Role of AI in Healthcare - Final

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Role of AI in Healthcare

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed) University

(SIU), Pune, India


The use of artificial intelligence technology is expanding globally. Along with being used in
our daily lives, large corporations employ it. Now, moving forward, AI is being developed
that will be beneficial to the healthcare sector. In plain English, all of the diagnosis data will
be gathered and used to better understand the diseases in order to treat them more
successfully. Patients' lives will also be made easier by it. They will have a digital record that
doctors can access. They might receive medical advice in this way while relaxing at home.
The records may need to be modified by doctors who have access to them. So they may
easily complete it. Additionally, it will secure people's personal data.

Artificial intelligence (AI) will be used more and more in the healthcare industry as a result
of the complexity and growth of data in the sector. Payers, care providers, and life sciences
organisations currently use a variety of AI technologies. The main application categories
include recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, patient engagement and adherence,
and administrative tasks. Although there are many situations in which AI can execute
healthcare duties just as well as or better than humans, implementation issues will keep the
jobs of healthcare professionals from becoming extensively automated for a substantial
amount of time. The use of AI in healthcare and ethical concerns are also covered.

Researchers and medical professionals are interested in the potential applications of artificial
intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry. There haven't been many prior studies that have
looked at this subject from a multi-disciplinary angle, encompassing accounting, business and
management, decision sciences, and health professions.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Clinical Decision Making, Big Data, Machine Learning,
Medical Imaging Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Natural Language Processing

1. Introduction ten years, and with the threat of pandemics

like the coronavirus outbreak on the rise
Healthcare has been one of the fastest-
(Aung et al., 2021), the sector is expected
growing sectors of the economy in the last

to continue to develop. Organizations all unstructured data, like clinical notes and
around the world are relying on cutting- medical journals, and analytical tools
edge methods like AI, machine learning, through machine learning and natural
and Big Data to stay ahead of the demand language processing (NLP), respectively.
curve for healthcare services and solutions
AI and similar technologies are becoming
(Shantaram, 2021).
more and more common in business and
The use of AI in healthcare will be society, and they are starting to be used in
enormous. The global industry is expected healthcare (Gamble, 2020). Many facets of
to reach $8 billion by 2026, and there is a patient care could be changed by this
significant overlap between big data technology, as well as internal
analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) administrative procedures at payer,
(Pradhan et al., 2021), where information provider (Wang & Lin, 2022), and
processing is optimised to help address pharmaceutical organisations.
practical problems in business and society
Numerous studies have already shown that
(Reddy et al., 2021).
AI is capable of doing important
Although artificial intelligence (AI) is healthcare jobs including disease diagnosis
influencing all aspects of our lives, the as well as or better than humans
healthcare industry in particular, its effects (Cannavale et al., 2022). Today,
are truly life-changing (Tran et al., 2021). algorithms already surpass radiologists in
According to secondary research, identifying cancerous tumours and
governmental and private sector advising researchers on how to create
investment in healthcare is anticipated to cohorts for expensive clinical trials.
total $6.6 billion by 2021 and cover a However, we think it will be a long time
variety of topics including clinical before AI completely replaces humans in
research, insurance, and healthcare (Aung large medical process domains for a
et al., 2021). Although AI doctors won't variety of reasons.
replace human doctors, they will
2. Systematic Literature Review
undoubtedly be valuable in streamlining
clinical decisions, particularly in the field
of radiology (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek,
Literature evaluations are often criticized
2020). It improves the sector's access to
for having unilateral precision and lack of
organised data, like as imaging, genetic,
clarity as they are typically conceptual and
and electrophysiological data, as well as

descriptive. Specific rules must be and business research papers they provide,
followed while conducting a literature along with the authenticity of the authors
review. This section of the paper explains based on experience and quality of work
the methods adopted for analyzing and this primary search brought forth 234
filtering research papers. results. The information was derived by
including the Author(s), Document title,
2.1. Scope of literature Review year of publication, label, volume, issue,
and pages of the journal, citation count,
The scope of this review is related to how and the database. Out of these, 36
artificial intelligence and other duplicates were excluded from further
technological advancements are helping consideration. This process resulted in the
healthcare sector to reach to a level of output of 198 articles. Then, this initial
perfection. It also talks about the sample was filtered based on their
limitations and futuristic advancements of relevance with the topic at hand and was
AI in healthcare sector. This review of the rejected if they were non-academic and
advancements and applications has been off-topic. This screening stage resulted in
brought forth but by analysing 27 reliable 27 papers, which were finally considered
articles. for assisting with the build-up of this
research paper. This sample was divided
2.2. Identification of Relevant Papers
equally, and each author read their half
The activity of assimilation and examining
individually and gave their response for
the literature related to the topic was
each article and report. The primary author
performed in February 2022. After the
of the research resolved disagreements
application of an intense keyword strategy,
related to any specific paper to conclude.
we scanned the following databases - Web
of Science, Emerald, Scopus, and Sage Figure-1: Flowchart Representation of Systematic
Literature Review Process
Research methods with combinations of
the keywords "clinical decision making," Records identified
through database
“big data”, “machine learning”, "artificial search (n=234)

intelligence," "medical imaging analysis,"

“predictive analytics,” “natural language
Eliminated (n=36)
processing”. These databases were relied
upon for the research process due to the
Screening based
number of relevant management articles on abstracts and
full text (n= 198)

Records excluded for 3

non-compliance with
the research scope

Articles included in
25 22 more. Adopting AI enabled ideas in
20 17 16 healthcare industry and using technologies
11 like machine learning and natural language
10 7 8
5 processing in order to benefit the medical
5 2 3
infrastructure is the hope of advancement
2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
in healthcare sector.

Graph-1: Number of Articles Included in the Review by

the Year of Publication 3. Methodological Review

The methodology review for this paper

2.3. Result of Systematic Literature aims to have an overview of a powerful
Review technology like AI, NLP& ML that
became an indispensable wheel of
This review consists of 27 articles that
technological development and
were published between 2013-2022; with
advancement in healthcare industry.
the remarkable increase in the addition of
Excerpts on methodological procedures
such reports as shown in Graph-1, is due to
describing the theoretical constructs were
a shift that is observed in technological
extracted from each article. The study has
developments and advancements in
thoroughly evaluated research articles
healthcare sector. Businesses have
comprising theoretical debates, statistical
recognised that innovating for today feeds
analyzes, case studies, and expanding AI,
innovation for tomorrow in terms of
NLP & ML growth in healthcare sector.
culture, competence, procedure, and much

Database Platform Criteria for search Search Date Results shown

Search: Journals
Ebscohost’ Academic
Document type: Article 21/02/2021 02
search ultimate
Language: English
Search: All Journals
Document type: Review 21/02/2020 34
Article and Article

Search: Journals
Emerald Insight 21/02/2020 112

Search: Topic
Web of Science Document Type: Article 21/02/2022 27
Language: English
Search: Journals
Scopus Document type: Article 22/02/2022 56
Language: English
Search: Journals
Sage Research Document type: Article 22/02/2022 03 4
Language: English
Total 234
A total of 4 prime themes were identified
The article methodologies are categorized in this literature review by both the

Approach Numbers of Articles Selected for Review In Terms of Percentages %

7 25.92%
3 11.11%
Mixed Methods
2 7.40%
Non - empirical
15 55.55%

TOTAL 27 100%

Table-2: Methodology used in Reviewed Articles

into (a) qualitative research, (b) authors. Both investigator meticulously

quantitative research, (c) mixed methods examined all the considered keywords and
research, and (d) non-empirical research. abstracts and ultimately narrowed down
The qualitative research includes analysis the research to 27 articles to recommend a
of non-numerical data obtained from list of recurring themes. The review's five
interviews, secondary data, and case themes that are considered are Introduction
studies; 25.92% of articles were used of AI in Healthcare, AI in healthcare
(n=7). The research involving numerical market growth, Benefits of AI in
data and surveys is the quantitative healthcare & medical sector, Limitations
research approach; 11.11% of articles were of AI in healthcare, Advancements of AI
used (n=3). The non-empirical research in healthcare.
approach involves theories, methods, and
implications, 55.55% of the literature
used(n=15) (Table-2). The mixed-method
research comprises qualitative and
quantitative approaches, which were 4.1. Introduction of AI in Healthcare
7.40% (n=2). The non-empirical process
was chosen in maximum research articles The use of machine learning (ML)
to explore and analyze the growth of AI, algorithms and other cognitive
NLP & ML growth in healthcare sector. technologies in healthcare is referred to as
artificial intelligence (AI) (Aung et al.,
4.Thematic Review 2021). AI can be defined simply as the

ability of computers and other devices to healthcare can improve patient outcomes
replicate human cognition and to learn, overall, improve preventative care and
think, and make decisions or take actions quality of life (Ameen et al., 2022), and
(Shantaram, 2021). Therefore, AI in create more precise diagnosis and
healthcare refers to the application of treatment strategies. By examining data
machines to analyse and take action on from the public sector (Sun et al., 2022),
medical data (Pradhan et al., 2021), the healthcare industry, and other sources,
frequently with the aim of forecasting a AI can help forecast and monitor the
specific outcome (Reddy et al., 2021). By development of contagious diseases
analysing large data to create better (Abràmoff et al., 2022). As a result, AI has
preventive care suggestions for patients, the potential to be a key component of the
AI can also assist in making healthcare global public health effort in the fight
more proactive and predictive (Tran et al., against pandemics and epidemics.
4.2. AI in healthcare market growth
The use of ML and other cognitive
disciplines for medical diagnosis is an The market for artificial intelligence in
important use of AI in healthcare (Aung et healthcare is anticipated to increase from
al., 2021). AI can assist doctors and other USD 6.9 billion in 2021 to USD 67.4
healthcare professionals in providing more billion by 2027 (Dhindsa et al., 2018),
precise diagnoses and treatment growing at a CAGR of 46.2 percent
recommendations by using patient data throughout that time.
and other information (Secinaro et al.,
The influx of large and complex healthcare
datasets, the growing need to lower
The crucial role that healthcare plays in a healthcare costs (Alrahbi et al., 2021),
prosperous, productive society makes it better computing power and lower
one of the most important industries in the hardware costs, an increase in partnerships
larger big data environment (Quazi et al., and collaborations among various domains
2022). The use of AI in the healthcare in the healthcare sector (Shohet & Lavy,
industry can literally mean the difference 2004), and the increasing demand for
between life and death. AI can help improved healthcare services because of
healthcare professionals including doctors, the imbalance between the health
nurses (Richardson et al., 2022), and workforce and patients are the main factors
others with their regular tasks. AI in driving the market's growth (Jain et al.,

2021). A growth opportunity for the In North America more than any other
market is also anticipated as a result of the area, new and digital technologies are
expanding potential of AI-based tools for being used in the healthcare industry
elderly care (Alami et al., 2021), the (Aung et al., 2021). The major growth
increased focus on creating human-aware factors for the Ai in healthcare market in
AI systems, and the growing potential of North America are the high healthcare
AI technology in genomics (Wamba- costs (Shantaram, 2021), rising hospital
Taguimdje et al., 2020), drug discovery, admissions, greater incidence of chronic
imaging & diagnostics, and COVID-19 illnesses, and supportive governmental
research (Wang & Lin, 2022). policies (Pradhan et al., 2021). The
adoption of artificial intelligence
Additionally, the need for artificial
technology is being aided by the existence
intelligence technology in the healthcare
of an established healthcare infrastructure
industry is being driven by governments'
as well as rising investments in
(Rodriguez et al., 2020) increasing
telecommunications and IT infrastructure.
attempts to lower healthcare costs and
provide patients with better and faster care
services (Kulkov, 2021). It is required in
several nations, like the US, Australia, and
the UK, for patients to use digital health
records. The medical experts may diagnose
diseases earlier and provide prompt
treatment thanks to these health records
(Johnson et al., 2021). As a result, the
main advantages of using AI in the During the projection period (Reddy et al.,
healthcare sector are cost effectiveness and 2021), Asia Pacific is expected to be the
time savings (Gamble, 2020), which are most profitable and opportunistic market
strongly promoting the global growth of (Tran et al., 2021). Increasing government
the artificial intelligence in healthcare spending on the construction of smart
market (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek, 2020). hospitals, expanding IT and

In 2022, North America held the largest telecommunications infrastructure (Aung

market share for artificial intelligence in et al., 2021), an increase in the number of

healthcare, with more than 58 percent of multispecialty hospitals, increased

the total market (Cannavale et al., 2022). business spending on the digitalization of

the healthcare industry (Secinaro et al., including North America, Europe, Asia-
2021), and an expanding patient base. Pacific, and LAMEA.
Increased hospital admissions are
4.3. Benefits of AI in healthcare & medical
producing a significant amount of data due
to the region's increased chronic illness
incidence and ageing population (Quazi et
There are several potential for healthcare
al., 2022). Adopting AI in healthcare
companies to use AI to provide more
would make it easier for hospitals to
effective, efficient, and precise
provide patients with better and faster
interventions to their patients (Alami et al.,
patient care services, easing the pressure
2021), from diagnosis and risk assessment
on such facilities (Richardson et al., 2022).
to treatment technique selection.
From above we found that the market for
artificial intelligence in healthcare is AI is ideally positioned to enable

divided based on product (Ameen et al., innovations and improvements throughout

2022), algorithm, application, end user, the care continuum as the volume of

and geography. The market is segmented healthcare data keeps growing (Wamba-

into three categories: services, software, Taguimdje et al., 2020). This is premised

and hardware (Ameen et al., 2022). Deep on machine learning (ML) algorithms and

learning, querying methods, natural artificial intelligence (AI) technologies'

language processing, and context-aware capacity to provide proactive (Rodriguez

processing are the different categories et al., 2020), intelligent, and frequently

according to algorithm (Dhindsa et al., concealed insights that guide decision-

2018). Robot-assisted surgery, virtual making about diagnosis and treatment.

nursing assistant, administrative workflow

When used for enhancing treatment,
support, fraud detection (Shohet & Lavy,
managing chronic diseases (Kulkov,
2004), dose error reduction, clinical trial
2021), identifying early risks, and
participant identification, preliminary
automating and optimising workflows
diagnostic, and other applications are
(Johnson et al., 2021), AI may be very
divided up by application. It is divided into
helpful to both patients and doctors. To
healthcare providers, pharmaceutical and
assist service providers in fully grasping
biotechnology firms, patients, and payers
how to benefit from AI inside their
according to the end user (Jain et al.,
ecosystem (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek,
2021). It is examined in terms of regions,

al., 2021), and social variables may then be
done using these findings (Secinaro et al.,
2021). With the use of these insights,
healthcare organisations may improve
patient outcomes by delivering more
individualised, data-driven care while
optimising resource allocation and usage
(Quazi et al., 2022).
Population Health Management
Improved diagnostic procedure
In order to proactively detect and avoid
effectiveness & accessibility
risk, reduce preventative care gaps, and
better understand how clinical, genetic One advantage of artificial intelligence in
(Gamble, 2020), behavioural, and healthcare is improved diagnostic
environmental variables influence the effectiveness (Aung et al., 2021). Large
population, healthcare organisations can caseloads and a lack of medical history
employ AI to gather and analyse patient may enhance the possibility of human
health data (Wang & Lin, 2022). error in healthcare settings (Shantaram,
Combining diagnostic information, exam 2021). In comparison to physicians
results, and unstructured narrative data (Pradhan et al., 2021), AI systems can
offers a comprehensive picture of detect and diagnose illnesses more quickly
individuals' (Aung et al., 2021) health and and with less risk of error (assuming
yields useful information for preventing robust data quality, which we will talk
illness and promoting wellness (Cannavale about later) (Reddy et al., 2021). For
et al., 2022). To help identify early illness instance, a 2017 study found that an AI
risks, AI-driven technologies may compile, model with deep learning can detect breast
evaluate, and compare a constellation of cancer more frequently than 11
such data points against population-level pathologists (Tran et al., 2021). The
trends (Pradhan et al., 2021). As these data majority of poor nations struggle to keep
points are combined to give a picture of up with the rapid global technology
the population, predictive analytics may be breakthroughs and lack access to basic
gained (Reddy et al., 2021). The risk healthcare systems and services. The
stratification of populations based on danger of death is higher for citizens of
genetic, phenotypic, behavioural (Tran et such a nation (Aung et al., 2021). The

WHO estimates that the 18.1-year (ML) may identify danger much more
difference in life expectancy now seen accurately and quickly than traditional
between the world's richest and poorest procedures. When implemented properly
countries is caused by inadequate or no (Abràmoff et al., 2022), these algorithms
access to healthcare (Secinaro et al., 2021). can speed up diagnosis and reduce
diagnostic mistakes, which continue to be
the leading source of medical malpractice
lawsuits (Dhindsa et al., 2018).

Additionally, AI-enabled technologies can

assemble and sort through vast amounts of
clinical data to give doctors a more
comprehensive picture of the state of
patient populations' health (Alrahbi et al.,
These underserved locations can benefit
2021). With the help of these technologies,
from an effective healthcare environment
the care team may obtain timely or nearly
thanks to AI technologies (Quazi et al.,
timely information that can be used to
2022). Digital technologies with AI
improve patient outcomes (Shohet &
support can make patient diagnosis and
Lavy, 2004). The whole care staff may
therapy easier (Richardson et al., 2022).
work at the top of their licences by
Applications specifically designed to aid
automating the collection and analysis of
collaboration between international and
the gigabytes of data flowing inside the
national healthcare groups in providing
hospital walls (Jain et al., 2021).
individuals in need with the aid they
require (Ameen et al., 2022).
AI-Assisted Surgery

Clinical Decision Making

The use of surgical robots in healthcare is
one of the most cutting-edge AI use cases
The time and resources required to assess
(Alami et al., 2021). The development of
and diagnose patients can be decreased by
AI surgical systems that can flawlessly
using artificial intelligence in some
perform even the smallest motions is a
healthcare activities. This allows medical
result of the maturity of AI robotics
professionals to respond more quickly and
(Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020). The
save more lives (Sun et al., 2022).
typical procedure wait time, danger, blood
Algorithms that use machine learning

loss, problems, and potential side effects For instance, while waiting for surgery,
can all be decreased because to the ability patients are exposed to antibacterial
of these systems to carry out difficult nanorobots to get rid of any infections in
surgical procedures (Rodriguez et al., their blood stream (Shantaram, 2021). The
2020). AI-backed information on the patient's
current condition that is readily available
Additionally, machine learning has a part to surgeons in real-time is arguably the
to play in facilitating surgical procedures greatest component (Pradhan et al., 2021).
(Kulkov, 2021). It can give doctors and Patients' concerns, particularly those
nurses access to up-to-the-minute related to surgery under general
knowledge and insightful perceptions anaesthesia, have been allayed because to
about a patient's condition (Johnson et al., this.
2021). They may use this AI-backed
knowledge to make quick, wise decisions Optimize performance & Operational
before to, during (Camgoz-Akdag & efficiency
Beldek, 2020), and after treatments to
guarantee the greatest results. Intensively integrated systems and
procedures make up the complicated mix
In robotics applications, artificial of modern healthcare operations (Reddy et
intelligence development has advanced al., 2021). Due of this, it is very
significantly (Gamble, 2020). The use of challenging to reduce patient wait times,
machine learning in surgery is the same maximise asset usage, and optimise cost.
(Wang & Lin, 2022). There are specialised
AI surgical systems that are capable of
carrying out the smallest actions with
perfect precision (Cannavale et al., 2022).
This implies that we may do complicated
procedures effectively with less risks of
adverse effects, blood loss, or discomfort.
In a similar vein, recuperation from
surgery is quicker and simpler (Aung et
al., 2021). In order to filter through the vast amounts
of big data present in their digital
environment and uncover insights that

might enhance workflow, boost assessment through diagnosis. For
productivity (Tran et al., 2021), and instance, the AI can find the biomarkers in
improve performance, health systems are our body that point to sickness (Dhindsa et
increasingly turning to artificial al., 2018). The amount of manual labour
intelligence (Aung et al., 2021). By required to specify these biomarkers has
prioritising services based on patient been reduced using AI systems (Alrahbi et
acuity and resource availability, for al., 2021). Because of the extensive
example (Secinaro et al., 2021), AI and automation, we can now respond more
ML can (1) improve throughput and quickly and save more lives (Shohet &
effective and efficient use of facilities Lavy, 2004).
(Quazi et al., 2022), (2) improve revenue
cycle performance by optimising AI algorithms are thought to be more

workflows, such as prior authorization economical than conventional techniques

claims and denials (Richardson et al., (Jain et al., 2021). With AI algorithms

2022), and (3) automate routine, repeatable offering prediction-based findings based

tasks to better deploy human resources on personal information, patients may

when and where they are most needed. make fewer journeys to the lab (Alami et
al., 2021). Up to 88 percent more firms
When used wisely, AI and ML may give made the move in the last year, which is
managers and clinical leaders the what caused the surge in the use of AI
knowledge to enhance the accuracy and across the board (Wamba-Taguimdje et al.,
speed of the hundreds of decisions they 2020).
must make every day (Ameen et al., 2022),
easing the seamless passage of patients AI can frequently be used to improve

across multiple healthcare services (Sun et procedures like diagnosis at a fraction of

al., 2022). the initial cost (Rodriguez et al., 2020).

Consider the case when AI can search
Increased Speed & Reduced Costs through millions of photographs for
medical symptoms (Kulkov, 2021). It
Healthcare procedures are now quicker eliminates the expensive manual labour
and cost much less thanks to AI algorithms required (Johnson et al., 2021). Patients
(Abràmoff et al., 2022). The AI has receive quicker and more efficient care,
significantly impacted the game in terms which lowers the demand for beds, wait
of speed and price, from patient periods, and admissions (Camgoz-Akdag

& Beldek, 2020). Healthcare IT News Service robots developed through the use
forecasts that AI automation will result in of machine learning can manage everyday
considerable cost reductions across a duties and keep patients company (Aung et
variety of industries. The top five are listed al., 2021). There are specialised
as follows: conversational and companion robots that
do required tests and checks (Shantaram,
Surgery with robot assistance: $40 billion 2021), like monitoring blood pressure,
sugar levels, managing temperature, and
$20 billion for virtual nursing aides
even administering medication (Pradhan et

Assistance with administrative workflow: al., 2021). Due to their built-in analytical

$18 billion abilities, robots have been created to assist

depressed individuals (Reddy et al., 2021).
Verification of fraud: $17 billion These talents enable them to assess the
mod of the patients and improve their
Reduced dosage errors - $16 billion

AI will become more precise, accurate,

Easy information sharing, Time &
and efficient as it learns, which will down
Resource saving
prices even further.
Easy information exchange is a further
Improved human capabilities and
advantage of AI in healthcare that is worth
support for mental health
emphasising (Tran et al., 2021). AI can
follow certain patient data more effectively
Robots may help patients in addition to
than conventional care, giving clinicians
medical professionals (Gamble, 2020). For
more time to concentrate on therapies
instance, paraplegic individuals can regain
(Aung et al., 2021). The secret to realising
their movement with little to no assistance
the potential of AI and precision medicine
from caregivers thanks to exoskeleton
is the capacity of algorithms to swiftly
robots (Wang & Lin, 2022). Similar to
examine enormous amounts of data
artificial intelligence-powered prosthetic
(Secinaro et al., 2021).
limbs, smart prostheses are equipped with
sensors that operate more like natural
10.5 percent of Americans have diabetes,
limbs (Cannavale et al., 2022).
according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (Quazi et al.,

2022). The ailment urgently has to be deep learning (DL) and natural language
treated and managed, and AI can assist processing (NLP) algorithms can help
healthcare professionals in understanding doctors analyse hospital cases and prevent
the sickness through data (Richardson et rejections (Jain et al., 2021).
al., 2022). Diabetes patients, for example,
may monitor their glucose levels in real- Improved Prevention Care

time and receive reports to (Alami et al.,

AI and machine learning can help in the
2021) manage and analyse their progress
treatment and prevention of infectious
with medical professionals or support
diseases (Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020).
groups (Richardson et al., 2022).
AI can be extremely helpful in averting

Medical personnel have more time to epidemics like COVID-19 because of its

evaluate patients and identify illnesses and capacity to manage enormous quantities of

ailments as more essential operations data, including medical data (Rodriguez et

become automated (Ameen et al., 2022). al., 2020), behavioural patterns, and

AI is speeding up processes to save environmental factors.

medical facilities valuable productivity

The COVID-19 outbreak intelligence tool,
hours (Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020).
Blue Dot, carefully forecast the COVID-19
Time is money in any industry (Sun et al.,
flight path from Wuhan to Bangkok,
2022), thus AI has the potential to
Seoul, and (Kulkov, 2021) Taipei by
significantly reduce expenses.
examining airline ticketing and flight

The yearly waste in the healthcare sector is patterns. Similar AI-powered technologies

estimated to be in the neighbourhood of can assist medical professionals in quickly

$200 billion (Abràmoff et al., 2022). These diagnosing new patients to allow efficient

excessive expenses are mostly the result of isolation and quarantine processes

administrative burdens like filing, (Johnson et al., 2021).

evaluating, and settling accounts (Dhindsa

AI can also examine billions of molecules
et al., 2018). The decision of medical
for drug testing (Camgoz-Akdag &
necessity is another area that needs work
Beldek, 2020), speeding up a process that
(Alrahbi et al., 2021). Traditionally, it
would traditionally take years (Gamble,
takes hours of evaluating patient data and
2020). Together with AI, researchers may
history to accurately determine medical
study viral genomes to create vaccines fast
necessity (Shohet & Lavy, 2004). New
and stop sickness.

It's important to note how AI-enabled The garbage-in-garbage-out concept is the
wearables might aid in the detection of guiding principle in the most, if not all, AI
non-infectious illnesses while talking initiatives (Aung et al., 2021). It would be
about sickness prevention. The gadget may nearly impossible to get results without the
identify the warning signals of a major enormous amount of data supplied into the
health event based on the user's vitals AI algorithms (Shantaram, 2021). This is
(Wang & Lin, 2022). The user may be why it is crucial to get high-quality
encouraged to consult an expert as a result. healthcare data (Pradhan et al., 2021), a
task that has grown more challenging over
4.4. Limitations of AI in healthcare time. The challenge is caused by the
dispersed and disordered health data that is
Despite the enormous advances made in dispersed across several data platforms and
artificial intelligence, a few major organisations (Reddy et al., 2021). Too
problems remain, particularly when it many patients switch insurance companies
comes to data (Cannavale et al., 2022). We and healthcare organisations, which makes
must overcome difficulties like the obtaining statistics difficult (Tran et al.,
following if we are to maximise the 2021).
benefits of artificial intelligence
development and machine learning In certain nations with poor data quality
implementation: and compartmentalised data systems
(Aung et al., 2021), digitising or
Consolidation and Digitalization of data consolidating these data is even more
difficult. With initiatives to speed up the
digitalization of medical systems, the
situation is somewhat improved in the US
(Secinaro et al., 2021). The digitised
information's quality isn't the finest,
though. One of the largest names in
record-keeping software, eClinical Works
(Quazi et al., 2022), allegedly had a system
fault that endangered patients.
Improved accuracy and efficiency in the
healthcare industry are ensured with
modern, digital record systems

(Richardson et al., 2022). The perfecting professionals may pick up on crucial
of medical data digitalization and behavioural cues that might aid in the
consolidation is necessary for healthcare diagnosis or avoidance of medical issues
stakeholders (Ameen et al., 2022). It is the (Rodriguez et al., 2020).
only method to provide the AI with the
data it needs to provide correct analysis "AI has been around for a while and is still
and facilitate effective workflows developing. Healthcare practitioners and
(Abràmoff et al., 2022). tech specialists are interacting more as this
field develops, according to Yang
Regarding the collection of patient data, (Kulkov, 2021). To be efficiently used, AI
privacy is a major problem (Dhindsa et al., needs human input and assessment.
2018). Although safeguards are in place
for researchers to secure patient data, As AI advances, the tech and medical
nefarious hackers are always trying to gain industries are collaborating more to further
access (Alrahbi et al., 2021). No one in AI the technology (Johnson et al., 2021).
should ignore privacy problems if a Yang continues, "Medical practitioners
company as large as Google (Shohet & must complete years of school in order to
Lavy, 2004) can have privacy and medical practise in their specialties (Camgoz-
data vulnerabilities. Akdag & Beldek, 2020). Subject Matter
Experts (SMEs) supply vital data that
The capacity of the system to anticipate enriches the data already accessible and
information about patients even when the enhances explainable AI (XAI) to give
algorithm was not provided with such data healthcare personnel reliable insights
is another way that AI puts privacy at risk (Gamble, 2020).
(Jain et al., 2021).
Potential for a Faulty Diagnosis
Needs Human Surveillance
Medical AI mainly relies on diagnosis
Despite the progress AI has made in information gleaned from millions of
medicine, human oversight is still crucial. instances that have been catalogued (Wang
Robots used in surgery (Alami et al., & Lin, 2022). A mistake is absolutely
2021), for instance, function rationally conceivable when there is limited
rather than sympathetically (Wamba- information on certain illnesses,
Taguimdje et al., 2020). Health demographics (Cannavale et al., 2022), or

environmental variables. When million new employments by 2022
recommending a certain treatment, this (Richardson et al., 2022). However,
element becomes extremely crucial (Aung according to the same report (Sun et al.,
et al., 2021). Yang comments on this data 2022), AI would eliminate or displace 75
omission by saying, "No matter the million employments by the year 2025
system, some piece of the data is always (Abràmoff et al., 2022). Jobs requiring
missing. When it comes to prescriptions repetitive work will become redundant as
(Shantaram, 2021), it's possible that details AI becomes increasingly integrated across
on specific populations and treatment many industries, which is the main cause
reactions are missing (Pradhan et al., of this loss of employment possibilities.
2021). This phenomenon may make it Though AI has the potential to advance
difficult to diagnose and treat individuals many areas of healthcare and medicine
who fit a certain demography (Reddy et (Dhindsa et al., 2018), it's crucial to think
al., 2021). about how this technology will affect
society as a whole (Alrahbi et al., 2021).
To accommodate for data limitations, AI is
continually changing and developing Social Prejudices
(Tran et al., 2021). It's crucial to remember
that certain groups can still be left out of As was previously said, AI-based robots

the domain knowledge that already exists are prejudiced towards the patients being

(Aung et al., 2021). diagnosed since they are unable to

completely (Shohet & Lavy, 2004)
May lead to Unemployment understand human nature and the context
in which they work. For instance, a low-
AI may help decrease expenses and income customer may receive a
clinician stress, but it may also make recommendation from an AI system for an
certain positions obsolete (Secinaro et al., unaffordable care facility (Jain et al.,
2021). Equity issues might arise if this 2021). Patients find it challenging to keep
variable leads to the displacement of on track with their therapy at these clinics
professionals who spent time and money due to the outrageous expense of the
on their healthcare education (Richardson treatments offered (Alami et al., 2021).
et al., 2022). The doctor must choose the best course of
therapy while taking the patient's social
According to a 2018 World Economic
Forum research, AI would generate 58

and financial situation into consideration the user has a difficult night (Wang & Lin,
(Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020). 2022).

4.5. Advancements of AI in healthcare The new approach effectively incorporates

Alexa with the NHS database (Cannavale
Ideas for using AI in healthcare have et al., 2022). The information returned by
emerged and been implemented during the Alexa in response to questions from
past few of years (Rodriguez et al., 2020). British users concerning disease symptoms
The focus of the study has shifted from or treatments is consistent with that on the
paper to patients. Genomics and digital NHS website (Richardson et al., 2022).
medicine are the two key fields where
research has sporadically increased Users have always been able to ask Alexa

(Kulkov, 2021). Unlike the latter, which for health advice (Ameen et al., 2022),

focuses on ways to make technology more albeit the sources of the responses varied

approachable through user-friendly based on the skills the voice assistant had

interfaces for both physicians and patients, downloaded or specific data that Alexa

the former aims to learn more about what (Sun et al., 2022) directly sourced from

occurs at the cellular level (Johnson et al., outside sources like the NHS and provided

2021). without the need to activate a skill

(Gamble, 2020). Given the risk of data
Here are some recent developments in the theft and customers' apprehension about
field of medical AI: discussing their symptoms with a machine
(Reddy et al., 2021), widespread
Alexa as Medical Advisor deployment may still be some time off
(Tran et al., 2021) .
Voice assistants have so far kept customers
amused by playing music and providing Ahead of Time Kidney Disease
quiz answers (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek, Prediction by DeepMind
2020). Now, NHS and Amazon's Alexa are
working together to give people medical According to statistics, 10 percent of men
information (Gamble, 2020). For instance, and nearly 12 percent of women
these voice assistants may recognise the worldwide have chronic renal illnesses
audio of a cough and recommend cough (those lasting more than three months)
drops from reputable medical databases if (Secinaro et al., 2021). Up to 10.5 million
individuals require dialysis or a kidney

transplant (Quazi et al., 2022), yet many intrusive operations like renal dialysis
are unable to afford or obtain these life- (Wang & Lin, 2022).
saving procedures (Richardson et al.,
2022). Neurosurgeons Train On AI-Based VR

A group of researchers at the Montreal

Neurological Institute and McGill
University Health Centre's (Gamble,
2020) Neurosurgical Simulation and
Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre
employed machine learning algorithms to
direct virtual reality training platforms for
neurosurgeons (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek,
Additionally, acute renal damage affects
more than 13 million people (Ameen et al., A few indicators were categorised based
2022). Some will eventually develop renal on the force used to the underlying
failure or chronic kidney disease. structures and damage to the underlying
brain (Johnson et al., 2021), blood loss,
A system that DeepMind (Aung et al., and amount of tumour removed in order to
2021) has developed in partnership with assess the performance of the surgeons
specialists from the US Department of (Kulkov, 2021). The doctors' degree of
Veterans Affairs (VA) (Tran et al., experience may therefore be precisely
2021)might give medical professionals a ascertained by examining how well they
48-hour head start in treating acute kidney perform in machine learning models
injury (AKI) (Reddy et al., 2021), a (Rodriguez et al., 2020).
disease that affects over 100,000
individuals in the UK each year (Pradhan Efficient testing and drug development
et al., 2021).

Exscientia (Cannavale et al., 2022), a UK-

According to the researchers (Shantaram,
based artificial intelligence company,
2021), this may also open up a window for
created a medicinal molecule from scratch
future preventative care (Aung et al., 2021)
using AI (Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020).
allowing for the avoidance of more
That's correct, new medications are being

developed using AI (Alami et al., 2021). given by the virtual nursing assistant from
The chemical is a component of a brand- Care Angel using speech and AI.
new medicine that has swiftly entered
Workflow & Administrative tasks
human trials and is (Shohet & Lavy, 2004)
intended to treat individuals with Another way AI can impact healthcare is
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to automate office and administrative tasks
(Jain et al., 2021). In comparison to the (Richardson et al., 2022). It is expected
typical of four and a half years for the that this could result in $18 billion in
whole lifetime of (Alrahbi et al., savings for the healthcare industry as
2021)drug development (Shohet & Lavy, machines can help doctors, nurses and
2004), the medicine was made accessible other providers save time on tasks (Quazi
for clinical trials within a 12-month period et al., 2022). Technology such as voice-to-
(Alrahbi et al., 2021). text transcriptions could help order tests
(Secinaro et al., 2021), prescribe
medications and write chart notes (Aung et
al., 2021). One example of using AI to
support admin tasks is a partnership
Virtual Nursing Assistants
between the Cleveland Clinic and IBM
Virtual nursing assistants might help the that uses IBM’s Watson (Reddy et al.,
healthcare sector save $20 billion a year by 2021) to mine big data and help physicians
communicating with patients and sending provide a personalized and more efficient
them to the best care environment treatment experience (Tran et al., 2021).
(Dhindsa et al., 2018). Virtual nurses may One way Watson supports physicians is
respond quickly to inquiries, monitor being able to analyse thousands of medical
patients (Abràmoff et al., 2022), and are papers using natural language processing
accessible around-the-clock. In order to to inform treatment plans (Pradhan et al.,
avoid hospital readmissions or needless 2021).
hospital trips (Sun et al., 2022), the
Image Analysis
majority of virtual nursing assistant
software now provide more frequent For human providers, picture analysis
communication between patients and care takes a lot of time right now (Shantaram,
providers between office visits (Ameen et 2021), but MIT-led researchers have
al., 2022). Even health checks may be created a machine-learning method that
can interpret 3D images up to 1,000 times

quicker than is now feasible (Aung et al., learning have the potential to revolutionize
2021). not only healthcare but also the way each
and every patient is treated when saving
minutes may mean saving lives (Rodriguez
et al., 2020).

6. Healthcare Applications of Different

Deep Learning Techniques

A part of machine learning is deep

For surgeons who are performing surgery, learning (DL), commonly referred to as

this evaluation in close to real time might deep structured learning or hierarchical

offer crucial information (Jain et al., learning (Johnson et al., 2021). It is loosely

2021). Additionally (Abràmoff et al., based on how neurons interact with one

2022), it is believed that AI will contribute another in animal brains to process

to the advancement of the subsequent information. Artificial neural networks

generation of non-tissue sample-dependent (ANNs) (Shohet & Lavy, 2004), a layered

radiological technologies (Dhindsa et al., algorithmic design used in deep learning

2018). Additionally, AI picture analysis (DL), evaluate data to mimic these

might assist rural areas without convenient connections. A DL algorithm can "learn"

access to medical professionals and to identify correlations and connections in

potentially improve the effectiveness of the data by examining how data is routed

telemedicine by enabling patients to through an ANN's (Gamble, 2020) layers

transmit images of rashes, scrapes (Alrahbi and how those levels communicate with

et al., 2021), or bruises to identify the one another.

appropriate course of treatment.

Due to these features, DL algorithms are

AI tools may assist human healthcare cutting-edge technologies with the

workers in the extremely complicated field potential to transform healthcare (Wang &

of healthcare by speeding up service Lin, 2022). The most prevalent varieties in

(Shohet & Lavy, 2004), diagnosing the sector have a range of applications

problems, and analyzing data to spot (Aung et al., 2021).

patterns or genetic information that might

predispose someone to a specific disease
(Jain et al., 2021). AI and machine

The primary care pediatrics clinic at
Boston Children's Hospital provided the
researchers with the EHR data for 19,450
patients between January 10, 2015, and
September 9, 2016, which they used to
create their model (Richardson et al.,
2022). 20.3 percent of the 161,822
appointments these patients were
A deep neural network (DNN) is a kind of scheduled for were missed (Abràmoff et
artificial neural network (ANN) (Alrahbi al., 2022). There was also information on
et al., 2021), however it is distinguished as the local weather on the scheduled
"deep" because it has more layers than appointment day (Shantaram, 2021).
certain other neural networks (Secinaro et
The DNN performed better than the
al., 2021). These layers carry out the
traditional no-show prediction method
mathematical translation operations
(Dhindsa et al., 2018), and it revealed that
required to convert raw input into useful
the weather and a patient's past no-show
output (Jain et al., 2021). In order to
records were the two key indicators of
further refine the result, additional layers
whether they would show up for their
enable slightly different translations to be
upcoming appointment (Shantaram, 2021).
executed in each layer (Alami et al., 2021).
These methods may be used to forecast Using a DNN, researchers could more
pediatric appointment no-shows, as quickly assess the correlation between
demonstrated by a recent DNN use case several aspects of a patient no-show and
example (Quazi et al., 2022). Researchers identify the aspects that were most closely
made the following predictions in a study associated with the result (Shohet & Lavy,
that was published in the journal npj 2004).
Digital Medicine: patient EHR data and
local weather data could be used as
predictors for pediatrics no-shows (Ameen
et al., 2022), and a prediction model using
this data could assist providers in
implementing no-show prevention
measures (Sun et al., 2022).

according to the diagnosis of retinal
diseases before utilising the photos to build
their model (Pradhan et al., 2021). The
model's performance was compared to that
of a team of retinal specialists in order
to(Cannavale et al., 2022) gauge how well
the model could identify retinal disease
(Dhindsa et al., 2018).

DNNs of the convolutional neural network In seven of the ten retinal illnesses under
(CNN) variety are used to comprehend consideration, the CNN's accuracy (Tran et
visual input (Tran et al., 2021). CNNs al., 2021)was more than or on par with that
examine photos and glean attributes that of the expert panel (Shantaram, 2021).
they can use to categorise the images When comparing picture evaluation speed,
(Wang & Lin, 2022). the model surpassed physicians as well
(Pradhan et al., 2021), assessing one image
In fields like medical imaging, where a
in less than a second compared to the
physician may examine an image, such as
quickest specialist's 7.68 seconds (Jain et
a CT scan or an X-ray, to identify a range
al., 2021).
of illnesses, classification is essential
(Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek, 2020). A CNN The effectiveness of the approach,
algorithm might be used to help with according to the researchers (Secinaro et
medical imaging activities, which could al., 2021), might assist address access to
enhance clinical decision support and care in undeveloped areas where lower
solve population health problems (Reddy screening rates and (Richardson et al.,
et al., 2021). Researchers wanted to create 2022) late detection of retinal illness are
a CNN model that could concurrently linked to a higher risk of permanent vision
identify many retinal disorders in a study loss (Alrahbi et al., 2021).
that looked at the link between retinal
disease and lack of access to care
(Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek, 2020).

A group of qualified ophthalmologists

reviewed 120,002 photographs of the
fundus of the eye and labelled them

may be time-consuming and expensive
(Gamble, 2020).

Researchers set out to determine if

different DL models could successfully
identify crucial characteristics for cohort
selection in an effort to save time and
money (Wang & Lin, 2022). A basic CNN,
a deep CNN, an RNN, and a hybrid model
A different class of ANN that uses
that incorporated the CNN and RNN were
sequential or temporal data are recurrent
all trained and put to the test (Aung et al.,
neural networks (RNNs) (Pradhan et al.,
2021). Models were given patient records
2021). They are frequently employed to
that had been manually labelled by
solve issues with speech recognition,
professionals to say whether patients had
picture captioning, natural language
satisfied one or more of 13 requirements
processing, and translation (Kulkov,
for a clinical study (Alrahbi et al., 2021).
2021). RNNs use information from inputs
in earlier layers to impact the present Overall, the hybrid and RNN models

inputs and outputs, in contrast to performed much better than the CNN

conventional neural networks where inputs models. However, the researchers

and outputs are independent of one another acknowledged that the tiny dataset they

(Rodriguez et al., 2020). utilised for their study had limitations

(Secinaro et al., 2021), and they suggested
RNNs can help healthcare professionals
that further research would be required
with activities like choosing the cohort for
before a cohort selection model could be
clinical trials (Wamba-Taguimdje et al.,
applied (Jain et al., 2021).
In clinical trials, a cohort or group of
patients chosen for study involvement
have comparable important features
(Pradhan et al., 2021). Accurate patient
cohort selection is crucial to the outcome
of clinical trials, therefore the procedure

Two neural networks are combined to Although the scientists noted that a bigger
create synthetic data that may be utilised in training dataset may one day solve that
place of actual data by generative problem (Camgoz-Akdag & Beldek,
adversarial networks (GANs) (Alami et al., 2020), the GAN-generated MRIs did have
2021). The creation of images, videos, and several traits that allowed the researchers
voices frequently makes use of GANs to identify them from actual MRIs
(Quazi et al., 2022). (Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020).

Due to their capacity to produce artificial Researchers might be able to build huge
MRI pictures (Ameen et al., 2022), GANs datasets with high-quality photos and a
have a lot of promise for usage in the more evenly distributed distribution of
healthcare industry (Sun et al., 2022). abnormal results thanks to synthetic
Researchers face several difficulties when medical images (Rodriguez et al., 2020).
using medical pictures to train AI models
GAN-generated medical pictures might
for diagnostics and predictive analytics
contribute to patient privacy protection by
because of their variable quality
reducing the requirement for genuine
(Richardson et al., 2022), potential patient
medical images to be utilised in research
privacy restrictions, and sometimes
(Kulkov, 2021), in addition to enhancing
unbalanced image datasets. (Abràmoff et
the imaging data required to train other AI
al., 2022)
(Johnson et al., 2021).
Researchers have looked into leveraging
7. Conclusion
MRI pictures generated by GANs to train
The application cases discussed in this
deep learning models for clinical decision
study are just a small part of the ever-
assistance in order to allay these worries
growing area of immersive education
(Shantaram, 2021). In one work,
(Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020). New
researchers trained a GAN (Dhindsa et al.,
opportunities will definitely develop as
2018) to produce aberrant MRI pictures
technology progresses and becomes more
using publically (Pradhan et al., 2021)
widely adopted.
accessible scans from the Multimodal
Brain Tumor Image Segmentation In my opinion, AI will have a significant
Benchmark and the Alzheimer's Disease impact on future healthcare options. It is
Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) (BRATS) the main capacity behind the development
(Reddy et al., 2021). of precision medicine (Rodriguez et al.,

2020), which is universally acknowledged longer than it will for the technology to
to be a critically needed improvement in advance (Dhindsa et al., 2018). We thus
healthcare. It takes the form of machine anticipate modest AI usage in clinical
learning (Kulkov, 2021). Although early practise by 5 years and more widespread
attempts at making suggestions for use within 10 years (Abràmoff et al.,
diagnosis and therapy have been difficult, 2022).
we anticipate that AI will eventually
become proficient in that field as well Furthermore, it is increasingly obvious that
(Johnson et al., 2021). It is likely that the AI systems will not substantially replace
majority of radiology and pathology human physicians in patient care but rather
pictures will eventually be reviewed by a support them (Sun et al., 2022). Human
computer given the rapid advancements in physicians may eventually gravitate
AI for imaging analysis (Camgoz-Akdag toward duties and work arrangements that
& Beldek, 2020). It will become more make use of particularly human abilities
common to use speech and text recognition like empathy, persuasion, and big-picture
for purposes like patient communication integration (Ameen et al., 2022). Those
and clinical note transcription (Gamble, healthcare professionals who refuse to
2020). Not determining whether the collaborate with artificial intelligence may
technologies will be capable enough to be end up being the only ones to lose their
beneficial, but rather guaranteeing their professions in the future (Richardson et al.,
acceptance in routine clinical practise, is 2022).
the biggest hurdle for AI in various
healthcare sectors (Wang & Lin, 2022). In
order for AI systems to be widely adopted,
they need to be endorsed by regulatory
bodies (Cannavale et al., 2022), integrated
with EHR systems, sufficiently
standardised so that similar products
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resolved, but it will take considerably in healthcare. Npj Digital Medicine,

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