visual-Visual condition, three words were presented
subtest administered. Scores are summarized in Table 1, for each target word. Two words were semantically related
where performance is summarized as percentage correct. to the target word, and the other was graphemically
related. The examiner would say the target word and
instruct the subject as follows: ‘Which of the three
Semantic language tasks following words is closely related to the target word?’.
The subtests of the Florida Semantic Battery (Raymer
er al., 1997) that were administered included the: (i)
Semantic Comprehension task (Word-Picture match) with
Lexical input tasks
two subtests including Auditory presentation and/or Word Lexical input was evaluated in three sensory modalities
Form presentation and (ii) Semantic Associate task with comprising visual, tactile and auditory. The subjects had to
two subtests including a Visual-Visual and a Verbal- identify: (i) visually presented pictures of objects (naming
Verbal condition. These Semantic Language tasks assess pictures), (ii) tactually presented objects (tactile naming),
lexical-semantic processing, and investigate the subject’s and (iii) auditorily presented objects (naming to sound).
ability to comprehend the words presented as pictures of These tasks assessed the integrity of these three input
objects or in the word form. For these tasks to be per- modalities, but performance is also dependent on accurate
formed accurately, the subject must be able to recognize processing within the semantic system and was evaluated
the objectlword at the input level, and have semantic by speech output. These tasks were also administered to the
knowledge of the object/word. matched controls. The visually presented pictures consisted
In the Semantic Comprehension task, the subject was of the 60 line drawings of objects from the BNT (Kaplan
requestedto point to the target object from an array of four et aZ., 1984). The subject was instructed to name the objects
semantically related objects. The object was requested in presented. In the tactile naming task, 16 objects were
two conditions: Auditory input and Word form input. In tactually presented to the subject who was instructed to
each condition, 60 stimuli were administered to each sub- identify the object presented. In the naming-to-sound task,
ject. The stimuli consisted of an array of four semantically 12 environmental sounds (e.g. train whistle) were presented
related line drawings, similar to the stimuli developed by to the subject, who was instructed to identify the sound.
Raymer et al. (1997). Equal numbers of high-, middle- and
low-frequency words were used in each semantic task and
in each input condition, and the pictures were selected from Results
12 different semantic categories. In the Auditory input The performance scores of the patients and the matched
condition the target object (n = 60) was requested via controls are presented in Table 1 as percentage correct
auditory input with the following instructions: ‘Point to the for each subtest. For Patient 1, the performance scores
picture that I name.’ In the Word input condition, the same demonstrate intact semantic language knowledge with
objects were then requested via reading the word with the comprehension of wordlpicture match of four semantically
following instructions: ‘Read the word and point to the related pictures (59/60) intact. Patient 1 was somewhat
picture for the word’. For the auditory condition, an impaired on the semantic associative (visual/visual) task
example would be: the target picture ‘airplane’ with the (46/60 correct). Patient 1 was impaired on the lexical input
Anomia: case studies with lesion localization 39
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Fig. 2. CT scan showing Patient 2’s lesion (a). with axial (b) and lateral (c) views of the full extent of the lesion.
40 A. L. Foundas, S . K. Daniels and J. J. Vasterling

Table 1. Results of the performance of Patient 1, Patient 2 and controls on subjects. However, both subjects were anomic across the
the experimental tasks (percentages)
three input modalities, which tends to preclude a deficit at
Controls the level of sensory (visual, tactile, auditory) input.
Patient 1 Patient 2 (n = 3) Although it is difficult to quantify explicitly fluency in
spontaneous speech output, clinicat assessment in Patients
Semantics 1 and 2 demonstrated that both patients had fluent and
Comprehension: grammatical speech with normal phrase length, and well
Auditory 98 100 98
Reading - 98 98 articulated, prosodic speech output. However, Patient 2’s
Associate spontaneous speech was interrupted by more word-finding
Visual-Visual 77 92 97 pauses and circumlocutions than that of Patient 1, and
Verbal-Verbal - 98 98
therefore may differ behaviorally from Patient 2 at the
Input Lexicon
Naming Pictures 40 63 91 level of speech production-fluency of output. In addition,
Tactile Naming 62 69 100 Patient 1 and Patient 2 differ in performance on a cued
Naming to Sound 58 42 91 word retrieval task. Whereas Patient 1, with a lesion to area
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

37, produced six animals in a minute, Patient 2, with a

lesion to area 6, produced 15 animals in a minute. Category
tasks as follows: Naming Pictures 24/60 (40% correct), fluency data were gathered from the WAB (Kertesz, 1982).
Tactile Naming 10/16 (62% correct), Auditory Naming 7/12 Unfortunately, a letter fluency task was not administered.
(58% correct). Clinically, Patient 1 had an anomic aphasia
and alexia with agraphia, and therefore was unable to
complete the reading components of the Semantic tasks. Discussion
Furthermore, his performance on the visual-visual com- Two patients with acute ischemic strokes, who presented
ponent of the Semantic Associate task was more impaired with a relatively pure anomic aphasia and lesions restricted
than that of Patient 2, and was more impaired than his predominantly to a single anatomical site, were evaluated.
performance on the Semantic Auditory Comprehension Whereas Patient 1 had a lesion restricted to Brodmann’s
task. Although specific tasks were not administered to area 37, Patient 2 had a lesion restricted to inferior-lateral
characterize further the nature of his alexia with agraphia portions of Brodmann’s area 6. Clinical evaluation and
or visuospatial disturbances, it is possible that these language testing in these patients demonstrated that both
additional deficits may have affected his performance on patients were anomic, and in neither case could the anomia
the Semantic Associate task. His lesion largely involved be attributed to a significant semantic impairment. In both
area 37, but extended to portions of visual association cases, the deficit in lexical input was.across three sensory
cortex. Thus, his somewhat degraded performance on the input modalities, which tends to preclude a problem
Visual-Visual Semantic Associate task may be due in part specific to any of these input routes. These case studies
to a mild visuospatial disturbance. Further testing would suggest that portions of the left inferior temporal lobe
be required to confirm this hypothesis. (Brodmann’s area 37) and portions of the left premotor
Patient 2 performed well on the Semantic Word cortex (Brodmann’s area 6) need to be intact and need
Comprehension with auditory input (60/60), and visual/ to cooperate to support successful naming. However,
reading input (59160). Semantic Associative tasks including the assumption that these two regions must be intact to
visual-visual (55/60) and verbal-verbal (59/60) were also support successful naming does not imply that lesions to
performed well, although performance was more degraded these two locations should have identical consequences.
on the visual-visual condition. Patient 2 was impaired on Although Brodmann’s area 37 and area 6 appear to be
the Lexical input tasks as follows: Naming Pictures 38/60 part of a distributed corticaI network involved in naming,
(63% correct), Tactile Naming 11/16 (69% correct), and lesions to these two locations may produce different types
Auditory Naming 5/12 (42% correct). Three healthy con- of naming deficits, and these regions may mediate different
trol subjects matched for age, gender and educational level aspects of word retrieval. Some performance differences did
were assessed with the Semantic Battery subtests and the exist between the two patients. For example, Patient 1, who
Lexical output tasks that were administered to the patients. had a lesion to Brodmann’s area 37, was more fluent than
The mean performance of the controls is summarized Patient 2, but was more impaired on tasks of confrontation
in Table 1. The control subjects’ performances on the naming. Given that the lesion in Patient 2 was restricted to
Semantic language tasks did not differ from the perform- frontal motor regions that are located closer to the pure
ance of Patient 2, nor from Patient 1 on the Semantic speech production centers, the observed relative decreased
Comprehension task. The control subjects performed spontaneous output relative to Patient 2 seems predictable.
better than Patients 1 and 2 on the Lexical input tasks. In addition, phonemic cueing seemed to improve naming in
Patient 1 was poorer at naming pictures than naming from Patient I more than in Patient 2. Another difference was
either of the other two modalities of input, which is a demonstrated by Patient 1’s more degraded performance
different pattern from both Patient 2 and the control on the semantic associate task, and more impaired naming
Anomia: case studies with lesion localization 41

to confrontation. This finding suggests that area 37 may stream from area 37, also produce a naming disturb-
be more crucial than area 6 in mediating some aspects ance with relative preservation of semantic function,
of semantic knowledge of words, notwithstanding that but lesions to these two locations do not have identical
semantic knowledge was relatively spared in both patients. consequences.
Although a double dissociation of semantic category versus Portions of the left temporo-parieto-occipital region
phonemic category fluency could not be determined, have been implicated in many cases of anomic aphasia
Patient 2 did perform significantly better than Patient 1 (Geschwind, 1965; Benson, 1979; Goodglass, 1993). Some
on a category fluency task. This finding provides partial investigators have suggested that portions of the posterior
support for the notion that lesions to temporal regions are temporal cortex may be more important than inferior
more likely to affect performance on the semantic category parietal regions in naming (Hicaen and de Ajuriaguerra,
task than lesions to frontal cortex, which are more likely 1964; Coughlan and Warrington, 1978; McKenna and
to affect performance on the initial letter fluency task Warrington, 1978). In a study of 214 unilateral, left hemi-
(Mummery ef al., 1996). Although Patients 1 and 2 differed spheric stroke patients, Hicaen and de Ajuriaguerra (1964)
on some of the tasks administered, these case studies did found that the temporal lobe was the most common site of
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

not explore fully the differential contributions of these involvement in patients with impaired naming. Benson
regions to naming. However, the lesions that produced (1979) suggested that within the temporal lobe Brodmann’s
these deficits differed in location in the two patients, and area 37 may be the critical cortical substrate for naming
therefore subtle differences in the nature of the naming disturbances, and that isolated lesions to this area may
disturbances may be attributable in part to the different produce an anomic aphasia. In contrast, other investigators
lesion sites. have suggested that word retrieval has no specific localizing
Our findings are consistent with Raymer and co-workers’ value (Kertesz et ul., 1977, 1979). Evidence from cortical
(1997) study of a patient who developed an anomic aphasia stimulation (Penfield and Roberts, 1959; Ojemann, 1983)
following a lesion to Brodmann’s area 37. Raymer et 01. and functional imaging studies suggests that a distributed
( 1 997) suggested that word retrieval relies on a lexical- neural network for word retrieval involves portions of the
semantic system that contains the meaning of words, left inferior parietal lobule, inferolateral temporal lobe, and
output lexicons which store the word forms, and phono- frontal regions including left premotor, dorsolateral pre-
logical decoding for the pronunciation of words. They frontal and anterior cingulate cortex (Petersen et af., 1988,
proposed that Brodmann’s area 37 may be critical for 1989, 1990; Frith et ul., 1991; Wise et af., 1991; Demonet
allowing the semantic system to gain access to stored lexical e f d.,1992, 1994; Petersen and Fiez, 1993; Zattore et al.,
information. The anatomical location and cytoarchi- 1996). Damasio et al. (1996) studied lexical retrieval in
tectonics of area 37 support this notion. Area 37 is located subjects with cortical lesions and in a group of normal
on the posterior one-third of the middle and inferior right-handed adults, using a positron emission tomography
temporal gyri and extends inferiorly to the medial surface (PET) activation experiment. They demonstrated that word
of the inferior temporal gyrus adjacent to occipital associ- retrieval for specific word categories depends on multiple
ation cortex. Therefore, this area is strategically located sites in the left cerebral hemisphere that are located outside
between the ventral system important for object recog- the classic language areas. The areas reported to be crucial
nition, and the auditory and visual association cortex for lexical retrieval by Damasio et al. (1996) included
important for lexical processing (Mishkin et a/., 1983). inferior temporal cortex which includes area 37. Although
Furthermore, area 37 is composed of supramodal associ- we did not analyse deficits in word retrieval for. specific
ation cortex, and, therefore, neurons in this area are concrete categories in our subjects, our findings support the
responsive to multiple modalities of input (Mesulam, 1985). model proposed by Damasio et al. (1996). In addition,
Based on these observations, it can be hypothesized that differences in regional cerebral activity during word
Brodmann’s area 37 is a portion of heteromodal associ- retrieval have been documented on semantic category
ation cortex that subserves lexical-semantic associations, fluency versus initial letter fluency tasks (Mummery et al.,
and thus is crucial for accurate naming. Based on the 1996). Whereas contrasting semantic fluency with letter
premise of a modular system for naming retrieval, and that fluency produced selective activation of left inferior
lesions downstream from area 37 would also produce a temporal regions, the reverse contrast of initial letter
naming disturbance, we replicated and expanded on fluency with semantic fluency produced activation of left
Raymer’s findings by demonstrating that Patient 1, who inferior frontal regions, including portions of area 44 and
had a lesion to Brodmann’s area 37, and Patient 2, with a area 6 (Mummery et al., 1996). Although these data suggest
lesion in inferior-lateral portions of Brodmann’s area 6, that category fluency is more dependent on temporal
were anomic with semantic language functions relatively regions and letter fluency is more dependent on frontal
spared. That is, Brodmann’s area 37 (Patient 1) may be regions, letter fluency tasks were not performed on Patients
crucial for allowing the semantic system access to stored 1 and 2 in the current case study and, therefore, it is
lexical information, while lesions to speech production unclear whether a double dissociation would have been
regions, such as area 6 (Patient 2), located serially down- demonstrable in these cases.
42 A. L. Foundas, S. K. Daniels and J. J. Vasterling

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Anomia: case studies with lesion localization 43

Anomia: case studies with lesion


A. L. Foundas, S. K. Daniels and

J. J. Vasterling
In a recent case study of anomic aphasia following a unilateral left
hemispheric stroke limited to Brodmann’s area 37, it was proposed that
this area may be important for object naming by allowing the semantic
system access to stored lexical information. Based on this finding and
theories postulating a modular system for word retrieval, we proposed
that a patient with a lesion to area 37 and another patient with a lesion to
a speech production region located serially downstream from area 37
would both be anomic, and in neither case could the anomia be attributed
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 12:57 06 November 2015

to a significant semantic impairment. Using a case study design to

investigate the level of naming disturbance in these two patients with
unilateral left hemispheric strokes, we have demonstrated that Patient I,
who had a lesion to area 37, and Patient 2. with a lesion to inferior-lateral
portions of Brodmann’s area 6. were anomic with semantic knowledge of
words relatively preserved.
Neurocase 1998, 4: 3 5 4 3
Neurocase Reference Number:

Primary diagnosis of interest

Pure anomiii without semantic or phonological deficits
Author’s designation of case
Patient I. Patient 2
Key theoretical issue
0 Anomic aphasia

Key wards: anomia: aphasia; stroke: semantic memory

Scan, EEG and related measures
Standardized assessment
Western Aphasia Battery (Kertesr, 1982). Boston Naming Test (Kaplan el
crl. , 1984)
Other assessment
Florida Semantic Battery, Tactile Naming, Naming to Sound
Lesion location
Patient I: left posterior inferior medial occipito-temporal lobe
(Brodmann’s areas 37, 18 & 19)
Patient 2: left frontal operculum (Brodmann’s area 6)
Lesion type

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