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English language course outline

 Grammar Translation Method. (GMT)
 Bilingual Method. (BM)
 Direct Method. (DM)
 Structural approach.
 Situational approach.
(Real situation & Artificial situation)
 Audio Lingual Method. (ALM)
 Oral approach.
 Total Physical response. (TPR)
 Suggestopedia.
 Natural approach following krashan’s Model. The way we learn 1st Language.
 To focus on Acquisition-learning hypothesis.
 Monitor hypothesis.
 The natural hypothesis.
 Input hypothesis.
 Affective filter hypothesis.
Feature of GMT:

 To know and analyze the grammatical structure.

 Learning vocabulary as a list as well as in discrete way.
 Translation; native language to English language and English language to native
 Memorization would be highly encouraged.
 Memorization of sentences, idioms , chunks and phrases.
 Only reading and writing skills would be polished and practiced.
 No space of creativity in this method.
Features of Direct Method:
The main aim of direct method is to get the students think in the target language.

 English language will be learned and taught only with the help of English language.
 Using mother language would be strictly forbidden during the class.
 English language will be taught in the form of first language.
 Vocabulary will be learned through different contextual texts.

Features of Audio Lingual Method:

In this method, speaking and listening will be taught before reading and writing.
 In this method, both audio and video clips are used as main material and tool for
language learning for students.
 In the class students would listen to the model of different situations of their professional
 Besides they are shown different video clips containing the acting of such situations.
Learner would also be able to practice them again and again and form it as their habit by
the concern of teacher.
 Later on whenever they face such situations in real life they can easily conversate in an
effective and excellent way.

Rest methods would also be manipulated in the same way as the

following methods have been explained.

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