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DAV University, Jalandhar.

Name: ………………………............................................................................ Regd. No.: ………………….

Time: 3 Hours
Course Code: MGT509 A
Course Name: Business Research Maximum Marks: 50

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 1 x 10 = 10)

All Questions are compulsory.
Very Short Answer Type: Each question should be answered within 5-8 lines.

i. Explain the meaning of panel survey with example.
ii. What is incidence rate?
iii. What is normal distribution curve?
iv. Explain null hypothesis with example.
v. Why is statistical tool -Correlation used?
vi. What are double barreled questions?
vii. What do you mean by coding of data. Explain with example?
viii. What is the full form of SPSS and why is it used?
ix. What is level of significance?
x. What do you mean by technical report?
Section – B (Maximum Marks: 4 x 6 = 24)
Short Answer Type: Attempt any 6 Questions out of 8 Questions and each question should be answered in maximum 2 pages.

Q.2 What are the reasons for using qualitative methods of research? Explain
Q.3 Differentiate between type I and type II error. You are to conduct a research on the uses of social media how will you select the
statistical test to be used for research?
Q.4 What is the difference between coding a open ended question and a closed ended question? Elaborate upon the various rules for
Q.5 How can you as a researcher graphically represent the correlation between two variables? Explain
Q.6 How is focus group technique different from in-depth interview? Explain
Q.7 You are a research analyst and are given a task of observing buying behavior of customers. How will you do it?
Q.8 “ Secondary data is better than primary data.” Critically analyze the statement.
Q.9 Explain the different designs that can be used for construction of longitudinal survey.

Section- C (Maximum Marks: 8 x 2 = 16)

Long Answer Type: Attempt 2 Questions out of 4 Questions and each question should be answered in maximum 4 pages.

Q.10 What do you mean by interpretation of data? Discuss the relationship among data, analysis and interpretation. Describe the various
techniques of interpretation.

Q.11 Prepare an outline of a report on satisfaction of the customers towards a product.

Q.12. Interpret the out put received through applying ANOVA statistics. Also explain how we can use ANOVA tool in SPSS. The data is
obtained at 5% significant level (2-tail ) and analysis is done keeping mean of absorption as constant. Explain in detail all the terms
that are used.

Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Mean of vigour Between
3.638 3 1.213 1.252 .331
Within Groups 12.590 13 .968
Total 16.228 16
men of Between
.793 1 .793 1.916 .260
dedication Groups
Within Groups 1.241 3 .414
Total 2.034 4

Q.13 Elaborate the various steps involved in testing of hypothesis using a suitable example of your choice.

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