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A Capstone Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Starglow Center for Academics and Arts

Kalibo, Aklan

In partial fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Track


June 2022




This research

Prepared by EDUARD KEANDREI YAP SOLINA are hereby

recommended for approval and acceptance as a requirement
for Senior High School Capstone Research



Research Advisor

Accepted by the Panel of Evaluators with a grade of PASSED




Member Member

Approved as a requirement for Senior High School Capstone



The researcher would like to extend utmost gratitude

to the following persons who contributed to the success of

this study:

Above the almighty God, for the wisdom and blessings

He bestowed during the development of this study;

Helena R. Golez, school directress of Starglow Center

for Academics and Arts for all the support in making this

research possible before, during and after the completion

of this study;

The teachers: Ms. Joy Riingen, Ms. Aira Jane Irarum

and Khailyn Shaira G. Solano for their moral support,

advice and guidance throughout the conduct of this study;

To Ms. Joy Riingen LPT, MAT, Adviser and Capstone

Research Subject Teacher, for the encouragement and full

support to make this study possible, Her assistance,

recommendations, and direction made the researcher gain

confidence that the experiment would go properly and is

well appreciated;

To Aira Jane I. Irarum, LPT, Khailyn Shaira G. Solano,

LPT and Crystal Joy R. Olmedo, LPT, the board of panels,

throughout the research, for their revisions and

recommendations. The time and effort they put into

examining the paper is greatly regarded;

To the respondents who took part in the survey and

allocated their time to respond honestly to the research

questionnaire, the researcher is grateful for their


To the Grade 12 Batch of S.Y 2021-2022 for the

never-ending encouragement and support for the researchers;

Last but not the least, to the family and friends who

helped in the completion of this study. Thank you for your

genuine support, care and understanding.


Eduard Keandrei Yap Solina


Table of Contents

Contents Page

Title Page ___________________________________________ i

Approval Sheet _______________________________________ ii

Acknowledgment _______________________________________ iii

Table of Contents ____________________________________ v

List of Tables _______________________________________ vii

List of Figures ______________________________________ viii

List of Plates _______________________________________ ix

Abstract _____________________________________________ x

CHAPTER 1 (Introduction)

Background of the Study ______________________________ 1

Scope and Delimination _______________________________ 3

Conceptuual Framework ________________________________ 5

Statement of the Problem _____________________________ 6

Hypotheses ___________________________________________ 7

Significance of the Study ____________________________ 8

Definition of Terms __________________________________ 9

CHAPTER 2 (Review of Related Literature)

Review of Related Literature _________________________ 14


CHAPTER 3 (Research Methodology)

Research Design ______________________________________ 20

Research Environment _________________________________ 21

Respondents __________________________________________ 23

Data Gathering Tool __________________________________ 23

Data Gathering Procedure _____________________________ 24

Statistical Treatment ________________________________ 31

CHAPTER 4 (Results and Discussion)

Results ______________________________________________ 33

Discussions __________________________________________ 36

CHAPTER 5 (Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations)

Summary ______________________________________________ 38

Conclusions __________________________________________ 39

Recommendations ______________________________________ 40

Literature Cited _____________________________________ 44


Appendix A: Letter to Conduct Study __________________ 47

Appendix B: Respondent’s Consent Form ________________ 48

Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire _____________________ 49

Appendix D: Plates ___________________________________ 54

Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae _________________________ 57


List of Tables

No. Title Page

1 Respondent’s Responses in

Terms of the Product’s Effectiveness ____________ 33

2 Respondent’s Responses in

Terms of the Product’s Hardness _________________ 34

3 Respondent’s Responses in

Terms of the Product’s Cleansing Properties _____ 34

4 Respondent’s Responses in

Terms of the Product’s Lather Capabilities ______ 35

5 Respondent’s Responses in

Terms of the Product’s Distinctive Emollients ___ 35

6 The table comprises the average totality computed

of the following data obtained

during the survey _______________________________ 36


List of Figures

No. Title Page

1 Paradigm of the Study ___________________________ 5

2 Map of the Locale of the Study __________________ 22


List of Plates

No. Title Page

1 Extracting the aloe vera gel ____________________ 54

2 Extracting the makabuhay plant juice ____________ 54

3 After extraction, freeze the liquids then add

into a container both aloe vera and makabuhay

plants. Slowly add sodium hydroxide(lye) ________ 55

4 Mix until arriving at a thick yet fluid

consistency _____________________________________ 55

5 Final Product ___________________________________ 56



This study was conducted to determine the

effectiveness of aloe vera and makabuhay plants as
natural-based soap to the residents of old buswang and some
faculty and staff of Starglow Center for Academics and
Arts. The researcher uses natural ingredients such as aloe
vera and makabuhay plants. It is then incorporated into the
saponification process to create soap, the only major
problem that the researcher encountered throughout the
entirety of the study is its mixing process.

As the difficulty of mixing only increases if the

necessary equipment is not available or a large batch is
used especially if the wrong amount of each substance is
mixed in. In short, a lot of patience is used and the
determination to finish is required.

To achieve the objectives, a questionnaire was

developed and distributed among the respondents. The main
findings showed that most respondents were satisfied with
the product with a stable “agree” in almost all questions.
In order to prove that the effectiveness of the plants used
was in the “agree” majority. A thorough analysis of the
survey data gathered was computed in chapter 4 which the
researcher gained an understanding of the product's flaws
and limits.

The basic design of the study is an experimental

design more specifically it is a capstone research study.
The major findings are that both are medicinal plants and
can both promote health and overall well-being. The aloe
vera plant can be used entirely for different uses also,
not only just the gel while the makabuhay plant has a wide
range of pharmacological properties.

Lately, a popular trend of using aloe vera in soap and

herbal remedies were dominating the market throughout the
past, present and future. Its global industry trends,
share, size, growth and opportunity in the market have

thorough potential aspects in cosmetics, food and

healthcare. Although makabuhay plants do not have a trend
in the global market as of now, it is still a very useful
plant with its own healing effects and is most famous in
traditional uses such as treating numerous ailments.

Keywords: Aloe vera, Makabuhay, Saponification,

Effectiveness, Pharmacological properties, Global industry
trends, Healthcare


Background of the Study

Aloe vera, also known as Aloe barbadensis miller, is a

very well-known plant for thousands of years. It is a

cactus-like plant that has been utilized for traditional

medical purposes. Numerous vitamins, minerals, natural

sugars, enzymes, amino acids, and different bioactive

substances with emollient, purgative, antibacterial,

anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants, anti-helm entice,

antifungal, antiseptic, and aesthetic value for health care

can be found in the plant leaves. Sunburn, burns, minor

cuts, and even skin cancer can be cured using this herb.

The externally applied cosmetic acts as a skin healer that

prevents epithelial tissue harm, treat acne and gives the

skin a youthful glow (Thakare, 2020).

Makabuhay plant also known as Tinospora crispa(L), is

a very dioecious climbing vine that covers a large area of

4 to 10 meters. The stems are up to one centimeter thick,

meaty, and have scattered protuberances. The leaves are

thin, oval, and 6 to 12 centimeters long and wide, with a

pointy and truncate or somewhat heart-shaped base, smooth

and glossy. Petioles range in length from 3.5 to 6 cm.

Solitary or in pairs, racemes emerge from the axils of


fallen leaves and are pale green, thin, and 10 to 20 cm

long. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is classified as a Rasayana

herb, which means "nutrient circulation" in Sanskrit. It is

thought to prolong life, sharpen intelligence, and fight

infections (Stuart Jr., 2019).


Scope and Delimitation

Predominantly, the general intent of the study is

directed towards the saponification of aloe vera &

makabuhay plant extracts and to see if they can be

effective to the randomnly available individuals in the

community by the researcher. Some of the researcher’s

actions will be limited due to the ongoing pandemic.

In this study, the researcher’s focus is the

effectiveness of the organic Aloe vera & Makabuhay plant

extracts undergoing the saponification process. As well as

to identify its hardness, cleansing properties, lather

capabilities, and its distinctive emollients.

The primary respondents of this research will consist

of 15 individuals randomly picked in the community of Old

Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan and will then be given a small bar

sample of soap. A total of 15 individuals consisting of the

researcher’s neighbors and teachers will participate as

respondents. Each respondent will be given a sample of soap

with the mixture of Aloe vera and Makabuhay plant extracts

and a questionnaire to assess its effectiveness to the

respondent’s skin and overall feeling.

The study will mainly identify and assess the

saponification of aloe vera and makabuhay plant extracts

while comprehending their effectiveness on the skin. The


study is contingent on the honesty, sincerity, and

integrity of the respondents.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Shows the paradigm of the study.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine if the aloe vera &

makabuhay plant soap is effective among the randomly

selected 15 residents in Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.

1. Is there a significant difference between the homemade

aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to commercially

leading soaps in terms of effectiveness?

2. Is there a significant difference between the homemade

aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to commercially

leading soaps in terms of hardness?

3. Is there a significant difference between the homemade

aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to commercially

leading soaps in terms of cleansing properties?

4. Is there a significant difference between the homemade

aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to commercially

leading soaps in terms of lather capabilities?

5. Is there a significant difference between the homemade

aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to commercially

leading soaps in terms of their distinctive



Based on the preceeding statements, the following null

hypotheses were evaluated:

1. There is no significant difference between the

homemade aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to

commercially leading soaps in terms of effectiveness.

2. There is no significant difference between the

homemade aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to

commercially leading soaps in terms of hardness.

3. There is no significant difference between the

homemade aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to

commercially leading soaps in terms of cleansing


4. There is no significant difference between the

homemade aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to

commercially leading soaps in terms of lather


5. There is no significant difference between the

homemade aloe vera and makabuhay plant soap to

commercially leading soaps in terms of their

distinctive emollients.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to find out if the homemade

saponification of aloe vera and makabuhay plant extracts is

effective to the residents of Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan,

just like the many branded soaps out there. Specifically,

the researcher believes that this study will help benefit

the following:

Residents. The results of this study should help

facilitate residents in gaining a better understanding and

perception of the efficacy of aloe vera and makabuhay plant

extracts as an excellent and cost-effective way to use

eco-friendly resources rather than leading branded soaps

that may contain harmful elements that damage the


Parents or Guardians. The findings of this study

should assist respondents, parents or guardians in

realizing that there are eco-friendly and efficient

alternatives rather than relying on utilizing commercially

leading brands of soap.

Future Researchers. This should aid them in learning

technical vocabulary, processes, ideas, and arrangements

that are relevant when making a capstone research. It will

also guide them if they want to develop a plant-based soap

using the cold process method.


Definition of Terms

The following important terms were defined

conceptually and operationally for a better understanding

of this study:

Aloe Vera

- defined conceptually as aloe barbadensis miller, a

succulent plant used in alternative medicine.

- defined operationally as the plant whose gel was

extracted and used as one of the main components for the

plant-based soap. This is one of the main variable of this


Makabuhay Plant

- defined conceptually as Tinospora crispa, also known

as Petawali is a climbing vine from tropical and

subtropical regions, that has attractive heart-shaped

leaves and warty stems. This plant is used in traditional

medicines to treat many illnesses for its pharmacological


- defined operationally as the plant whose stem and

leaves are what was extracted and used as one of the main

components for the plant-based soap. This is one of the

main variable of this study.


Olive Oil

- defined conceptually as oil pressed from ripe

olives, used in cooking, medicines, soap, etc.

- defined operationally as one of the ingredients

needed to make soap.

Coconut Oil

- defined conceptually as the fatty oil obtained from

the coconut fruit and used in candies and confections and

in cosmetics.

- defined operationally as one of the ingredients

needed to make soap.

Sodium Hydroxide(Lye)

- defined conceptually as a strongly alkaline white

deliquescent compound used in many industrial processes,

e.g. the manufacture of soap and paper.

- defined operationally as one of the important

ingredients in creating soap.

Essential Oil

- defined conceptually as a natural oil typically

obtained by distillation and having the characteristic

fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is


- defined operationally as one of the ingredients used

to add aroma to the soap.


Blue Ternate

- defined conceptually as the butterfly pea (Clitoria

ternatea L.), as a vigorous, trailing, scrambling, or

climbing tropical legume. Its sparsely pubescent stems are

sub-erect and woody at the base. The flowers are solitary

or paired, deep blue or pure white. It is a high-quality,

protein-rich legume, a "tropical alfalfa" often referred to

as a protein bank that can be grown at a low cost.

- defined operationally as one of the ingredients used

to leave the skin feeling cleansed, refreshed whilst subtly

scented with a delicate floral scent.


- defined conceptually as a product (such as an

essence or concentrate) prepared by extracting especially:

a solution (as in alcohol) of essential constituents of

complex material (such as meat or an aromatic plant).

- Defined operationally as a process of taking out the

liquids from the aloe vera gel and makabuhay plant by

blender or mixer.


- defined conceptually as a reaction in which an ester

is heated with an alkali, such as sodium hydroxide,

producing free alcohol and an acid salt, especially

alkaline hydrolysis of a fat or oil to make soap.

- defined operationally as the process of making the

aloe vera & makabuhay plant extracts into soap.


- defined conceptually as a frothy white mass of

bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleansing substance

when mixed with water.

- defined operationally as how much bubbles will the

finished product of the aloe vera & makabuhay plant soap

produce compared to a luxurious branded soap.


- defined conceptually as a substance that helps

soothe, soften, and increase moisture levels, especially in

the skin.

- defined operationally as to what the aloe vera and

makabuhay plant soap would feel like to the skin compared

to leading branded soap. If it could moisturize the skin

more or would just have the same effects of the latter.



- defined conceptually as a person who lives somewhere

permanently or on a long-term basis.

- defined operationally as the respondents of the



- defined conceptually as a degree to which something

is successful in producing the desired result; success.

- defined operationally as the effectiveness of the

aloe vera and makabuhay soap being successfully useful to

others and work as a normal soap should be.

Old Buswang

- defined conceptually as a community that is located

within Kalibo, Aklan.

- defined operationally as the locale of the study.




This chapter provides a review of related literature

and studies regarding Aloe Vera extracting. The researcher

gathered facts from books, journals, sites, and other

related references to further understand the study.

Saponification is an organic chemical reaction

whereby an ester is transformed into a carboxylic acid and

alcohol by the use of an alkali. As we will see shortly,

the primary application for this reaction is in the

manufacture of soap products. Functional groups include the

terms ester, carboxylic acid, and alcohol. A functional

group is simply a group of molecules or atoms in a compound

that we can easily identify. “Should I make it as a liquid

or a hand bar? Is it essential to use moisturizing lotion?

What quality of creaminess should the soap have?”, These

are just a few of the issues that come up when evaluating

the saponification process's utility in the production of

soap. “I know what you're thinking: 'soap,' as in a Dove

bar or a high-end artisan hand soap. Yes, you are thinking

in the right direction!”, This reaction can be used to


create a variety of soap products, from liquid soap to a

nice soap bar (Laguipo, 2018).

Recent research says that Aloe vera originated in the

Arabian Peninsula based on strongly supported evolutionary

relationships with morphologically similar species.

Notably, this is just next to the northernmost maximum of

aloes' natural range, where conditions are extremely hot

and dry. This region's aloes have leathery leaves that

protect the water-storing leaf mesophyll. So, does the

evolutionary distinctiveness of aloes in this region imply

that Aloe vera has some unusual property that has led to

its medicinal use by humans? Just maybe. Aloe vera does not

appear to be particularly evolutionary distinct from other

aloes; it is closely related to a number of other Arabian

peninsula-native species. Notably, none of the other

species are used medicinally. Indeed, the other Aloe

species used medicinally (all on a small scale) are not

particularly close relatives of Aloe Vera. As a result,

there does not appear to be any evolutionary pattern

predicting which Aloe species are used for medicinal

purposes. As a result, it appears that the popularity of

Aloe Vera cannot be traced back to any underlying patterns

in its evolution (Foote, 2015).


Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has been used for

the treatment of various ailments and a variety of health

conditions. It's indeed usually safe to use aloe vera

directly from the plant or in gel form (Cronkleton, 2018).

The clear gel found in aloe vera leaves is used in

aloe vera creams, gels, and ointments. These items can be

used topically to treat a variety of skin conditions. Aloe

is available in capsule or liquid form for internal use to

promote health and well-being (Cronkleton, 2018).

The latest research from IMARC Group, "Aloe Vera Gel

Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth,

Opportunity, and Forecast 2017-2022," offers a thorough

evaluation of the global Aloe Vera gel market. The study

divides the market into three key application areas for

Aloe Vera gel: cosmetics, food, and healthcare. The

healthcare and cosmetics industries are currently the two

largest consumers of Aloe Vera gel. Thailand was the

largest producer of Aloe Vera gel in the region, accounting

for roughly one-third of total global production. Mexico,

the Dominican Republic, the United States, and Costa Rica

are also the largest producers in North and South America.

The study also identifies some of the market's key players

throughout Aloe Vera gel. Forever Living Products is


currently the most popular manufacturer of Aloe Vera

products. Herbalife (USA), Aloecorp (China), Aloe

Laboratories (USA), and Aloe Vera Australia were also among

several major players (Australia). The report tries to lay

out a detailed plan for having established an Aloe Vera gel

manufacturing plant. The research, performed by several of

the foremost research and advisory firms, covers all of the

required aspects of the global Aloe Vera gel market. This

will include anything from a comprehensive idea of the

market to specific details regarding industry performance,

manufacturing and processing requirements, project cost,

project funding, project economics, expected returns on

investment, profit margins, and so on. This report is a

must-read for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers,

consultants, business strategists, and anybody else showing

an interest in the Aloe Vera gel market (CISION PR

Newswire, 2017).

Yuanjiang Hani, Yi, and Dai Autonomous County in

southwest China's Yunnan Province, residing in the tropical

Red River Valley, is a natural greenhouse for aloe vera

economic expansion. According to the Cihai, a Standard

Mandarin Chinese encyclopedia, aloe vera probably

originated but grows wild in Yuanjiang. Aloe vera is most


often referred to as consumer products including skin

skincare products, cosmetics, and ointments (CGTN, 2020).

Yuanjiang's aloe vera cultivation area surpasses 800

hectares, making it Asia's largest aloe vera plantation and

processing base (CGTN, 2020).

Yunnan Province in southwest China is known for its

spectacular natural landscapes, biodiversity, and ethnic

diversity. Yunnan is home to 25 of China's 56 recognized

ethnic groups. This live stream series will take you on a

tour of six Yunnan cities or autonomous prefectures to see

the fewer food, scenery, and folk customs (CGTN, 2020).

Tinospora Crispa (L.) Hook. NS. & Thomson

(Menispermaceae), also known as makabuhay plant in the

Philippines, is a native to the tropical or mixed deciduous

forests of Asia and Africa and is used in traditional

medicine to treat numerous ailments. The researcher here

also critically evaluates current plant knowledge that

could improve its prospects as a source of lead molecules

for drug discovery. This plant has traditionally been used

for jaundice, rheumatism, urinary disorders, fever,

malaria, diabetes, internal inflammation, fractures,

scabies, high blood pressure, decreased thirst, increased

appetite, decreased body temperature and maintained health.


Phytochemical analysis of T. crispa revealed the presence

of alkaloids, flavonoids and flavone glycosides,

triterpenes, diterpenes and diterpene glycosides,

cis-clerosantife furanoditerpenoids, lactones, sterols,

lignans and nucleosides. said. Studies have shown that

crude extracts and compounds isolated from T. crispa have a

wide range of pharmacological properties such as

anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory,

cytotoxic, antimalarial, cardioprotective and antidiabetic

effects (Ahmad, Jantan & Bukhari, 2016).



Research Design

The main purpose of this study was to find out the

effectiveness of aloe vera and makabuhay plants as a

plant-based soap instead of commercially leading soaps that

are going to be tested by the randomly selected residents

within Old Buswang.

Specifically, the experimental research design was

used to conduct the study and to find out the effectiveness

of using aloe vera and makabuhay plants as an alternative

to the commercially leading soaps.

During this study, the researchers utilized survey

questionnaires wherein a set of questions are used in a

survey and it is a type of data gathering method that is

utilized to collect, analyze, and interpret the different

views of a group of people from a particular population.

This approach was used in gathering the responses of the

residents with regard to the effectiveness of the

saponification of aloe vera and makabuhay plants.

The researcher utilized the experimental research

design to find out the effectiveness of the plant-based

saponification of aloe vera and makabuhay plants instead of

commercially leading soaps.


Research Environment

Old Buswang is a barangay of Kalibo, Aklan,

Philippines, the home of Regional Science High School for

Western Visayas and Saint Gabriel College. It is also one

of the places where piña weaving is made at La Herminia

Piña Weaving Industry. It has tourist places such as the

Aklan training center, Red Doors hotel and eateries, and

recreational areas such as The Backyard, Mrs.Benedicts, and

Herbert’s bar. Old Buswang also has a population of 3,247

as of May 2015.

Figure 2. Locale of the study


The Respondents

The fifteen (15) handpicked available selected

residents in Kalibo served as the respondents of the study


PLANTS”. The researcher chose the residents of Old Buswang

due to it is nearness to the researcher.

Data gathering Tool

The survey questionnaire contained a set of questions

pertaining to the effectiveness of the product depending on

the criteria used in a survey as the primary instrument for

gathering data for effectiveness. These were given to the

randomly selected residents in Old Buswang.

This approach was used to gather the responses of

residents in Old Buswang based on the different

circumstances stated with regards to the effectiveness of

the product which was based on the different criteria

given. The questionnaire was composed of the product’s

criteria which are divided into five parts. The first part

is the product’s effectiveness, the second part consists of

the product’s hardness, the third part is composed of its

cleansing properties, the fourth part is the product’s

lather capabilities, and lastly, the fifth part is the

product’s distinctive emollients.


Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of permission to conduct the study was sent

to the school directress of Starglow Center for Academics

and Arts to conduct the study about “SAPONIFICATION OF ALOE

VERA & MAKABUHAY PLANTS” for the school year 2021 - 2022.

Upon receiving consent to conduct the study, the

researcher determined the respondents and prepared survey

questionnaires containing situational statements pertaining

to the effectiveness of the product by criteria, namely:

effectiveness, hardness, cleansing properties, lather

capabilities, and its distinctive emollients. That was

given to the respondents of the study. Adopted from Sy,

Kamel, Padilla and Lucio, 2020 with modifications validated

by the research advisor.

The respondents were given ample time to finish the

survey form. The data gathered was summarized, tallied and

interpreted using the appropriate analysis toolpak for

statistics. The data gathering and analysis will last for

two months from November 2021 - December 2021.


Steps in the Saponification of Aloe Vera and Makabuhay


Step 1: Gather all necessary

materials and the main variables

of this capstone which are Aloe

Vera and makabuhay plants.

Step 2: Start scraping the aloe

vera by first peeling off its

outer layer then scoop the aloe

gel with a thin spoon.

Step 3: After that, put it inside

your blender and mix well until it

is liquidized.

Step 4: After blending, it should

look like this. We then wait until

all air bubbles surface then we

strain it after.

Step 5: Then add the blue ternate

flower into the mixer.

Step 6: Pour into any container

then freeze it overnight.


Step 7: Next, we then get our

makabuhay plant and rinse it


Step 8: Chop the makabuhay plant

into smaller pieces.

Step 9: Then we put it in the

juicer so that we could separate

the outer layer from its


Step 10: Same as the aloe vera, we

wait 30 mins for air bubbles to

rise up then strain them into a

cup. Then freeze it overnight.

Step 11: Next we add the frozen

aloe vera extracts to a sizable

mixing container in preparation

for the next process.

Step 12: We then add the frozen

makabuhay extracts on top of it.

Step 13: Add the sodium hydroxide

gently into the mixing container

then stir until everything is

liquidized and there are no more

white substances.

Step 14: After consistent mixing,

add the olive oil and coconut oil

into the container and continue


Step 15: After mixing it by hand

for 30 minutes. It will supposedly

look like this afterward.

Step 16: Use a machine to help

with the process. This will take

you roughly 3 hours of mixing

until it starts to run.

Step 17: This is where we add 120

drops of the essential oil as our


Step 18: It will then look like

this, pour into a sealed plastic

container then let it dry outside

at room temperature while being

covered by a dry towel.

Step 19: This is the result after

leaving outside for 24 hours. Put

it then inside your refrigerator

(Not the Freezer) so that it will

become more firm.

Step 20: This is the finished product.


Statistical Treatment

The Chi-Square statistic is commonly used for testing

relationships between categorical variables. The null

hypothesis of the Chi-Square test is that no relationship

exists between the categorical variables in the population;

they are independent.

The Chi-Square test was used to determine the

effectiveness of the product and the responses to the

product. The margin of error that was utilized is 5% or

0.05 since the study is supposed to be 95% confident of the

results. It is also the criteria of whether to accept or

reject the null hypothesis.


The following scale was used in gathering the

effectiveness of the Saponification of Aloe Vera &

Makabuhay Plants to leading commercial brands to the

specifically chosen individuals that are the residents in

Old Buswang.

Mean score Description

4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41-4.20 Agree

2.61-3.40 Neutral

1.81-2.60 Disagree

1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree




This chapter examines the significant information and

its outcomes. This part also focuses on the result’s

analysis and debate.

In this chapter, the researcher presented underlying

assumptions, highlighting the study's contribution to the

study and the work's distinctiveness. The researcher

discovered the product's flaws and limits. Furthermore,

this chapter reviews the implications of the investigator's

findings, why they are significant, and how they change the

researcher's knowledge of the situation.

Table 1: Respondent’s Responses in Terms of the Product’s


Respondent Mean Description

Old Buswang 4.27 Strongly Agree

A “Strongly Agree” (M=4.27) rate in terms of the

product’s effectiveness was tested among the randomly

selected residents of Old Buswang. This implies that the

product’s effectiveness is constantly in favor of choice.


Table 2: Respondent’s Responses in Terms of the Product’s


Respondent Mean Description

Old Buswang 4.09 Agree

An “Agree” (M=4.09) rate in terms of the product’s

hardness was tested among the randomly selected residents

of Old Buswang. This implies that the product’s hardness is

decent in favor to be chosen.

Table 3: Respondent’s Responses in Terms of the Product’s

Cleansing Properties.

Respondent Mean Description

Old Buswang 3.92 Agree

An “Agree” (M=3.92) rate in terms of the product’s

cleansing properties was tested among the randomly selected

residents of Old Buswang. This implies that the product’s

cleansing properties are decent in favor to be chosen.


Table 4: Respondent’s Responses in Terms of the Product’s

Lather Capabilities.

Respondent Mean Description

Old Buswang 4.09 Agree

An “Agree” (M=4.09) rate in terms of the product’s

lather capabilities was tested among the randomly selected

residents of Old Buswang. This implies that the product’s

lather capabilities are decent in favor to be chosen.

Table 5: Respondent’s Responses in Terms of the Product’s

Distinctive Emollients.

Respondent Mean Description

Old Buswang 3.72 Agree

An “Agree” (M=3.72) rate in terms of the product’s

distinctive emollients was tested among the randomly

selected residents of Old Buswang. This implies that the

product’s distinctive emollients are decent in favor to


Table 6. The table comprises the average totality computed

of the following data obtained during the survey.

Category Mean

alpha error 0.05

df 16

critical value 33.82

chi-square value 26.296

Decision Reject the Ho

The table exhibits the difference between the aloe

vera and makabuhay plants and their variables as the

ingredients used for the saponification process wherein the

alpha error stated is 0.5, degree of freedom resulted to

16, critical value expressed is 24.09, chi-square value

expressed is 26.30.

While In terms of effectiveness, the chi-square is

4.27. In terms of hardness, the chi-square is 4.09. In

terms of the cleansing properties, the chi-square is 3.92.

In terms of lather capabilities, the chi-square is 4.09. In

terms of distinctive emollients, the chi-square is 3.72.

Since the chi-square calculated value of the five

categories is greater than the chi-square critical value,

then the decision formulated is to reject the null.

Therefore, there is a significant difference between the


aloe vera and makabuhay plants and their variables as the

ingredients used for the saponification process to create a

plant-based soap.



This chapter is a review of the study. This portion of

the study also includes the hypothesis and suggestions that

were derived from the experiments results.


1. The respondent’s responses in terms of the product’s

effectiveness resulted in a “Strongly Agree” with a

total mean of 4.27.

2. The respondent’s responses in terms of the product’s

hardness resulted in an “Agree” with a total mean of


3. The respondent’s responses in terms of the product’s

cleansing properties resulted in an “Agree” with a

total mean of 3.92.

4. The respondent’s responses in terms of the product’s

lather capabilities resulted in an “Agree” with a

total mean of 4.09.

5. The respondent’s responses in terms of the product’s

distinctive emollients resulted in an “Agree” with a

total mean of 3.72.

6. The difference between aloe vera and the makabuhay

plants as a substitute for commercially leading soaps


has been analyzed wherein the alpha error stated is

0.05, degree of freedom resulted to 16, critical value

expressed is 33.82, chi-square value expressed is

26.296, and the decision formulated is to reject the

null hypothesis.


1. The product’s effectiveness was tested among the

selected respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.

This implies that the product’s effectiveness is

constantly in favor of choice. The null hypothesis has

been rejected. Therefore, there is a significant

difference among the variables being compared.

2. The product’s hardness was tested among the selected

respondents of Old Buswang Kalibo, Aklan. Observations

resulted that the product’s hardness is unceasingly

decent in favor of use to the respondents. The null

hypothesis has been rejected. Therefore, there is a

significant difference among the variables being


3. The product’s cleansing properties were tested among

the selected respondents of Old Buswang Kalibo, Aklan.

Observations resulted that the product’s cleansing

properties are unceasingly decent in favor of use to

the respondents. The null hypothesis has been


rejected. Therefore, there is a significant difference

among the variables being compared.

4. The product’s lather capabilities were tested among

the selected respondents of Old Buswang Kalibo, Aklan.

Observations resulted that the product’s lather

capabilities are unceasingly decent in favor of use to

the respondents. The null hypothesis has been

rejected. Therefore, there is a significant difference

among the variables being compared.

5. The product’s distinctive emollients were tested among

the selected respondents of Old Buswang Kalibo, Aklan.

Observations resulted that the product’s distinctive

emollients are unceasingly decent in favor of use to

the respondents. The null hypothesis has been

rejected. Therefore, there is a significant difference

among the variables being compared.


1. The product’s effectiveness was observed among the

selected respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan and

observations resulted that the product’s effectiveness

is constantly in favor of choice. Consequently, in

accordance with data acquired from the comments in the

survey, the researcher suggests to future researchers

to follow through with the way it is created in the


research paper in order to attain a resembling and

effective product.

2. The product’s hardness was observed among the selected

respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.

Observations resulted that the product’s hardness is

in favor of the standard quality of commercially

leading soaps but more adapt to traditional uses.

Therefore in accordance with data acquired from the

comments in the survey, the researcher recommends to

future researchers to use a press to compress the

shape of the all-natural soap so that it will become

more solid and firm from within.

3. The product’s cleansing properties were observed among

the selected respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo,

Aklan. Observations resulted that the product’s

cleansing properties are in favor of the standard

quality of commercially leading soaps. Therefore in

accordance with data acquired from the comments in the

survey, the researcher recommends to future

researchers to be more flexible when adding the main

ingredients. Don't be conservative always pay

attention to the cleanliness of your hands and wash

the ingredients well to avoid contamination in the

final product. Also lessening its oil intake helps the


intervention of the succulent plant's healing effects

become more applicable.

4. The product’s lather capabilities were observed among

the selected respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo,

Aklan. Observations resulted that the product’s lather

capabilities are in favor of the standard quality of

commercially leading soaps. Therefore in accordance

with data acquired from the comments in the survey,

the researcher recommends to future researchers to be

fairer in adding the sodium hydroxide and the

succulent plants. Also be wary of adding the

solvent(water) into the mixture, it must not be too

little and not too much also, just the right amount

will be enough.

5. The product’s distinctive emollients were observed

among the selected respondents of Old Buswang, Kalibo,

Aklan. Observations resulted that the product’s

distinctive emollients are in favor of the standard

quality of commercially leading soaps. Therefore in

accordance with data acquired from the comments in the

survey, the researcher recommends to future

researchers to add a decent amount of the scent into

the mixture as its smell is not that distinguishable

in the long term. Also, pay attention to the amount of


the succulent plants that are being added as it may

cause certain irritations if a highly concentrated

solute of it were be added carelessly. Never exceed

the required amount and measure everything down to its

last steps as anything less and anything more will

eventually fail the soap from forming.



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Appendix A. Letter to Conduct Study



November 12, 2021

School Directress



We are presently conducting our capstone research

PLANTS”, as a course requirement for the school year
2021-2022 Capstone Research for Grade 12 at the Starglow
Center for Academics and Arts in Old Buswang, Kalibo,

In line with this, we are respectfully asking

permission to conduct a survey among the 15 individuals
handpicked in the community of Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.
This survey will only last for 10-15 minutes and will be
conducted at the most convenient time for the respondents.

Rest assured that the documents that will be obtained

will be held confidentially and will only be used for
research purposes.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Eduard Keandrei Y. Solina


Appendix B. Respondent’s Consent Form

I (respondent’s name),_________________________ hereby

My permission to EDUARD KEANDREI YAP SOLINA (researcher) to
allow me to test the product - Aloe vera and Makabuhay
plant as soap and to respond to the survey questionnaire. I
understand that his work is for academic purposes only.

I understand that I waive any possible side effects of

the product and will not charge the researcher with

I understand the research title “Saponification Of

Aloe Vera & Makabuhay plants.”

I also understand that the researcher will maintain my

anonymity with regards to my responses to questionnaire

I hereby give my permission in the form of my

signature below.

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ___________


Appendix C. Survey Questionnaire

Directions: Read the following sentences and tick the

column that corresponds to your response. As the main
basis, evaluate the level of interpretation indicated below
in the suitable column.

5 STRONGLY AGREE 86% - 100% efficacy

4 AGREE 66% - 85% efficacy

3 NEUTRAL 46% - 65% efficacy

2 DISAGREE 26% - 45% efficacy

1 STRONGLY DISAGREE 0% - 25% efficacy

Effectiveness SA (5) A (4) N (3) D (2) SD (1)

1. The soap is easy

for the
respondent to

2. The soap
accomplishes the
reason why it is

3. The soap makes

an effectively
alternative to
branded soaps in
an efficient

4. The soap can

effectively be
safe for the
environment due

to it being

5. Due to the soap

being a herbal
remedy, it helps
rejuvenate the
skin effectively
compared to some
branded soaps.

Hardness SA (5) A (4) N (3) D (2) SD (1)

6. The soap’s
firmness in
hardness is

7. The soap
maintains its
shape and
hardness when in
contact with
water for a
amount of time.

8. The soap
maintains its
integrity &
hardness at a

9. The soap lasts

at least a week
of being in use.

10. The soap does

not melt quickly
when exposed
directly to

Cleansing properties SA (5) A (4) N (3) D (2) SD (1)

11. The soap can

get rid of
excess oils that
are secreted
from the skin.

12. The soap

properties are
maintained for a
amount of time
after being

13. The soap gets

rid of any
impurities on
the skin.

14. The soap

provides an

15. The soap can

easily get rid
of any dirt in
the skin.

Lather capabilities SA (5) A (4) N (3) D (2) SD (1)

16. The lather

capabilities of
the soap or its
frothy white
mass of bubbles
is present when

17. The lather

capabilities of
the soap begin
to ooze out when
in contact with
water for a
amount of time.

18. The lather

capabilities of
the soap remains
when it is not

19. The lather

capabilities of
the soap also
appear when it
is being rubbed
on a rough
surface like
hair and other
kept places.

20. The lather

capabilities of
the soap fade
easily after you
have rinsed it
without any

Distinctive emollients SA (5) A (4) N (3) D (2) SD (1)

21. The soap’s

emollients, such
as how it
moisturizes the
skin works well.

22. The soap’s

emollients form a
protective coat
on the skin to
trap moisture.

23. The soap’s

emollients help
soften the skin.

24. The soap’s

emollients help
to ease itchy or
dry skin.

25. The soap’s

emollients soothe
the stressed part
of the skin and
make it more

Comments & recommendations:


Appendix D. Plates

Plate 1: Extracting the aloe vera gel.

Plate 2: Extracting the makabuhay plant juice.


Plate 3: After extraction, freeze the liquids then add into

a container both aloe vera and makabuhay plants. Slowly add

sodium hydroxide(lye).

Plate 4: Mix until arriving to a thick yet fluid


Plate 5: Final Product.


Appendix E. Curriculum Vitae


My main objective is to
achieve my goal of
becoming a better version
of myself. I also look
forward to my future,such
as becoming an engineer
someday and getting a
degree through hardwork,
patience perseverance.

Contact Skills / Qualifications

Address: Swimmer
Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan, Education
Philippines 5600 Elementary:
Phone: Starglow Center for
0949 873 0616 Academics and Arts
Email: Year Graduated: 2015 Academic Awards:
Languages: Co-Curricular Top Notcher
English Secondary:
Filipino Starglow Center for
Mother Tongue Academics and Arts
Hobbies: Year Graduated: 2022
Watching Documentaries Academic Awards:
Reading Relevant Experiences
Biking SSC Treasurer

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