Assessment of Early Morning Serum Cortisol Levels in - 2022 - Medical Journal A

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / m j a fi

Original Article

Assessment of early morning serum cortisol levels

in adult male patients with alcohol-related

Barun K. Chakrabarty a, Karan Sud b, Prosenjit Ganguli c,*, S.A. Khan d

Classified Specialist (Pathology), 151 Base Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India
Graded Specialist (Psychiatry), 151 Base Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India
Senior Advisor (Path & Micro), Command Hospital (Eastern Command), Kolkata, India
Classified Specialist (Psychiatry), Command Hospital (Eastern Command), Kolkata, India

article info abstract

Article history: Background: Alcohol-related disorders are a major health problem among Indian male
Received 20 August 2018 professionals because of the unique nature of socioeconomic and demographic conditions.
Accepted 5 March 2020 Various studies have highlighted the association between alcohol-related disorders and
Available online 26 November 2020 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction, but the evidence accrued so far is
inconclusive. In our study, we have assessed early morning serum total cortisol concen-
Keywords: tration among Indian adult male population affected with alcohol-related disorder.
Serum cortisol Methods: A case-based cross-sectional study in which all consecutive patients admitted in
Alcohol-related disorder the psychiatry ward of a tertiary care hospital with diagnosis of ‘alcohol-related disorders’,
Enzyme-linked fluorescent assay who were meeting all the inclusion criteria, and who had none of the exclusion criteria
were part of the study. Diseased controls and healthy controls were chosen by applying
strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Serum early morning (0400 h) total cortisol levels
were estimated using automated quantitative enzyme-linked fluorescent assay technique.
Results: 98 psychiatric patients and 50 healthy controls were evaluated. Out of these 98
patients 66 patients were diagnosed cases of alcohol-related disorder. Morning serum total
cortisol levels in patients with alcohol-related disorders was found to be significantly
different from healthy controls.
Conclusion: Our study suggests that alcohol-related disorders are associated with chronic
changes in HPA axis and significant alteration of early morning serum total cortisol levels
were demonstrated in this group of patients.
© 2020 Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services. Published by Elsevier, a division of
RELX India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Ganguli).
0377-1237/© 2020 Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India Pvt. Ltd. All rights
48 m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 7 8 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 7 e5 3

In our study, we have measured the early morning serum

Introduction total cortisol levels by automated quantitative enzyme-linked
fluorescent assay (ELFA) technique in patients diagnosed with
The conceptualization and extent of alcohol-related disorders alcohol-related disorder admitted in the psychiatric ward of a
have evolved substantially over time. Two main diagnostic multispecialty hospital and compared the measured levels
classification systems for this group of disorders established with both healthy controls and psychiatric nonalcoholics.
by the World Health Organization and the American Psychi-
atric Association are the International Classification of Dis-
eases (ICD) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Materials and methods
Disorders (DSM), respectively. The present classification of
ICD-10 distinguishes between harmful use of alcohol and This study was conducted in the department of laboratory
dependence which is broadly similar to the previous version medicine in collaboration with the department of psychia-
of the DSM namely, the DSM-IV (text revision). The most try of a 699-bedded hospital for a period of one month in
recent edition of the DSM series, the DSM-5, was published in January 2018. It is a single-centre case-based cross-sectional
May 2013 and is widely deployed in the United States by cli- study in a tertiary care hospital located in North eastern
nicians and researchers alike. The DSM-5 brought about a India. The sample size was calculated on the basis of a study
paradigm shift by incorporating two separate DSM-IV termi- by Mendelson et al,9 using mean value of morning serum
nologies, that is, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence under cortisol levels in alcoholics and non-alcoholics after period
a single disorder by renaming them as alcohol use disorder of cessation of drinking, with an alpha cut-off of 5% and
(AUD). Under the DSMe5, the diagnostic threshold was also setting the study power at 90%, it was determined as 58.
modified, whereby anyone meeting any two of the 11 criteria This was determined using the minimum number of study
during the 12-month period would receive a diagnosis of subjects per group required for the conducted study using
AUD.1 According to the DSM-5, alcohol-related disorders the standard formula for sample size calculation in a
comprise AUD, intoxication, withdrawal, other alcohol- comparative study.10 The sample size of the study was 148
induced disorders, and other unspecified alcohol-related dis- study subjects comprising 66 patients with alcohol-related
orders. The DSM-5 Task Force showed substantial interest in disorder, 32 nonalcoholic diseased controls, and 50 healthy
establishing biomarkers, but due to unavailability of appro- controls.
priate diagnostic tests, it recommended for the requirement of
continued research in this area.2,3 Study subjects
Recent research highlighted the effects of alcohol on cortisol
levels in the human body.4 Cortisol secreted from the adrenal We have followed universal sampling technique for our study.
gland, which is a part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal During the period of the study, of one month, all patients
(HPA) axis, acts as a stress hormone. High stress-induced attending out patient department (OPD) who had been diag-
cortisol release can result in the temporary increase in heart nosed as having alcohol-related disorders as per the DSM-5
rate and blood pressure with simultaneous cessation of various guidelines and admitted to the psychiatric ward were
metabolic physical processes related to digestion, reproduction, enrolled for the study following inclusion and exclusion
developmental, and immune function aiming to conserve energy criteria. The participants were interviewed and examined by a
against the stress response but may result in damage to the competent psychiatrist, and the diagnosis was arrived at by a
human body.5 AUD represents a multidimensional psychiatric detailed alcohol history. All the patients evaluated were
abnormality where alcohol intoxication and withdrawal, func- ambulatory during the period of study, were under appro-
tion as two distinct activators of the HPA axis to increase circu- priate treatment, had access to all ward recreational facilities,
latory levels of cortisol. But the repeated activation of the HPA and were not segregated from other patients. These subjects
axis by chronic exposure to alcohol appears to produce neuro- were maintained on a well-balanced diet along with daily
endocrine tolerance resulting in altered glucocorticoid response multivitamin supplements. The patients had no history of
to alcohol.6 Although the mechanisms underlying these endo- alcohol intake after admission. From the study population, the
crine disturbances are not completely understood, recent target sample group was derived by applying the following
research has suggested that the alcohol affects the central ner- strict exclusion criteria. All female patients, patients with
vous system and the corticotropin-releasing factor neurons of malignancy, patients on hormonal therapy, nonambulatory/
HPA axis, resulting in alteration of cortisol levels by the feedback bedridden patients, patients with history of recent trauma or
mechanism.7 However, themajor limiting factors that determine surgery within the last one month, and patients with a history
the relation of chronic alcohol exposure with cortisol levels is the of alcohol intake within the last 48 h were excluded from the
coexisting effects of other psychiatric anomalies (e.g., depres- study. Healthy controls were taken from caregivers accom-
sion, mania, and so on) and other chronic illness (e.g., liver dis- panying the psychiatric patients residing within the ward, and
ease, malnutrition, and so on). the diseased controls were taken from nonalcoholic psychi-
Cortisol levels in the human body maintains the circadian atric patients. Both for the patients and controls, meals were
rhythm. In most people, cortisol levels are highest when they provided at 0900, 1330, and 2000h, and room lights were
get up in the morning and lowest around midnight hours. turned off between 21:00 and 23:00 h before the day of the test.
There are various methods of measurement of cortisol levels, Institutional ethical committee approval was obtained, and
and the level can be measured from serum/plasma, saliva, or written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
from urine of the patient.8
m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 7 8 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 7 e5 3 49


Early morning (0400hrs) fasting sample of 05 mL of venous

blood was collected from each participant in gel vacutainer.
Controls refrained from alcohol consumption for at least 24 h
before testing. Collected blood serum was then separated and
processed within a maximum of six hours of collection, and
the blood samples were processed as per recommendations of
the kit manufacturer. The serum total cortisol level was esti-
mated using automated quantitative estimation by enzyme-

linked fluorescent assay technique (ELFA) on BIOMERIEUX
Vidas table topped immune auto analyzer equipment. Proper
calibration procedure using the calibrator provided within the
kit was performed. Tests were performed using proper quality
control measures. The measurement range of the used VIDAS
Cortisol S kit was from 2 to 650 ng/mL. The normal reference
range for early morning serum total cortisol used was Fig. 1 e Box plots for early morning serum total cortisol
54.94e287.56 ng/mL which was obtained from the kit values of studied population.

Statistical analysis The observed values of serum cortisol were found to be low in
patients with alcohol-related disorder than in ‘healthy control
All data were tabulated into MS Excel with Windows 10 population’ which was statistically significant (p ¼ 0.001).
operating system and analyzed using Statistical Package for Although the cortisol level was also low in the diseased con-
the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., USA) software, version 20. Pa- trol, this difference was not statistically significant (p ¼ 0.105)
tient groupespecific mean (Xm) and standard deviation (Sx) of from healthy controls. No statistically significant correlation
serum cortisol levels were calculated separately. Multiple was found between the age of the persons and early morning
comparison analysis was performed using analysis of serum total cortisol concentrations in any of the studied
variance and post hoc analysis to see the significance of dif- groups.
ferences among the studied groups for a level of significance
p < 0.05. The Pearson's correlation coefficient was used for
analyzing the correlation between age and early morning Discussion
serum total cortisol.
Alcohol-related disorders are a known health problem,
especially among the professional male population. The dis-
Results order may exhibit several clinical, hematological, biochem-
ical, and hormonal changes. There is growing consciousness
A total of 98 psychiatric patients were admitted to the psy- of the widespread metabolic effect that forms the basis of
chiatric ward during the study period, and 50 healthy controls various laboratory tests for alcohol abuse.11 Recent research
were evaluated. Of 98 patients, 66 patients were diagnosed as has demonstrated that alcoholism affects hormonal axis but
cases with alcohol-related disorder. The nonalcoholic disease to what extent, is yet to be discovered.12 Alcohol-related dis-
control group comprised 12 patients with mood disorder, 04 order changes are seen in HPA axis and extrahypothalamic
patients with psychotic disorder, 10 patients with anxiety glucocorticoid pathways as a part of the compensatory con-
disorder, and 06 patients with other psychiatric illnesses. The sequences, and it is postulated that these effects may play a
average age and the serum total cortisol of the studied groups role in compulsive alcohol intake motivation.13 In patients
are shown in Table 1. There was a statistically significant with AUD, alcohol was found to produce acute and chronic
difference observed in the early morning serum cortisol level effects on the hypothalamic, extrahypothalamic limbic-
among the studied groups (p ¼ 0.001). Box plots of three striatal, and prefrontal stress pathways which may influence
studied groups of serum cortisol values are depicted in Fig. 1. alcoholic behaviour.14,15

Table 1 e Characteristics of serum total cortisol levels in the study population.

Study groups Number of Age p Serum total cortisol level p
participants (mean ± SD) value (mean ± SD) value
Patients with alcohol-related 66 34.98 ± 6.24 0.000 145.79 ± 40.72 0.001
Nonalcoholic psychiatric disorder 32 32.78 ± 5.79 156.10 ± 44.03
Healthy controls 50 28.02 ± 5.8 175.56 ± 42.52

SD, standard deviation.

50 m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 7 8 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 7 e5 3

Glucocorticoids are synthesized in the adrenal cortex, and Studies revealed that alteration of normal usual upsurging
cortisol is the main glucocorticoid among them. The amount pattern of cortisol secretion is reestablished if strict absti-
of circulating cortisol is normally subject to the circadian nence is maintained.22 Therefore measured attenuated value
rhythm depending on a negative feedback mechanism con- in our study can be used in follow-up of patients. It also in-
trolling the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Its dicates the chances of relapse. However, it should also be
rhythm is suggested to be further modulated by various remembered that HPA regulation and stress response may
other factors, including sleep cycle, age, ethnicity, gender, not completely recover even after the diurnal pattern be-
body mass index, socioeconomic status, chronic illness, and comes normal.23 Scant, but allusive, evidence indicates that
menstrual cycle, but data available are conflicting. If we a hyporesponsive HPA axis and resultant alteration of
demonstrate normal 24-h blood cortisol secretion curve in cortisol levels correlates with the severity of the underlying
human being, the secretion reaches at the highest level in addictive practice.24
early morning at the time of awakening. Subsequently the Regarding methodological issues in this study, the human
secretion level reaches a nadir in the first half of sleep cycle. body cortisol may be sampled from either blood, urine, or
Minor upsurges can be appreciated in relation to meals saliva with each sample source having definite advantages and
during the middle of the day and early evening. Cortisol disadvantages, thereby focusing on different views of HPA
predominantly circulates in the blood in carrier protein functioning. The serum or plasma level of cortisol determines
corticosteroid-binding globulin or transcortin and albumin- the intensity of cortisol secretion and its tissue effects,
bound form (90%).8,16 Since 1950s, many studies have whereas urine cortisol indicates the function of the cortex of
shown a relationship between the body cortisol level and the adrenal gland. Studies exhibited that there is a good cor-
alcoholism. However, most of the previous studies were relation between saliva cortisol and serum cortisol levels but
limited to short-term alcohol consumption effects. In 1966, saliva cortisol level is difficult to be evaluated.25 Most studies
the first study carried out by Mendelson et al.9 showed that have used blood sampling for its definite advantages.8 There-
during active drinking, long-term alcohol ingestion increases fore, in our study, we had used serum samples. Serum/plasma
cortisol levels in both alcoholics and in nonalcoholics, but cortisol levels can be measured by chromatographic or
the cortisol levels were found to be higher in alcoholics than immunoassay methods. Chromatographic methods have a
in nonalcoholics. Furthermore, in the study, cortisol levels specific advantage of accuracy that they are suitable only for
were also suggested as a potential marker for alcohol with- experimental/research studies. On the contrary, immuno-
drawal. In another study, overnight urinary cortisol levels assay which is the most frequently used technique for serum
were found to be increased with increased amounts of cortisol assessment has its inherent limitations and proce-
alcohol ingestion.17 Stalder et al. 18 showed in their study dural advantages. In this study, we have used nonisotopic
that alcoholics had higher hair cortisol concentrations than quantitative automated enzyme-linked fluorescent assay
abstinent alcoholics or nonalcoholics. However, a study technique. Measurement of cortisol blood levels can be per-
carried out by Bernardy et al.19 and Blaine et al.11 indicated formed by total cortisol assay or free cortisol assay. Methods
that up to four weeks there was a decreased adrenocortical for serum-free cortisol assay are limited by the inherent
response to behavioural stress in abstinent alcoholics and complexity, and they are time-consuming, expensive proced-
higher stress cortisol values were seen in patients with se- ures. In our study, we have performed the total serum cortisol
vere withdrawal. Several other studies have indicated level assay which is more accurate and established.26
attenuated cortisol response in chronic alcoholics.20 In our Based on several studies, it is hypothesized that in-
study, we found that during abstinence in the hospital ward terventions that normalize the high tonic and blunted phasic
admission period and while under management, the early response of cortisol by decreasing the tonic level as well as
morning serum cortisol levels in patients with alcohol- enhancing the phasic response to alcohol may effectively
related disorder were significantly lower than in the address the AUD management.27 Our study highlighted the
healthy controls, suggesting altered HPA function in patients altered biological response of the HPA axis which may be
with alcohol-related disorder. It has been hypothesized that useful in the objective identification of alcohol-related disor-
reduced cortisol responses in alcoholics may be suggestive of ders and also indicates the possible therapeutic implications
greater intrinsic or acquired tolerance to alcohol.19 We may of the study results.
speculate that the lower early morning serum cortisol level is In studies, cortisol dynamics demonstrated different fre-
due to lower activation of the HPA axis observed in patients quency and basal secretion in women than in men. Various
with alcohol-related disorder and may represent a useful studies showed conflicting results of age on cortisol level
diagnostic information of inclination to alcohol misuse, except on extreme ages.28 Our study could not demonstrate
although direct confirmation for this theory is required. This statistically significant age effects on early morning serum
finding may be associated with other findings of hypores- cortisol concentrations.
ponsiveness to physical and psychological stress in patients Many previous studies have tried to develop a diagnostic
with alcohol-related disorder.11,21 The prestress baseline system incorporating a test panel for alcoholism.29 Until now
cortisol values also suggest the alteration of a normal most of the assessment of alcoholism is solely based on
circadian rhythm in the patients with alcohol-related dis- clinical parameters evaluated either by an interview format or
order. Patients with alcohol-related disorder are exhausted a questionnaire method. There are several limitations of these
in the morning without their alcohol and have likely altered methods leading to long drawn management difficulties and
circadian rhythm in such a way that they need alcohol to loss of effective manpower. The controversy over the effec-
boost the level of easiness they used to achieve without it. tiveness of incorporation of diagnostic tests is principally
Table 2 e Traditional alcohol biomarkers.
Biomarkers Sensitivity Specificity Detection limits Current and future Limitations
possible use
Gamma-glutamyltransferase 37e95% 18e93% Minimum >5e6 drinks of alcohol Screening of alcoholism; 1.Low specificity
(GGT) intake required for detection; Chronic alcohol abuse 2.Analysis of samples must be executed on
After consumption maximum time of the same day
positivity 6e8 weeks in absence of liver 3.Not suitable for monitoring of abstinence
abnormality 4.Performs poorly in people younger (<30 years)
and in women
5.More strongly associated with obesity than
Aspartate aminotransferase 25e60% 47e68% AST/ALT return to normal after Chronic alcohol abuse 1.1.Low specificity

m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 7 8 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 7 e5 3
(AST) termination or reduction of alcohol 2.2.Analysis of samples must be executed on the
Alanine aminotransferase 15e40% 50e57% consumption for 2e4 weeks same day
(ALT) 3.3.Performs poorly in people younger (<30 years)
and older (>70 years)
4.4.Not suitable for monitoring of abstinence
Mean corpuscular 40e50% 80e90% MCV return to normal after termination or Heavy alcohol usea; 1.1.Low specificity
volume (MCV) reduction of alcohol consumption for Screening of alcoholism 2.2.Analysis of samples must be executed on
8e16 weeks; the same day
Minimum >5e6 drinks of alcohol intake 3.3.Not suitable for monitoring of abstinence
required for detection
Carbohydrate-deficient 46e90% 70e100% MCV return to normal after termination or Heavy alcohol usea; 1.1.Specific but not very sensitive
transferrin (CDT) reduction of alcohol consumption for Current heavy drinking and 2.2.Moderate or episodic drinking show normal
2e3 weeks; relapse detection range CDT levels.
Minimum >5e6 drinks of alcohol intake 3.False-positive results may occur due to rare
required for detection genetic variations
4. Difficult to measure accurately.
5. Yet ongoing standardization
6. Analysis of samples must be
executed on the same day
CDT, MCV, and GGT in 88% 95% Chronic excessive drinking
More than 60 g per day (4e5 standard drinks).

52 m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 7 8 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 7 e5 3

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expanded which also necessitates the requirement of
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drinking are gamma-glutamyltransferase, aspartate amino- mittee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later
transferase, alanine aminotransferase, mean corpuscular amendments or comparable ethical standards.
volume, and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin. There are
various limitations and shortcomings noted for currently used
traditional biomarkers of alcohol-related disorders (Table Declaration of Competing Interest
2).30,31 Recent research revealed several potential biochem-
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