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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 1



Group: 1 Section: _____1_________ Date: ____________

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID % contribution (total = Signature Score


1 Ngô Quang Thiên An ITITIU20150 4%

2 Trần Hải Đăng(4.2, 5, 6, ,7, 3.3) IELSIU20012 24%

3 Trần Dương An Hòa (1,2,3,8.) BEBEIU20275 24%

4 Phan Thị Thanh Huyền (9,3,4.1,4.3) IELSIU20168 24%

5 Đoàn Trần Thảo Hương IELSIU20226 24%

( 1 2 3.1 9)

Total score: _______/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Clear picture: + 1 point

Total = 15 points

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 2


Introduction (1pt)

In this experiment, we will perform and observe a number of chemical reactions. Observe signs of chemical reactions can be a change in color, the formation of

solid, the release of gas, and the production of heat and light. We will also learn how to classify the chemical reactions. There are five general types of reactions:

synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, and combustion.

I. Experimental (1pt)
Experiment 1: Reactions of Cu

- Step 1: Prepare 2 test tubes, label them.

- Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M CuSO4 for each tube.

- Step 3: Add 10 drops of 2M NaOH for tube 1 and 10 drops of 2M NH4OH for tube 2. Mix the tubes gently and observe them.

- Step 4: Continue to add 10 drops of 2M NaOH for tube 1 and 10 drops of 2M NH4OH for tube 2. Mix the tubes gently and observe them and note in the data


- Step 5: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 2: Reactions of silver halides

- Step 1: Prepare 6 test tubes and label from 1 to 6 .

- Step 2: Add the test materials to the suitable tubes. After that adding 10 drops of 0.1 M AgNO3 for each test tube. For the tube 2, 4, 6 add 10 drops of 2M


- Step 3: Mix all the test tubes gently and wait at least 2 minutes.

- Step 4:record the reactions and note in the data sheet.

- Step 5: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 3: Reactions of H2O2

- Step 1: Prepare 3 test tubes and label from 1 to 3.

- Step 2: For tube 1 add 1 drop of 0.1M KMnO4, tube 2 5 drops of 0.1M KI, tube 3 add 10 drops of 3% H2O2.

- Step 3: Add 5 drops of 2M H2SO4 for tube 1 and 2, a pinch of MnO2 for tube 3.

- Step 4: Add 5 drops of 3% H2O2 for tube 1 and 2, mix all the tubes gently and wait at least 2 minutes. record the reactions and note in the data sheet.

- Step 5: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 4: Reactions of Nitrate

- Step 1: Prepare 3 test tubes and label from 1 to 3.

- Step 2: Add 10 drops of 1M NaNO3 for tube 1 and 3, 10 drops of 1M NaNO2 for tube 2.

- Step 3: add 10 drops of saturated FeSO4 for all test tubes.

- Step 4: add 96% H2SO4 for tube 1 and 2 and CH3COOH for tube 3. Remember no shaking for this step.

- Step 5: Observe the reactions and note in the data sheet.

- Step 6: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 5: Reactions of KMnO4

- Step 1: Prepare 3 test tubes and label from 1 to 3.

- Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M Na2SO3 for each tube.

- Step 3: 5 drops of 2M H2SO4 for tube 1, 5 drops of 6M NaOH for tube 2, 5 drops of distilled water for tube 3.

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- Step 4: Add 5 drops of 0.1M KMnO4 for each test tube.

- Step 5: Mix tubes gently and observe the reactions and note in the data sheet.

- Step 6: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 6: Reaction of Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7)

- Step 1: Prepare 1 test tube.

- Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M K2Cr2O7

- Step 3: 10 drops of 6M H2SO4

- Step 4: 5 drops of C2H5OH. observe the reaction and note in the data sheet.

- Step 5: Clean the test tube and return the test tube to the collection area.

Experiment 7: A. Reaction of Fe

Step 1: Prepare 2 test tubes and label them

Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M FeCl3 for each tube.

Step 3: 5 drops of 2M KOH for the first tube and 5 drops of 2M NH4OH for the last tube.

Step 4: Mix them gently, observe the reactions and note in the data sheet.
Experiment 7: B.Reaction of Fe

Step 1: Prepare 2 test tubes and label them

Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M FeSO4 for each tube.

Step 3: 5 drops of 2M KOH for the first tube and 5 drops of 2M NH4OH for the second tube.

Step 4: Mix them gently, observe the reactions and note in the data sheet.

Experiment 8: Reactions of Al

- Step 1: Prepare 2 test tubes and label them.

- Step 2: Add 10 drops of 0.5M Al2(SO4)3 for each tube.

- Step 3: 5 drops of 2M NaOH for all test tubes. Mix them well and observe the reactions

- Step 4: The first tube adds 20 drops of 2M HCl, the second tube adds 20 drops of 2M NaOH. Mix gently and observe the reactions.

- Step 5: note all reactions in the data sheet.

- Step 6: Clean the test tubes and return the test tubes to the collection area.

Experiment 9: Flame test

Step 1: Light the Bunsen burner. Be careful with this experiment, remember to wear glass. Prepare the loop.

Step 2: Clean the loop with distilled water.

Step 3: Dip the loop into the tested solution (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, and BaCl2).

Step 4: Hold it in the flame.

Step 5: Record the dominant flame color and note the reactions in the data sheet.

Step 6: Using the wavelength below and calculate the frequency and energy of the photons emitted during the flame tests.

Dominant color Appropriate wavelength (nm)

Red 701

Red-orange 622

Orange 609

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Orange-yellow 597

Yellow 587

Yellow-green 577

Green 535

Green-blue 492

Blue 474

Blue-violet 455

Violet 423

c = λf

c = speed of light (of any color) = 3.0×108m/s λ = wavelength f = frequency

E = hf

E= energy h= Planck’s constant = 6.63×10-34J∙s f = frequency

II. Results and discussion

1. Reactions of Cu (1 pt)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M CuSO4 The CuSO4 loses its color and appear a CuSO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + Cu(OH)2

+ 2M NaOH pale blue precipitate in the test tube

when adding NaOH into CuSO4

0.5M CuSO4 Appear a pale blue precipitate, then it CuSO4 + 2NH4OH → (NH4)2SO4 + Cu(OH)2

+ 2M NH4OH dissolve and the pale blue color [Cu(OH)2+ (NH4)2SO4+ NH4OH → [Cu(NH3)]SO4+ 4H2]

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(change to dark blue solution)

Comments: (0.5 pts)

- This is a double replacement reaction.

- This experiment shows the basicity of NaOH and NH4OH

2. Reactions of silver halides (2 pts)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M KCl An opalescent precipitate appears. AgNO3 + KCl → AgCl + KNO3

+ 0.1M AgNO3

0.5M KCl An opalescent precipitate appears when AgNO3 + KCl → AgCl + KNO3

+ 0.1M AgNO3 adding KCl, then the precipitate dissolves a AgCl + 2NH4OH → Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2H2O

+ 2M NH4OH little bit.

0.5M KBr A pale yellow precipitate appears. KBr + AgNO3 → AgBr + KNO3

+ 0.1M AgNO3

0.5M KBr Appear a yellow precipitate then it dissolves KBr + AgNO3 → AgBr+ KNO3

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+ 0.1M AgNO3 when adding NH4OH, the precipitate AgBr↓ + 2NH4OH → Ag(NH3)2Br + 2H2O

+ 2M NH4OH becomes white.

0.5M KI A dark yellow precipitate appears. KI + AgNO3 → AgI + KNO3

+ 0.1M AgNO3

0.5M KI A dark yellow precipitate appears, then it KI + AgNO3 → AgI + KNO3

+ 0.1M AgNO3 dissolves a little bit when adding NH4OH but AgI + 2NH4OH → [Ag(NH3)2]I +2H2O

+ 2M NH4OH it still has a slight yellow color.

Comments: (0.5 pts)

- This experiment illustrates the chemical properties of the halides by the precipitate of silver halides.

- As we can see in the reactions, I2 is the strongest chemical in halides.

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3. Reactions of H2O2 (1 pt)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.1M KMnO4 - There is no phenomenon when 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2O2 → 2MnO4 + K2SO4 + 8H2O + 5O2

+ 2M H2SO4 adding H2SO4 into KMnO4

+ H2O2 - After adding H2O2, the solution

has bubbles, the solution gradually

fades and finally loses color to form

a clear solution.

0.1M KI Solution becomes a dark brown 2KI + H2SO4 + H2O2 -> K2SO4 + H2O + I2

+ 2M H2SO4 color and black precipitate of I2.

+ H2O2

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H2O2 The liquid H2O2 decomposes and H2O2 →(MnO2) H2O + O2

+ MnO2 we can observe the bubbling.

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Comments: (0.25 pts)

H2O2 is a strong oxidizing agent , reducing the oxidation number of oxygen from -2 to 0.

4. Reactions of Nitrate (1 pt)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

1M NaNO3 - A none color gas 6FeSO4 + 2NaNO3 + 4H2SO4 → 3Fe2(SO4)3 + Na2SO4 + 4H2O + 2NO

+ FeSO4 appears, and turns into a

+ concentrated H2SO4 brown gas in the air.

-The blue precipitate

appears, but the solution

becomes a transparent

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1M NaNO2 2NaNO2 + 2FeSO4 + 2H2SO4 → Fe2(SO4)3 + Na2SO4 + 2NO + 2H2O

Forms a liquid that is light

+ FeSO4
brown and brown gas

+ concentrated H2SO4 when exposed to air, and

the solution separates into

2 layers.

1M NaNO3 when adding FeSO4 there NaNO3 + 2FeSO4 + 6CH3COOH → NaNO2 + 2(CH3COO)3Fe + 2SO3 + 3H2O

+ FeSO4 is nothing happen about

+ concentrated CH3COOH color, after that the brown

precipitate appears and

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separates into 2 layers

when adding concentrated


Comments: (0.25 pts)

the oxidation of nitric decreases.

5. Reactions of KMnO4 (1 pt)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M Na2SO3 The initial purple liquid is discolored 2KMnO4 + 5Na2SO3 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5Na2SO4 + 3H2O

+ 2M H2SO4

+ 0.1M KMnO4

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0.5M Na2SO3 The liquid turns dark green 2KMnO4 + Na2SO3 + 2NaOH → K2MnO4 + Na2SO4 + H2O + Na2MnO4

+ 6M NaOH

+ 0.1M KMnO4

2 3 4 2 2 4 2
0.5M Na2SO3 The liquid changed from purple to a 3Na SO + 2KMnO + H O → 3Na SO + 2MnO + 2KOH

dark brown precipitate

+ H2O

+ 0.1M KMnO4

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Comments: (0.25 pts)

This experiment shows us about the changing of oxidation numbers.

6. Reaction of Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7) (0.5 pts)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

2M K2Cr2O7 The initial orange solution gradually K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + C2H5OH → Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + CH3COOH + H2O

lost its color, then appeared a blue-

+ 6M H2SO4
violet color. Exothermal

+ C2H5OH

Comments: C2H5OH is a reducing agent, K2Cr2O7 is an oxidizing agent.

7. A. Reactions of Fe (0.75 pts)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M FeCl3 We observed the appearance of a FeCl3 + 3KOH → 3KCl + Fe(OH)3

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+ 2M KOH reddish brown precipitate


0.5M FeCl3 We observed the appearance of a FeCl3 + 3NH4OH → Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4C

reddish brown precipitate
+ 2M NH4OH


Comments: This is a double displacement reaction.

7. B. Reactions of Fe (0.75 pts)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M FeSO4 A blue-white precipitate appears, but 2KOH + FeSO4 → K2SO4 + Fe(OH)2↓

+ 2M KOH after a while, it will gradually turn red-

4Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2H2O → 4Fe(OH)3↓

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0.5M FeSO4 A blue-white precipitate appears but FeSO4 + 2NH4OH → Fe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4

+ 2M NH4OH then develops a green rust color

Comments: This is a double displacement reaction.

8. Reactions of Al (1 pt)

Reaction Observation Chemical Equation

0.5M Al2(SO4)3 The gelatinous precipitate appears, it Al2(SO4)3 +6 NaOH -> 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 Na3SO4

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+ 2M NaOH is Al(OH)3

0.5M Al2(SO4)3 The gelatinous precipitate appears, Al2(SO4)3 +6 NaOH -> 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 Na3SO4

+ 2M NaOH after that it dissolves a little bit. Al(OH)3 + HCl -> NaCl + AlCl3 +H2O

+ 2M HCl

0.5M Al2(SO4)3 The gelatinous precipitate appears, Al2(SO4)3 +6 NaOH -> 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 Na3SO4

+ 2M NaOH but it is going to dissolve all and Al2(SO4)3 + 8NaOH → 3Na2SO4 + 2NaAlO2 + 4H2O

+ 2M NaOH become a solution.

Comments: (0.25 pts)

This experiment shows the gelatinous precipitate of Al(OH)3 and the effect of base and acid on this precipitate.

9. Flame test (1 pt)

Solution Dominant flame Wavelength (nm) Frequency Photon energy (J)

color (s )

LiCl Red 650-700 (701) 4.27^14 2.83x10^-19

NaCl Orange 585-650 (597) 5.025x10^14 3.32x10^-19

KCl Light purple 447.8 6.7x10^14 4.43x10^-19

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CaCl2 Orange 590 - 640 (635) 4.72x10^14 3.13x10^-19

BaCl2 Green 500-560 (535) 5.6x10^14 3.71x10^-19

Note: 0.15 pts for the calculation of each chemical

c = λf

c = speed of light (of any color) = 3.0×108m/s λ = wavelength f = frequency

E = hf

E= energy h= Planck’s constant = 6.63×10-34J∙s f = frequency

Comments: (0.25 pts)

This experiment illustrates the relationship between Chemistry and Physics due to the color of those chemicals and the wavelength it has.

III. Conclusions (1 pt)

In this first lab we have studied many experiments and know the reactions of many types of chemicals. Moreover, we can observe the color of some compounds

due to the flame test, and due to the color we know the wavelength it has. This is the relationship between Chemistry and Physics. Furthermore, as a result of

the diversity of reaction chemicals, we can recognize the chemical.


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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 18



Group: ___1__________ Section: _______2_______ Date: ___15/3/2022_________

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID % contribution (total = Signature Score


Trần Hải Đăng IELSIU20012


Trần Dương An Hòa BEBEIU20275


3 Phan Thị Thanh Huyền IELSIU20168

4 Đoàn Trần Thảo Hương IELSIU20226

5 Lê Võ Hồng Lam IELSIU20338

Total score: ________/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Clear picture: + 1 point

Total = 15 points

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 19


The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
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I. Introduction (1 pt)

(Introduce what experiments you do in this report)

This second laboratory teaches us about the pH of some chemicals, and how to use the pH meter, buffers solution and its function. In specific, the lower the pH, the
+ -
stronger the acidity and the higher the pH, the stronger basicity. The concentration hydrogen ions (H ) and hydroxide ions (OH ) in solution help us to calculate the
+ +
level of acid or base. The acid which donates protons provides hydrogen ions (H ) or hydronium ions (H3O ), the base which accepts protons produces hydroxide
ions (OH ).

Calculation of pH:

 pH = -log[H3O+] = -log[H+]

pH + pOH = 14

[H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14

in neutral solutions, pH = 7

in acidic solutions, pH < 7

in basic solutions, pH > 7

Strong acids and strong bases are completely dissociated in water to produce hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions respectively. Weak acids dissociate only partially and

form little or very little H+. This means that an equilibrium is established between the dissociated and undissociated forms:                                            HA ⇆ H+ +


The equilibrium constant (Ka) is called the acid dissociation constant or acid ionization constant which measures the strength of an acid in solution and equilibrium

constant that refers to the dissociation or ionization of an acid.

                                                     Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]

A buffer is a solution that can resist large pH change upon the small addition of acid or base. To maintain a pH range, a buffer must consist of a weak conjugate

acid-base pair, either a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. Changes in the pH of buffer solutions can be determined by using the

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

                                                     pH = pK + log( [A-]/[HA])

Experimental (1 pt)

1 Equipment:

- pH meter

- Beaker

- Pipet

- Cylinder

- Dropper

- Stirring rod

2 Materials:
 0.1M HCl
 0.1M NaOH
 0.1M CH3COOH
 0.1M NH4Cl
 0.1M CH3COONa
 0.1M NaOH

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 Distilled water
3 Protocol

Experiment 1: pH of DEIONIZED WATER

Step 1: Prepare 50mL deionized water, a stopwatch, a pH meter, a rod, and a beaker.
Step 2: Record the initial pH of water
Step 3: Stirring the water in each 20s and record
Step 4: Clean pH meter and instruments, prepare for the next experiment.

Experiment 2: pH OF STRONG ACID

- Step 1: Put the substances in the beaker in turn and use a pen to mark 10mL HCl 0.1M, 20mL NaOH 0.1M. Note, in the process of taking chemicals, it is

necessary to use a cylinder to measure the exact volume.

- Step 2: Take 10mL 0.1M NaOH mix with 90mL H2O to get 100mL 0.01M NaOH.

- Step 3: Measure the pH of 10mL 0.1M HCl (record and note in the data sheet).

- Step 4: Add to solution over 90mL of distilled water and record pH

- Step 5: Continue adding 10mL 0.1M NaOH and measure the pH

- Step 6: Continue adding 90mL 0.01M NaOH initial (step 2) and record the pH

- Step 7: Clean instruments and pH meter, prepare for the following experiments

Experiment 3: pH OF WEAK ACID

- Step 1: Prepare 3 beakers and label A, B, C, a pH meter

Beaker 1: 20ml 0.1M CH3COOH (solution A)

Beaker 2: Mix 0.2ml 0.1M CH3COOH with … H2O to get 20ml 0.01M CH3COOH (solution B)

Beaker 3: Mix 0.2ml 0.01M CH3COOH with … H2O to get 20ml 0.001M CH3COOH (solution C)

- Step 2: Take 20ml 0.1M CH3COOH and record pH

- Step 3: Take 20ml 0.01M CH3COOH and record pH

- Step 4: Take 20ml 0.001M CH3COOH and record pH

- Step 5: Clean instruments and pH meter, prepare for the next experiments.

Experiment 4: pH OF SALTS
 Step 1: Prepare 3 beakers and label the name of each chemical on each beaker, a pH meter 
Beaker 1: 0.1M NaCl (solution A)
Beaker 2: 0.1M CH3COONa (solution B)
Beaker 3: 0.1M NH4Cl (solution C)
 Step 2: Use a graduated pipette to take 20 ml solution A and put it in beaker 1 (record pH and note in the data sheet)
 Step 3: Use a graduated pipette to take 20 ml solution B and put it in beaker 2 (record pH and note in the data sheet)
 Step 4: Use a graduated pipette to take 20 ml solution C and put it in beaker 3 (record pH and note in the datasheet)
 Step 5: Calculate the Ka and clean instruments and pH meter, prepare for the next experiments.

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Experiment 5: Buffers
Section 1:
 Step 1: prepare 4 beakers and label follow: CH3COOH 0.1M, CH3COONa 0.1M, A1, A2 and 1 cylinder.
 Step 2: use a graduated pipette to add 10 ml of 0.1M CH3COOH and 40 ml 0.1M CH3COONa to the cylinder.
 Step 3: divide the solution equally into A1 and A2 beakers, record the pH.
 Step 4: 
 A1: use a dropper to add 10 drops of 0.1M HCl, and record the pH again.
 A2: use a dropper to add 10 drops of 0.1M NaOH, and record the pH again.
 Step 5: 
 A1: use a dropper to add more of 0.1M HCl until the pH changes by one unit from the start, and record the VHCl (in drops).
 A2: use a dropper to add more of 0.1M NaOH until the pH changes by one unit from the start, and record the VNaOH (in drops).
 Step 6: clean equipment, note all the pH into the data sheet, and prepare for the next experiment.
 Section 2:
 Step 1: prepare 4 beakers and label follow: CH3COOH 0.1M, CH3COONa 0.1M, A1, A2 and 1 cylinder.
 Step 2: use a graduated pipette to add 40 ml of 0.1M CH3COOH and 10 ml 0.1M CH3COONa to the cylinder.
 Step 3: divide the solution equally into A1 and A2 beakers, record the pH.
 Step 4: 
 A1: use a dropper to add 10 drops of 0.1M HCl, and record the pH again.
 A2: use a dropper to add 10 drops of 0.1M NaOH, and record the pH again.
 Step 5: 
 A1: use a dropper to add more of 0.1M HCl until the pH changes by one unit from the start, and record the VHCl (in drops).
 A2: use a dropper to add more of 0.1M NaOH until the pH changes by one unit from the start, and record the VNaOH (in drops).
 Step 6: clean equipment, note all the pH into the data sheet.

II. Results and discussion


Observed pH
st nd Explanation
(second) 1 2

(Group 1) (Group 4)

0 7.35 4.97 In theory, pH of deionized water should be 7. However, when we conduct

20 7.02 5.92 the experiment, pH of deionized water tends to decrease to 5.5. The main

40 6.93 6.07 reason for this is CO2 in atmosphere contacting with deionized water.

60 6.85 6.14 Therefore, when reading pH value of deionized water is usually below 7.

80 6.45 6.20 According to result of group 4, pH has value in range from 5 to 6.5, and

100 5.8 6.20 the initial value is 4.97. Following the theory, the initial pH should be

120 5.84 6.19 around 7. Hence, pH meter of group … has some problem.

140 5.62 6.17

160 5.55 6.15

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(0.5 pts)
- Based on the theory, the deionized water has pH value equal 7. Howerver, in doing experiment process, CO2 in atmosphere will contact with the water.

As a result, pH will decrease to 5.5 due to the fact that CO2 is acidic.

- The pH value is different among groups, owning to, perhaps the instrument of each group does not clean or buffer in pH meter gets some issues to keep

pH value not change

pH OF STRONG ACID (1.5 pts)

Measured pH

Solution Theoretical pH Comments/ Explanation

1st 2nd

(Group 1) (Groupb4)

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The difference between the measured values and the

hypothesized values may be due to the volatile matter

leading to a decrease in the hydrogen ion concentration.

+HCl is a strong acid, it

dissociates completely in the

10 mL of 0.1M HCl 1 1.60 1.92 solution and provided lots of

proton H

+[H+] = [HCl] = 0.1M

+pH = –log[H+] = –log[0.1] = 1

+ The results of the measured group are almost equal to

the theoretical value, but the reference value from the

other group is really difficult to understand when the

concentration of H+ decrease dramatically.

+When we added distilled water

into the solution, the

Add 90 mL of distilled concentration of H+ decreased
2 2.30 6.89

+Ci x Vi = Cf x Vf

0.1mol/L x 0.01L = Cf x (0.01+0.09)L

+Thus, Cf = [H+] = 0.01M

+pH = -log[0.01] = 2

NaOH is a strong base and

strong base can dissociates

completely to releases OH- into

the solution. OH- reacts with H+

Add 10 mL of NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

7 6.67 9.9
0.1M NaOH 0.001 0.001

0.001 0001

0 0

No excess moles of H+ or OH-. Hence the solution is

neutral . pH=pOH=7

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When we add more NaOH, the

concentration of OH in the

solution increases.

+Ci x Vi = Cf x Vf

0.01mol/L x 0.09L = Cf x (0.11+0.09)L. Thus Cf =

Add 90 mL of 4.5x10^-3M
12 11.76 12.36
0.01M NaOH

*So, pOH = -log[OH-]=2.35

*The value of pH:

pH= 14 – pOH = 14 - 2.35 =


Comments :
Using the formula Ci x Vi = Cf x Vf

The pH results that we obtained through the experiments are quite similar to the theoretical calculation results. However, our reference group's results were very

misleading in steps 2 and 3, perhaps they used a stirring rod with impurities from the previous test.

3. pH OF WEAK ACID (1.5 pts)

Measured pH

Solution 1st 2nd Ka Comments

(Group_1_) (Group_2)

-5 Acid acetic is a weak acid, so it dissociates partially in

0.1M acetic acid 2.66 2.85 4.9 x 10
the solution.
0.01M acetic acid 3.01 3.70 1.06 x 10 When the concentration of solution decreases, the

dissociation of H+ decreases , and pH value is

0.001M acetic acid 3.56 4.04 1.05 x 10 increasing.


Calculate 0.1M acetic acid:

ICE table:

+ -

I 0.1 0 0

C -x x x

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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 26


E 0.1 - x x x

+ - -pH -2,66 -3
we have: [H ] = [CH3COO ] = 10 = 10 = 2.19 x 10

+ - -3 2 -3 -5
Ka = [H ]x[CH3COO ]/[CH3COOH] = (2.19 x 10 ) / (0.1 - 2.19 x 10 ) = 4.9 x 10


- According to the result, we see that the concentration of solution influences the pH of the solution. the higher the pH is, the smaller the equilibrium

constant Ka is.

- The results of 2 groups are not remarkably different because the environment or the solution are impure.

4. pH OF SALTS (1.5 pts)

Measured pH Explanation

Solution Predicted pH 1st 2nd

(Group_1_) (Group_3__)

7.0 6.24 5.97 - NaCl is a neutral salt, including ion Na+ (strongly

basic ion) and Cl- (strongly acidic ion). Hence, the

0.1M NaCl
predicted pH of NaCl is 7.0.

- CH3COONa is a basic salt, including CH3COO-

8.0 7.16 6.13
(weakly acidic ion) and Na+ (strongly basic ion).

Hence, the predicted pH of CH3COONa is larger

than 7.0.

- NH4Cl is an acidic salt, including NH4+ (weakly

basic ion) and Cl- (strongly acidic ion). Hence, the

5.3 6.14 5.38

0.1M NH4Cl predicted pH of NH4Cl is smaller than 7.0.

- The recorded pH of solution C (NH4Cl) is the same as our initial prediction, the pH value of NH4Cl (acidic salt) is smaller than 7.0.

- However, the recorded pH of the first two solutions (A and B) is different from our initial prediction. Due to some errors made while measuring, the pH is not as

accurate as predicted.

5. pH OF BUFFERS (3 pts)

Measured pH
Volume (mL) 0.1M Volume (mL) 0.1M Calculated
Buffer [Acid] [Base]
CH3COOH CH3COONa pH 1st 2nd

(Group_1) (Group_3)

A 10.0 40.0 0.02M 0.08M 5.34 4.91/4.98 5.4 /5.3

B 40.0 10.0 0.08M 0.02M 5.34 3.88/3.64 5.00/4.99

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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 27


Calculation pH: (0.5 pts)

+ Mixture A:


0.001 0.001 0.001 (mol)

CH3COONa ↔ CH3COO- + Na+

0.004 0.004 0.004 (mol)

[Acid] = [CH3COOH] = n/V = 0.001/(0.01+0.04) = 0.02M

[Base] = [CH3COONa] = n/V = 0.004/(0.01+0.04) = 0.08M

n CH3COO- = 0.004 + x ≃0.004

Ka = 0.08 x = 1.8
¿ ¿= ×1 0
⇒ x=4.5 ×1 0−5 ( M )❑
Thus, pH = -log[x] = 5.34

Apply the same concept for mixture B

Thus, pH = 5.34

Comments: (0.5 pts)

The value pH when calculating and measuring is not remarkably different because the environment or the solution are impure

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 28


❖ Part I: Addition of 10 drops 0.1 M HCl

pH after adding 10 drops Total volume HCl (drops) to change pH by one

Buffer pH from the start, pHo Comments/ Explanation
HCl unit (pHo-1)

A 4.98 4.88 12th drop

*CH3COOH is a weak acid and partially disso-
ciates in solution
B 3.83 3.56 16th drop while  CH3COONa dissociates completely.

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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 29


- +
- +

* The solution contains CH3COOH, CH3-

- + +
COO , H , Na from CH3COONa and CH3-

COOH, it is obvious that the ethanoate ions is

more than H , however, the solution still has

pH of acid.

*When 0.1M HCl is added, ethanoate ions

combine with H from HCl, removes the
excess H and produces more CH3COOH, and

the value pH of the solution is not decreased

too much after adding

Comments: When we add acid HCl into the buffer, the pH value decrease because of the increase of the concentration H  

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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 30


❖ Part II: Addition of 10 drops 0.1 M NaOH

pH after adding 10 drops Total volume NaOH (drops) to change pH by

Buffer pH from the start, pHo Comments/ Explanation
NaOH one unit (pHo+1)

A 4.98 5.18 125th drop When NaOH is added into the solution, the pH

value does not increase too much even though

B 3.83 3.96 70th drop

adding a large volume of NaOH

Comments : Buffer A (contain more CH3COONa - basic salt) have higher pH value than buffer B (contain more CH3COOH - acid )

When we add base NaOH into the buffer, the pH value increase because of the decrease of the concentration H

III. Conclusions (1 pt)

+As we know, a strong acid or base can dissociate completely in water while a weak acid or base only dissociates partially in liquid. Thus, an equilibrium is set
between the dissociated and undissociated form.

+After 5 experiments above we know the method to measure the pH, predict pH of the solution.

+pH range is maintained by a buffer, which consists of a weak conjugate acid-base pair, in other words, either a weak acid and its conjugate base, or a weak
base and its conjugate acid.

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 31




Group: _____________ Section: ______3________ Date: ____________

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID % contribution (total = 100%) Signature Score

Total score:________/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Well reading buret (accuracy) + Clear picture: + 2 points

Total = 15 points

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 32


I. Introduction (1 pt)

(Introduce what experiments you do in this report)

II. Experimental (1 pt)

(Describe what experiments you did in this report, write down each step of your experiments)

III. Results and discussion


Calculation: (1.5 pts)

Normality of the standard H2C2O4 solution, N(H2C2O4) = ___________________

Volume of the standard H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = ___________________

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of KMnO4 (N)

1 -

2 -

Average Normality of KMnO4 = ____________

( )

Comment: (1.5 pts)


Calculation: (1.5 pts)

Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) = ___________________

Volume of the unknown H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = ___________________

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of H2C2O4 (N)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 33


1 -

2 -

Average Normality of H2C2O4 =_______ ( )

Comment: (1.5 pts)


Calculation: (1.5 pts)

Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) =___________________

Volume of the unknown FeSO4 solution used, V(FeSO4)= ___________________

Trial # Burette reading(mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of FeSO4(N)

1 -

2 -

Average Normality of FeSO4 =_______

( )

Comment: (1.5 pts)

IV. Conclusions (1 pt)

(conclude all your performance in this report)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 34




Group: _____________ Section: ______4________ Date: ____________

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID % contribution (total = Signature Score


Total score: ________/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Clear picture: + 1 point

Total = 15 points

I. Introduction (1 pt)

(Introduce what experiments you do in this report)

II. Experimental (1 pt)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 35


(Describe what experiments you did in this report, write down each step of your experiments)

III. Results and discussion


2− + 2−
Equilibrium System: 2CrO4 + 2H (aq) ⇌ Cr2O7 + H2O(l)

Description of conditions Predicted outcome Observation Explanation

(0.5 pts)

Initial solution

(0.5 pts)

+ Conc. HCl

(0.5 pts)

+ 6 N NaOH

Comment: (0.5 pts)


+ −
Equilibrium System: H(MV)(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ H3O (aq) + MV (aq)

Addition Predicted outcome Observation Explanation

(0.375 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 36


None (control)

(0.375 pts)

6 M HCl

(0.375 pts)

6 M NaOH

(0.375 pts)

6 M HCl

Comment: (0.5 pts)


3+ − 2+
Equilibrium System: Fe + SCN ⇌ [Fe(SCN)]

Addition Predicted outcome Observation Explanation


(0.25 pts)

0.01M FeCl3
(0.25 pts)

(0.25 pts)

(0.25 pts)

(0.25 pts)

0.1M AgNO3
(0.25 pts)

Comment: (0.5 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 37



2+ 2−
Equilibrium System: Ca (aq) + C2O4 (aq) ⇌ CaC2O4(s)

Addition Predicted outcome Observation Explanation

(0.375 pts)
Test tube 1:

0.1 M Na2C2O4

(0.375 pts)
Test tube 2:

+ 0.1 M H2C2O4

(0.375 pts)
Test tube 2:

+ 6 M HCl

Test tube 2: (0.375 pts)

+ 6 M NH4OH

Comment: (0.5 pts)


2+ − 2−
Equilibrium System:Co(H2O)6 (aq) + 4Cl (aq) ⇌ CoCl4 (aq) + 6H2O(l)

Description of conditions Predicted outcome Observation Explanation

Nothing changed (0.5 pts)


(0.5 pts)
Hot water bath

(0.5 pts)
Ice-water bath

Comment: (0.5 pts)

IV. Conclusions (1 pt)

(conclude all your performance in this report)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 38


The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 39




Group: _____________ Section: ______5________ Date: ____________

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID % contribution (total = Signature Score


Total score: ________/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Clear picture: + 1 point

Total = 15 points

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 40


I. Introduction (1 pt)

(Introduce what experiments you do in this report)

II. Experimental (1 pt)

(Describe what experiments you did in this report, write down each step of your experiments)

III. Results and discussion


Reaction 1:

Reaction 2:


- 2-
Calculate the initial concentrations of I and S2O8 ions:

Mixture # 5:

(1 pt)

[I ] =

[S2O8 ] =

Mixture Iodide ion Peroxydisulfate Time in seconds

1 0.08 0.04

2 0.068 0.04

3 0.056 0.04

4 0.044 0.04

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 41


5 0.032 0.04

6 0.02 0.04

Mixture Iodide ion Peroxydisulfate Time in seconds

7 0.08 0.034

8 0.08 0.028

9 0.08 0.022

10 0.08 0.016

11 0.08 0.01

Plotting the concentration of iodide ion versus time: [Note: X – axis: time; Y – axis: concentrations].

- Mixtures # 1-6: Graph (1 pt)

The order of reaction with respect to iodide ion? (0.5 pts)

Comments: (0.5 pts)

- Mixtures # 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: Graph (1 pt)

The order of reaction with respect to peroxydisulfate ion? (0.5 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 42


Comments: (0.5 pts)


Reaction System:

Description of conditions Predicted Observation Reaction time Explanation


Room temperature (0.5 pts)

(0.5 pts)
50 C

90 C (0.5 pts)

Comment: (1pt)


Reaction System:

Trial Description of conditions Predicted outcome Observation (Reaction rate) Explanation

1 + MnCl2 (0.25 pts)

2 + MnO2 (0.25 pts)

3 + NaCl (0.25 pts)

4 + CaCl2 (0.25 pts)

5 + Zn (0.25 pts)

6 + KNO3 (0.25 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 43


7 + Fe(NO3)3 (0.25 pts)

The order of catalyst activity: (0.5 pts)

Comments: (0.75 pts)

IV. Conclusions (1 pt)

(conclude all your performance in this report)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline

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