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Name: ____________________________

Subject: _PHYSICS__ Grade: __X___

Cambridge Assessment International Education Roll No.: _______ Date: __________


Note: ** is extra information

General Physics

Quantity Formula SI Units

Density ( ) =M/V Kg/m3
Vernier Calliper
Thickness = main scale reading + vernier reading
(Least count = 0.1mm)
Screw gauge
(Least Count = Thickness = main scale reading + fractional scale reading
Period of a Pendulum Time for one swing of a pendulum
1 second = 1000 ms or millisecond
Speed ( v ) v = d/t m/s

Area of a rectangular shaped

graph = base x height
Area of a triangular shaped graph
= ½ x base x height
Distance-time graph Greater the gradient of graph, the faster the object is moving
Speed (v) Gradient of distance-time graph m/s

Speed-time graph
Distance (d) Area under speed-time graph m
Speed-time graph  Horizontal line= Constant speed
 Straight line at a slant angle = Speed change at a steady
 Straight line sloping upwards = Speed

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 Straight line sloping downwards = Speed
 Curved line = acceleration is changing

Balanced and Unbalanced forces

Forces are balanced 1. An object is at rest or

when: 2. An object is in uniform motion
Forces are unbalanced 1. An object is accelerated

Note: An object moving in circular motion at constant speed

has acceleration. This is because its direction is constantly
changing. The unbalanced force acting on the object is towards
the center of the circle.

Quantity Formula SI Units

Terminal velocity is the constant
Weight of the object(downward) = air
velocity achieved by a falling object

Acceleration (a) a = (v-u)/t m/s2

Acceleration (a) Gradient of speed-time graph m/s2
Free fall is any motion of a
Acceleration of free body where gravity is the
g = 10 m/s2
fall (g) only acceleration acting
upon it.

Vectors are physical quantities that have magnitude and direction. Eg.: Force, Weight,
accelertation, velocity, momentum, moment etc.
Scalars are physical quantities that have only magnitude. Eg.: Mass, speed, distance,
temperature, density, volume etc.
Force (F) F = ma N
Weight (W) W = mg N
The tension force is the force that is transmitted through a cable, rope, wire or string
when it is pulled tight by forces

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Momentum is amount of motion in an object.

Force changes motion, it causes acceleration.

Force causes acceleration means Force causes change in momentum.

Impulse of of a force = Change in momentum

F = ma = m(v-u) / t

Impulse of force Ft = mv - mu Ns

Momentum (p) p = mv Kgm/s

When two objects collide, the total momentum before the
Momentum in a
collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision (in
the absence of external forces)

Principle of
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
conservation of

Problem: Consider two model cars of mass 1.2 and 1.4kg colliding at 0.5m/s from left and

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0.2m/s from right.
Total momentum before collision = m1u1 + m2u2
(Note: Momentum is a vector, so if we consider car moving from right to be positive, then
momentum of car moving from left will be taken as negative)
Total momentum before collision = 1.2 x 0.5 – 1.4 x 0.2
Total momentum before collision = 0.6 – 0.28
Total momentum before collision = 0.32 kgm/s
If the two cars stick together and move after the collision, then their velocity can be
given by
Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after collision
0.32 = Total momentum after collision
0.32 = m1v1 + m2v2
(Both cars move at the same speed after collision, so v1 =v2 = v)
0.32 = m1v + m2v
0.32 = (m1 + m2)v
0.32 = (1.2+1.4) x v
0.32 = 2.6 x v
V = 0.32 / 2.6 = 0.12 m/s
Note: Solve problems step by step to avoid silly mistakes

Quantity Formula SI Units

Moment of a force (M) M = Fd Nm
For a body in equilibrium, total clockwise moment = total anticlockwise moment

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Center of mass: If the object has a broader
base and if the center of mass is nearer to
the base, the object is more stable.
In the given diagram,
option B is most stable

Pressure (p) p = F/A N/m2 or Pa

Fluid means anything that
Pressure in fluid (p) p= gh
flows – liquid or gas.

Pressure of a gas

When temperature of gas increases,

Pressure of a gas when the KE of gas molecules increases,
temperature increases so gas molecules collide more frequently with the container.
(explanation in terms These collisions cause transfer of momentum.
of momentum) There are more collisions per unit area of the container, so
Pressure in the container increases.

The pressure of a gas results from collisions between

the gas particles and the walls of the container. ... An increase in
Kinetic molecular
the number of gas particles in the container increases the
frequency of collisions with the walls and therefore
the pressure of the gas. E ach time a gas particle hits the wall, it
exerts a force on the wall.

Manometer is used to
measure difference in
pressure of two gases

Atmospheric pressure 760mmHg or 1.01 x 105Pa Note: In a mercury

barometer, the atmospheric

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pressure is measured
according to the height of
mercury which is
irrespective of the diameter
of the barometer.

Length of stretched spring = original length + extension

F = kx;
Hooke’s law
k is the spring constant(Unit = N/m), x is the extension

Gravitational potential
g.p.e. = mgh J
Kinetic energy k.e.= ½ x mv2 J

Energy efficiency = (useful energy output / energy input) x 100 %

Energy conversion
Electrical energy  light energy + thermal energy
In any energy conversion, the total amount of energy before and after the conversion is
In problems, where an object is thrown up and it loses all its kinetic energy, its all
converted to gravitational potential energy, provide air resistance is negligible.

Loss of gravitational potential energy = Gain of Kinetic energy

mgh = 1/2 x m x v2

Work done = Energy transferred

When an object is lifted, W = increase in gpe = mgh
Work done(W) W = Fd = E J or Nm
Power (P) P = W/t = E/t W or J/s
1kW = 1000W; 1MW = 1000 kW

Power efficiency = (useful power output / power input) x 100 %

Biomass = a material, recently living, used as a fuel

Fossil fuel = a material, formed from long-dead material, used as a fuel

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Renewable energy resource which, when used, will be replenished naturally
Non-renewable energy resource which, once used, is gone forever

Nuclear fission is the process by which energy is released

by the splitting of a large heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei.

Nuclear fusion is the process in which energy is released

by the joining together of two small light nuclei to form a new heavier nucleus
In the Sun, under high pressure and high temperature, four hydrogen nuclei combine to
form one helium atom releasing heat and light.

Electricity and Magnetism

Quantity Formula SI Units

Q. Which diagram
shows the direction
in which the
compass needle
Ans. The compass needle
points as in option C, as
magnetic field lines point
from North to South.
Force exerted by the field
E is electric field intensity
on a unit charge placed at a
**Electric Field Intensity in N/C
point around another
I is in Amperes(A)
Current: Rate of flow of
I=Q/t Q is in Coulumbs(C)
charges in a conductor
t is in seconds(s)
Voltage across the resistor is
V is in volts(V)
directly proportional to to
Ohm’s Law I is in Amperes(A)
R is in ohms( )
Energy per unit charge
V = Energy / Q
Emf = lost volts + terminal
Electromotive force (emf) EMF = Ir + IR
potential difference
Circuit In Series circuit, the current stays the same and voltage divides

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In Parallel circuit, the voltage stays the same and current
**Potential drop

Voltage applied to a series circuit is equal to the sum of the

individual voltage drops. The voltage drop across a resistor in
a series circuit is directly proportional to the size of the resistor.

V = V1 + V2

**Potential difference in a
Parallel circuit
In a parallel circuit,
the voltage drop is the same
across each of these

V = V1 = V2 = V3

Total Resistance in Series R = R1 + R2

Total Resistance in Parallel 1 / R = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Total current in a Parallel
I = I1 + I2 + I3 Amperes
P = VI
Power Watts
P = I2R

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Potential divider circuit:

How can we get an output

voltage of 3V from a battery
of 6V? Sometimes we want
to use only part of the emf
of a supply.

Potential divider is a simple

circuit that uses resistors(or
thermistors / LDR's) to
supply a
variable potential difference.

Q. How does the

movement of the slider
affect the voltmeter
Ans. As the slider moves
from Z to X, the length of
the resistor increases,
accordingly Vout increases, so
the voltmeter reading
Note: X is towards the positive terminal, so voltage
increases as slider slides towards X, consequently voltage
would reduce when slider slides towards Y
Q. The light falling on the
light-dependent resistor
(LDR) increases in
brightness. What
happens to the
resistance of the LDR,
the current in the fixed
resistor and the reading
on the voltmeter?

Ans. As light falling on LDR increases in brightness, resistance of LDR decreases.

LDR is connected in series with the fixed resistor, so the total resistance of the circuit
decreases. As total resistance of the circuit decreases, current flowing through the circuit
increases. Thus current in the fixed resistor increases and proportionately voltmeter
reading also increases.
A diode allows flow of current in one direction only.

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Light emitting diode emits light when current flows through it

A relay is an electromagnetically operated switch

A fuse is used to prevent excessive currents flowing in a circuit

Power P = Energy / time Energy in Joules(J)

Vp = Voltage in Primary coil
Vs = Voltage in Secondary
Transformer Vp / Vs = Np / Ns Np = Number of turns in the
Primary coil
Ns = Number of turns in the
Secondary coil
Power of Primary coil = Power of Secondary coil
Transformer Pp = Ps
Vp x Ip = Vs x Is

Atomic Physics

Helium nucleus
Stopped by paper
Alpha Particles
Highest ionization
Fast moving electrons
Stopped by aluminium
Beta Particle
Less ionization
radiation R denotes Alpha particles
Only Stopped by thick S denotes gamma particles
Gamma particles T denotes Beta particles
sheet of Lead
Least ionization
Half life Time in which activity or mass of nuclei becomes half
A is the total number of protons and
Atomic symbol neutrons
Z is the total number of protons

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Eg. Carbon-12 and Carbon-14
Same number of
Both have atomic number = 6
Isotopes protons but different
but their atomic mass numbers are 12
number of neutrons
and 14 respectively

Waves, light and sound

Quantity Formula SI Units

v = speed in m/s
Wave equation
V=fx F = frequency in Hz
Is the wavelength in meters
Wave equation T is the time period of the
2 wave in seconds
Movement of
Longitudinal waves: back and forth in the direction of the waves
particles of the
Transverse = perpendicular to the direction of the waves
i = angle of incidence
Law of
i=r r = angle of reflection
From lighter to denser medium = light bends towards the normal
From denser to lighter medium = light bends away from the normal
n = sin i / sin r
n = speed of light in vacuum / speed of light in the medium
Image from a Virtual, upright, lateral inverted, same size and same distance from the
plane mirror mirror inside
Image from a When close: virtual, enlarge, upright
convex lens When far: real, small, upside down
Image from a
Virtual, upright, small
concave lens
When light goes from denser to lighter medium, the incident angle at
Critical angle
which the reflected angle is 900, is called critical angle.
Total Internal When light goes from denser to lighter medium, the refracted ray

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bends inside the same medium then this is called Total Internal
This way the frequency decreases and wavelength increases
Gamma rays -> X rays -> UV -> Visible Light -> InfraRed -> Micro waves ->
Radio waves
Colours of
Visible VIBGYOR (from bottom-up)
Speed of Light In air: 3 x 108 m/s In glass: 2 x 108 m/s

Light wave Electromagnetic waves Transverse

light wave It has a single frequency
Longitudinal waves
Sound wave Compression = particles of the medium come close
Rarefaction = particles of the medium far apart
D = distance between sound
Echo V = 2xd / t
source and reflection surface
Properties of Pitch means frequency of the wave
sound waves Amplitude means Loudness of the wave
Air: 330 – 340 m/s
Speed of sound Water: 1400 m/s
waves Concrete: 5000 m/s
Steel: 6000 – 7000 m/s

Refraction of water waves

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Reflection of

Diffraction of

Thermal Physics

Quantity Formula SI Units

Temperature of a gas is the mean kinetic energy of the gas

1. The narrower the tube, the more the
liquid inside moves, hence more is the
thermometer sensitive.
Sensitivity of a thermometer
2. The more the volume of liquid used,
more is the sensitivity of the
Linear expansion in a thermometer It is the uniform expansion of
liquid per degree rise in temperature.
To ensure linear expansion in a
thermometer, we ensure

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Uniform Cross sectional area of the
capillary tube
Robert Brown observed tiny fragments
of pollen grains moving around in water.
The water molecules are in constant
random motion due to repeated
collisions. This in turn causes the pollen
grains to be bombarded in random
Brownian motion
Similar movement of smoke is observed
in a smoke cell, the path of smoke
particles is jerky and random as smoke
particles suffer repeated collisions with
air molecules.
Pressure in gases
More the density of gas, more the
**Pressure and density relationship Reason: More number of particles causes
more collision with the walls of the
More the temperature, more the
Reason: More K.E. of particles, more
transfer of momentum between particles
**Pressure and Temperature relationship
and walls of the container – so more
force applied per unit area. Also more
frequent collisions between particles and
the walls of the container.
Pressure and Volume
Law) pV = constant Pressure in Pa
(provided temperature p1V1 = p2V2 Volume in m3
and mass of gas remains

Heat or Internal energy is total energy of molecular motion.

Temperature is average energy of molecular motion.

**Thermal Capacity is Thermal capacity = m x c The unit of Thermal capacity

the amount of heat is J/oC
required to raise the Thermal capacity = Q / (T2 – T1)
temperature of any mass

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by 10C

Specific Heat Capacity is

c = specific heat capacity in
the amount of heat
c = Q / mx(T2 – T1) J/kg0C
required to raise the
or Q = total heat in Joules(J)
temperature of 1kg mass
Q = mc(T) M = mass in kg
by 10C
T = T2 – T1
E = energy supplied in Joules
Specific Latent Heat(L) L=E/M M = mass in kg

Latent = Hidden
When an object changes state, its temperature does not change
But heat is supplied to break the bonds between the particles.
Energy required to change state is called as Latent heat.

In solids = conduction
In liquids and gases = convection
Thermal or Heat transfer
In vacuum or any transparent medium(solid, liquid or gas) =
Dull black surface = good emitter, good radiator, bad reflector
Bright shiny surface = poor emitter, poor radiator, good reflector

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of cooling
on the
capacity of
the state of

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