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Comsats University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus

Reg no:
Assignment: 01
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Q1: What is Software Crisis?

Q2: When it happened?
Q3: How It happened?
Q4: When it was resolve?
Q5: How it was resolve?
Q6: what was the outcomes of software crisis?

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Comsats University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus

Q1: What is Software Crisis?

The unexpected disturbance of normal activity. Is called crisis.

Software crisis:
The term Software Crisis were first used during the early stage of 1960 When hardware
advance rapidly than software there were large size of hardware’s and all computer science
community focus only on to reduce the size of hardware and they totally neglect focus on
software they didn’t realize how change in size of hardware can affect the problem-solving
software’s. after that a lot of destruction occur in software because of insufficient methods to
write software according to the new adjusted hardware and that’s all called software crisis.

Q2: When it happened?

The software crisis happened during the era of (1960-1970-1980) when companies were
unable to build software according to the client requirements. Because of they never
experienced such problems before, that’s all happened due to poor skills of software building
of that time.

Q3: How It happened?

It first happened due lack of programmer work together, and all work were concentrated only
on one programmer. And there were lot of chances of forgetting ideas. After they created
much software, but they didn’t get best product or success because of they didn’t know how
to work in team they didn’t know about management.
Developer didn’t ask customer what they need in software they just create software. And
think I would be better for a customer without knowing customer needs , they didn’t interact
with the clients as nowadays developers do. So that’s why it is also one of the cause of
software crisis.
The software crisis also happened due to advancement of hardware and less capability of
software to run it. When hardware sizes reduce become more advance. At that time software
engineers were unable to build software for those advance hardware’s due to poor techniques
and skills of problem solving.
According to accglobal website Software is still difficult to develop and often fails to meet
user expectations.
programmers nowadays work in teams and everyone creates a part of the software and no
programmer works individually.

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Comsats University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus

Somehow nowadays system Analysts are hired to work as a translator between the
programmer and the user, so that the analyst can tell the programmer what the user wants by
the means of diagrams and structural tools.

Q4: When it was resolve?

Software crisis resolve after (1970-1980) when engineer identify the solution as given below.
 Those projects were over budget.
 Poor skills of problem solving at that time.
 Immediate and unexpected change in hardware.
 Poor knowledge of project management.

Q5: How it was resolve?

There are many factors through which software crisis has been resolved.
 Increase skills performance.
 Improve productivity rate.
 Reduce over budget software projects.
 Make a good quality software.
 Must have knowledge of team work.
 System analysts were heired to analyze problem of client and then understood to the

Q6: What was the outcomes of software crisis?

After reading the above statements we understood the outcomes of the software crisis.
 It is hard to make a correct project by a single person. Teamwork must be in
knowledge of developers or programmers because a single person cannot do a
whole project by themselves. developer must know about project management.
 That a developer must interact with the client to understand the problem of a client
and solve their problem.
 Increase in skill performance of problems solving, reduce the chances of failure
of projects.

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