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Today 1

Juniors I


Coverage: Modules 5 & 6
Not all the teaching points below will be tested.

1. Verb tenses: - Present simple – all forms
- Past simple - - verb ‘to be’ – all forms
- verbs for routine activities. – page 52 – all forms
2. Adverbs of frequency – always – usually – often – sometimes - never
3. Wh..? questions – what – where – what time – how often
4. Expressions of frequency: once – twice – three times… - a week/month/year

5. Give invitations
6. Give directions

7. Routine activities - Sts book p. 52
8. School subjects – Sts book p. 54
9. Jobs and places of work - Sts book p. 56
10. Culture today – new words - Sts book p. 61
11. Places in town – Sts book p.65
12. Months of the year and ordinal numbers– Sts book p. 66
13. Cross curricular studies - new words –- Sts book p. 71

Students should be able to:
14. Write a blog entry describing your routine – Sts book p. 53
15. Write a blog entry describing someone in your family and his/her routine – Sts book p. 57
16. Write an invitation for your party– Sts book p. 59
17. Write an email to a friend giving directions to get to your house/party – Sts book p. 69
18. Write an email to your friend telling what you did last weekend- EXTRA TEACHING POINT

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see recommendations about how students should approach the written tasks
in the syllabus.

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Today 1
Juniors I


Unit 5 – Routines

Lesson A – I play every Thursday

Do pages 52 and 53 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

Follow the tips offered. They are very useful to have much more interactivity within the

Do photocopiable Resource 5A

Workbook: pp. 49 to 52

Lesson B – Do you have Maths everyday

Do pages 54 and 55 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.
Do photocopiable Resource 5B

Once students write a paragraph about their routines, display them around the class and
encourage them to read and guess whose routine is described in each paragraph

Workbook: pp. 53 to 56

Lesson C – What do you do?

Do pages 56 and 57 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.
Do photocopiable Resource 5C

Workbook: pp. 57 to 60

Lesson D – Communication
Do pages 58 and 59 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.
Do photocopiable Resource 5D

Workbook: p. 61

Lesson E – School life

Do pages 60 and 61 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

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Today 1
Juniors I

Lesson F – Revision
Do pages 62 and 63 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

My progress
Encourage students to reflect on their own learning and complete the chart.

Workbook: p. 62

Unit 6 – Outside

Lesson A – How often do you go to karate?

Do pages 64 and 65 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.
Do photocopiable Resource 6A

Workbook: pp. 63 to 66

Lesson B – Do you like my blog?

Do pages 66 and 67 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.
Do photocopiable Resource 6B

Workbook: pp. 67 to 70

Lesson C – Communication
Do pages 68 and 69 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

Do photocopiable Resource 6 C

Workbook: p. 71

Lesson D – Cross-curricular studies

Do pages 70 and 71 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

Lesson E – Revision
Do pages 72 and 73 - Follow suggestions in the TB carefully.

Workbook: p. 72

My progress
Encourage students to reflect on their own learning and complete the chart.

Pick and Mix

Do it all.
It’s an interesting section to work with the language with a ludic approach.
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Do you remember the routine of the famous footballer from Liverpool, Wayne Rooney?
Yesterday was a very difficult day…. do you want to know why?

Rooney usually goes to bed at twelve o’clock but

yesterday was Saturday and he went to bed at three
o’clock in the morning because he had a birthday party in
his brother’s house. He got up at eleven o’clock, because
… he was very tired!

Rooney had a big breakfast because he was hungry – two

apples, orange juice, three bananas, a piece of cake and
some coffee.
At two o’clock Rooney went to the stadium, got dressed for
the match. The players were ready but Rooney wasn’t
ready. He didn’t talk with the players … he was very tired!

He just played for thirty minutes … he was very

tired and sleepy. He didn’t score a single goal.

His coach talked with Rooney and said: ‘Go

home, you can’t play! You are very tired!’
Rooney went home but he didn’t play computer
games. He had an orange juice and went to bed.

What a difficult day… no more parties on Saturdays!

I’m very tired!

1- Read Rooney’s routine on page 52 (students’ book) and Rooney’s difficult day.
Complete the chart.

… goes to bed at 12 o’clock … … he went to bed at 3 o’clock.

… __________ at 8 o’clock … … he __________ at 11 o’clock.

… ____________ breakfast … he ___________ breakfast.

Rooney usually… … but yesterday …
… _____ with the other players … he _____ with the other players.

… ______ for ninety minutes … he ______ for thirty minutes.

… _______ computer games. … he ________ computer games

Why? Because Rooney ________________!

2- Complete the grammar boxes

Past Simple: to be

Rooney ______ tired.
The players ______ ready

Rooney ______ ready. Past Simple: regular & irregular verbs
The players ______ ready
Questions Rooney ______ for thirty minutes.
Was Rooney ready? No, he wasn’t
Were the players ready? Yes they were Negative
Rooney _______ to bed early.

Did Rooney have a small breakfast?
No, he didn’t.
Did the coach talk with Rooney?
Yes, he did.

What did you do last weekend?






Extra material to be used with Today! 1

Teacher’s notes

I. Explain that Rooney is a very good football player and he has a very strict routine but last
Saturday he had a birthday party, he went to bed very late and some things didn’t go well.

II. Ask students to read the text and then elicit the following information:
a- Does Rooney want to go to parties on Saturdays?
b- Why? / Why not?

III. Ask students to read both texts (Rooney’s routine on page 52 students’ book and Rooney’s
difficult day) and they should complete the chart.

IV. Guide students to complete the Grammar boxes using the examples in the texts.

Extra practice:

A- In pairs students talk about what they did last weekend.

- Give each pair a copy of the grid.
- Student A and B take a different colour pencil each.
- Each student say a sentence using the verbs in the grid and cross out the used
verb/verbs and it can’t be used again.
- When all verbs are crossed out students count how many crosses of each colour are
there on the grid.
- The student with more crosses wins.

B- Writing task
Guide students to write an email to a friend telling him/her about what they did last weekend.

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