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Character analysis lines

Hi everyone...My name is Vanessa. Please don't misunderstand me as somebody evil.
Please don't hate me as uh...somebody who killed this innocent girl right here.
It aaaaall started when my brother Vincent. He is a GAMBLER (or at least he WAS a
gambler). Then he borrowed money from this random loanshark, Mr Wall.. And this Mr Wall.
paid the money he got paid back to a murderer. And this murderer uses this money to do all
kinds of stuff...uh...who knows what she uses it for. And this murderer has NOTHING to do with
me but whoever owes Mr Wall. money would owe the murderer money and...[says a lit of
rambling stuff] And brother suicided. [dramatic pause]. Yes, he suicided. Due to the
loan sharks chasing him for money.
My parents were so sad for my brother that they died. And I was left. Alone. To return an
impossible sum to a person who could possibly kill me any minute!
The murderer offered me a deal. If I became her ASSISTANT in the crimes she commits,
until she thinks I have repaid the debt. And I have no salary. Because all my salary money was
used to repay the debt.
So I was stuck in between the choice of commiting crimes or losing my innocent life.
And you know what made this choice HARDER? My uncle was a POLICE!
But in the end I chose to join the murderer. And my uncle was really REALLY mad that I
quit going to university just to become something he despised the MOST!
But he didn't hunt me down. You know why? That was because Mr Wall. felt sympathy
for me and gave my uncle 50 000 dollars a month to prevent him from reporting this to the
I felt really bad. I know I had chosen the wrong choice. I could have just died innocently
but now I am stuck committing something risky and cannot draw out of it ever again!
I really REALLY feel very VERY bad for becoming a crime accomplice. But I make up for it. The
police have tried to track dowthe murderer I work with for a very very long time. And I help
them.If you guys haven't noticed right, I always shout very loud when doing sudden kills to draw
people's attention so that the police can solve this case. One day, someday, I hope…the police
would solve this case and I will no longer need to be a murderer.

[proceeds to go]
By the way if yall see the police please report me to him ah!

[rushes off]

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