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Circle of Bones Druid Subclass

A take on what a Druid would be like if they revolved around helping those who have
already died, while hoping to protect those still alive
A.K.A. I want to wear skulls and scare people, how can I achieve this with a purpose?

Image Credit: Kyounghwan Kim

Druid Circle Homebrew by Mark
Circle of Bones You can witness the cause of their death through the Wh
creatures eyes but only during the last minute of their only l
Like all druids you care for living things, but due to some life. What you see occur has no sound with it, and is a it retu
unforunate curse or ill-fated birth your soul is tethered to spectral vision made of only one colour. You are what
the plane of Shadowfell. You are sought after for your considered blind and deafened while this takes place,
unique insights into life, but often feared or persecuted and is viewed in real time for the purposes of combat.
because of your strange ways and appearances. Bear in mind, as an example, that someone who slowly
Unlike most Circles, those that join this path are often bled to death would only reveal themselves lying down
solitary. They learn from someone willing to teach or like a as they died.
sorceror to magic, and often find their actions revolving
around the dead even while they help the living. You can take the appearance of the creature as they
You have access to all the default features of the Druid were in life for 1 hour as an illusion spell. If it is just a
class and gain the following at the levels indicated. skull, then you have no idea what they looked like
beforehand, and learn nothing about them or how they
Join the Court of Bones died. If this option is chosen, the skull or body will
You gain the following bonuses upon taking the Circle at disintegrate into dust that swirls around you to power
2nd level. the illusion.
As long as you are not wearing armour and are wearing Phantom Strike
the bones of animals and creatures on your person in Upon reaching 6th level, you gain access to the Speak with
some way, your armour out of Wild Shape is 10 + Your the Dead spell which does not count towards the number
Wisdom + Your Dexterity modifier as the reach of the of spells you can learn. Now the spirits don't have to find
Shadowfell protects you. In addition, your Wild Shape you themselves.
forms armour is increased by your Wisdom and Also, twice per long rest you can shift into the
Dexterity modifiers as well. Shadowfell and move up to 40ft in any direction, likely
Your Wild Shape requires you to have access to the restricted by walls and doors as the Shadowfell is a mirror
skull of the creature you wish to become. The skull is of the material plane (DM's choice). Anyone in the material
not destroyed upon use, but must be kept within reach plane will see you dissappear and replaced by a phantom
should you wish to use it again. Smaller creatures such form of yourself, swinging your melee weapon wildly at
as spiders can be kept within an airtight jar to allow anything in its path.
their use. Any creatures you pass through, friend or foe, must make
a Dexterity saving throw versus your spell save DC or take
Your shapes are twisted, however, and take on a form Necrotic damage equal to double your weapon dice rolls,
more familiar to an undead creature. While their stats then add modifiers, for example if wielding a dagger that
are not affected (excluding the bonus to Armour Class), normally deals 1d4+1 damage, you would deal 2d4+1
they take on a deathly look. They could be missing their damage, a magical dagger that dealt 2d4+2 damage would
skin, or be normal except for a skeletal head. Maybe become 4d4+2 damage and so on.
you're someones bad omen as you cross their path? Once you have finished your movement you re-appear in
You are considered proficient on Medicine checks to the Material plane and must roll 1d10. On a 1, something is
discover the source of death on a natural or undead pulled through with you. Roll 1d8 and use the below table
creatures corpse. As a general rule if something is to find out what:
considered highly unlikely to become undead it is Dice Roll Creature Summoned
considered un-natural, such as Demons or Fey (DM's 1 Wight (pg 300 MM)
2 Ogre Zombie (pg 346 MM)
You gain access to the Inflict Wounds spell and always
have it prepared. This does not count towards the 3 Will-O'-Wisp (pg 301 MM)
number of spells you can learn. 4 2 Skeletons (pg 272 MM)
5 2 Zombies (pg 316 MM)
See Through Dead Eyes
6 Shadow (pg 269 MM)
Once per long rest you can stare into the eyes of a dead
creature, or the eye sockets of their skulls, and have one of 7 Ghost (pg 147 MM)
the following occur: 8 Re-roll, appears as an ally

As indicated, on a roll of 8 you can re-roll and the undead

that comes through on your return will instead take their
own initative and fight for you, as one of the Shadowfells
many forces takes an intrigue into what you are doing.
The Dance of Death Why on Earth does this exist?
Upon reaching 10th level you learn to twist the life force of One of my players wanted to play a Druid, and had an idea
others to your allies gain. As part of your attack action you for someone who helps those who have died and can't
can give temporary health to yourself or an ally within 20ft move on, so I decided to try and help. Maybe someone died
of you, equal to the damage you deal. If the attack strikes an unjustly or maybe their fury stops them from accepting
undead, the temporary health gained is doubled. This their death, but their character is there to try and help.
feature can be used in a Wild Shape form, but only for one We quickly realised that while there is some
instance of damage. contradiction in a Druid of Undeath, they can still be
You can use this feature twice per short rest. interested in saving lives. They help those who have already
Save those who canot help themselves died, they are not that interested in just killing. The use of
Upon reaching 14th level you gain advantage on death bones is seen more out of reverance for the departed than a
saving throws as you become determined to help those disdain, they can use them to help others. In that way, the
who cannot pass through to the afterlife without aid. actual undead that roam the world are seen as anathema to
At a DM's discretion, should you help a spirit or other them and they essentially use their deathly powers to save
undead pass on and no longer suffer a fate worse than others from the same fate.
death, you gain a buff for 1 week. Should you gain another Also, their powers being fueled by another Plane of
buff, it overrides the first. Roll on the table below for what Existence (or something within) means they could simply
you gain: be a mockery of what Druids believe. It's not the easiest
thing to just slide in to a standard world, but weirdly in
Roll Buff Gained mine it works out quite well and maybe someone else can
1 You gain an additional use of The Dance of Death use it. We just wanted a character who had an excuse to
per short rest carry lots of skulls around on a rope.
2 Your melee attacks with weapons or while in Wild
Shape deal +2 Necrotic Damage
3 All heals you cast, including The Dance of Death,
are increased by 2.
4 If your Phantom Strike brings something back with
you, and it is friendly, you can choose the undead
from the list rather than roll again. It will then last
an hour instead.
5 You gain advantage against being frightened, you've
seen far worse!
6 Once within the next week, should you be knocked
unconscious, at the start of your next turn before
rolling a death saving throw you can instantly stand
up with 1 hp

As a note for players and DM's, I typically see this as

actually helping a spirit rather than just killing a zombie.
The idea is to help a lost soul, just killing one simply 'shuts
it down' for awhile or return to Shadowfell. Use your
Deathless Body
Your Timeless body perk at 18th level instead stops you
from aging at all, as well as needing access to food, drink or
air. While you are still classified as alive for the purposes of
spells and effects, the pull of the Shadowfell changes your
body in a way other Druids would abhor.

Created by Mark Turton (Surathis on most websites) as a Homebrew Class for Druids using Homebrewery.

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