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Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review

Article  in  An International Journal of Optimization and Control Theories & Applications (IJOCTA) · January 2016
DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2016.00258


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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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An International Journal of Optimization
and Control: Theories & Applications
Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA
ISSN: 2146-0957 eISSN: 2146-5703
DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2016.00258

Transit network design and scheduling

using genetic algorithm – a review
Amita Johar, S. S. Jain and P. K. Garg

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India


(Received April 1, 2015; in final form July 15, 2015)

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to summarize the findings of research concerning the application of
genetic algorithm in transit network design and scheduling. Due to the involvement of several
parameters the design and scheduling of transit network by means of traditional optimization
technique is very difficult. To overcome these problems, most of the researchers have applied genetic
algorithm for designing and scheduling of transit network. After the review of various studies
involved in design and scheduling of transit network using genetic algorithm, it was concluded that
genetic algorithm is an efficient optimization technique.

Keywords: Transit network, genetic algorithm, optimization technique

AMS Classification: 90B10, 90B15.

1. Introduction genetic algorithm offers a new strategy with

enormous potential for many tasks in planning
In developing countries like India traffic
and designing of transit network. It is an area of
congestion, slow speed of vehicle and poor level
interest indicating how genetic algorithm
of service are the major problems encountered in
addresses the shortcoming of conventional
our daily life. These problems are due to huge
optimization techniques. In the present study an
growth of vehicular population specially the
attempt has been made to explore the application
private and intermediate transport service [1-3].
of genetic algorithm in routing, scheduling,
In this view of rapid development it necessary to
combined routing and scheduling and integration
plan and design the public transport system in an
of mass transit planning.
efficient manner so that the use of private and
intermediate transport service is reduced. 2. Genetic algorithm
The transport system is efficient if design and
Genetic algorithms, search optimization
schedule of transit network is efficient. From the
techniques are based on the mechanics of natural
user point of view, the system is efficient if it
selection. It is an evolutionary algorithm. The
meets the demand by providing cheap and direct
basic mechanics of genetic algorithm are simple
service to the passenger, and from the operator
involving copying strings and swapping partial
point of view the system is efficient if it makes
strings. The major steps involve in the GA
as much profit as possible. This is the main
implementation algorithm are generation of
challenge in the transit planning to find balance
population, finding the fitness function, and
between these conflicting objectives, various
application of genetic operator and evaluation of
optimization techniques come in to the game [4].
population [5] as shown in Figure 1.
Among various optimization techniques the

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10 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

Initialization Parents


Pseudo –code
INITIALISE population with random candidate solution
EVALUATE each candidate.
REPEAT UNTILL (termination condition) is satisfied DO
1. SELECT Parents
2. RECOMBINE Pairs of parents
3. MUTATE the resulting offspring.
4. SELECT individuals or the next generation.

Figure 1. General scheme of evolutionary process [6]

GA starts with the population of randomly X i max  X i min

created string structure representing the decision X i  X i min   decoded _ value (S i )
variable. The size of the population depends upon 2 mi  1
the string length and problem being optimized. (1)
These strings are called chromosome in Where,
biological system. The associate value with the Ximin = lower bound on decision variable Xi
chromosome is called the “fitness function”. Ximax = upper bound on decision variable Xi
These strings consist of coding and binary coding The variable Xi is coded into substring Si of
which is most common coding method and GA length mi then,
i 1

Decoded value (s ) is  2 S
performs best if adopted [7] i.e. ones and zeros or i
“bits”. Every position in chromosome consists of i i , where Si € (0, 1)
i 0
“genes” having value as “allele” (e.g., 0 or 1). and string is represented as (Sm-1, Sm-2, S2, S1, S0).
Initially the allele of chromosome is generated as After decoding all decision variables using above
simple tossing of an unbiased coin and mapping rule, the function value can be
consecutive flips (head=1 and tail=0) can be used calculated by substituting the variables in the
to decide genes in coding of a population strings. given objective function F(x). The objective
Thus population having individuals is generated function value is used as a measure of
by pseudorandom generator whose individuals “goodness” of the string and called as “fitness” in
represent a feasible solution in solution space GA terminology. The obtained accuracy of a
called initial solution. After deciding the variable for a mi-bit coding is
encoding method as binary strings, its length is
determined according to desired precision. While
in the process of coding, the corresponding point
X i max  X i min
can be found using fixed mapping rule [7]. 2 mi  1 (2)
Suppose the function of n variables, f(x1,
x2,….,xn): Rn  R to be minimized for each In the next step, fitness function f(x) is derived
decision variable si then linear mapping rule is: from the objective function and used in
Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review 11

successive genetic operators. GAs is naturally fi = fitness value of i string.

suitable for solving maximization problems while
for minimization problems are transformed into
maximization problems using suitable
transformation. For maximization problems, Pr(1)
fitness function is the same as objective function
i.e. f(x) = F(x). For minimization problems, the
fitness function is an equivalent maximization Pr(4)
problem chosen such that the optimum point Pr(2)
remains unchanged. The fitness function used is
F x  
1 Figure 2. Reproduction operator
1  f x  (3)
Crossover: [7, 9] after reproduction, crossover is
With fitness function value of each string in applied to the string of mating pool. A crossover
particular generator, maximum, minimum and is used to combine two strings with the hope of
average fitness values of all strings in a creating better string. It can performed with the
population are calculated and checked for probability (Pc ) to restrict some of the good
termination criteria. If the termination criterion is string found previously. Two strings are chosen
not satisfied then new population is created by at random for crossover. The most commonly
applying three main genetic operators – used crossover operators are single point
reproduction, crossover and mutation. crossover, double point crossover. A crossing site
Reproduction / Selection: [7, 9] is a process in (represented by vertical line) is chosen at
which individual is copied considering their random. The contents in the right side of the
fitness function values to make more copies of crossing side are swapped between the strings.
better string in a population. This represents a The essential idea of crossover is to exchange
measure of the utility or goodness related to what bits between two good strings to obtain a string
we want to maximize. Copying strings according that is generally better than the parent. For
to their fitness function values means that string example, a single point crossover on five bit
with a high value have higher probability of string is shown in Figure 3.
contribution to one or more off-spring in the next Mutation: [7, 9] adds new information in a
generation. In all selection schemes the essential random way to genetic search process and
idea is to pick strings with more than average prevents an irrecoverable loss of potentially
fitness value from current population and their useful information which reproduction and
multiple copies are inserted in the mating pool in crossover can cause. It operates at bit level, when
a probabilistic manner as shown in Figure 2. The bits are copied from current string to new string.
most commonly selection operator are uniform Mutation operates with a very small mutation
random selection, roulette selection and probability (pm). It introduces the diversity in the
tournament selection. The former selects member population whenever the population trends to
of pool at random, ignoring fitness or other become homogeneous due to iterative use of
factors. Thus the chromosome is likely to be reproduction and crossover. A coin toss
selected. The simplest way to implement the mechanism is used; if a random number between
reproduction operator is to create a biased 0 and 1 is less than the mutation probability, then
roulette wheel where each string in the current bit is inverted i.e. 0 become 1 and 1 become 0.
population has a slot sized proportionally to its There are different type of mutation operator flip-
fitness function value. The formula used to bit, boundary, uniform, non-uniform and
calculate the slot size of roulette wheel, Gaussian. Flip-bit operator is used for binary
corresponding to the reproduction probability gene; boundary, uniform, non-uniform and
pr(i) of the string is as follows: Gaussian operator is used for integer and float
gene. In this paper the example using binary gene
Reproduction probability 𝑃𝑟 (𝑖) = 𝑓𝑖 / ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑓𝑖 (4) has been considered. To understand how to use
integer gene refer [10].
Where, n = Population size
12 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

Selected Strings Single point crossover New Strings

1 0 0 10 10 010 10001
11001 11 001 11010

Figure 3. Crossover operator

The newly created strings are evaluated by Pattnaik et al. [11] focused on route network
decoding and calculating their objective function design and calculated associated frequencies for a
values (fitness). This whole process completes given set of routes using genetic algorithm
one cycle of GAs, normally called as generation. (GAs). Design consisted of two phase; first of all
Such iterative process continues until the candidate route set was generated and then using
termination criterion is satisfied. GAs optimum route set was selected. The GAs
Termination Criteria: the population is said to was solved by fixed string length coding scheme
be converged, when the average fitness of all the assuming a solution set route size, and tried to
string in a population is equal to best fitness. find many best routes from the candidate route
When the population is converged, the GAs is set. Newly proposed varaible string length
terminated. method was used to found the solution route set
size and set of solution routes.
3. Review of GAs in design and scheduling
Bielli et al. [17] focused on a new method of
of transit network computing fitness function (ff) values in genetic
Various attempts have been made in designing algorithm for bus optimization. Each set was
and scheduling of transit network by different evaluated by computing a number of
researchers. The design and scheduling of transit performance indicators obtained by analysis and
network using GAs has been classified into four aimed to achieve best bus network satisfying both
broad categories: Routing, scheduling, combined demand and offer of transport. The algorithm was
routing and scheduling and integration of mass used to generate iteratively new set of bus
transit planning. Table 1 provide an overview of networks.
the approaches reported in the literature. Ngamchai and Lovell [23] proposed a new model
to optimize bus route design which incorporates
3.1 Routing approaches unique frequency setting for each route using
Design of a route is an important step in planning GAs. The model design the bus route in three
the transit system. Bus/rail takes a major share of phases; firstly an initial set of route is constructed
public transport demand. However, in most of the which are feasible and good. Secondly the
service areas the distribution of passenger travel service frequency on each route was assigned and
is not homogenous; and therefore such location headway coordination techniques were applied
may not be cost effective in terms of operator or by ranking of transfer demand at transfer
user point of view. For better passenger terminal. Lastly the existing route was modified
accessibility and saving of cost, reconstruction of to identify the shortest paths between origin and
bus route and its associated frequency must be destination. The efficiency of the model was
done to suit the travel demand results in better tested by applying it on the benchmark network.
passenger accessibility and saving of operating The performance result shows that proposed
cost. Transit operator and commuter both give model is better than binary-coded genetic
preference to short routes so that the operator algorithm.
cost and the travel time can be decreased, Chien et al. [21] develop a model using GAs to
respectively. optimize bus transit system. The total cost
Generally, the passengers also prefer those routes function consisting of supplier and user costs was
that can be easily accessed from their origin or minimized subject to realistic demand
destination trip. The route set is efficient if it distribution and irregular street pattern. The
satisfies the following rules: quality and quantity of the data can be improved
i. The transit demand of all commuters. by incorporating boarding demand data of census
ii. Transit demand of all commuters with zero block and information of GIS (Geographical
Information Systems) street network.
iii. Less time to travel.
Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review 13

Table 1. Classification of papers dealing with design and scheduling of transit network

Year Author Objectives Decision Network

variables structure
1998 Pattnaik et al.[11] Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Irregular grid
operator )
1998 Deb & Chakroborty Passenger waiting time Arrival time, departure Not specified
[12] time
2000 Gundaliya et al. [13] Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Irregular grid
operator )
2001 Chien et al. [14] Total cost (user + Route, headway Rectangular
operator ) grid
2001 Kalaga et al.[15] Crowding level Route, frequencies Irregular grid

2001 Chakroborty et al. [16] Total waiting time Arrival time, departure Not specified
(passenger) time
2002 Bielli et al. [17] Multi-objective Route, frequencies Irregular grid
2002/ Shrivastava & Dhingra Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Not specified
2006 [18,19] operator)

2002 Chakroborty & Diwedi Multi-objective Route Irregular grid

2003 Chien et al. [21] Total cost (user + Route spacing, Rectangular
operator) headway, stop spacing grid
2003 Tom and Mohan [22] Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Irregular grid
2003 Ngamchai & Lovell Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Irregular grid
[23] operator)
2004 Agrawal & Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Not Specified
Mathew[24] operator)
2005 Kidwai et al. [25] Passenger wait time Route, frequencies Irregular grid
and crowding level
2006 Zhao & Zeng [26] Coverage, transfer, user Route, frequencies Irregular grid
2006 Kaun et al. [27] Total cost (user + Route Not Specified
2006 Verma & Dhingra [28] Total cost (user + Route, headway Irregular grid
2006/ Shrivastava & Total cost (user + Route, frequencies Irregular grid
2007 O’Mahony [29,30] operator)
2010 Wang and Lin [31] Operator cost, Route, frequencies, Not specified
passenger travelling capacity, headway
2012 Chew and Lee [32] Passenger Cost Route Irregular grid

The developed model determines the optimal various sub-regions to deal with multiple bus
solution and generates relationship among routes situation. Agrawal and Mathew [24]
variables. The service area was divided into proposed two parallel computational models for
14 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

urban transit network using parallel genetic regularity and reliability of service and facility
algorithm (PGA). The first model i.e., global with which public can use system. Good
parallel virtual machine (PVM) calculates the scheduling means spacing transit vehicle at
fitness function. The second model i.e., global appropriate intervals throughout the day and
message passing interface (MPI) substitutes MPI evening to maintain an adequate level of service.
environment for PVM libraries. The large transit Therefore, it minimizes both waiting time for
network consisting of 1332 nodes, 4076 links and passengers as well as transfer time from one
6000 demand pairs was used as a case study. route to another. Total waiting time of passengers
Both the models were tested for better is the sum of the total initial waiting time (IWT)
performance using various factors, like and total transfer time (TT) of the passenger. As
efficiency, computation time and speedup. Based an effect, it will provide a better level of service
on the performance measure, it is identified that to passenger at no extra cost. The resource and
global PVM model is efficient than the other service related constraints are as follows:
Wang and Lin [31] developed a bi-level i. Minimum fleet size: number of buses
programming model using genetic algorithm for available should be finite for running on
mass transit route network design (MTRND). different routes.
The TRTC (Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation)
ii. Minimum Bus capacity: capacity of the bus
mass transit network was used as a case study. To
attain better search space for initial feasible should be fixed.
solution, the algorithm was formulated with iii. Stopping time bounds: buses cannot stop for
smart generating methodology. The computation a very little or a very long time at a stop.
time of an efficient network model can be iv. Policy headway: minimum frequency level
minimized using redundancy checking should be maintained on a given route.
mechanism and gene repairing strategy. The v. Maximum transfer time: transfer time for
solution quality is improved by embedding the
the passenger should not be too long.
passenger assignment model and improved
fitness function. Based on the comparison Deb and Chakroborty [12] formulated the time
between performance measures, such as two
scheduling problem of transit system into mixed
initial solution generating methods (1-car and –integer nonlinear programming problem
Minimum –car) and three operators (1-point, 1-
(MINLP) while considering large number of
point mutation and 2-point crossover), it was
resources and service related constraint like size
found that for MTRND problem proper of fleet, stopping time and headway. Minimize
combination of minimum-car method and the 2-
the total waiting time (initial waiting time +
point crossover operator was suitable. The result transfer time) of the passenger is the main
indentifies that development model and algorithm
objective of MINLP. Genetic algorithm based
is effective for solving MTRND problem. approach was selected to solve transit scheduling
Chew and Lee [32] developed a framework using problem as difficulties rises while using
GAs to solve urban transit routing problem
conventional optimization techniques. This
(UTRP). In this study, the infeasible solution was research shows that the GAS based approach with
converted into feasible solution using adding-
least modification can handle various transit
node procedure. Minimizing the passenger cost scheduling problems, such as minimum versus
was the main objective of the study. To perform
maximum capacity of bus, static versus dynamic
genetic operation, route crossover and identical-
arrival time, and single versus multiple transfer
point mutation were proposed. The Mandl’s stations. Result shows that GAs based approach
benchmark data set was used to carry out the
is capable of finding optimal results.
computational experiment. The result shows that
Kalaga et al. [15] presented a two-step based
the proposed algorithm performs more efficiently
heuristic technique for the distribution of buses
when compared to other researchers as shown in
on urban bus route. In the first step, bus
Table 2. frequencies required to manage the peak demand
3.2 Scheduling approaches on each route was worked out. To compute base
Careful and detail scheduling computation and
frequencies, buses overcrowding at certain
precise presentation of schedulers are extremely location was also included.
important aspects of transit system operation.
They affect efficiency and economy of operation,
Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review 15

Table 2. Comparison of GAs model with models developed by other researchers [18]

Authors Case Number of Parameters

% of Demand satisfy through
Zero One Two Unsat ATT
Mandll [33] 69.94 29.93 0.13 0.00 12.90
Baaj and Mahmassani [34] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Kidwai [25] 72.95 26.92 0.13 0.00 12.72
Chakroborty and Dwivedi [20] I 4 86.86 12.00 1.14 0.00 11.90
Fan and Mumford [35] 93.26 6.74 0.00 0.00 11.37
Proposed Avg Results 92.88 6.91 0.20 0.00 11.16
GAs Best Results 93.71 6.29 0.00 0.00 10.82
Mandll [33] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Baaj and Mahmassani [34] 78.61 21.39 0.00 0.00 11.86
Kidwai [25] 77.92 19.68 2.40 0.00 11.87
Chakroborty and Dwivedi [20] II 6 86.04 13.96 0.00 0.00 10.30
Fan and Mumford [35] 91.52 8.48 0.00 0.00 10.48
Proposed Avg Results 93.85 5.88 0.24 0.03 10.51
GAs Best Results 95.57 4.43 0.00 0.00 10.28
Mandll [33] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Baaj and Mahmassani [34] 80.99 19.01 0.00 0.001 12.50
Kidwai [25] 93.91 6.09 0.00 0.00 10.69
Chakroborty and Dwivedi [20] III 7 89.15 10.85 0.00 0.00 10.15
Fan and Mumford [35] 93.32 6.36 0.32 0.00 10.42
Proposed Avg Results 96.47 3.53 0.00 0.00 10.31
GAs Best Results 95.57 4.43 0.00 0.00 10.27
Mandll [33] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Baaj and Mahmassani [34] 79.96 20.04 0.00 0.00 11.86
Kidwai [25] 84.73 15.27 0.00 0.00 11.22
Chakroborty and Dwivedi [20] IV 8 90.38 9.62 0.00 0.00 10.46
Fan and Mumford [35] 94.54 5.46 0.00 0.00 10.36
Proposed Avg Results 96.16 3.84 0.00 0.00 10.31
GAs Best Results 97.82 2.18 0.00 0.00 10.19
Avg: Average, Unsat: Unsatisfied, ATT: Average Travel Time

In the second step, additional frequencies were The problem, such as allocation of superfluous
allocated in order to minimize the level of was solved using GAs. Route overlapping has
overcrowding in the network. The problem of been considered and a frequency of buses
commuters’ discomfort because of overcrowding according to one transfer was set. The model
was formulated as non-linear objective function. concentrates on overcrowding as measure of user
cost; other factors, like waiting time and vehicle
16 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

operating cost are not taken into account, which In first level, load feasibility was determined for
play a major role in allocation of buses. At each route individually and by adding the number
intermediate node maximum of one transfer was of buses across each route, the fleet size was
considered that is generally not an actual case. determined. In second level, using GAS the fleet
They generated frequency-setting (FRESET) size obtained from the first level is again
model and minimized the objective function minimized. Model is applied to real life network
subject to constraints of feasibility loading, and based on the result, it is concluded that
assignment of commuter flow and size of fleet. proposed algorithm yields significant saving for
Loading feasibility constraint ensured that the transit network with overlapping of routes.
passengers demand across each route was
fulfilled by allocation of frequency of buses 3.3 Routing and scheduling approaches
across each route. Two stages of FRESET model Problems related to vehicle routing and
were: Base frequency allocation and surplus scheduling (VRS) involve four decisions; (a)
allocation. vehicle fleet size, (b) customer are assigned to a
Chakroborty et al. [16] presented a genetic vehicle, (c) assigning a sequence to the vehicle
algorithm based approach for optimizing the which travel to the assigned customer, and (d)
problem related to allocation of fleet size and completing its route the actual time that vehicle
development of schedule with transfer travel. To solve the problem, various techniques
consideration as well as minimizing the have been used but no technique has included all
passenger waiting time. From the past the practical options or restriction confronting to
experiences, it has been identified that it is a company. Unfortunately, the analysts had to be
impossible to get optimal result for simple satisfied with the existing method or with slight
problem using conventional optimization method modification they can develop their custom
but it is possible to get optimal result with solution techniques. Routing and scheduling also
minimum computation effort using GAs. mean an approach which deals with the route
Limitation of the developed method is that string configuration and respective frequency
length in case of a larger network is generally simultaneously. This combined process of
large. Two points that needs attention are; (i) routing and scheduling involves two decisions
developed a real- coded GAs based approach (ii) parameters: number of routes and associated
proposed procedure must be included with frequency.
transfer stops. Gundaliya et al. [13] proposed a GAs to develop
Shrivastava and Dhingra [18] developed a a model for routing and scheduling. Objective
Schedule Optimization Model (SOM) for function is minimization of total cost that is user
coordinating schedule of BEST buses determined and operator costs and the related constraints are
on existing feeder routes. Minimizing transfer load factor, fleet size and overloading of links.
time between buses and train and operator cost User cost is a combination of in-vehicle time,
are the main aims of the proposed model. The waiting time and transfer time and operator cost
problem becomes nonlinear and non-convex due is vehicle operating cost of buses. Mandl’s Swiss
to large number of variables and constraint in the network of fifteen nodes was used to test the
objective function, making it difficult to solve model. Model gives the better optimized results
due to traditional approaches. Therefore, for found by other researcher on same network and
coordination of sub-urban train and buses a demand matrix.
genetic algorithm was used which is a robust Chakroborty and Dwivedi [20] proposed an
optimization technique. The proposed model algorithm using GAs that provides an efficient
provides a better level of service to the transit route networks. In this paper, four cases
commuters because they consider load factor and with different number of routes in the route set
transfer time from train to bus rather than fleet were used. A comparison of the proposed
size. It was found that less number of buses is algorithm with algorithm developed by other
required on existing feeder routes and it is a author is done using various measures of
specific contribution towards integration of effectiveness, such as (i) percentage of demand
public transport mode. satisfied directly (ii) proportion of demand
Kidwai et al. [25] presented a bi-level satisfied with one transfer (iii) proportion of
optimization model for bus scheduling problem. demand satisfied with two transfers
(iv) proportion of demand unsatisfied (4) average hours saved per day. They also state that the
travel time per user in minutes (5) total man- developed procedure uses non-heuristic
Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review 17

techniques in optimization process. Further they off-peak which also takes into account the
mentioned that the proposed procedure is useful waiting time and transfer penalties. It is also
for transit planners and designers. necessary to analyze the objective functions
Tom and Mohan [22] designed a route network defined in terms of commuters and operator
for transit system involving selection of route set costs. To correctly identify the difference
and its related frequency. The problem was between two lines (i.e., is bus and rapid transit
formulated as an optimization function that line), it is necessary to use the travel time instead
minimized the overall cost of the system of travel distance.
(operating cost of bus + travel time of passenger).
Design of the route network was done in two 3.4 Integration of mass transit planning
stages: In the first stage, a large set of candidate Integration of mass transit planning means
route set was generated. In the second step, a development of feeder routes and schedule
solution route set with associated frequencies was coordination simultaneously. In integrated
chosen using GAs, from the large set of candidate system, all the trips involve more than one mode
route set generated during first step. The and since passengers are subjected to transfer.
proposed model considered route frequency as The transfer is one of negative aspect of any trip
the variable, thus making it different from the but cannot be neglected. Transfer is essential
existing model in terms of adopted coding because it make the integrated system quick and
method. The model was studied on small size convenient.
network and found that the performance of the Dhingra and Shrivastava [37] described the
model can be evaluated using adopted coding methodology for co-ordination of suburban
method for design of transit network. The SRFC railway and BEST buses at Mumbai. The aim of
model provides a solution with minimum this study was to achieve optimal coordinated
operational cost, minimum fleet size and schedules for optimally designed feeder route
maximum allocation of demand which is directly network with due consideration to user and
satisfied. Using asymmetric demand matrix and operator costs and better level of service. To meet
demand sensitiveness to the service quality, this these objectives, network optimisation and
study can be extended. transfer optimisation models were proposed. The
Chakroborty [36] discussed the optimal routing problem was of multi-objective nature therefore a
and optimal scheduling problems and described strong optimization technique GAs was proposed
that the problem of routing can be classified as for optimisation. The objective function contains
vehicle routing (TSP (travelling salesman minimisation of in-vehicle travel time, standing
problem), SVPDP (single vehicle pick-up and passengers and vehicle operating cost.
delivery problem) and SVPDPTW (single vehicle Kaun et al. [27] presented a methodology for
pick-up and delivery problem with time solving the problem related to feeder bus network
windows) and the transit routing problem. To design using meta-heuristic (combination of GAs
develop schedules for bus arrival and departure at and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)). To
all the stops of network for a given set of route compare the performance of meta-heuristic in
was the optimal scheduling problem. The genetic terms solution quality and computational
algorithm was used to solve optimization efficiency, a comparison was done between
problem which was difficult to solve using randomly generated 20 test solutions. In this
conventional optimization tools. Results for study, each route was sequentially developed as
various routing and scheduling problem were follows: firstly the station was randomly selected,
obtained by applying GAs technique. secondly the selected stop was added to the route
Zhao and Zeng [26] demonstrated a mathematical linking to selected station, and lastly the route
based stochastic methodology for optimizing length was checked. The current route is
transit route network using integrated Simulated terminated if it exceeds the maximum route
Annealing (SA) and GAs search method. A length, and a similar procedure is used to develop
computer program was developed to implement new route. The procedure continues until all the
the methodology, and previously available results stops have been included in the routes. To test the
were used to test the feasibility of the proposed base problem, the results are compared with
methodology. By developing time-dependent those published in the literature. Computational
transit network optimization methods, the present experiments have shown that both heuristics
study can be enhanced further to optimize a (simulated annealing and tab search) are
transit network for both periods that is peak and comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms.
18 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

Results also indicate that procedure can be coordination objective function is taken as
further improved by using a 3-opt procedure minimization of sum of bus operating cost,
(used to optimize each route) formed by applying passenger transfer time cost (transferring from
GAs and ACO, so that the performance could be train to feeder buses), and passenger waiting time
as good as that of tabu search with cost (boarding along the feeder route) subject to
intensification. constraint load factor and transfer time. Two
Shrivastava and O’Mahony [29, 30] build a cases were considered for coordination, in first
model using GAs for generating the optimized case, buses of different types were considered,
feeder routes and indentifying associated and in second case single-decker fleet buses were
frequencies for coordinating schedule of feeder considered. A comparison between both the cases
buses. Thus instead of decomposing the problem was done to choose the strategy that is best. On
in two steps (i) feeder route development (ii) the basis of comparison, it was found that mixed
schedule coordination of feeder buses, the two fleet size buses produce optimum result for
steps were optimized together that were coordinated feeder bus schedules.
complementary to each other. In this study, the After examining and interpreting various
authors determined the schedules coordination of literatures it is concluded that studies up until
feeder buses for the existing given schedules of recent times are limited to operational integration
main transit. The model produced better results in of mass transit planning. The efficiency of
terms of improved load factor as compared to different mass transit modes and main transit
previous technique accepted by author for the facility can be enhanced by overall system
same study area. The proposed model involves integration. The overall system integration
real life objective and constraints therefore it is includes operational integration, institutional
specific involvement towards realistic modeling integration and physical integration as shown in
of integrated public transport system. Figure 4.
Shrivastava and Dhingra [19] developed a
methodology that determines the feeder routes 4. Conclusion
and coordinated schedules for coordinating In this review paper, we have presented the
feeder buses with suburban trains. Feeder routes classification and analysis of studies on design
were developed using heuristic feeder route and scheduling of transit network using GAs. It
generation algorithm, and GAs was used for was found that problem related to design and
optimizing coordinated schedules. Based on the scheduling of transit network are highly complex
load factor and bus waiting time, the schedules and non-linear in terms of decision variable and
were decided. To maintain better level of service difficult to achieve using classical programming.
and waiting time within satisfactory limit, the GAs an optimization technique is
load factor lies between minimum and a computationally more efficient to solve the
maximum values. From the results, it is found problem requiring large number of resources and
that optimal values can be obtained in lesser time services related constraints such as design and
using genetic algorithm. scheduling of transit network. Based on the
Verma and Dhingra [28] described a model for review, it is concluded that GAs have advantage
building optimal coordinated schedules for urban over traditional optimization techniques, as they
rail and feeder bus operation. An optimization work with clusters of points rather than a single
technique GAs was used for developing a model. point. Due to simulataneous prosess of more than
In this study, the optimal coordinated of urban one string it increases the posibility of global
train and feeder buses was done in two parts; (i) optimum solution. But still there exists some
sub-model was developed for train scheduling, limitations: the solution for the complex
and (ii) sub-model was developed for schedule problems is efficient if the evaluation of the
coordination. The train scheduling objective fitness function is good. But to evaluate a good
function is taken as minimization of train fitness function is mostly the hardest part.
operating cost and passenger waiting time cost
(boarding the train) subject to constraint load
factor and waiting time. The schedule
Transit network design and scheduling using genetic algorithm – a review 19

System Integration

Institutional Integration Operation Integration Physical Integration

Integrated transport Integrated fare

system system

Park & ride Pedestrian Transit Intermodal

facilities facilities shelter terminal

Organizational Framework

Planning of Operation of
Transit services Transit services

Figure 4. Overview of system integration

5. Future scope List of Abbreviation

For future scope the following points are Gas : Genetic Algorithm
recommended: SA : Simulated Annealing
ACO : Ant Colony Optimization
1. The effeciency of the integrated transport ff : Fitness function
sytem can be enhanced by overall system GIS : Geographical Information System
integration. PGA : Parallel Genetic Algorithm
2. The developed integrated transport system PVM : Parallel Virtual Machine
can be extended by developing integrated MPI : Message Passing Interface
fare system between integrated modes MTRND: Mass Transit Route Network Design
which is a part of operation integration. TRTC : Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation
UTRP : Urban Transit Routing Problem `
3. Up till now, the developed integrated Avg : Average
systems consider the train as the main mode Unsat : Unsatisfied
and the bus and the intermediated transport ATT : Average Travel Time
system (auto-rickshaw and taxi) as feeder IWT : Initial Waiting Time
modes. In order to develop a fully TT : Transfer Time
integrated transport system, personalized MINLP : Mixed Integer-Non-Linear
modes (car and two-wheeler) and non- Programming Problem
motorized modes (cycle-rickshaw & cycle) FRESET: Frequency-Setting
should also be considered. SOM : Schedule Optimization Model
20 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

VRS : Vehicle Routing and Scheduling [10] Chhavi, K., Genetic Algorithm. See
TSP : Travelling Salesman Problem
SVPDP : single vehicle pick-up and delivery enetic-Algorithms-By-Chhavi-Kashyap-ppt-
problem 732521. Access on 15/04/12.
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The financial support in the form of MHRD (1998).
fellowship from Indian Institute of [12] Deb, K. and Chakroborty, P., Time
Scheduling of Transit System with Transfer
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22 A. Johar et al. / Vol.6, No.1, pp.9-22 (2016) © IJOCTA

and Member, World Roads Congress, Technical medal in M.E from University of Roorkee. He is
Committee, PIARC, France. working as a Professor at IIT Roorkee. His main
areas of specializations are Satellite Image
Garg P.K received his master degree from Analysis, Landuse Mapping, Land Surveying,
University of Roorkee, India in 1982 and his Digital Image Processing, GPS Survey and GIS.
Ph.D degree in remote sensing from University He has contributed over 251 research papers in
of Bristol, U.K in 1991and his post-doctoral in national and international journals and
Remote sensing and GIS from University of conference proceedings
Reading, U.K in 1999. He was awarded a gold

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