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Sustainable Development Goal 8 is about "decent work and economic DG 8 goal particularly focus on productive employment,decent work for

work for all

growth" and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which men and women and economic growth that promise of inclusive,
were established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. sustainable and decent work to be realized.
The full title is to "Foster sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work SDG8 implicitly builds on the ILO’s Decent Work agenda, with its four
for all. ‘core standards’ – freedom from forced labour, freedom from child labour,
freedom from discrimination at work; freedom to form and join a union,
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and to bargain collectively. This itself is the product of longstanding and
and productive employment and decent work for all can be illustrated contentious debates between corporate and state actors, trade unions,
by ensuring proper policy-making and legislative work with higher NGOs, women’s organisations, and emerging labour groups of the informal
quality and greater relevance for society, because it makes policies sector.
respond more effectively to the needs of all citizens – women and
men, girls and boys. Women empowerment helps in boosting the The ECOSOC defined gender mainstreaming as “a strategy for making
status of women through literacy, education, training and awareness women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension
creation. Furthermore, women's empowerment refers to women's of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and
ability to make strategic life choices which had been previously denied programs in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and
them. men benefit equally, and inequality is not perpetrated. Both targeted
interventions and integrated operations are valid forms of gender
This goal aims at ensuring the economic sector of every country mainstreaming measures."
provides the necessary need for its citizen to have a good life
irrespective of their background, race or culture and gender. To In addition,In response to the claims articulated by feminist and labour
achieve the goal, it is divided into some targets to achieve full and movements, ILO’s core standards recognize the need to address diverse and
productive employment and decent work for all women and men. varied experiences of the workplace: ‘To promote decent and productive
more specifically, it states about average hourly earnings of female work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and
and male employees by occupation, age and persons with disabilities. human dignity. All workers have the right to decent work, not only those
working in the formal economy, but also the self-employed, casual and
One of the important target of SDG 8 is about ensuring labor rights informal economy workers, as well as those, predominantly women,
and promoting safe working environments. Gender Mainstreaming as working in the care economy and private households’ (ILO, 2012, pp v)
a strategic approach for achieving the goal of gender equality, has
been mandated in the UN system since the Beijing Platform for Action So if the SDG goal 8 is achieved, it means gender mainstream and women
(1995) and agreed conclusions of the Economic and Social Council empowerment have been achieved which will not only cause an end to
and subsequently across all of the major areas of work of the UN women sufferings but also will help to make the world aa better place to
system. live

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