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Title of the project: Social phenomena in imagined professional life

Course name and code: SOC 101

Date of submission: 26.09.2020

Submitted by
Name: Marufa Akter Nizu
ID: 1811783630
Section: 26

Submitted to
Faculty name: Dr. Md Tariqul Islam
Department: Political Science and


Entrepreneurship is the most pursued career in current circumstance to me which has been
demonstrated as my aspired future career for my personal as well as sociological advancement.
The term entrepreneurship is defined as the willingness to take risks, organize proper planning
problem solving skills, enhances competencies of persistence and manage own business venture
in ever competitive global marketplace. This is the ultimate career in capitalism that putting one’s
hard working, idea, creativeness to work in a competitive economy. Although, Finances might be
one of the biggest headaches and often difficult to raise up new companies for entrepreneurs but
family support with banking loan facilities by one’s convincing ability can make oneself as a
successful entrepreneur that beneficial for both personal and sociological development.

My aspired future career and its development in myself:

As a BBA student, I have always considered myself as an entrepreneur as illustrated as my aspired

future career. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is extremely popular major among
students aspiring to venture into the world of management. Besides management, BBA is the
combination of regardless specialization with conceptual, theoretical and practical knowledge in
various aspects of business like finance, economics, operations, marketing, accounting and so on
which is well enough to scalable start up my own business. My business encompasses must be
focused on quality product or service rather than an existing business model. Students may
consider spectrum job opportunities as a prime reason for doing BBA where I focused on
entrepreneur not only for my own financial solvency but also creating job opportunity for many
unemployed people who can be economically beneficial by themselves including with his/her
family members. Larger perspective of business world is another advantage of this course.
Students acquire a holistic approach towards management skills at very early stage which help
them learn the knowledge of business world and act as a leader to take decisions. In today's
competitive world where everybody wishes to become an entrepreneur, this course helps me think
more precisely on different aspects of running a business as well as building tactical skills. Besides
entrepreneur, better pay packages with great career growth at early stage of life surely make me
financial independent just after my graduation which gives confidence and lets the person develop
strategic planning.

Sociological analysis of the development of my career aspiration:

I want to be an entrepreneur where I can be the pathway for many unemployed people who will
follow my dignity, honesty and performed social activities according to my company’s mission
and vision. I believe on my fancy business strategies and find the retail world to be the kingdom
of my dreams. As an entrepreneur for running my own business requires an understanding of large
number of people of various occupation including my employees as well as customer. Having
knowledge on sociology defines as the study of human interaction and organizations that help to
understand my business, able to anticipate customer needs and respond to employee problems in
my own ways of strategy. Studying sociology helps to develop analytical thinking and capabilities
with the different motivations of handling different employee, applicant demographics. Without
proper understanding of co-workers, superiors and subordinates, customers, competitors and so on,
it is nearly impossible to succeed at business as a new entrepreneur. Sociology is a discipline that
enhances a business person’s ability to manage these relations. For example, it might easily notice
the difference between men and women’s approach to their work helping me to understand the
necessity of suitable distribution of work that create a more inclusive workplace according to
employees' need. According to lucid overview of Modern Sociological Theory gives a core
concept that includes Sociological structure, cultural explanation, power, gender, conflict,
cohesion, differentiation and stratification according to globalization.


Overall, a proper knowledge in sociology is not mandatory for establishing successful business
startup, but surely, having someone with a background in sociology on any business team will
boost up company’s development, growth and progression that never imagined before. In addition,
business bigshots that understand sociology are able to anticipate customer needs and respond to
employee problems in an extraordinary way. Lastly, I believe from the core of my heart that none
other than entrepreneurship could be the solution for upgrading our country from developing to
developed one with the social as well as economical advancement.

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