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National Racial Discrimination In Corpse Flowers Poem By Sonia Greenfield

Daril Septyanto 2015060376

Class 923
Racial discrimination can found everywhere. Racial discrimination is when a person is
treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, colour,
descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. “Whenever racial discrimination exists
it is a tragic expression of man’s spiritual degeneracy and moral bankruptcy. Therefore, it
must be removed not merely because it is diplomatically expedient, but because it is morally
compelling." (dr martin Luther king jr, 1967) the poem explains about racial discrimination in
this era and racial discrimination in this poem explain about religion and national.This
problem has been minimized by good people. although, the good people have been
minimized racial discrimination. there are still found racial discrimination in this era.

in this poem, first stanza “They’ve said that the jihadist. the narrator spoke in an East London
accent”. Most people think that Jihadist is a suspect of terrorist. “An estimated 60 per cent of
those who espouse violent jihadism in Europe are second-generation Muslims who have lost
their connection with their country of origin and have failed to integrate into Western
societies,” ( Roy,2017). People think that Muslims is dangerous as a monster. This problem
will continue day by day if no one stops it.

in any sentence in the poem “ “the journalist in orange kneeled on the ground, that he
may have denounced America before the knife met throat and cut back”

the mean in this sentence is the people who are the victim and can't do anything. The USA
is superpower country which often to give an attack to the middle east. only one global
superpower these days: the public opinion of 7 billion people. The question is how to marshal
that power. In my experience of dealing with governments they still, at heart, whatever they
profess, pursue this 19th-century model of ‘compete or die.” (Anholt,2014). The USA only
attack countries which don’t have power.


another sentence in this poem “ the Titan Arum is about to bloom, but you can call it a corpse
flower” this sentence mean that the superpower county has a big mission to give to the poor
country. Two years later, as nationalist forces roiled the Middle East and threatened to topple
Lebanon's Christian-led government, Eisenhower ordered the first landing of U.S. troops in
Beirut to protect the regime. The deployment, lasting just three months, ended a brief civil
war in Lebanon. ( Pierre Tristam,2014) . it has been several time to superpower country
destroyed the poor country and the reason is that many people are terrorist and should kill by

And the last sentence in this poem “ Look them up online. I don't watch how the event
Unfolds” this sentence explain that many people see what happen in the middle east by the
superpower country. Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face
for each friend. (Oliver Wendell Holmes,2017) this portrayed that people never care to each
other. know about something but they closed their eyes.

To summarize, in this poem. the writer telling racial discrimination in this era. The big
country attack the poor country because they have a different purpose. big country thought in
the middle east so many bad people. they say give an attack to Zionist but the reality is not.
They also give an attack on civilians. There are more than one million died to cause the
attack. It happens because they do not want to accept purpose and culture.

References :

Roy.(1997). It is not islam drives the drives jihad. Retrieved October 6,2018 from

Anholt.(2014). There is only one global superpower. Retrieved October 6,2018 from

Priere Tristam.(2014). U.s policy in middle east. Retrieved October 6,2018 from

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