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Name of Employee: FLORAME B. ONATE Name of Rater: GINA R. OTARA

Position: Teacher III Position: Secondary School Principal II

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Timeline Resources Needed
A. Teaching Competencies
OBJECTIVE 2 KRA 1 To use a range of teaching  Applying new learning from attended  Year-  Local Funds
To use a range of teaching strategies that enhace learner seminars, courses, workshops, LAC round  Learning Development
strategies that enhace learner achievment in literacy and Sessions and FGD team
achievment in literacy and numeracy skills.  Coaching and mentoring  Key Teacher, Master
numeracy skills.  Continuing to implement/ roll-out the Teacher, Head
oral and silent reading program of the  Quarterl Teacher, Reading
Filipino department y Coordinator
 Year-
OBJECTIVE 3 KRA 3 To select, develop, organize  Applying new learning from attended Year-round  Learning Development
To select, develop, organize and use appropriate teaching seminars, courses, workshops, LAC team
and use appropriate teaching and learning resources, Sessions and FGD  ICT coordinator
and learning resources, including ICT to adress  Sharing of examples of good  LRMDS
including ICT to adress learning goals. classroom practices regarding with the  Local Funds
learning goals. effective use of ICT in teaching,
learning and assessment.
 Developing and embedding of digital
capacity in teaching and learning
OBJECTIVE 3 KRA 4 To communicate promptly  Reaching out the parents through the  Year-  Parent-teacher
To communicate promptly and clearly the learner’s different means of communication round conference log
and clearly the learner’s needs progress and such as “paper-based”  Quarterl  Parents’ contact
needs progress and achievement to key communication, home visitation and y numbers and address
achievement to key stakeholder’s including internet technology communication
stakeholder’s including parents/ guardians. (TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION)
parents/ guardians.  Equally sharing of power in decisions
of parents and teachers in working
together to create activities and
practices that would affect the
student/children’s progress.
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
 Service Orientation Creating of activities and  Coaching  Regular  Local funds
 Innovation strategies that is based on  Applying new learning from attended coaching
 Self-Management DepEd directions that focuses seminars, courses, workshops, LAC  Year-
on personal productivity and Sessions and FGD round

Ratee: Rater: Approved by:


Teacher III Master Teacher I Secondary School Principal II

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