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VINCENTIAN SPIRTUALITY • Marriage and family, the

foundations for social life, should be

Principle 1: Life and Dignity of the Human
strengthened and supported.
• Every person has a right to
• At the heart of the Church is the participate in society and a
human person. This is what the corresponding duty to work for
Compendium of the Social advancement of the common
Doctrine of the Church proclaims. good and the well-being for all.
• The human person is created in the
Principle 3: Rights and Responsibility
“image and likeness of God” and
he or she needs to be respected • The Catholic tradition teaches that
regardless of class, gender, race, human dignity can be protected
color, ethnicity, economic status, and a healthy community can be
age, religion or education. achieved only if human rights are
• Human dignity is not only founded protected and responsibilities are
on creation, but also on met. Therefore, every person has a
redemption. fundamental right to life and a right
• The human person is so important to to those things required for human
God that God became human in decency.
Jesus and was present through the • Corresponding to these rights are
Holy Spirit. duties and responsibilities--to one
• A just society thus can only become another, to our families, and to the
a reality “ when it is based on the larger society.
respect of the transcendent dignity
Principle 4: Option for the Poor and
of the human person” (CSDC, 132).
• After experiencing tremendous
violence during the Second World • Preferential option for the poor and
War, all the member countries of vulnerable includes all who are
the United Nations promulgated marginalized in society, including
the Universal Declaration of Human unborn children, persons with
Rights in 1948 (CSDC, 152). disabilities, the elderly and
• The world realized that economic terminally ill, and victims of injustice
development has no meaning and oppression.
when the rights of human beings • The "preferential option for the
are trampled upon and neglected. poor" refers to a trend throughout
the Bible, of preference being given
Principle 2: Call to Family, Community, and
to the well-being of the poor and
powerless of society in the
• The human person is not only teachings and commands of God
sacred, but social. as well as the prophets and other
• How we organize our society righteous people.
socially, economically, legally and • A basic moral test is how our most
politically directly affects human vulnerable members are faring. In a
dignity and the ability of every of society marred by deepening
every person to grow in community. divisions between rich and poor,
our tradition recalls the story of the
Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and Principle 7: Care for our common home
instructs us to put the needs of the
• Respect for human life means
poor and vulnerable first.
respecting all of God’s creation. We
Principle 5: Dignity of Work and Rights of must re-engage with our
Workers environment and take responsibility
for it; live sustainably, live so that
• The economy must serve people,
there are enough resources for
not the other way around.
• Work is more than a way to make a
• The relationship between human
living; it is a form of continuing
activity and global warming must
participation in God’s creations.
be constantly monitored for “the
• To uphold the dignity of work, the
climate is a good that must be
basic rights of workers must be
protected”. - Vatican’s
respected - the right to productive
Compendium of the Social
work, to fair and livable wages, and
Doctrine of the Church, para 470
to organize and join a union, to
• “Creation is not a property, which
private property, and to economic
we can rule over at will; or, even less,
is the property of only a few:
Principle 6: Solidarity Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful
gift that God has given us, so that
• The Catholic social teaching we care for it and we use it for the
principle of solidarity is about benefit of all, always with great
recognizing others as our brothers respect and gratitude.” - Pope
and sisters and actively working for Francis
their good. • We show our respect for the Creator
• In our connected humanity, we are by our stewardship of creation.
invited to build relationships - to • Care for the earth is not just an Earth
understand what life is like for others Day slogan, it is a requirement of
who are different from us. our faith. We are called to protect
• We are one human family whatever people and the planet, living our
our national, racial, ethnic, faith in relationship with all of Gods
economic, and ideological creation.
differences. • This environmental challenge has
• We are our brothers and sisters fundamental moral and ethical
keepers, wherever they may be. dimensions that cannot be ignored.
Loving our neighbor has global
dimensions in a shrinking world.
• At the core of the virtue of solidarity
is the pursuit of justice and peace.
• Pope Paul VI taught that if you want
peace, work for justice. The Gospel
calls us to be peacemakers.
• Our love for all our sisters and
brothers demands that we promote
peace in a world surrounded by
violence and conflict.

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