Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions (5 Marks) : STAT 201-Exam I College of Business (Fall 2016)

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STAT 201- Exam I 1

College of Business
(Fall 2016)

Dr. Ahmad Samarji

Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions (10 Questions) Weight: 5%

Section II: Short-Answer Questions ( 3 Questions) Weight: 5.5%
Section III: Extended-Response Questions (2 Questions) Weight: 4.5%
Total Weight:

Duration: 60 minutes
Technology: Only a Casio fx-991ES Plus is ALLOWED. No graphic calculators are allowed.
No other digital devices-whatsoever- are allowed.

Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions (5 marks)

Instructions for Section I
For each question, choose the response that is correct.
A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0.
Marks will not be deducted for incorrect answers.
Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.

Question 1
The head circumference (in cm) of a population of infant boys is normally distributed with a
mean of 49.5 cm and a standard deviation of 1.5 cm. Four hundred of these boys are selected
at random and each boy’s head circumference is measured. The number of these boys with a
head circumference of less than 48.0 cm is closest to
A. 3
B. 10
C. 64
D. 272
E. 336

Question 2
A single back-to-back stem plot would be an appropriate graphical tool to investigate the
association between the average number of hours business students spend studying per week
(in hours) and the
A. Student’s age, in years.
B. Student’s place of birth.
C. Student’s sex (female or male)
D. Student’s siblings
E. Student’s previous marks from Year 12.
STAT 201- Exam I 2
College of Business
(Fall 2016)

The following information relates to Questions 3, 4 and 5.

The back-to-back ordered stemplot below shows the distribution of maximum temperatures
(in °Celsius) of two towns, Beachside and Flattown, over 21 days in January.

Question 3
The variables temperature (°Celsius) and town (Beachside or Flattown) are
A. both categorical variables.
B. both numerical variables.
C. categorical and numerical variables respectively.
D. numerical and categorical variables respectively.
E. neither categorical nor numerical variables.

Question 4
The distribution of maximum temperatures for Flattown is best described as:
A. negatively skewed.
B. positively skewed.
C. positively skewed with outliers.
D. approximately symmetric.
E. approximately symmetric with outliers.

Question 5
The IQR of maximum temperatures (°Celsius) for Beachside is:
A. 7
B. 7.5
C. 8
D. 8.5
E. 9
STAT 201- Exam I 3
College of Business
(Fall 2016)

The following information relates to Questions 6, 7 and 8

The results of a survey of the amount of money carried by a year 12 student at a public school on a
particular day is shown below. Total number of year 12 students in the survey is 59.

Question 6
The number of female students in the survey is
A. 29
B. 30
C. 58
D. 59
E. not determinable from the graph

Question 7
The median amount of money ($) carried by a year 12 male student is closest to
A. 30
B. 35
C. 45
D. 55
E. 60

Question 8
The average amount of money ($) carried by a year 12 student is closest to
A. 34
B. 38
C. 41
D. 42
E. 43
STAT 201- Exam I 4
College of Business
(Fall 2016)

Use the following information to answer Questions 9 and 10.

The results of a survey of the number of customers inside each shop in a shopping strip at
5.00 pm on a particular day are displayed in the following dot plot.

Question 9

The number of shops surveyed is

A. 11
B. 12
C. 36
D. 37
E. not determinable from the dot plot

Question 10

The shape of the distribution of the number of customers inside a shop is best described as
A. discrete
B. symmetric
C. negatively skewed
D. positively skewed
E. positively skewed with outliers
STAT 201- Exam I 5
College of Business
(Fall 2016)

Section II: Short-Answer Questions (5.5 marks)

Instructions for Section II
Answer all questions on the provided answer sheet. In all questions where a numerical answer is
required, an exact value must be given unless otherwise specified.

Question 11 (2 marks)
The number of days taken off in a year by employees of a large company (1000 employees)
has a distribution which is approximately bell-shaped with a mean of 9 days and a standard
deviation of 2 days.
i. Find the percentage of employees of this company who, in a year, take off:
a. less than 7 days
b. between 3 and 11 days
ii. What is the number of employees of this company who, in a year, take off between 13
and 15 days.

Question 12 (1 mark)
In 2015, University X allocated $120,000 in the cost center of the Faculty of Business. The
fund was distributed as follows: $63,000 to support research projects and activities, $35,000 to
cover publications’ fees, $17,000 to be spent on training and professional development, and
$5000 on recreation activities. Sarah, the finance officer at the Faculty of Business, used the
following pie chart to display the data:

Comment on the appropriateness of using a pie chart in this situation.

STAT 201- Exam I 6
College of Business
(Fall 2016)

Question 13 (2.5 marks)

The salaries of people working at two different advertising companies are shown below on the parallel

i. List the Median, IQR, and Range for Each company.

ii. If you had the chance to apply to either Company D or Company E for an assistant manager
position, which one would you choose? Justify your answer.
iii. Mark is the owner of Company E. He is in the process of appointing Belinda, a new CEO.
Based on the current data in the boxplot, Mark decided that the maximum annual salary he is
prepared to offer Belinda must not exceed the current upper limit. Knowing that Belinda asked
for an annual salary of $129,000, would you believe that Mark will accept? Justify your answer.

Section III: Extended-Response Questions (4.5 marks)

Instructions for Section III
Answer all questions on the provided answer sheet. In all questions where a numerical answer is
required, an exact value must be given unless otherwise specified.

Question 14 (4.5 marks)

An internet service provider (ISP) conducted a statistical study about the internet (4G) usage per month
of 40 randomly selected customers. The data obtained is as follows:

Internet (4G) Usage (gigabytes per month)

1.2 0.5 0.75 2.3 1.7 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.5
2.0 0.75 0.20 1.5 0.44 0.88 0.4 0.9 0.85 0.7
0.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.94 0.5 0.94 0.35 0.4 1.0
1.7 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.75 2.0 0.2 0.6 2.1 1.8

i. Using the 2k ≥ n guideline, construct a frequency distribution for these data which displays:
a. Frequency
b. Relative frequency
c. Cumulative relative frequency
ii. Construct an ogive which represents the data
iii. Find the 70th percentile using:
a. the ogive
b. arithmetic
iv. A customer consumes 600 MB per month. Would this customer be considered in the lower
40% of the participating customers in the sample in terms of 4G usage?

Good Luck!

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