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Science, Technology and Society Complete Notes

Science, Technology And Society (GNED 06)


Stones, antlers, wood, and bones were some of the first materials used by

humans to manufacture tools. Humans also found fire by rubbing two stones or

pieces of wood together. Humans wore clothing between 25,000 and 50,000

years before the birth of Christ.

The present age is referred to as the Information Age, Digital Age, Computer

Age, or New Media Age, depending on who you ask. This period is marked by

the transition from a conventional industrial economy to an economy that is

dependent on information and communication technologies.

Despite the fact that the Information Age began in the 1970s with the

introduction of personal computers, it was not really a boom until the ability to

transport information rapidly and freely became widespread. Home computers,

which are subsets of microcomputers, first appeared on the market in 1977,

but only became widely available in the 1980s. Consumers may purchase

these home computers at a reasonable cost, and they are meant for a single

non-technical purpose.

The World Wide Web, sometimes known as the www, was officially launched

on August 6, 1991, by Tim Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee has been referred to as

the "Father of the Web." Others in the tech sector, such as Vint Cerf and Bob
Metcalfe, are credited with being the "Father of the Internet" and the "Father of

the Ethernet," respectively, in their respective fields.

Netscape first made this technology available to the public on August 9, 1995,

when they launched their website. Following this, Netscape's stock price soars,

valuing the business at more than $2 billion on the first day of its trading

session. The initial public offering (IPO), also known as the "Input Process

Output," has become something of a rite of passage for these technological


This digital revolution, which can be compared to the industrial revolution and

the agricultural revolution, heralds the beginning of the Information Age. It is

during this time period when digital logic circuits, as well as related technology

such as computers, digital mobile phones, and the internet, are becoming

more commonplace. These technological breakthroughs have completely

transformed conventional manufacturing processes and even corporate





The extent to which astronomy, medicine, and natural history have influenced

the development of scientific activities may be determined by looking at

diverse sources such as scientific and non scientific writings, archives, or even

technical literature. Galenism was widely practiced and popular in the area of

medicine at the time. Because of this, medicine provides a necessary and

irreplaceable service to the general public and society. This holds true for other

scientific areas as well, including medical history and astronomy, both of which

are closely tied to medicine. Various studies have been conducted, with the

following areas of emphasis:

1. The political and socioeconomic environment in which contemporary

medicine operates. During the reign of the Spanish Catholic Monarchy in the

Kingdom of Valencia in the 16th and 17th centuries, health care and medical

practices were established in the region.

2. Scientific and educational activities for the general public During the reign of

the Spanish Catholic Monarchy, the Baroque depiction of medicine, and even

natural history, helped to promote scientific concepts. In addition, Baroque

representations and pictures, particularly of sickness and the sick during the
reign of the Spanish Catholic Monarchy, are used as a foundation for

understanding contemporary societal views.

Modern-day scientific concepts held by physicians, cosmographers, and

astronomers Their contributions to science, as well as the dissemination of

information, occurred throughout the 16th and 17th century, resulting in

significant advancements in the area.

4. The physicians' responsibilities as specialists in a variety of subjects,

particularly throughout the medieval and contemporary times.

5. Completion of the works of Jose Rodrigo Pertegas, a medical historian and

doctor, which are today housed at the archives and libraries of Catalonia and


6. The expansion of scientific knowledge of the American land and

environment, as well as the introduction of American plants into Europe,

particularly via herbaria, chronicles, and medicinal literature from the Indies,

are all important aspects of scientific progress in America.



Acceptance of STI, or Science, Technology, and Innovation, is one of the most

significant factors in the growth of the Philippines, yet it is the most difficult to

achieve. Progressive nations throughout the globe have placed this technology

at the heart of their development strategies.

According to the results of the poll, our country's good advancements and

breakthroughs in science, technology, and innovation (STI) remain at a low

level of innovation. This is due to a lack of human resources, poor spending on

RD (Research and Development), and a lack of connectivity between the RD

ecosystem and the STI ecosystem.

Global Innovation Index, which ranks 128 economies according to their level of

innovation, places our nation at number 74 out of 128. Philippines had a score

of 31.8 out of 100, which is a poor performance. This is a minor improvement

over our previous score of 31.1 in 2015, which placed the Philippines 83rd out

of 141 economies worldwide.

Our nation was rated fifth out of the seven members of the Association of

Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which was founded in 1967. The

Philippines came in ahead of Indonesia (88th) and Cambodia (95th), but trailed

behind Singapore, which came in sixth, Malaysia (35th), Thailand (52nd), and

Vietnam (59th), all of which were in the top 100.

The poor performance of the STI sector in our nation is a result of a lack of STI

culture in our society. This is due to a lack of public knowledge, as well as a

lack of interest in science, technology, and innovation among the general

people. There are many sectors in our nation that do not appreciate,
acknowledge, or grasp the need of using science-based information and

technology-based information in their daily activities and operations.

Furthermore, there are flaws in the professional and social culture, particularly

in the area of research culture at different institutions and the

commercialization of the outcomes of that research. In addition, there is a lack

of understanding of intellectual property rights among researchers, the general

public, and even the government. Even in other areas such as fisheries and

agriculture, the degree of acceptance and use of these technologies among

MSMEs (micro, small, and medium-sized companies) and other sectors such

as government remains low.

STS are critical components of overcoming problems. This is something our

nation is not prepared for, however, since we are not devoting enough

resources to science and technology, research and development, human

resource development, or even physical infrastructure development. Moreover,

our nation is severely lacking in the technicians and scientists required for our

progress. This has resulted in our nation experiencing poor agricultural and

industrial production, inefficiency, scientific publications, discoveries, and

patents, among other things. Despite the fact that we have highly skilled

technicians and scientists, our government does not have the necessary local

investments to retain them. Despite the fact that these experts have received
training overseas, they are unable to work in our nation owing to a lack of

scientific and technological innovation.


The study of STS (Science, Technology, and Society) is an integrated

research of the strong cooperation between scientific advances and social

influences, as well as their role in technical advancements. STS is an

abbreviation for Science, Technology, and Society.

Science and technology are having an increasing effect on society since they

have the potential to make people's lives easier. People now have the

opportunity to pursue their interests in society, such as education, aesthetics,

ethics, and justice, as well as to create cultures and improve human situations,

thanks to the advancement of science.


However, despite the fact that the objectives and points of view of science and

technology are distinct, their connection is complicated and tension. Their

influence on society is undeniable and readily apparent. Society may have an

impact on science and technology, particularly on the advancement of

scientific and technical knowledge.

The Impact of Science and Technology on Society Science and technology

have an impact on society.

Science has the potential to impact society via its knowledge and viewpoints.

Individuals' expectations of themselves and other people in society, as well as

their expectations of their immediate surroundings and the world in which they

live, are greatly influenced by scientific knowledge and the various

methodologies utilized by different scientists. Neither the negative nor the

positive impact of science on society can be determined with certainty.

Science puts concepts to the test by using data gathered from the realm of

nature. Science may serve as a roadmap for technological growth. Individually,

science can assist us in learning more about our health and the dangers that

nature poses to our surroundings.

Technology, on the other hand, has the potential to have an impact on our

environment, society, and its people. This might have a beneficial or bad

influence on the situation. While the positive impact can be making people's

way of living easier and more convenient, there can be a negative impact as

well, such as addiction to the point where it can impair people's communication

skills or the worst, health ramifications such as eyestrain and insomnia,

hearing loss, neck strain, and even increased anxiety and depression.

Technology may also have an effect on our brain, particularly on the sleep

patterns of individuals who use devices only for gaming purposes.


There are a variety of devices available on the market at the present day.

Radiation may be released from these devices if they are used excessively or

incorrectly. Cardiovascular disease and cancer are two conditions that may

have long-term consequences for one's health.

a. A mobile phone

An electronic cell phone is a portable cordless device that may be used to

create contact lists, make phone calls, set up a voicemail box, and text or call

contacts. It was only in the 1980s that this device became accessible on the

market. This device may have both positive and negative effects on its users.

Its applications or apps may provide a variety of beneficial consequences. It

might be anything from your global positioning system (GPS) to video gaming

consoles and even music players. However, it is important to mind the

negative consequences of excessive usage. Because there are several

applications available for enhancing our health, our cell phone may also serve

as a portable health coach. How?

First and foremost, our may assist us in eating more healthfully. There are a

variety of websites and applications that provide healthy recipes. Making use

of our mobile phones as food journals is more convenient in this situation. Diet

plans may be recorded on paper and with a pen, which is more practical and

Second, by recording our physical activity, our mobile phones may help us

stay healthy and active. According to research, the accuracy of step counts

and distance measurements in applications is high. They may motivate us by

providing feedback and creating objectives. Another factor is that we use our

mobile phones to listen to music, and we do so even when exercising or other

strenuous activities. Using a cell phone may also help to relieve tension,

particularly if you download and listen to relaxing music or even natural sounds.

It is preferable to try yoga since the breathing methods and physical motions

may assist us in relaxing our minds and bodies.

Cell phones, on the other hand, have negative consequences. The negative

consequences are as follows:

First and foremost, it may be a source of distraction, particularly when using a

mobile phone while going outside or driving. As a consequence, we pay less

attention to our surroundings and are unable to respond quickly when

necessary. As a consequence, the outcome is accidental.

Second, mobile phones, particularly heavy cell phone users, might cause us to

get nervous. Students who use their mobile phones excessively likely to have

worse academic performance.

Third, mobile phones may interfere with our sleep, particularly if we are

awakened by call alarms, answering calls, or receiving text messages late at

night. These continuous warnings have the potential to disrupt your sleep.


It is really tough to detach yourself from this useful equipment. However,

spending an excessive amount of time with this device might result in physical

concerns for the user. The following are some of the negative health

consequences of using a cellphone:

1. Turn off mobile phones or set them to silent mode at night. Preventing

excessive screen time before bedtime is essential for healthy sleep. Users find

it difficult to relax while they are engaged in activities such as gaming (such as

Mobile Legends), texting, or using Facebook.

2. Take frequent and uninterrupted breaks. Users may experience discomfort if

they use this device for an extended period of time, particularly in their fingers

and wrists. The frequent staring at the screens of electronic devices becomes

tiring on the eyes.

3. Turn off the sound system if necessary. We may lose our sense of hearing if

we listen to music via earbuds while using a device, particularly if the volume is

turned up loud.
4. Create a strategy for the usage of mobile phones. Only use it when it is

absolutely necessary.


There is a chance of producing health issues, particularly some forms of

cancer, as a result of exposure. Radio waves, also known as radiofrequency

energy, are emitted by cell phones. This is a kind of non-ionizing radiation

emitted by mobile phone antennas and is not harmful. As a result, bodily

tissues in close proximity to the cp's antennae are more susceptible to

absorbing this kind of radiation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation from mobile

phones has a high potential for containing human carcinogens, which may

cause significant harm to our DNA and cells, resulting in burns, cancer, and

other illnesses, among other things. The major consequence is on the brain,

where our brain blood arteries perish, which might result in seizures if they are

not treated. The eyes are also severely damaged, since there is a risk of

cataract formation as a result of non-ionizing radiation, which may be a source

of heating.


According to experts, maintaining a safe distance between oneself and one's

mobile phone is essential. It is not required for us to put it in the pockets of our

blouses, polos, or jeans since it is so little. Cell phones should not be held

close to our ears while making or receiving calls since doing so exposes our

salivary glands to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs). It is recommended

that we utilize the speaker or headsets whenever possible. Another thing to

keep in mind is that we should switch off our mobile phones more often since

when the device is turned off, no radiation is released.

Experts advise that we keep our mobile phones at least three meters away

from our bodies while we sleep, or that we leave the device on our chair or

sofa while we sleep. It is also crucial not to lay the device under the pillow

when sleeping or to charge it under the pillow while sleeping at night.


Despite the fact that mobile phones have positive impacts, their excessive

usage might have negative consequences for the users. The negative

consequences are as follows:

1. Cell phones have been shown to cause eye injury. According to

optometrists, those who are hooked to these devices are at an elevated risk of
developing eye problems. The use of other electronic devices such as tablet

computers, laptop computers, and flat-screen television displays might cause

long-term harm.

2. Cell phones may have a negative impact on the health of their users. Too

much exposure to these devices may cause DNA and cell damage, which can

result in illness, burns, or even cancer at the very least in the most severe

cases. Due to the fact that these devices emit ionizing radiation, which may

produce heating (similar to how a microwave oven works), this is the case.

3. Cell phones have the potential to have an impact on our brain. According to

the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation from mobile phones has a

high potential for containing human carcinogens, which may cause significant

harm to our DNA and cells, resulting in burns, cancer, and other illnesses,

among other things. The major consequence is on the brain, where our brain

blood arteries perish, which might result in seizures if they are not treated. The

eyes are also severely damaged, since there is a risk of cataract formation as

a result of non-ionizing radiation, which may be a source of heating.

In addition, checking cell phones at night or in the dark might induce temporary


b.) Personal computers (laptops)

Laptops are personal computers that are small and portable, with capabilities

that are comparable to those of desktop computers. When laptops are in use,
they emit heat, and this heat has detrimental impacts on our physical and

mental health. When we use computers incorrectly, such as by resting them on

our thighs while working, we might cause skin damage. Experts believe it has

the potential to induce sterility. This is due to the electromagnetic radiation

emitted by these electronic devices. In recent research on the Fertility and

Sterility, it has been shown that the heat emitted by these devices might cause

harm to Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA).

c.) Tablet computers

When mobile phones, laptops, or tables are linked to the internet through WiFi,

the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by the devices may be

harmful. Simply put, this implies that the consumers are being bombarded by

two different radiating sources: one from the device and another via WiFi.

d.) Headphones with microphone

Earphones are electrical devices that are worn on the ear to receive telephone

or radio communications, as well as to listen to music or make phone

conversations without other people being able to hear what is being said or

done. These earbuds may potentially cause harm to our ears, particularly if we

wear them at high levels or for an extended period of time. The most serious

consequence is hearing loss.

As a result, there is a regulation that we must only use these MP3 players at a

maximum volume of 60% for a total of 60 minutes in a single day. According to

Dr. Froy, the higher the volume of these earbuds is turned up, the shorter the

period of their usage will be. The maximum volume is required so that we just

have to listen to it for five minutes every day if you do it at the highest level


This intellectual revolution has the potential to revolutionize society via the

application of critical thinking, the establishment of norms and regulations for

equal opportunity and the assessment of performance. For the sake of

development, it is seen as a continuous process that is carried out until

society's requirements have been met in the long run. The combined efforts of

great minds and intellectuals have the potential to make the world a more

progressive and peaceful environment.

Some instances of this intellectual revolution include the understanding of the

earth's orbit around the sun, the development of the vehicle, and the

introduction of various creations/inventions into society, among other things.

However, since we are living in the Digital Age, the digital information

revolution has the potential to be very powerful. With the help of technological

advancements, we can make our lives more comfortable and simple. How?

Internet-based transactions are currently permitted, including the purchase

and sale of goods, the ordering of items, and the interaction with and complaint

to the government of concerns involving the government.


The Copernican Revolution was widely seen as the beginning of the transition

from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens to the heliocentric model of the

heavens. The Ptolemaic model is a description of the cosmos in which the

Earth is in the center and remains stationary. This model places the Sun at the

centre of the Solar System, as described by heliocentric theory. Copernicus,

who was a Polish astronomer at the time of his statement, articulated his

thoughts in the year 1543.

According to what we have learned in Science, the Copernican Revolution

brought about dramatic changes in the universe and the way the earth

revolved around the Sun. For a long time, we have believed that the objects in

the sky are those that circle about us and that the earth is the center of the

universe, and that this has been our experience of them.


The Darwinian Intellectual Revolution was coined by Charles Darwin in 1859

and popularized by the scientific community. An emphasis has been placed on

scientific and theological domains throughout this revolution. His work has

altered the public's perception of biology, as well as the basic implications it

has had on contemporary religion, science, and the other features of society

as a whole.

When it comes to the development of humanist and scientific concepts, the

Darwinian revolution is very significant. It was Charles Darwin who made

people aware that the environment in which they live is undergoing an

evolutionary process, particularly after the discovery of the most intelligent and

powerful structure of life, which explained how individuals developed.

This idea, espoused by Charles Darwin and contained in his book, enables us

to understand how numerous species have lived and perished as a result of

the fact that another species has succeeded them in the evolutionary process.

It is particularly vital in the evolution of mankind that Darwin's hypothesis be


The Social Darwinist school of thought, which was championed by Charles

Darwin, held that the survival of the fittest principle was fundamental. This is a

hypothesis that holds that people gain influence in society as a result of their

fundamentally superior character. Throughout the last 150 years, this

Socioeconomic Darwinism thesis has been used to explain racism, imperialism,

social inequality, and eugenics, among other things.

Opponents of the notion of survival of the fittest, on the other hand, claim that

this view is synonymous with natural selection. Furthermore, opponents said

that this hypothesis is shunned, particularly by current biologists, since it is

inaccurate and misinformative. Survival, in their opinion, is just one of the

factors of selection, and as such, it is not the most essential.


Sigmund Freud, the well-known and popular psychologist of the twentieth

century, made a significant contribution to the intellectual revolution in which

he lived. He is credited with establishing the psychoanalytic theory, which says

that human behavior is the result of the interaction of three components of the

mind: the id, the ego, and the super ego.

The theory of Freudian psychoanalysis has had an impact on the development

of psychotherapy and its many treatment approaches during the course of the

twentieth century. The impact of Sigmund Freud in this discipline has remained

strong despite the fact that this theory has been the topic of debate.

The majority of Freud's thinking is based on empirical observations. However,

the primary flaw in this theory is that it provides only factual explanations and

fails to predict characteristics and actions.

According to experts, maintaining a safe distance between oneself and one's

mobile phone is essential. It is not required for us to put it in the pockets of our

blouses, polos, or jeans since it is so little. Cell phones should not be held

close to our ears while making or receiving calls since doing so exposes our

salivary glands to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs). It is recommended

that we utilize the speaker or headsets whenever possible. Another thing to

keep in mind is that we should switch off our mobile phones more often since
when the device is turned off, no radiation is released.

Experts advise that we keep our mobile phones at least three meters away

from our bodies while we sleep, or that we leave the device on our chair or

sofa while we sleep. It is also crucial not to lay the device under the pillow

when sleeping or to charge it under the pillow while sleeping at night.


Despite the fact that mobile phones have positive impacts, their excessive

usage might have negative consequences for the users. The negative

consequences are as follows:

1. Cell phones have been shown to cause eye injury. According to

optometrists, those who are hooked to these devices are at an elevated risk of
developing eye problems. The use of other electronic devices such as tablet

computers, laptop computers, and flat-screen television displays might cause

long-term harm.

2. Cell phones may have a negative impact on the health of their users. Too

much exposure to these devices may cause DNA and cell damage, which can

result in illness, burns, or even cancer at the very least in the most severe

cases. Due to the fact that these devices emit ionizing radiation, which may

produce heating (similar to how a microwave oven works), this is the case.

3. Cell phones have the potential to have an impact on our brain. According to

the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation from mobile phones has a

high potential for containing human carcinogens, which may cause significant

harm to our DNA and cells, resulting in burns, cancer, and other illnesses,

among other things. The major consequence is on the brain, where our brain

blood arteries perish, which might result in seizures if they are not treated. The
eyes are also severely damaged, since there is a risk of cataract formation as

a result of non-ionizing radiation, which may be a source of heating.

In addition, checking cell phones at night or in the dark might induce temporary


b.) Personal computers (laptops)

Laptops are personal computers that are small and portable, with capabilities

that are comparable to those of desktop computers. When laptops are in use,
they emit heat, and this heat has detrimental impacts on our physical and

mental health. When we use computers incorrectly, such as by resting them on

our thighs while working, we might cause skin damage. Experts believe it has

the potential to induce sterility. This is due to the electromagnetic radiation

emitted by these electronic devices. In recent research on the Fertility and

Sterility, it has been shown that the heat emitted by these devices might cause

harm to Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA).

c.) Tablet computers

When mobile phones, laptops, or tables are linked to the internet through WiFi,

the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by the devices may be

harmful. Simply put, this implies that the consumers are being bombarded by

two different radiating sources: one from the device and another via WiFi.

d.) Headphones with microphone

Earphones are electrical devices that are worn on the ear to receive telephone

or radio communications, as well as to listen to music or make phone

conversations without other people being able to hear what is being said or

done. These earbuds may potentially cause harm to our ears, particularly if we

wear them at high levels or for an extended period of time. The most serious

consequence is hearing loss.

As a result, there is a regulation that we must only use these MP3 players at a

maximum volume of 60% for a total of 60 minutes in a single day. According to

Dr. Froy, the higher the volume of these earbuds is turned up, the shorter the

period of their usage will be. The maximum volume is required so that we just

have to listen to it for five minutes every day if you do it at the highest level


This intellectual revolution has the potential to revolutionize society via the

application of critical thinking, the establishment of norms and regulations for

equal opportunity and the assessment of performance. For the sake of

development, it is seen as a continuous process that is carried out until

society's requirements have been met in the long run. The combined efforts of

great minds and intellectuals have the potential to make the world a more

progressive and peaceful environment.

Some instances of this intellectual revolution include the understanding of the

earth's orbit around the sun, the development of the vehicle, and the

introduction of various creations/inventions into society, among other things.

However, since we are living in the Digital Age, the digital information

revolution has the potential to be very powerful. With the help of technological

advancements, we can make our lives more comfortable and simple. How?

Internet-based transactions are currently permitted, including the purchase

and sale of goods, the ordering of items, and the interaction with and complaint

to the government of concerns involving the government.


The Copernican Revolution was widely seen as the beginning of the transition

from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens to the heliocentric model of the

heavens. The Ptolemaic model is a description of the cosmos in which the

Earth is in the center and remains stationary. This model places the Sun at the

centre of the Solar System, as described by heliocentric theory. Copernicus,

who was a Polish astronomer at the time of his statement, articulated his
thoughts in the year 1543.

According to what we have learned in Science, the Copernican Revolution

brought about dramatic changes in the universe and the way the earth

revolved around the Sun. For a long time, we have believed that the objects in

the sky are those that circle about us and that the earth is the center of the

universe, and that this has been our experience of them.


The Darwinian Intellectual Revolution was coined by Charles Darwin in 1859

and popularized by the scientific community. An emphasis has been placed on

scientific and theological domains throughout this revolution. His work has

altered the public's perception of biology, as well as the basic implications it

has had on contemporary religion, science, and the other features of society

as a whole.

When it comes to the development of humanist and scientific concepts, the

Darwinian revolution is very significant. It was Charles Darwin who made

people aware that the environment in which they live is undergoing an

evolutionary process, particularly after the discovery of the most intelligent and

powerful structure of life, which explained how individuals developed.

This idea, espoused by Charles Darwin and contained in his book, enables us

to understand how numerous species have lived and perished as a result of

the fact that another species has succeeded them in the evolutionary process.

It is particularly vital in the evolution of mankind that Darwin's hypothesis be


The Social Darwinist school of thought, which was championed by Charles

Darwin, held that the survival of the fittest principle was fundamental. This is a

hypothesis that holds that people gain influence in society as a result of their
fundamentally superior character. Throughout the last 150 years, this

Socioeconomic Darwinism thesis has been used to explain racism, imperialism,

social inequality, and eugenics, among other things.

Opponents of the notion of survival of the fittest, on the other hand, claim that

this view is synonymous with natural selection. Furthermore, opponents said

that this hypothesis is shunned, particularly by current biologists, since it is

inaccurate and misinformative. Survival, in their opinion, is just one of the

factors of selection, and as such, it is not the most essential.


Sigmund Freud, the well-known and popular psychologist of the twentieth

century, made a significant contribution to the intellectual revolution in which

he lived. He is credited with establishing the psychoanalytic theory, which says

that human behavior is the result of the interaction of three components of the

mind: the id, the ego, and the super ego.

The theory of Freudian psychoanalysis has had an impact on the development

of psychotherapy and its many treatment approaches during the course of the

twentieth century. The impact of Sigmund Freud in this discipline has remained

strong despite the fact that this theory has been the topic of debate.

The majority of Freud's thinking is based on empirical observations. However,

the primary flaw in this theory is that it provides only factual explanations and

fails to predict characteristics and actions.

In the context of the Intellectual Revolution, INFORMATION THEORY is


The information theory is concerned with the storage, quantification, and

transmission of information in a computer system. According to Claude

Shannon (an American electrical engineer, mathematician, and cryptographer),

this theory was first suggested in 1948, and it is responsible for identifying the

fundamental constraints of signal processing and communication operations

such as data compression.


Throughout North America, Central America, and South America, the

Mesoamerican intellectual revolution has had a significant impact on the

civilizations that developed there. The Maya, the Aztecs, the Olmec, and the

Inca are the four ancient civilizations that flourished in these locations. The fact

that these three have achieved remarkable success in the fields of science and

engineering is due to the fact that they place a high emphasis on education.

This intellectual revolution is very significant since it was in this region that the

agricultural revolution happened independently. Prior to the arrival of

Christopher Columbus, this practice had acquired popularity in North America.

The Maya can be included since they had developed a separate writing

system as well as a sophisticated calendar system.

When it came to Mesoamerican culture, the Olmec was the most important.

This is owing to the landowning elite that governed Mesoamerica throughout

the period when the civilization was prominent.


According to Needham, a well-known historian, China and the rest of Asia

continued to grow scientifically, but at a slower pace than nations in the west,

such as Europe. First and foremost, there have been a plethora of scientific

revolutions that have originated in Asia, namely China. However, since Asians

are too obsessed with culture and religion, they have been unable to go farther

in the development of science and technology. Aside from that, Asian nations

have failed to embrace industrial civilisation. Capitalists in Europe became

wealthier and made significant advances in science.

It is also due of fear of confronting challenges that Asia lags behind the other

continents in terms of development. Examples include the maritime sector,

where China had built ships, but Timur sought to bring the government down,

and as a result the government stopped the development of ships in order to

concentrate on other pressing issues at the moment.

Furthermore, in the nineteenth century, China's economy, which was the

largest in the world at the time, was split by European nations, resulting in a

slow-moving scientific revolution in China and other Asian countries.


The scientific revolution in the Middle East has made significant contributions

to the advancement of knowledge and the discovery of new discoveries. Even

in the past, the Middle East was a hotbed of creativity and culture;

nevertheless, its progress has lagged behind. Education in the Middle East

has fallen behind the times, resulting in young people being unemployed after

graduation. As a result, the government has made significant expenditures in

high-quality scientific research for the sake of innovation and technological

progress. Mesopotamia, for example, has improved in chemistry, mathematics,

medicine, engineering, and astrology throughout the centuries.


Africa is the only continent on the planet where people have used stones as

tools for thousands of years. Stones may be found in abundance in East Africa,

as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa. With the help of these stones, they were able

to fashion many types of implements.

Africa has made significant contributions to science and technology throughout

history, including advances in mathematics, metallurgy, architecture, and other

arts. Homegrown was established in Nairobi, and many large corporations

across the globe have discovered that Africa offers fertile grounds, which are

essential for scientific and technical advancement. Nairobi is home to many of
the world's largest corporations.

African leaders have claimed that their countries' governments would support

science and technology initiatives since they are critical to the country's

economic growth, but they have not been able to show any interest in this topic

for a long time due to political differences. An agreement was reached by the

leaders of the AU (African Union) at a summit in January 2007 to dedicate one

percent of their GNP (Gross National Product) by 2020 for this purpose.

Because there are competent, creative, and educated young Africans, their

efforts, together with the government's execution and investment in science,

may make a significant contribution to the transformation of Africa and the

enhancement of the well-being of the African people.


There are a number of Filipino innovators that are regarded as the best of their

generation in various fields. We have a national hero in our midst. Dr. Jose P.

Rizal, who is regarded the greatest patriot in the Philippines because of his

distinctiveness and brilliance.

Despite the absence of assistance from the government of the Philippines,

these Filipinos persisted in their pursuit of their innovations and have made
significant contributions to our society as a result of their efforts. When it came

to the legitimacy or genuineness of their inventions, these Filipino discoveries

were subjected to debates and controversies, which they eventually won.

Incubator for Medical Research

Dr. Fe Del Mundo was the inventor of the medical incubator as well as the

gadget that relieves jaundice or icterus. This incubator as 2 laundry baskets

which are native and they are of various sizes where one basket is put above

the other. In between the two baskets are bottles carrying hot water for the
purpose of giving warmth. A temporary cover is placed over the overlapping

baskets in order to allow oxygen to flow throughout the structure. In order to

manage the temperature of newly born newborns in rural regions where there

was no power at the time, Dr. Del Mundo devised this medical incubator in the

1960s. Del Mundo is a Harvard University School of Medicine graduate who

works in the field of emergency medicine.


Erythromycin is an antibiotic that may be used as a replacement for penicillin in

some situations. This medication has the ability to heal infections without

having to worry about the negative effects of numerous antibiotics. This is a

bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Streptomyces erythreus. Dr.

Abelardo Aguilar, an Ilonggo, was the one who, in 1949, found a strain of

bacteria that was derived from the soil of Iloilo. However, when he submitted
this strain to be separated to Eli Lilli Business, Aguilar's employer in the United

States, a pharma company controlled by an Indian created it without even

acknowledging Aguilar's groundbreaking finding.

Anti-Cancer Treatment Cream

Rolando delaCruz is the inventor of the anti-cancer cream known by the trade

name "DeBCC." This cream was created from cashew nuts and herbs from the

area. This cream may be used to treat BSC, also known as basal skin

carcinoma, which is the most common kind of skin cancer in the world. When

Dela Cruz submitted this idea at an International Inventor's Forum in

November of 2005, it was selected as the most important invention out of more

than 1,500 submissions.

Mole Remover is a product that is used to remove moles from the body.

In addition to Mole Remover, Rolando dela Cruz is the inventor of a number of

other inventions. Using an extract of cashew nuts, also known as Annacardium

occidentale, he created this product in 2000. This mole remover is capable of

removing deeply embedded warts or moles from the skin without causing

discomfort to the patient or leaving any visible signs.

Diwata 1 and 2 are the first and second diwatas, respectively.

Diwata 1 is the first microsatellite launched from the Philippines. Filipino

engineers from the Department of Science and Technology/Advanced Science

and Technology Institute (DOST/ASTI) and the University of the Philippines

collaborated on the design and construction of this facility. The Magnificent

Nine (also known as the Magnificent 9) were a group of engineers that worked

on the Titanic. In addition to the Tohoko squad, which consists of Julian

Marvick Oliveros, Ariston N. Gonzales, Brian Paler (ASTI), John Leur Labrador,

Gerwin Guba (ASTI), and Juan Paolo Espiritu, there is also a Hokkaido team,

which consists of Kaye Kristine Vergel, Delburg Mitchao, and Benjamin

Magallon. They worked with engineers and scientists from Hokkaido University

and Tohoko University, both in Japan, to design and build Diwata 1, which was

then released.

The team from Tohoku University was in responsible of designing the Diwata 1

bus, which included everything from mechanical to electrical aspects, vibration,

thermal, off-gas, fit check tests, and many other things. They also designed the

bus itself.

It was the team from Hokkaido University that was in charge of the payload of

this mini satellite, which included selecting and calibrating the optical sensors

in order to ensure that they met the requirements of the scientific missions.

This optical sensor is capable of measuring a significant amount of light and

converting it into a form that can be read by the device. This team from

Hokkaido University chooses the process of raw data arriving from the sensor

and transforming it into final products that are judged to be of high quality.

Teams from both institutions are involved not only in the design of the
micro-satellite but also in the operational elements of the ground stations that

will be used to control the satellite and receive data. In charge of the satellite's

features, sensors, and software optimization are the teams in charge of

conducting continual tests on the satellite.

This micro-satellite has a mass of 50 kg and a dimension of 55 cm x 35 cm x

55 cm. It is equipped with solar panels that are positioned on the front of the

spacecraft in order to provide the electricity required for the spacecraft's

functioning and to collect data. As a result, it is classified as a micro-satellite in

the United States. When it comes to its planned and regarded usage, it is

meant and considered to be a satellite for the purpose of studying the earth,

namely the Philippine ground underneath, water, and under water.

This was launched to the International Space Station on March 23, 2016, and it

is now in orbit. It was launched into orbit by the International Space Station

(ISS) on April 27, 2016, and it will remain in orbit for a year.

With the help of this microsatellite, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical,

and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) of the Department of

Science and Technology (DOST) can make precise predictions and monitor

weather conditions, which is very important for the country's agricultural.

Information obtained from this microsatellite is employed in the forecast of the

strongest weather system that may be found in the Philippines.

One of the objectives of this initiative is to take the lead in the development of

the aerospace industry as well as the local electronics industry, which would

serve as a complement to the satellite manufacturing industry. Aside from that,

this microsatellite will be able to transmit into space weather forecasts, disaster

management programs, fisheries and agricultural data, mining data, forest

protection data, as well as data on our historical and cultural heritage.

Among the other goals of this microsatellite program are observations of the

Earth, the development of human resources, and the monitoring of climatic

These photos from this microsatellite will be real-time, high-resolution, and

multi-color infrared photographs for a variety of applications, including

meteorological imaging, ocean and agricultural production measurements, and

high-resolution imaging of man-made and natural features in our nation.

Furthermore, this satellite can offer an accurate assessment of the agricultural

and fisheries productivity in the Philippines, as well as photographs of

floodplains and watersheds, which may be used to determine the availability of

water for irrigation and home consumption. As well as providing precise

information on degradation and disturbances in upland and forest regions

around the nation, this satellite may also provide information on climate

Philippines once had two satellites (Agila 1 and Agila 2, which was

subsequently renamed ABS 3); however, they were not owned by the

country's citizens. This implies that our government hires the services of other

nations to take satellite photographs, which is a costly endeavor. The

PHL-Microsat program was established as a result of the aftermath of Typhoon

Yolanda, which rocked the Philippines.

On October 29, 2018, the spacecraft Diwata 2, also known as Diwata 2B, was

successfully launched into orbit. After Diwata 1, this is the second satellite to

be launched. The Diwata 2 or 2B, in contrast to the Diwata 1, has an

advantage in radio communication technology since it contains an amateur

radio payload that is specifically designed for disaster assistance. In addition to

the breadth of catastrophe damages, cultural and natural heritage, and

vegetation may all be monitored by this Diwata 2. It also aids in the forecasting

of weather, the observation of cloud patterns, and the detection of other

meteorological disturbances.

In the field of national development, science and technology play an important

It is possible to make progress when there is development. There must be a

relentless quest of knowledge in order for the country's economy to be

successful, with science and technology as well as engineering serving as the

fundamental necessities to achieve this goal. The growth of the nation's

economy is limited in the absence of progress in science and technology; as a

result, the country is categorized as an underdeveloped country. Science and

technology are inextricably linked to modernity and fast growth throughout


Modernization may be defined as the movement of various modern gadgets

and modern equipment in fields such as medical, aviation, infrastructure,

information technology, and energy, among others. As a result, they are

considered to be a part of the country's progress.

Countries are presently divided into four categories: developed, industrialized,

developing, and undeveloped. This categorization is based on the economics

of the country and the extent to which science and technology is implemented

in the country in question.

Science and technology development and improvement bring about positive

outcomes such as people's lives becoming more comfortable and easy,

diseases becoming more easily determined and analyzed, and sectors of the

economy such as education, industry, agriculture and communication

improving. It also brings about improvements in research, development, and

the implications of these developments..

Likewise, when the country's science and technology progresses, so does the

country's economy, which may be classed at the advanced level at which

certain nations are now categorized.



From the Stone Age through the Bronze Age and all the way up to the Modern

Age, we can see how science and technology have progressed over time.

Additionally, as new scientific and technological discoveries are made, the way

people live in their communities might readily shift. People's workloads have

been reduced as a result of technology advancements and inventions, which

has opened the door for the investigation of newer applicable technologies.

Whereas, in the area of medical science, its advancement may contribute

more to the prevention and treatment of illnesses, with a special emphasis on

the promotion of inexpensive medications and vaccines. Because of

advancements in information technology and the development of various

devices, communication inside a country has undergone significant

transformations, allowing individuals to interact and see one another from a

distance. Many innovations are now in the process of being researched and

studied with the goal of being put up for competition.

Changes in technology are catalyzing the birth of a new global economy.

Because of the extraordinary and often drastic changes brought about by the

Digital Age, there has been significant influence on society, particularly on

production and the way in which individuals make a livelihood. All of these

developments may be used to highlight economic growth, productivity in

manufacturing sectors, and job opportunities for individuals in many fields.

Economic growth is very significant since it may be used to assess the overall

quality of life and the level of living of a population. Every individual may get

adequate commodities and services in a developing economy, therefore

diminishing, if not completely eradicating, the degree of poverty in the nation.

Productivity is the single most important element in determining the level of

economic development in a nation. However, if a recession happens in a

nation, the economy may be severely harmed, to the point where the

government is unable to provide a decent quality of life for its population and
the country becomes bankrupt.

To summarize, technical advancements may increase the efficiency of the

manufacturing process, allowing for more output. This leads to increased

production. The replacement of manual labor is possible as a result of

technology advancements, and the introduction of new goods, processes, and

best practices is more likely as a result of these developments.

Contribution of Science to the Advancement of Humanity

Sharp technologies are responsible for the development of scientific

innovations. The discovery of the microsatellite, the development of

medications and vaccines, and the development of various laboratory

equipment used in hospitals and clinical labs are only a few examples. Already,

precise information on weather forecasting and other topics is provided by use

of a microsatellite. For the treatment of a variety of disorders, both organic and

inorganic/branded medications may be produced. Laboratory technology may

be introduced to assist medical practitioners in quickly identifying a patient's

illness and prescribing the appropriate medications to that patient.

Science is basically a collection of concepts generated by the human intellect,

and the validity of these ideas may be shown not only through the language of

nature, but also via the language of men and women. Nowadays, the GPS, or

Global Positioning System, is very crucial to have. This includes space-based

satellites, receivers, and computers, which may offer information on sites

anywhere in the world, whether they are inside the country or outside of it,

including the United States. Originally, this GPS device was used by the

United States military for the purpose of identifying its soldiers, particularly in

remote places such as woods and deserts.

The use of GPS has a significant influence on society. It has the potential to

alter how individuals communicate with one another. It may assist parents in
keeping track of their children. It is also fitted as a gadget in automobiles and

even cell phones to aid individuals not only in mapping but also in guiding them

to their desired destinations..


In the Philippines, the Department of Science and Technology, in collaboration

with higher education institutions and various research institutions, has

established a number of advanced facilities to aid in research and

development, as well as to enable Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized

Enterprises (MSMEs) to benefit from testing services that are required for

high-quality and high-quantity production, as well as for them to gain a

competitive edge. These are the ones:

1. Laboratories for the testing of advanced devices and materials. Its center is

equipped with cutting-edge technology for quality control, material

identification, and research and development projects. A tight association

exists between this and the Electronics Goods Development Center, which is

responsible for the creation of software and hardware for various electronic

products, as well as their development and testing.

2) A supercomputer that tests and runs a comprehensive program for

providing numerical weather forecasts, modeling climate, analytics, and data

archiving in addition to running the application computationally.

3.The Genome Center serves as a central institution for the creation of

pharmaceuticals, health diagnostics, preventative goods, DNA forensics, and

agricultural variety enhancement, among other things.

4.The drug discovery facilities are in charge of directing the need for

high-quality manufacturing and treatment that is accepted around the world.

5.As far as applications of nanotechnology are concerned, the

Nanotechnology Center offers technical services and creates an atmosphere

conducive to collaborative and multidisciplinary research and development.

6.Radiation processing facilities that are utilized to graft, degrade, or crosslink

monomers, polymers, and chemical compounds for use in medicinal,

agricultural, industrial, and environmental applications are classified as

radiation processing facilities.

7.Die and Mold Solutions Center, which helps to strengthen the

competitiveness of the local die and tool industry by locating molds and dies

that are now imported from other countries.

8.Intelligent Operation Center Platform, which was developed in collaboration

with the local government of Davao City and IBM Philippines. With the use of
analytics software, this center was able to construct a dashboard that allowed

government-authorized organizations such as fire departments, police

departments, and the anti-terrorism task force to monitor activities and

occurrences in real time.

LIDAR is an acronym that stands for LIGHT DETECTION AND RANGING.

Light Detection and Ranging, often known as Li DAR, is a remote sensing

technique that is used to examine the surface of the earth. It is made up of

three components: a scanner, a laser, and a GPS receiver. In order to collect

data from LiDAR across large regions, helicopters and aircraft are the most

often used platforms, especially in urban areas.

The laser pulse is used by the LiDAR to gather measurements, which allows

for the creation of 3D models and maps of the surrounding environment and

objects. In the same manner that sonar and radar function, this LiDAR

operates in the same way. The sole difference between LiDAR and Sonar and

Radar is that LiDAR scans the environment using light waves generated by a

laser, while Sonar and Radar scan the environment using sound and radio

waves. Using the LiDAR data, farmers may identify areas that need more
fertilizer or water, allowing them to save money on labor and time spent

completing their jobs. Even throughout the night, this technology may be

utilized since it is light-sensitive.

LiDAR technology does not penetrate data that has been filtered to the ground,

and it also does not penetrate vegetation, even if the light is visible from below

the shadow of a tree, since the data has been filtered to the ground.

The PNP makes use of LiDAR technology. This device is referred to as the

police laser since it is accurate in tracking the speed of cars and is thus utilized

by traffic enforcement officials to enforce traffic laws. It is possible for LiDAR to

work by emitting infrared laser light and directing it away from the vehicle and

back toward the gun.

At a range of 230 meters, LiDAR can identify objects with a 10 percent

reflectivity and detect them.



The Department of Science and Technology hosts an annual conference

where researchers from a variety of industries, including health, industry,

agriculture, and the academic sector, come together to share their findings. On

February 15, 2017, they conducted their second National Research and

Development Conference, which was held at the Manila Hotel. They

announced their five-year development strategy, which would be implemented

starting in 2018. (from 2017 to 2022).

The Science for Change Program (S4CP) of the Department of Science and

Technology (DOST) emphasizes the importance of collaborative research

among the many stakeholders from the government, academia, and industry in

order to assist the Philippine economic development. This program or plan

comprises research projects with outcomes that address issues such as

unemployment, inequality, and economic competitiveness, all of which are

critical to the country's economic growth and development.

The role of science and technology as key drivers of economic growth is

discussed in detail in the next section.

Science and technology are crucial actors in the development of a rising

economic system. We are all aware that the current government of President

Rodrigo Duterte has been confronted with a slew of difficulties and challenges,

including narcotics, insurgency and crime, corruption, the effects of climate

change, and the country's vulnerability to natural catastrophes.

Healthcare, environmental integrity, fisheries, agriculture, food security,

oceanography and marine science, weather forecasting and disaster science,

climate change and space technology application and development, as well as

communication and information technology, as well as universal access to the

internet, are among the primary concerns of this program or plan.

The priority areas for President Duterte's science and technology agenda were

selected from among the various issues and concerns raised by the

president's science and technology agenda. These were industrialization,

renewable energy, increased food production, a cheaper and faster internet,

as well as adaptation to climate change.



Enterprises in the Philippines are now providing training to their

workers/employees with the goal of upgrading their abilities. Approximately

60% of the companies in the country are doing so. Furthermore, the Philippine

government is making significant expenditures in the advancement of science

and technology in the country. Because our nation has a large number of
medicinal herb plantations, these achievements are mostly focused on

medicine and health. The government is also focusing on the advancement of

education, catastrophe resilience, energy production and distribution, and

even climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.

Despite the fact that our government had been growth resistive in the past,

particularly when it came to science and technology, the administration of

President Duterte is pushing for the development of science and technology.

To provide just a few instances, his Build Build Build Program, which involves
infrastructure projects all around the nation, the Diwata 1 and 2 microsatellites,

and other related initiatives are all being implemented.


An investigation undertaken by the Philippine Institute for Development

Studies found that there is a poor link between the previous government and

the innovation-driven enterprises, and that R&D (Research and Development)

expenditures are minimal. As a result, the current administration is motivated

to expand efforts to reach out to the private sector, as scientific and

technological innovation play a significant role in the advancement of the

country's social and economic well-being, and as such, are important drivers of

the country's long-term economic development.

Citizens and local businesses stand to gain significantly from technological

advancement, and they may be brought up to speed with new technologies as

they emerge. Local businesses may increase their productivity in a variety of

sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, and even services. Furthermore,

this may provide a competitive advantage to local enterprises when competing

against competitor international or transnational corporations doing business

in our country. Furthermore, the establishment of new businesses and sectors

is a possibility. On the other hand, in the scientific community, prospective

local medicinal or herbal plants are being researched, and extracts from these
plants have been tested and confirmed to be effective in the production of
organic medications, which are now available in various drug shops.

Lagundi, also known as Vitex negundo or lagundi, is one of the drugs that was

subjected to a number of legal challenges by different pharmaceutical

companies or manufacturers prior to being made available for purchase in

pharmacy shops. Over the course of 20 years, the effectiveness of this herbal

medication had been submitted to rigorous clinical studies, and as a

consequence, it had been shown to be successful. This is one of the reasons

why our medical professionals recommend taking lagundi capsules daily.

More funding and attention are required for the research agenda in order for

private pharmaceutical firms to develop and make these medications

accessible on the market.


The low level of government and private sector investment in science and

technology is one of the factors contributing to the poor implementation of

innovation in these fields. Even for research and development, there is a

limited budget and level of assistance.

Researchers are presently investigating issues such as industrial and

agricultural production, technology, the care and management of the

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