Writing Sample Answers

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Sample answers 1, The man is riding his bicycle down the street. 2. The food in the pots is very hot. 3. They want to buy tickets so they can see the show. 4. They discussed the project while they ate lunch. ‘5, When the bus arrives, everyone will get on it. 6. Dear Ms. Rich: 1 am happy to be a member of the City Sports and Fitness Club. There are some things I would like to know about the club. I like to go swimming early every morning before work. How early does the pool open on weekdays? Also, although I am a very good swimmer, I am a very bad tennis player. I would like to improve my game. Do you have tennis lessons at the club? I would have time for lessons on Saturdays or Sundays. I don’t have a tennis racket, so I am planning to buy one at the club store. I don't know how to choose one, Is there someone in the store who knows a lot about tennis rackets and can help me choose the best one for me? I really appreciate your help. 7. Dear Ms, Andrews: Thave received your e-mail asking me to explain why I don’t wish to renew your lease. In your lease, it clearly states that rent is due by the Sth day of the month. For the past three months, you have made your rent payment as late as the 15th. I have already written you a letter stating that this is unacceptable. In addition, it has come to my attention that you have been allowing clients to bring pets into the office. This is a violation of the lease, which states that no animals are allowed on the premises. I will consider renewing your lease if you wish. However, in order to do so, I would like you to pay three months’ rent in advance. If you bring me a check for three months’ rent before the end of this month, I will renew your lease for one year. Sincerely, John Munro & — Many people like to work in a group. My preference, however, is to work alone. When I work alone, I can get my work done more efficiently, I can follow my own schedule, and I think much better. I work much more efficiently when I work alone. When people work together, they use up time talking about things that aren’t related to work. ‘They also use up time trying to find a way to agree about things. When I work alone, I don’t have to do any of this I just sit down at my desk and start working. All my work time is for work, and when I am finished, I have time to do something else. 1 can follow my own plan when I work alone. I can choose to work on one part of a project today and on a different part tomorrow. I don’t have to follow another person's plan or wait for someone to finish his or her part so that I can then do my part. Working this way is much more enjoyable for me. I think much better when I work alone. I am not distracted by other people’s ideas or ways of doing things. I look an assignment over and start thinking of ways to approach it. I don’t have to worry about what other people think or how they might want to do the job. That takes my concentration away from my work, but when I work alone, I only have to think about the assignment in front of me. A lot of people prefer to work in groups. They like to feel the energy and the support of the group. They like to share responsibilities and ideas. For me, however, it is preferable to work alone. Ido much better work this way.

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