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ccc Practice Set CRED 9 f°" NIELIT grt CCC wtensit ¥ gS 7a wet wT doy Compilation of 1000 multiple choice questions based on the revised CCC syllabus from 1st June 2019 by NIELIT NIELIT ER 9H, 2010 B Weiter MRI oTgaAT B sreMe ae 1000 zEMaeia wet 2 # 5 wl Wort All questions are of one number - Wt HE YO—UH AA BF Question Paper - 01 (484 43 — 01) Course On Computer Concepts - #¥ sift aye aire RSS neers rt fuss i erry ey When a hacker penetrates a network, this is anetwork__issue. Wa Tig tox fet Aca Yo wte ae & at Fe We Acai ~ FAS a. Reliability - favaerfter b. Performance « uxt £. Security - freenftét d. None of above - auger #8 ang =é QR code stand for TE as es ot Quick Response Code few fire ots b. Quick Result Code ftew Roe ars ©. Quick Restore Code fare fee ars d. None of above auger 4 a ag ef Viruses are... aera & a, System made - ftxen ae b. Computer made - mayey ty ¢ Man mode- #4 ie d. None of above - suger 4 & ang =a Which social media is more based on image and video. Bra tira Asa got ote Ae a coment & 1 a. Facebook - dager . b. Instagram gecrar Twitter - feaex iii Reeth baad d. None of above - sadam 4 & arg =e Which of the following can be used for USSD Service. * Prafafter 4a fe saa ex Ser or ant TORT OT Be BI a ##99 b. *90# “1238 a *11# Afloppy disk contains... weit fen afta en &. a. Circular tracks only ara faa b. Sectors only ©. Both circular tracks and sectors eR fea oh dee St d. None of the above wutar 8 wig ae a. Know your customer SO REA BY GT b. Know your character a ata By oT ©. Both of the above ‘ oar oi d. None of the above HS on ae aap Course on Computer Concept (CCC)... 8 10. 11. 12. To select nonadjacent files, press and hold the __ key while selecting individual files. it wake greet a1 Woes wet & fre te ote I a Shift - Pare Tab- a ’ Ctrl - gtr |. Windows - feist Output of the Calc , expression . is =500/10/2. . Sew at =500/10/2 o areege & a 25 b. 50 c« 10 a. 200 Fourth industrial revolution is based on the concept of the smart factory. Which type of development work have in this. ‘aheht stentres wife ere Ret St seo ww arate 81 eet fra ver & frere ort Bee a. Electric work - gafgw, 7a b. Power fae c. cyber physical production system area shires Searert worett d. None of the above safer #3 ad 78 ‘A happy face or sad face image placed in the message text of an email is called a(n) pose @ 0 3 tte oe Tw Set a ae et S FAT FH .... BET TTT ~ t Emoticon - gHfewt Charm - arf Facetile - baergat Winkie - ft AEPS stands for .... AEPS 21 Wh ar &. a. Aadhaar Enabled Payment System amar gat Wire freer b. Aadhaar E: Payment System amar gtr feRca . Boge 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ¢ Aadhaar. ‘Encashment ome grberre tire Reea d. None of above - g7 8 og Tet Screen that comes on when you tum on Your compute tat shows all the icons is Sree Hats hy oe eh anfeta wt Ret Payment * areth GO i... BEY F a. Carl - ret b. Smurfs - ere c. ‘Spreadsheet - ave d. Desktop - Sener If you receive an email message that includes multiple recipients, and you wish to respond back to the same list of recipients, use the _ command. a am fa ta a wa oe B, ot aftera Reign ate arash HOTTA WAM ee ere ere eee onc BAS HT eT Float VTE Bh a. Forward - teas b. Forward all - wRas site c. Reply - Rag @. Reply all - Rearg sitet Coud computing save his data on... Was SY rer BY BRE Weer K a. Internet - gevte b. Pendrive- 3" giga c a Hard disk- ers fSew CD Rom - st 34 Which of the following is anti-virus program Prater AY ata er Gal ara stare Quick heal - faa ater K7- 7 Norton - #4 All of above - ougaa # & wit we one of these storés more data than # Fara hd, & oer dar ee BT? . a. CDRom- ae ” b. Floppy vai pose 18. 19. c. Blue Ray Disk - aq fe d. Red Ray Disk- %s & few In which of the following form, data is stored in computer? Pret 4 8 fr oe 4 saggy der ee we ” Decimal - Sefer Binary - a8 HexaDecimal - taurine Octal - sitet Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is? Setter eas S ant w ger went ad Fevte mem Bet S fe weer Ft OTF are rote #7 Transmitter - giwftex Diodes - sritga HHL - vaqaye, DSL- Srravat pose pose 20. To select a column the easiest method is to., 21. 22, Ww sien A dee oe of at om wet 8... a. Double-click any cell in the column we oer 4 fet Ht Sa ct a fare oer br Drag from the top cell in the column to the last cell in the column ote 4 eta do 8 sift ta aH B7 oer ©. Click the column heading fore f& ater aT da. Ctrl+A Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a? Siglo, ato, Fore ote otetate gent eR Bra 8? “ ’ a. “Application Server - yafi@ert wae b. Web Server - a4 ade G. Print Server- fitz wx d. File Server - wrga wav ‘Which of following is used in RAM? SHS flown be Hwa er 8? 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. COC Practice Set (OUEEED 11 a. Conductor - #saex b. Semi Conductor - ft @saex ¢. Vaccum Tubes - daya case d. Transistor-giftrex * Who was the Founder of Bluetooth ? . ‘Rae AY eater rer ar eh? Ericson’ ¢fart Martin Cooper - "fe ame Steve Jobs - era offer l. Apple - yar Who was the father of Internet? Werte wr ore fat wer Ta? a, Chares Babbage - are a b. Vint Cerf - fare aa c. Denis Riche - fra fa d. Martin Cooper - =f ae What is the name of first super computer of India? eftsar or TEST YIN ye wT a 8? a. Saga220-b. PARAM 8000 ENIAC d. PARAM 6000 USB is which type of storage device? Teed fra vor a weiter fears 27 Primary - sree Secondary - Hust Tertiary - et d. None of above - swear 4 8 tg a8 What is Atal Pension Yojana (APY)? ‘area ters ator (etterd) gar 8? a. Provides social security to the unorganized sector Srratmgce Gece rg este Re shige we Boge poe b. Encourages - workers to voluntarily save for their retirement ftew gaia Fre zt at siearftar rat ©. Fixed pension is paid on attaining age of 60 years 60 wre @ are fees Fe or aT wer d. All of above - stad wt What is full form CMOS? 292 Cap Coarse on Computer Concept (CCC) 29. 31 32, deter ar get anf wer thr? Metal Oxide a. Content Semiconductor ede tea arenes WwsTeT 33. b. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor . BONA tea stares WiasTeT Complementary Metal Oxygen Semiconductor wong tea stterttort Staak Complementary Metal Oscilator Semiconductor aed Aca = aieticrer Weert In SMTP, the command to write receivers mail address is written with this command weet 4, fee tt a a fret S fay & wre... ites ere een 8) a, SEND TO-¥3 % b. RCPTTO - Rete = c a. 34 MAILTO - 8a = |. None ofthe above aren FS whe ae : Which component of computer is also 35. considered as it Heart? supe 3 fre wes at aca Swe a Mt a ‘omen 8? a. Monitor - 4Fftex b. Keyboard - staré cc. Scanner - =e d. Microprocessor - WTg@TaRFAe Full form Of SBS wom 36. wadiang or yg ar 8. a. State Bank of india we 4 site gfe b. Bank of India ‘te site sftsar Stock bank of India ‘de site gftsar d. None of the above Ha Or 78 In banking, railways etc which computers are used? ia eer a. Mini Computers - firtt @rqext b. Micro Computers - argh -araqeef 37. Main Frames - #71 34 d. Super Computers - gr wryed ‘An electronic path that sends signals from one part of computer to another is? we Regie we, ot Riera a ww WE a BR EF aee & aren #7 a. Logic Gate - afore te b. Modem - #184 cc. Bus- 44 d. Serial Port - efter tre ARP stands for? : yore ar yet arf 8? a. Address Reverse Protocol Read srerertet b, Address Resolution Protocol oH sierate c. Address Repersentative Protocol fatsredra sherete d. Address Recording Protocol fewifer srereret ‘What can be considered as basic building blocks of a digital circuit? eA a am aa a od é feted wie & afte fatter witar 3 orerfa? . a. Logic Gate - ciiftre Ye b. Diode- zits . cc. Semi Conductor - 3 Bsaex d. CMOS - tire Who invented keyboard? SRS or aor Pert fra? a. James Gosling - oq arate b. Steve Jobs - fkea witar c. Martin cooper - wife @X 4. Christoper Latham Sholes.. freee ore wee What is meaning of EEPROM? EEPROM @1 Harcra ea 8? a. Electronically Erasable Programmable Read . “only Memory Rta stared Rs aiff FR b. Electrically o> Brasable Programmable Read. oY 38. 39, Mh Memory Ria dona rita ts ¢. Electronically Erasable Programmable Reach only Memory Bees Ae hates fe d. Electrically Erasable Pratical Reach only Rita Aes fa attach Fie What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers? Beek 2 BEF steson or were er er a Open Software Intrerelation ait diretae b. Open System Intrerelation site rea weiter ©. Open Software Interconnection sits dire FEE d. Open System Interconnection oi Reem geroten Which type of storage device is BIOS? eS are fea ver & eho feargw 2? Primary - mg Secondary - #eustt Tertiary - Set Not a storage device og era See wel Full form of WORM is WORM @1 yf aef 8? a. Write once read many wee wa ts FH b. Write on Random memory ug aff Wor FHI c. Work on real memory ae sift tat d. None- rg =ét Which of the following is supportive for ; ae Ser enftiee fey Prefs #8 ata Boop werae &? “a. Cloud Storage - arse RT b...Social Network - @reret eae. c. E-commerce - ¢-#tri 42. 43. 44, 45, 46." COC Practice Set 13, d. “All of the above - wager 4S wi What is full form of TIFF? TIFF er ot oret ae eter 8? a. The Image File Format fe gra orga onic b. Tagged Image File Format as gt rte c. Tagged Image File Front os or ee wre d. The Image Fax Format gir corte Auuser can get files from another computer on the Internet by using, WO PR Giga Ht BR Boe 8, GA Sa 8 ¥erte Twat aT) a. HTTP waéterht b. TELNET - corre UTP. aera d. FTP- ewer MIME stands for MIME a oF aef ® | a. Multipurpose Extensions geve Fa WRT b. Multipurpose Internet Mail Email acca goers Fa St Internet Mail © Multipurpose International Mail Entity acca geetta Ha Fat d. Multipurpose International Mail End Heer FETA Aa FS Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) utilizes __ as the transport layer protocol for electronic mail transfer. Reus Aa give steteta arab wert Ries cay wictater A capitis er eTET @ fares a. TCP- ditt b. UDP- ari c. DCP - Sree d. SCTP- weiter itv to Seer a A oF ooh AC sear fear ore @.1 »-a.vuser’s terminal - 7urt efter & a mim RT St ae OmnD Course on Computer Concept (CCC)_ , 49. With the email we can attach the file d b._ user's mailbox - yore Heratar B c. bothaandb- ace b att Bra Fae wT HT TT Tee d. none of the mentioned a ar wet a. Not more than five - fa 8 afte 7é iso ‘ * Not more than two - 2 @ sifte =7ét 47, Maximum amount of Cheque c. bothaandb-awen b at after HH TT Ye BY TT f...| d. None of these- e74 & arg *é a, Rs.100 crore- sua 100 mts 50. Which program fs run by BIOS to check b. No limit - ore hardware components are working c. Rs. crore- Ha 1 ws properly while computer is turned ON? d. None of above - arfaa 4 8 arg at wel 8 ata shor arcs are 1 eo $, oder wirte oat ad ax eer t at aw 48. The communication protocol used by ara & fire, ora wie att ahen 8? Internet is: geete 3 are wayfider weleta wart ee a. DMOS-@ifq b. POST- dre t c. CMOS- fifa dd. RIP- fer a. HTTP- vader . - b, TELNET- 2 | . - cc. UTP-aéth d. TCP/IP - err / arg True/False Question (ra / ata Fe) ‘UMANG' means Unified Mobile Applicatich for New-age Governance, through this App anyone can access E-Governance Services on Mobile. ‘UMANG or aki 2 aq gr S mer & fe Ciga aaa oder, ge ty S ae S ae AT Frage we greta dail or wratt a oa BI : Window menu allows you to work with two documents simultaneously. am Fresh Fey ore zt 3 gem ae ord ae a argu Tat 53. Bydefault Font size in LibreOffice calc is 10. alee stare 4 ag feetce wie area to era 81 54. E-mail addresses are case-sensitive. 5 Sa wa ba-dates 3) 55. Bullets and numbering appears in “view” menu in LibreOffice impress. ferasittire we Faqs qe otk waft fears eh z A dynamic document is created by a web server whenever a browser requests the document. ‘Stepie tq z 51. 52. 56. aa ve arson stagie 8 septa wea 8 a ww eae Ent Fara Gra BI 57. Hypertext contains linked of any file. ergReRe que orga fia si mio Heat 81 58, ~ In instant messaging as one user types a message on one computer, the same message appears ona recipient’s computer at the same time. gece fain 4 ue goR Rot Ol Uw oUER W aga Gen & otk ae Aa oh TAG He S war wy frag en 21 3 MAC Address is 48 bit. MAC(Media Access control) &ge 48 fe a tat &) 60. The shortcut key to insert a table in LibreOffice is 12. faa aifftoe A area Fae Ger AH etlews |ot control+F12 eh 21 61. ALU is used to store data. Weary ar ore Ser Br Wafet WeT eI 62. - Unwanted and Unsolicited mails are called Spam. - 82. 65. 67. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79, 80. 81, 83. ocr Sa CUED 15. sraiftea ote sriiferbes Fat at eter TE EI CGI means Common Gateway Interface. St ht ong ar af 2 Bh eexaa | Many individuals create their own personal sites called Web logs, or blogs ag a Te Eh aafdrra aTEEA Tad #, ra aactira crete faci ' ‘A bus is a common pathway through which information is connected from one component to another. eo ae whe ced & ree afta grater wae er @, uw sete BG ware TI Rules for exchanging data between computers are called Protocols aed Gar a ser wh eer eh a eM Meet HET B Bullets and numbering appears in the standard toolbar in LibreOffice writer. fPamite eee Betas eoare F qe ote afk Ferg at 2 A video of 60 second can be recorded and send through instagram. RTI WE 60 VavS. wy ABH Rats awed chee far oT wweT Bi SET stand for Secure Electronic Transactions. SET @1 I aH err frase gcagifte gira A protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP3. POPS wictater an war Aa dias S Gra Bi Ga we & fore far ore 81 Even and odd pages can have different footers in LibreOffice writer. foaaitfra ugex 4 wa site fur deta 4 arert Geet et Tee B) Refresh button returns to home page. febsr 424 eta Yor ov ReF wee BI ‘The favourites feature of Internet Explorer allows you to save the URLs of Web pages you visit frequently. Foe CUA BSS fret aah ons ween & ys a ga A wT oh sua aT favite oe &1 From an e-mail, address, one can find out the domain name, where this e-mail address is hosted. $a Ww @ Sha AH ores ox Tod z vel a wa eve fat wa ze! All incoming e-mail messages are to be stored in the OUTBOX folder. ei vor & arf gy diet ose ata Giese FER ate EI Maximum number of columns in a Calc Sheet is AMJ.. we bee vile AM) 4 afta Tax tite wie eta 81 E-mail is limited to text based messages. 4a tee arena Wear TH Sia F1 PSP means Payment System Player. # wa ft a7 aif & Ye fecH aR) Hypertext is also known as hyperlink. srgwreate #1 & erguettia wet GIT 21 E-mail can be used to send Beas messages, but only within your own company. Gta ow yer asa Aor or tor & fery ex wed & ca Ye A orh When you copy a formula in LibreOffice Calc, absolute cell references do not change. ora Fein sw A wtf aA awed e Cuetoge Sat Mot ar Ae tr EL In LibreOffice Calc, pressing [Ctrl] + [Spacebar] select the entire column. feasiifra Few A [Ctrl] + [Spacebar] wr wit Fer Ser wi dae wer F ferg ear 81 In absolute cell reference $ symbol is used before Row and column of the cell. absolute cell reference 4 $ frac a wat Fat BV stk wiary H ved eat 81 Web browser lets you download only while surfing the Internet. ewe aR omy dears Siercs SI Z| o : Aset of rules is known as protocol. GH 1, We Wetate HEAT z | 596 GIERED coarse on Computer ‘Concept (CCC) 86. 87. 88. 89, 90. 91. 92. 93. 95. 96. 97. 98. 100. 1-C 13-D. 25-B 37-B 49-D 61-F 73-T 85-T 97-T Lycos is an Internet search engine and web portal, ergata Fete we gary she chelate 1 ‘The full form of ISP is Information Source Provider: . ISP 21 YI ATA ‘and stargse eter @1 . ‘The Request for Comments (RFCs) core topics are Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suites. Request for comments (RFCs) Feeve #1 OY cifras @ oft TCP/IP siclatat Ye &1 DNSis a distributed database offering strong consistency and atomicity guarantees. atten aiecror DNS Sages Serta fit wah or protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP1. POP shetatter ar weer Het ate S Ger BRT eA Ferg fever oe . ‘The Internet is a collection of files. FECT E Ue wore wr were 8 In dialup connection, you can connect your computer to an ISP Server, with the help of modem. Straery Baer F, aT ant Beye ISP wae S mAac ay wad # Aiea FH aerTT BI A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. . wai um Saenge & wet Fetter eRe verge Hoty Rel athirenet ard A Pears Sh Firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. cpraeehen Gon See eee HOT a GaP ee Pray ree oe OM Ta ote ATL GT TT Acad 2fiher a Peres ste Pera aed 8 First page of website is known as homepage. aaargs wr vee ta SH Ia wea Fl SMTP is used to transfer mail. . eeaehh or weir Aer at gine ae & Ferg frat rere : e-commerce consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet. Proserel ene cart FUPRGOUEN, HA, Ney, ee oe sre HT ar TARP Fae ais Fer Rl [shift+£7] key is used for Thesaurus in LibreOffice. faaaitfire 4 [Shift-+7] Har ser ererereT ferg fever aren DNS provides mapping of IP with domain name DNS saree aeer & Stet am & wre IP ay AT aL News groups are also knownas usenet. FU WT a yore A wer ae 21 Answer sheet i 2A 3-C 4B 5-B 6-C TA 8-C 9-A 10-C I-A 2A TAD 15-A 16D 17-C°18B 15D 20-C. 21-D 2B 23-A MBs 26-C 27-D 28-B 29-B 30:D 31-A 32-C 33-C 34-B35-A 36-D 38D 39-A -40-A A1-D 42-B 43D. 44¢A 45-A. 46-0 47-B AE D: 50-B 5S1-T 52-T 53-T 5S4-F S5-F 56-T. 57-T 58T. 59-T 60-7 62-7 63T 647 657 667 67-F 68-T 69-7) 70-Ty mT Te 747 75-F 76T 77-F 78-T (79-F Q0-F 81-T 82-7 g3T 8tT a6-T -87-F 88T 8%T OF OLR! 920 93s OTS og 9688 98-T 99-T 100-T . \ CCC Practice Set (OERED 17. Question Paper - 02 (184 Ta — 02) “Course On Computer Concepts - @ri ait Sayer Bre eT ened A iiss die aid Multiple Choice Question (agftaredta 17) ADVDis an example of a... we SAR. sarewT 8 a: Of Hard Disk - es feew a 6 b. Of Output Device - smweye fag aT c. Of Optical Device - aiftewa Saga m7 d. Of Solid State Storage Device we a ____ Number system is usually followed in atypical 32-bit computer. we fafine a2 fe wae H ... seo ete a. Decimal - eer b. Hexa Decimal - tyr Sere cc. Binary - agaet d. Octal - sffeea Who is Bank Mitra? ‘ae fra ar Bre BP a. Bankcustomers - 4% @ u1ew b. Bank employees who work for the customer adert ot men & fey. arf wee c. Bankaccountant - 4 yarsée d. Bank security guard ae} yen "= ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays” OUND(2.15,1) ye a ¥ yex fear wa f, am a 2 b. 24 c 22 d. None - rg 78 In which of the following LAN configurations is there a center node to which all others are connected? , Prafatter 4 8 fre aa sift 4 to ‘Ox ats & frend wh ara GS er 10. a. bus topology - a8 ersteitsf b. Ring topology - fee erctticht c. Star topology -¥e d. None of these - e4 & org =e ‘A lient program used to access the Internet services and resources available through the World Wide Web. ew merge soe Gi acd args Aa we Teer fete ea wewte wfte Fr aT wee 81 a, ISP- orga b. Web Browser - 24 aTSuR c. Web Server - 44 ae d. None of these - ei & @tg 78 ‘The line spacing command in LibreOffice can be accessed on the menu. BET BAT FAS BT nee A Sunde fear or wea 3) a, Format-wric ob. Edit- wie c. View-2] a. Tools - gt The Simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is- were see ERT et at ete sire sh or ere STB a. Multitasking - wecrerftain b. Multiprocessing - acéstaferr ¢. + Multiprogramming - Heese d. None of these - gi 8 wig 18 Aadhar card is issued by a org fr 4 8 fad ee fear oI a. By UIDAL- qargetgarg ERT b. By Income Tax Department array FRTT ETT c, By Bank - 4 grr d. By municipal Corporation mR PT ERT -MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays" OD(-3,2) we Ba A Tex fea ra f, » GED Géurse on‘Computer Concept (CCC) wefticr 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ao bo ec 45 + d@ oO ees ay Immediate Payment Service 47, nee * Tar ant & were grt ar at ca, NPCL- Wathen b. RBI- sredtsng c Bank- a d. None ofabove- wwfaa 43 a ane agi oles on) blank presentation you could... ¥® are wea frye eel 3 fay or 18 a. Click on the new button sae ay ete att b. In the file menu, we will click on the new command rsa ah A AY wis Ue Pw wt c. botha&b aver b ort d. None - tg = The default page orientation in LibreOffice Calc is... feasiitra don ¥ a shiteeerst Bra 8 . 19. a. Landscape - avs b. Horizontal - giftctea c. Portrait - wiée d. None ofabove- sugad #8 ag i ‘Who can open account under PMJDY? PMJDY @ aiafa aa cit sere Yaar wat 8 a: People above the age of 10 only baa 10 TE a wo A TY} GT b. women only - ae afeerg 20. c. ° Head of the house only dae WOT d. Allofthe above- ar wit ‘HTTP uses ____ standard port address. wader... vss GE GH wT oretT wen a1 a 75 b. 80 c« 50 d 91 Eight bits of data refers to z ‘sad ons fee T....., BE EI a Clue-7q]b. Therban-eray c CtriB d. Onebyte- yw age A disk’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed « of erased by the user is? Rw few ar ate fre oad Pater ora Write only - age are Memory only - tat sire Read-only - &s airrctt Run only -% siracht Which of the following is a network device that strengthens and propagates a signal along a long communication line? fe a a at wr Acad ferge & ot at War aga @ am fra st arg? ok wren Bear, 8? a, Modem - #4 b. Repeater - feirex c. Router - asez d. Gateway - 423 ISDN stands for- orgqrdiga or gearert t— a. Integral Service Dynamic Network were Srna yeas b. International subscriber dialup network, PRAIA WADIA STITT eTS c. International Service Digital Network wrevierta wie Rita teat d. Integrated Service Digital Network wanids wile fetter The slide show button in the custom animation task pane starts the slide show from the__. ween Witt dee oa 4 wags a aS eh BT UAT BRET B a. From the first slide eH tags BY b: From the selected slide Baas wags A ¢. Just behind the current slide Tea tags 3 dip 48 sa 22. 24," 2s. Aece Practice Set OUMOD 19. d._ Slide that was last edited eres Gt onfeatt ae Use fern rT ZIP means. -ZIP 1 SEB on a. Compass File- wha ong b. Computer File- PE wea c. Compressed File - @8 wig, d. None of above- wrfaa 4 @ ad at ‘As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory ‘of a computer is.. ors @ gan 4 we omar a saga att 8 a Thebig-« b. Cheap weft c. fast- a4 a. Tired - aa ‘The World Day Against Cyber Censorship (WDACC) is observed on which date? a. March 11-11 4rd b. March 13-13 ard cc. March 12-12 ard d. March 10 - 10 are Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) utilizes __as the transport layer protocol Which of the following statements in regard to directories is false? Prafatead 4 ata ar pad crates B wt ¥ ra & a. The directory stays at the highest position ‘wean we we we B b. The directory that is included with the file can be deleted wratagt ot orga B we a war wah & c. The directory cannot be renamed sates or ye are Tel fat ST wom & d. Adirectory can be deleted yes sratag at fSette foe aT Hea 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. In https, s means e WH wit. a. Socket - tite b, Secure - afta c. Standard - ered d. None of the above-orfat # & aig =ét E-mail addresses; separate the uset name from the domain name of service provider by using the _ symbol a at fiat aR 34 ar ae rere Stier 4S aren Be BI a & b @ . % a+ A nis an additional sét of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu. . we fer ais or te t ot yer LS wae oe S ae aE wehifer Bee BI Dialog box - Staci ates ‘Sub Menu - #4 4, Menu Selection - #4 8877 a. Allofabove - stat at soe Who controls credit in India? sfrear * Bie wr Bett See B? a. Government of India - a & WR b. _ Reserve Bank of India- ana Rat 4 cc. State Bank of India - arta we 4 d.._ Indian Bank - fea ____can store maximum amount of data ee Art 4% Ser a Wafea SX Wea 1 Hard Disk - es fer Floppy Disk - velit Fee Magneto Optic Disk- 72 sitfew feee Compact Disk - tae few peoe ‘The personal computer industry was started by .. WTA BRE Bt TARETLT areer fear rar a. By IBM - agate art b. By Apple - (1a ET c. By Compaq - ate ant a: By HCL- watigel ant What type of device is a 3% inch floppy CED. Course on Computer Concept (CCC): k bar - eR aR 33. 35. 36. “37 drive? By Her vethth float weore it fare t— a. Input - #9 b. Storage - eta c. Software - afvetar d. Output - see You can open impress presentation by using all of the following except one, ore Ye BY Bisa MH oT SuahT wed TAT darter attr Be wae ET a. Ctrl+0-Ctrl+0 @ b. Click on open toolbar ST GAN fas BY c. File>New 4. Click on open ott Which of the following is a network device that directs a packet toward its final destination? frat 4 a oh wr Acad fea @ ot foe a ol site Sete A aw Prefer orm 8? a. Modem-#t8"b. Gateway -72@ c. Router-wsex d. Node-aIs ‘The area on a slide that holds text that will appear in the presentation outline is a__. wags wae aa wh tae thee ae et teeees 3 areca 4 feetn 8, weereT— a. Placeholder - Stee b. Text Box - eae daw c. Bullet Point - qe age d. Title Box- crefeat afew Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit. Prafetter ata wget arahiT afte wT art 8 a. Key Board - # até b. Printer - fiex sc. Tape-2y d. Arithmetic Logic Unit aRenfee afore afte What do you see at the bottom of Writer & Cale window? ew ote WeeR HF Was A ot Rene tor 8 wT war ated &? . a. Title bar- ere aR 38. 39. 40. AL 42, c. Status bar-#ew a d. Menu bar - 7] ae EDS stands f0Fwnenwe Farge or ard 8 - 5 a, Electronics Date System Raagittan te reer wo b. Electric Data System j gatage ater rece c. Electronics Data Secondary qeapitrrn seer Harst d. Electronics Data System qoragifrrs ster Reet In Cale charts are created using which option? ee 4 we firs freer ere fee fear oer &— al From Chart Wizard - é fturé & b. From Pie Chart - 9 we & cc. From Bar Chart - ay we & d. None of these - #74 # @g 71 ‘The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform. Pooh

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