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Part 1 -History

1. Mention the inventions which helped to find out new sea route to India?
Compass, gunpowder, astrolabes & maps

2. Explain Dual Government

a. Robert Clive brought in Dual government.
b. Introduced it in Bengal
c. The British had the right to collect and taxes
d. The Nawab had power over administrative issues like justice and others

3. Discuss the reasons that resulted in the discovery of new sea route to India?
a. The Ottoman Turks captured the Constantinople and levying the too many taxes.
b. The merchants felt that the trade was not profitable.
c. Europeans encouraged sailors to break the monopoly of Italian traders.
d. The invention of Compass, Astrolabes and Gunpowder provided further impetus

4. Write the reason and result of the 3 rd Carnatic war?

a. Compte De Lally of French attempted to attack Wandiwash in 1760.
b. In this battle Sir Eyre Coots defeated the French
c. As per the ‘Treaty of Paris’ Pondicherry was returned to French
d. With this French lost their importance in Southern India

5. State the reasons of Battle of Plassey?

a. Misuse of Dastakaths
b. Mending of the fort without permission
c. Black room Tragedy

6. What were the result of Battle of Buxar?

a. Sha Aalam-II accorded the Dewani rights over Bengal to the British.
b. Sha Aalam-II gave away all the rights over Bengal to the British for an annual fee of
rupees 26 lakhs .
c. The Nawab of Awad had to pay rupees 50 lakh for war compensation.
d. With the death of Mir Jaffar, the company paid pension to his son and took over the
entire administration of Bengal
7. What were the contribution of Brahmo, Arya, Prathana, sathya Shodak Samaj ?
a. Opposed Gender discrimination
b. Opposed Caste system
c. Encouragement of widow remarriage
d. Opposed idol worshiping

8. Write the contribution of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Or Aligarh Movement?

a. Opposed Purdah System
b. Supported women education
c. Opposed polygamy
d. Supported to spread the western scientific and cultural ideas

9. Write the contribution of Annie Besant or Theosophical society ?

a. Advocated Indian culture is more superior .
b. By translating Bagvath Geetha to English, she called as ‘Shwetha Sraswathi’
c. She wanted to education for all .
d. Started Hindu Banaras College .
e. To discuss current problem and social issues started periodicals ‘New India’ and
‘Common wealth’
10. What were the contribution of Narayana Guru Paripalana Yogam?
a. One caste, one religion and one god for human beings
b. To achieve to this education is the only path
c. Built temples for the backward communities

11. List the main aspects of Periyar movement?

a. Started Dravida Kalagam
b. Rejected racial supremacy in the name of Arya and Brahmin
c. Said Tamil is language of Dravidians
d. Championed equality and criticized caste and gender discrimination

12. List the administrative reasons of 1857 war?

a. Lots of partiality in the laws
b. English judges gave judgments in favour of the English
c. English became the language of court
d. People did not like the new laws
13. List the military reasons of 1857 war?
a. Indian soldiers receives the less salary
b. British soldiers get the promotion
c. The situation of Indian soldiers was very pathetic

14. List the immediate reasons of 1857 war?

a. British provided the ‘Royal Enfield’ guns
b. Rumor spread that the bullets were smeared in the fat of pig and cow
c. Cow was sacred for Hindus and pig was prohibited for Muslims

15. Write the reasons for failure of 1857 war?

a. Lack of direction and leadership
b. Lake of military strategies, discipline, skill
c. Many Indian kings who loyal to the British not supported
d. By plundering and crimes Sepoys lost the faith of common people

16. What is the result of 1857 war ? Or What were the declaration of British Queen?
a. Agreements entered by the company with the local kings were accepted
b. Providing a stable govt for Indians
c. Equality before law
d. Non interference of the govt in religious issues of Indians

17. What were the problems faced by India after Independence ?

a. Refugees problem
b. Integration of princely states
c. Creating new constitution
d. Integration of princely states

18. What were the measures taken by the Nehru for communal violence ?
a. Adopted secular nation
b. Constitution of India has accepted

19. Name the princely states forcely joined the Indian federation?
Junagadh, Hyderabad , Jammu and Kashmir

20. How was Hyderabad integrated the Indian union?

a. The Nizam of Hyderabad wanted to remain independent.
b. The farmers revolted against the Nizam.
c. People angry with the cruel army called ‘Razacks’.
d. Govt of India sent military to fight with Nizam
e. By this Hyderabad integrated into India .

21. What were the measures taken by the govt for division based on linguistic ?
a. After the Independence demand became more and more for language based state
b. Potti Sriramulu died after hunger strike
c. In 1953 Reorganization of state commission formed
d. In 1957 Reorganization of Law Commission formed

22. Make a list of the effects of British education in India?

a. Indian people Developed modernity,
b. secularism, democratic attitudes
c. Impetus was received for local literature and languages
d. Periodicals started emerging
e. New social and religious reformation movements emerged
f. Global freedom struggles influenced the Indians as well
g. Indians understand their rich tradition

23. What are the reason and effects of first Anglo Mysore war
a. The prominence gained by Hyder Ali was not tolerated by the British , Marathas, Nizam
b. British entered an agreement with Marathas and Nizam to defeat the Hyder ali
c. Cleverly Hyder Ali broke the alliance
d. Hyder Ali and Nizam of Hyderabad attacked Arcot
e. In 1769 Hyder Ali reached and created panic among the British
f. So the British entered an agreement with Hyder Ali through Madras Treaty

24. What are the reason and effects of second Anglo Mysore war?
a. Political situation in Travancore and Thanjavore was reason behind this war
b. under the control of Hyder Ali British attacked Mahe and captured it
c. Hyder Ali Died in the war led by Tippu sulthan
d. Tippu Reached Mangalore and defeated theBritish
e. The war was ended with ended with Treaty of Mangalore
25. What are the reason and effects of third Anglo Mysore war?
a. The politics of Travancore was the main reason
b. British took the help from Nizam and Marathas to defeat the Tippu sulthan
c. Finally British Captured Shriranga Pattanam by this Tippu enter and agreement with the
d. He should pay three crore rupees as a war damage fee
e. Tippu lost half of his kingdom
f. Had to pledge to of his children

26. What are the reason and effects of fourth Anglo Mysore war?
a. Tippu attempt to for and alliance with the French, this enraged the British
b. Inhuman and impractical conditions forced upon Tippu
c. Tippu Rejected it and lead to the war
d. Tippu died while fighting the British in 1799
e. The British Shared most of the territories of Tippu to Marathas and Hyderabad Nizam

27. Explain the method adopted by Rayanna to fight with the British
a. Rayanna was a brave soldier, he felt it was his duty to fought for the independence of
b. He developed a sense of nationalism and went organizing and army
c. Looted the treasury and Taluk offices of the British
d. Organized Secret meetings
e. British planed to capture the Rayanna
f. Later in 1831 British hanged Rayanna until death

28. Explain the method of resisting the British power by Dondiya Wagh?
a. He built his own private Army to fight with British
b. Captured Bidanoor and Shimogga port
c. The British tried to check this Rebellion
d. Dondiya losts his base
e. He continued the war without fear
f. To defeat the Dondiya British took the help from native kings

29. Explain the Quit India Movement

a. Gandhi gave call to fellow Indians to“ DO OR DIE”
b. And as a result important leaders were arrested & imprisoned
c. Since most of the congress leaders were jailed , non congress organizations took the
lead in this movement
d. Jaya Prakash Narayan provided leadership to this movement
e. He was the leader of socialist wing of congress
f. The socialists brought out a document titled “The Freedom Struggle Front“ and outlined
their strategies
g. They trained factory workers . They called for the support of common people.
h. These people provide hope to India in its difficult times.

30. Explain the workers revolt &the Farmers Protest

a. Workers struggle started in Calcutta
b. The workers of jute & cotton mills along with railways started organizing them selves
c. Railways workers held protests in Railway stations
d. The printers union in calcutta & cotton mill workers of Bombay created national
e. During the british administrations many farmers rebelled against the British planters &
f. They opposed the Indigo cropping in champaranya District
g. They protested against land tax
h. Gandhi convinced the British officers through his Sathyagraha to withdraw tax

31. Explain the major development that took place during non – cooperation movement
a. Chitranjan das ,Motilal Nehru & Rajendra Prasad left their legal practice
b. Student boycotted schools & colleges.
c. Congress boycottedthe elections for regional bodies which were held underthe 1919 act
d. Rastriya vidyalaya were established.
e. Rabindranath tagore returned his Knighthood.
f. Comman people donated to the congress
g. Boycotted foreign goods
h. The visit of Prince of wales in 1921 was opposed.
Part 2 -Geography

1. Name the physiographic divisions of India.

a. The Northern Mountains
b. The Northern great plains
c. The Peninsular Plateau
d. The coastal Plains

2. State the importance of Northern Mountains

a. Suitable for irrigation & agricultural activities
b. Supports network of roads & communications
c. Useful for industrialization & urbanization
d. Pilgrim centers are located

3. Write the importance of coastal areas of India

a. Provide foreign trade
b. Fishing
c. Ship building
d. Attract tourists

4. Mention the causes of soil erosion.

a. Deforestation
b. Overgrazing
c. Shifting cultivation
d. Faulty methods of cultivation

5. Write the difference between the two branches of South west Monsoon

Arabian Sea Branch of Bay of Bengal Branch of

South-west Monsoon South-west Monsoon
Causes heavy rainfall in
Causes heavy rainfall in
the western side of the
Meghalaya and Assam
Western Ghats
The Rainfall decreases Rainfall decreases towards the
towards the eastern slopes North-west
6. How can we control soil erosion
a. A-forestation and reforestation
b. Controlled overgrazing
c. Contour farming
d. Construction of Check dams
e. Counter bunding

7. What are reasons for deforestation?

a. Expansion of agricultural land
b. Constructions of roads & railways
c. Industrialization
d. Forest fires

8. Write the importance of forest?

a. Provides timber
b. Industrial raw materials
c. Fodder for livestock
d. Employment opportunity for the people

9. Write the uses of Road transport?

a. Provides door to door service
b. Feeders to railways, seaport and Airports
c. Improvement of trade
d. Development of agriculture
10. Name the important international airports of India?
a. Chathrapathi Shivaji International Airport Mumbai
b. Indira Gandhi international Airport New Delhi
c. Nethaji Subaschandra Bose International Airport Kolkata
d. Anna international Airport of Chennai
e. Kempegowda International Airport Bangalore

11. Write the importance of railway transport ?

a. Development of agriculture
b. Promotes the industrial progress
c. Development of trade
d. Improvement of tourism

12. Women self help groups are supportive to women empowerment?

a. Helping the women to earn and save
b. Spend their willingness
c. Increase dignity
d. Utilize the government policies

Part 3 – Rest

1. Women self help groups are supportive to women empowerment?

a. Helping the women to earn and save
b. Spend their willingness
c. Increase dignity
d. Utilize the government policies

2. Write the objectives of the consumer protection act?

a. Avoiding production and sale of dangerous goods
b. Prevention of malpractices in the market
c. Supervision of quality, weight, price.
d. Creating awareness to the consumer education

3. What are the methods to follow to file a complaint in consumer court?

a. Typed or handwritten
b. Include the name of the person, full address
c. Clearly specified the amount of loss incurred
d. The bill or receipt should be enclosed

4. How can we control corruption?

a. Strong political will
b. Public support .
c. Ethical political leadership
d. Bring down Lokpal and Lokayuktha Institutions
e. Installing CC TV cameras in Govt offices .
f. Harsh punishment for corrupt officials
5. What are the measures taken to control communalism ?
a. Uniform civil code
b. Equality among all the citizens
c. Supporting secular values in the society
d. Transcending narrow thoughts in favour of national interests
e. Develop the healthy national thoughts
f. Economic and social equality

6. Where can we see the Iron and steel plants in India

a. The TATA iron & Steel Co at Jamshedpur in Jharkhand
b. Indian Iron & Steel plant at Barnpur in West Bengal
c. Vishweshwaraiah Iron & Steel Ltd at Bhadravathi in Karnataka
d. Hindustan Steel plant at Bhilai in Chhattisgarh
e. Bokaro Steel plant at Bokaro in Jharkhand
f. Salem Steel plant at Salem in Tamilnadu

7. How can be human forces causes the landslide in recent years ?

a. Deforestation
b. Construction of roads
c. Construction of railways
d. Dams and reservoirs
e. Hydel power station
f. Mining

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