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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

Study Guide l Module No.4



Organizations are responsible to care and ensure that employees and any other person who are
present in their facility must be safe at all times. Occupational Safety Hazards practices must be
preventative, punitive and compensatory effects of laws that protect workers safety and health.
Also, OSH reduces employee injury and illness related costs, including medical care, sick leave
and disability-benefit costs.


1. Identify the reasons for occupational and health standards.

2. Identify and assess hazards and risk control.
3. Differentiate administrative risk controls from engineering risk controls.
4. Enumerate different hazards in food service industry.
5. Understand possible ways how to prevent kitchen fires.


Lesson 4 - Occupational Safety

Hazards in Food Service Operations

4.1. Hazard Identification and Risk Control

4.2. Solutions for Hazards in Food Service
4.3. Fire Hazards
4.4. Ergonomics Reduces Injuries
4.5. Workplace Violence

Reasons for Occupational and Health Standards

There are three main reasons to improve occupational safety our workplace.

First reason that occupational health and safety has been taken up with such vigor, is moral. It is
the idea that no-one should have to risk their health for the sake of work, and that any risks at
work can be reduced or eradicated altogether. In the past, some workplaces were particularly
dangerous, especially in factories. In extreme cases, people have even lost limbs in accidents.

Second reason is economic. If someone is injured at work, then it can cost the whole of society a
great deal of money. Primarily, it can cost the taxpayer a lot of money because of medical costs
associated with any injury. In the United Kingdom, this medical burden falls on the National
Health Service and depending on the injury can be very costly when you take into account
surgery, medication and rehabilitation costs. There is also a significant cost to the employer too,


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

who might need to pay sick pay. They will also have potentially valuable worker missing for a long
time, or possibly forever. Economics is quite clearly a big reason for the importance of
occupational health and safety.

Third reason is LEGAL. Firms are legally required to invest in occupational health and safety in
order that they never face legal proceedings resulting from an injury in the workplace. If they
take precautions to prevent any injuries, then the likelihood of them being prosecuted is greatly

Hazard Identification and Risk Control

Accidents are preventable, as long as we make a proactive approach to health and safety. By
implementing a system of hazard identification and risk control, you can prevent workplace
injuries and diseases. There are three basic steps.

1. Identify Hazards

Consider every area of your workplace when looking for hazards. Think about conditions or work
activities that could put your employees or guests at risk. For example, you might find hazards
such as unguarded machinery in the kitchen or a wet floor in the front entrance of your workplace.
Ask your staff if they have any specific health and safety concerns.

2. Assess the Risks

Once you have identified a hazard, evaluate the risks associated with it. There are two basic
questions to ask when considering a hazard: how likely is an incident, and how serious would it
be if it occurred? A risk assessment will help you prioritize the hazards so you know which ones to
deal with first.

Once you've identified hazards and assessed the risks, look for ways to control them. The basic
types of controls are elimination or substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and
personal protective equipment.

Elimination or Substitution

Whenever possible, eliminate the hazard so there's no risk of injury. Ask the following:

• Is the task necessary to begin with?

• Can the hazardous part of the task be removed?

• Can the task be done in such a way that no workers are exposed to the hazard?

If you can't eliminate the hazard, substitute a safer material or process. Ask the

• Can a different machine or tool be used?

• Can a less hazardous material or chemical be used?


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

• Will alternative practices reduce exposure to the hazard?

Engineering Controls

Engineering controls are physical changes on the facilty were tasks are accomplish.For example,
re-designing workstations in the kitchen or modifying new equipment installation to be more safer
or ergonomics.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

Administrative Controls

Administrative controls are changes and observation in which work is organized and performed.
Through planning, organizing and scheduling of resources and kitchen staff. Safe work practices
and procedures of an excellent form of administrative control.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE provides protection against hazards in kitchen area. It should be used when the other safety
controls are not practical or in addition to other controls. For example, preventing employees in
the kitchen from slips, trips and falls, ensure employees wear slip-resistant footwear.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) refers to soft-tissue injuries typically caused by sudden or

sustained exposure to repetitive motion, force, vibration, and awkward positions.

Occupational Safety

Workers in food industries (Kitchen Area) are exposed to a wide range of hazards.

1. Falls. slips or heights

2. Kitchen tools and other sharp objects

3. Accidents in kitchen equipment

4. Work posture injuries

5. Equipment noise, heat and cold, dust, radiation,

6. Confined work space

Occupational Safety Hazards


To reduce work hazards, job safety and health experts recommend two types of solutions making
sure the restaurant has the right equipment to prevent hazards ("Equipment" solutions) and
carrying out the work in a way that reduces the chance of such hazards happening ("work
practice" solutions). Below are eight types of hazards and the kinds of solutions our experts
recommend to address them.


Unnatural or awkward posture can include bending, reaching, kneeling, squatting, lifting and
carrying. Sometimes you need to hold a pot, pan, container, case of liquid or keg in an


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

uncomfortable way. There are many things that restaurant owners, managers and workers can do
to reduce the strain from awkward postures on their joints, muscles, tendon, ligaments and
nerves all over their bodies. To address the hazards, the following should be considered.

• Use counter-tops and cutting surfaces than can be adjusted to the right height for different

• Install sinks that are the height of most workers' hips

• Make sure that all the equipment, utensils, pots and pans needed in the kitchen are within the
reach of the shortest workers

• Store heavy and frequently used items in racks that are no lower than hip height and no higher
than chest height.

• Limit very low and overhead storage to items not often used

• Use tools with longer handles

• Organize work to reduce reaching, bending and squatting

• Use an elevated work platform for high work

• Remove obstacle that get in the way of work processes and work flow


Repetitive motions can lead to injuries when a task forces you to do the same movements over
and over again. To reduce this type of hazard, workers should:

• spread repetitive tasks over the day and between workers

• change hands to spread repetitive movement. See of you can use your right hand half of the

• take frequent rest breaks from the repetitive activity


Standing in the same place for a long time increases strain on the muscles, tendons, ligaments
and nerves in the lower back, hips, legs and feet. To reduce this hazard and strain on the body in
these areas, the following should be considered:

• buy and install thick rubber mat to make standing more comfortable

• buy stools or low small benches to allow workers to change their position and rest one leg and

• Workers should take breaks from standing still by walking around to increase blood flow.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food


Heavy loads especially those that are unstable (for example, enclosed weight that

move, such bottles of liquid) increase strain on the muscles, tendons, ligaments and

nerves in the neck, upper back, arms, lower back and pelvis. To reduce the hazard of very

heavy and/or unsteady loads, there are many things owners, managers and workers of
restaurants can do:

• Use carts to move food production in and trash out.

• Use equipment to assist with pours.

• Store heavy loads between hips and chest

• Store much lighter loads between chest and shoulders

• Organize work to reduce reaching, bending, pulling and squatting.

• Get help from coworkers when handling bulky or heavy loads. If the load feels too heavy for
two people then find a way to break up the load.

• Clear your walking path of objects and debris when handling heavy materials.

• Make sure the walking path is not slippery.

• Bring the load you are carrying as close as possible to your body.

• Keep your head and torso up.

• Free your fingers and toes from underneath a box or load before placing it down.


Forceful use of your hand muscles can result in injuries in back, shoulders, arms, wrists and
fingers. There are many things that can be done to reduce the force needed to do everyday tasks.

• Use large, rubber coated handles or knives, spoons, ladles and forks to increase


• Use carts or hand tricks, buy lighter tools, buy tools that allow workers to keep their wrists

• Grip objects, tools, equipment and knives with the whole hand, not just a few fingers.

• Pick up smaller loads keeping wrists straight.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

• Pick up items from the bottom, using the whole hand. Avoid using only a few fingers.

• Make the handles thicker on small tools, put tool down when not in use.


Injuries from slipping, tripping, and falling may be due to poor transaction (low friction), bad
lighting, inadequate handrails, oily and slippery floors, grease spills and poor "housekeeping". The
following should be done to prevent or minimize the hazard

• Increase traction on stairways and walkways

• Install handrails on both sides of stairways

• Buy and install rubber mats

• Buy slips- resistant shoes with low heels

• Install bright lights on ways and walkways

• Replace worn-out torn carpet and rugs, fix rough and uneven floor surfaces

• Maintain a housekeeping schedule to keep walkways and surfaces clear

• Mop slippery, wet floors and spills right away.

• Keep floors and stay clean and dry.

• Move slowly and carefully near corner and when handling objects, such as pots from containers,
vats and food.

• Beware of blinds, spots tips in carpets or rugs and rough and uneven floor surfaces

• Make frequent requests to get these repaired

 A slip is caused by the absence of sufficient friction between a person's feet and his/her
walking surface.

 A trip is a loss of balance that occurs when the forward or backward movement of one

or both feet are interrupted.

 A fall is the consequence of a slip. Falls happen when an irregular body movement
disrupts balance.



FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

To reduce burns from hit surfaces (grills, stoves) hot oil and grease, there are many things
owners, managers and workers should do.

 Use splash-guards around hot surfaces

 Use materials handling devices, such as rolling carts with handles for moving vats.

 Use dry potholders and mitts.

 Use pour assist devices.

 Have burn fast aid kits.

 Dry food before placing in hot oil.

 Never leave hot oil unattended.

 Cool oil and grease before handling.

 Use lids and covers.

 Fill fryers baskets no more than half full.

 Keep liquids away from fryers.

 Turn off stove when not in use.

 Keep pot and pan handles away from hot burners.

 Place food in boiling water slowly to reduce splash.

 Make sure pot handles do not stick out over the edge of a range or stove.

 Adjust burner flames to only cover the bottom of the pan.

 Use long oven gloves or mitts for deep ovens.

 Do not open cookers and steam oven when they are under pressure.

 Open lids away from you.

 Get help when handling heavy containers of hot liquid.


Cuts and lacerations can be caused by knives and unguarded machines. To reduce the risk of
these types of injuries, the following can be done.

• Make sure that machine guards are installed on all meat slicers, mixers, baking


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

machines, and similar types of equipment.

• Never remove machine guards when in use.

• Never operate any machine unless you are trained in its use.

• Never cut meat in a slicer once it becomes too tin, use a knife to complete the cutting.

● Never wear jewelry while cutting, which can get stock in a machine.

• Cut and show away from the body.

• Keep knives sharpened daily.

• Store knives properly in knife racks, not metal or plastic containers.

• Use the correct knife for the appropriate activity.

• Use a damp cloth under cutting board to reduce movement of the board.

• Do not place knives near the edge of the countertop.

• Carry knives by the handle, with the cutting edge angled down and away from you.

• Never hand a knife to a coworker. Place it on a surface and let the coworker pick it up.

• Separate broken glass from trash.


Cooking fires are the primary cause of home fires and home fire injuries. The majority of cooking
equipment fires start with the ignition of common household items (i.e., papers or plastic bags,
curtains, etc.)

Kitchen Fires are Most Often Caused by:

• Leaving cooking food unattended.

• Placing combustible too close to the heat source.

• Unintentionally turning on or not turning off the equipment.


• Keep appliances serviced, clean, and in good repair.

• Unplug electric appliances when not in use.

• Install a smoke detector near, but not in the kitchen.

• Use caution when lighting the pilot light or burner on a gas stove.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

• Don't use metal in the microwave.

• Don't overfill pots or pans will oil or grease.

• Wipe up spills and don't cook on a dirty stove.

• Always roll up long sleeves and tie back long hair when cooking.

• Never leave cooking food unattended.

• Keep dish towels, pot holders, and paper towels away from the stove.


• Install solid fuel cooking appliances on a monthly basis.

• Have cooking appliances in low-volume kitchens inspected quarterly.

• Have cooking appliances in moderate- volume kitchen inspected twice a year.

• Have cooking appliances in high- volume kitchen inspected quarterly.

• Equip cooking appliances with non-combustible grease filters.

• Place only non-combustible, easily cleaned racks, trays, spacers and containers.

• Vent cooking appliances to the exterior of the building.

• Empty all grease containers at least once a day.

• Install appliances at an adequate distance from other surfaces.

• Train all kitchen staff on the hazards of fuel-air combustion, explosive materials, and ignition
sources as well as how to operate equipment properly.

In Case of a Fire

Many fires that start in the kitchen are caused by overheated grease or oil.

• Grease fires are put out by smothering the fire, that means not letting air get to the fire.

• Cover the pan or fryer with a tight-fitting lid. Slide the lid over the fire from the side.

• Turn the appliance off.

• Do not pour water onto a grease fire, it will make the fire worse.

• Do not carry the burning pan or fryer to the kitchen sink or outdoors.

• Grease fires can be put out with a fire extinguisher.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

• Locate the extinguisher in a visible, accessible area. Read the instructions provided on the
extinguisher on its proper and safe use.

• If the fire spreads rapidly, call the fire department.

ERGONOMICS reduces injuries

Ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace to fit the worker, rather than expecting a
worker to fit into the job that has not been designed correctly. A poorly designed workplace puts
worker at risk of getting hurt. These physical hazards include:

• Unnatural and award body positions.

• Continuously performing the same motion over and over again during a work shift.

• Standing for long periods of time in one spot.

• Manual handling (lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, holding, filling, emptying) of heavy
and award boxes, crates, trays, equipment or garbage.

These hazards can cause injuries to develop slowly over time, like a very sore shoulder or the
injuries can happen suddenly. Most people call these sudden events "Accidents." We know the
MOST accidents can be prevented. Serious injuries can happen in the restaurant due to:

• Slippery floors, poor lighting

• Hot stoves, grills, oil and grease

• Knives and unguarded machines

These injuries are more likely to happen if your employees are moving or carrying heavy loads, or
working under a lot of time pressure of working long hours. One hazard can cause ANOTHER


• ONE: eliminate the hazards so the workers can't go near them.

• TWO: change the way work is done by workers so there is less contact with hazards.

• THREE: put protective equipment on the workers bodies.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

ONE is most important. When we use equipment or machines to eliminate or reduce a hazard,
we call this " engineering controls." Examples:

• Lifting devices

• Lift tables

• Work surfaces at different height to prevent reaching and bending.

TWO is next in importance. Example of "changing the work" include;

• Allowing more rest breaks to enable workers bodies time to recover.

• Adjusting the pace of the job so people are not working fast.

• Rotating workers so everybody shares the load a0nd does les tiring tasks during day.

• Improving your kitchen tool maintenance schedule so that knives are ALWAYS sharp.

THREE personal protective equipment should be the last resort when no other control method is
possible. Sometimes the best solution is to use a combination of two or all of the strategies. The
decisions will usually be based on the task demands, equipment availability and restaurant


Workers may experience fatigue, soreness, discomfort, aching, burning, weakness, numbness and
tingling in their hands, arms, shoulder back legs either on or off the job.

Every employer wants a clean safety record. Having lack of reported injuries doesn't mean that
the injury process hasn't started inside the body. The best way for employees to stop and reverse
the damage to muscles and joints is to report these symptoms to their supervisor and to their
company physician as soon as they feel them.


Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other
threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal
abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients,
customers and visitors.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food


Identify areas of Develop Train to minimize Implement system

risk procedures to potential for for reporting,
minimize risks violence investigating, and
Potential for robbery Review safe cash Train managers and Report incidents and
handing procedures employees so they take corrective action
and post as are aware of potential to minimize
necessary. hazards in the recurrences.
Working alone and Make security Use posters, Ask employees to
employee access provisions, escort employee newsletter, consult a physician for
during off-hours employees out at the and staff meetings treatment or referral
end of their shifts. promote to a safe if they need incident
environment. trauma counseling.
Ensure that Conduct monthly
employees inspections to review
understand they must the equipment and to
carry out specific ensure that safe work
procedures as practices are in place
outlined in their job and followed.
description. Short cuts
may lead to an
Unruly guests or Managers or Ensure that all servers Hold regular health
alcohol-related guest supervisors are have “serving it and safety meetings
incidents always available if an right.” and inspections to
employee needs help review and assess
with an aggressive opportunities for
guest. improvement.
Train servers to deal Training records are
with difficult guests. current and


Written safe work practices provide employees with instructions on how to carry out specific tasks
and how to protect themselves against known hazards. Following safe work practices helps
employees minimize risks. Written safe work procedures that are specific to your operation will
also help with employee orientation and training. Make sure you have written safe work practices
for all areas of your workplace. Procedures for high-risk activities must be posted and readily
accessible. Post your safe work practices in appropriate areas around the workplace. For example,”
Cleaning the Slicer,” should be posted near the slicer.



FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

 Adequate rest breaks, less overtime, paid sick days and vacation days can reduce the
amount of time your employees are exposed to the health hazard. They also give them
more time for their bodies to heal.
 Better staffing can reduce how much your employees have to get done. This can lower the
time pressure and help your employees work at a safer speed. This is very important for
preventing strains and sprains.
 Fair and equal opportunities for promotion help workers to move up to better jobs over
time. Often higher paying jobs have less injury hazard.


Quiz No.4
(20 Points)

Instruction: Your subject instructor will provide the link for your digital quiz via Microsoft forms.


Assignment No.2
(50 Points)

Instruction: Use the (activity template) and identify 5 hazard (observations) & provide 5
prevention’s in your Kitchen Area on how to prevent kitchen fire.

Note: Documentation on each number for this activity is needed as part for evaluation purposes.


Identify 5 hazard (observations) & provide 5 prevention's:






Examples for basis only:

- signages / precautions

- hazards (ex. Electrical)

- identify your risk or hazards in your kitchen area


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

- you may refer as your guide the presented video or solutions on your study guides

Deadline for submission: Monday October 29, 2021


Occupational Safety Hazards in Food Service Operations

A. Books and E-books

2019 Risk Management w/ HACCP

Mylene A. Yeung

2018 Risk Management for Tourism and Hospitality Management

Jovid Maricar H. Maranan, D.B.A. , Mario H. Maranan, D.P.A. ,
Cristina O. Nazareno-Caluza, Ph. D.

Automation in tourism industry and hotel management, 2018

Yaduraj Choudhary, New Delhi: Random Publications

Hospitality Security and Services, 2017

3G E-Learning

Hotel and Resort design, 2018

Habita Architects, Australia: The Images Publishing Group

Food safety: the science of keeping food safe 2nd edition, 2018
Ian C. Shaw, London: Wiley Black Well

Trends and development in tourism industry, 2018

Ravindra Ahuja, New Delhi: Random Publications

Inventory Management, 2017

Sandeep Choudhary, New Delhi: Random Publications

Basics of hospitality history and development evolution, 2018

Shweta Singh, New Delhi: Random Publications

B. Journals /Magazines

Tourism Security 2020

1st Edition
Strategies for Effectively Managing Travel Risk and Safety
Author: Peter Tarlow
Published: June 6, 2014

Hospitality Security


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in Risk Management Module 4 - Occupational Safety Hazards in Food

1st Edition
Managing Security in Today’s Hotel, Lodging, Entertainment and Tourism Environment
Author: Darell Clifton
Published: May 29, 2012 by CRC Press

Food Safety and Risk Management at Catering Level during the COVID-19
Department of Hospitality Management, Faculty of Management and Hospitality, Hong
Published: July 10, 2020
Kong Corresponding author: Leung Kin Hang Paul, Department of Hospitality Management,
Faculty of Management and Hospitality, Hong Kong


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