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Simple past tense VS simple past continuous tense

Forms :
1) S + V2 + O while S +was/were + + O
e.g. Rani shocked me while I was studying English seriously.
2) S + was/we're + v. Ing + O when S + V2+ O
e.g. I was studying English seriously when she shocked me
Can be change position
3) while S +was/were + + O, S + V2 + O
e.g. While I was studying English seriously, Rani shocked me.
4) when S + V2 + O, S + was/were +
e.g. When Rani shocked me, I was studying English seriously

Note : 1. when followed by s. Past

2. while followed by simple past continuous
2. Situation/ longest time is past continuous

Simple past tense VS simple past perfect tense

Forms :
1) S + V2 + O after S + had + V3 + O
e.g. Rani shocked after she had heard the bad news.
2) S + had +V3 + O before S + V2 + O
e.g. Rani had heard the news before she went home
Can be change position
3) Before S +V.2 + O, S +had+ V3 + O
e.g. before I went out, I had locked the door
4) After S + had + V3 + O, S + V2 + O
e.g. After I had locked the door, I went out.

Note : 1. before followed by simple past

2. after followed by Past perfect
2. previos situation is past perfect.

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