Searle Etal 2007 Tectonics

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TECTONICS, VOL. 26, TC3014, doi:10.

1029/2006TC002083, 2007
Tectonic evolution of the Mogok metamorphic belt, Burma
(Myanmar) constrained by U-Th-Pb dating of metamorphic
and magmatic rocks
M. P. Searle,1 S. R. Noble,2 J. M. Cottle,1 D. J. Waters,1 A. H. G. Mitchell,3 Tin Hlaing,3
M. S. A. Horstwood2
Received 17 November 2006; revised 15 February 2007; accepted 20 March 2007; published 21 June 2007.
[1] The Mogok metamorphic belt (MMB) extends for J. M. Cottle, D. J. Waters, A. H. G. Mitchell, T. Hlaing, and M. S. A.
over 1500 km along the western margin of the Shan- Horstwood (2007), Tectonic evolution of the Mogok metamorphic
Thai block, from the Andaman Sea north to the eastern belt, Burma (Myanmar) constrained by U-Th-Pb dating of
Himalayan syntaxis. Previous geochronology has metamorphic and magmatic rocks, Tectonics, 26, TC3014,
suggested that a long-lasting Jurassic–early Cretaceous doi:10.1029/2006TC002083.
subduction-related event resulted in emplacement of
granodiorites and orthogneisses (171–120 Ma) and a 1. Introduction
poorly constrained Tertiary metamorphic event. On the
basis of new U-Pb isotope dilution thermal ionization [2] The collision of India with Asia occurred at equatorial
mass spectrometry and U-Th-Pb laser ablation – latitudes approximately 54 –49 Ma ago [Dewey et al., 1989;
Zhu et al., 2005]. Since then India has indented northward
multicollector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectro-
some 2000 km into central Asia creating the Himalaya and
meter geochronology presented here, we propose two enhancing crustal thickening and the whole scale uplift of
Tertiary metamorphic events affected the MMB in the Tibetan Plateau (Figure 1). A large geochronological
Burma. The first was a Paleocene event that ended data set now exists for the Himalayan region leading to a
with intrusion of crosscutting postkinematic biotite reasonably detailed knowledge of the metamorphic and
granite dikes at 59 Ma. A second metamorphic event magmatic consequences of the collision along the Indian
spanned late Eocene to Oligocene (at least from 37, plate (see, e.g., Searle et al. [1999a, 1999b, 2006] and
possibly 47, to 29 Ma). This resulted in the growth of Godin et al. [2006] for reviews). However, the metamorphic
metamorphic monazite at sillimanite grade, growth of and magmatic consequences of collision on the Asian side
zircon rims at 47–43 Ma, sillimanite + muscovite are less well known, partly due to the fact that very few
replacing older andalusite, and synmetamorphic deep crustal metamorphic rocks are exposed along the south
melting producing garnet and tourmaline bearing Asian margin in Tibet. Prior to the Indian collision, the
southern margin of Asia was an Andean-type plate bound-
leucogranites at 45.5 ± 0.6 Ma and 24.5 ± 0.7 Ma. ary, dominated by calc-alkaline, subduction-related gran-
These data imply high-temperature sillimanite + itoids and volcanic rocks, with continental red bed
muscovite metamorphism peaking at 680°C and deposition. It is likely that, prior to Indian plate collision,
4.9 kbar between 45 and 33 Ma, to around 606– the Lhasa Block of south Tibet had a similar crustal
656°C and 4.4–4.8 kbar at 29.3 ± 0.5 Ma. The later thickness and altitude to the present-day Andes [England
metamorphic event is older than 24.5 ± 0.3 Ma, the and Searle, 1986; Leier et al., 2007]. The 2000 km long
age of leucogranites that crosscut all earlier fabrics. Kohistan-Ladakh-Gangdese batholith, stretching from NW
Our structural and geochronological data suggest that Pakistan to SE Tibet, is composed of diorite, granodiorite
the MMB links north to the unexposed middle or and hornblende-biotite granite, intruded between circa 103 –
lower crust rocks of the Lhasa terrane, south Tibet, 49 Ma [Honegger et al., 1982; Schärer et al., 1984;
and east to high-grade metamorphic core complexes Weinberg and Dunlap, 2000].
[3] Whereas the postcollisional thermal history of the
in northwest Thailand. Citation: Searle, M. P., S. R. Noble, south Asian crust is not well known in Tibet, it is reasonably
well constrained in the far west, in the Hindu Kush
[Hildebrand et al., 1998, 2000, 2001] and Karakoram
[Fraser et al., 2001] ranges (Figure 1). In these areas, deep
Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, British Geological Survey,
crustal rocks have been extensively exhumed due to ex-
Keyworth, UK. treme rates of rock uplift and erosion, resulting in 7 – 8 km
Ivanhoe Myanmar Holdings Ltd., Sanchaung Township, Yangon, high mountains and deeply incised glacial and river valleys
Myanmar. [Searle, 1991]. In the Karakoram, sillimanite-grade meta-
morphism occurred along the south Asian margin both
Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union. before Indian plate collision, and more or less continuously
after the collision from circa 65 to at least 5.4 Ma [Searle et

TC3014 1 of 24

Figure 1. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) image of the Indian plate and South Asian
margin region from the Hindu Kush and Karakoram Ranges to Burma and SE Asia, showing the main
zone of collision and major faults.

al., 1999a; Fraser et al., 2001]. Lower crustal xenoliths in contains some of the world’s best quality rubies and sap-
3 – 2.5 Ma shoshonitic volcanics in central Tibet [Hacker et phires [Chhibber, 1934; Iyer, 1953; Searle and Haq, 1964;
al., 2000] and 57– 11 Ma ultrapotassic volcanic pipes in the Bender, 1983; Mitchell, 1993].
southeast Pamirs [Ducea et al., 2003; Hacker et al., 2005] [5] Geochronological data along the MMB are limited.
include ultrahigh-temperature felsic granulites and both Metamorphism in the Mogok belt was originally interpreted
felsic and mafic eclogites. These xenoliths attest to the as Precambrian [Chhibber, 1934]. After the most compre-
protracted and probably still active HT-HP metamorphism hensive field study of the MMB to date, Searle and Haq
of the lower crust under the Karakoram-Pamir ranges and [1964, p. 154] concluded that the protolith rocks of the
possibly also along strike in the unexposed lower crust of MMB spanned Precambrian to Late Paleozoic and that the
southern Tibet. metamorphism was ‘‘post-Paleozoic and almost certainly
[4] Along the northeastern margin of the Indian plate, related to the Himalayan orogeny.’’ A range of Rb-Sr and
ophiolitic and associated rocks of the Indus – Yarlung K-Ar ages from rocks in the Mogok belt were reported by
Tsangpo suture zone continue around the eastern Himalayan Brook and Snelling [1976], and Cobbing et al. [1992]. On
syntaxis (Namche Barwa region) southward along the Indo- the basis of these radiometric data, combined with strati-
Burma ranges to the Andaman Sea (Figure 2). The plate graphic evidence, Mitchell et al. [2004, 2007] inferred three
boundary shifted from the Paleogene suture zone to the orogenic events resulting in metamorphism and granite
Neogene Sagaing fault, a 700 km long N-S aligned right- emplacement in Burma: an early Permian event, an early
lateral strike-slip fault that connects south to the active Jurassic event and early to mid-Tertiary event.
spreading centers in the Andaman Sea [Curray, 2005]. East [6] Garnier et al. [2006] reported Miocene 39Ar/40Ar
of the Sagaing fault, the Mogok metamorphic belt (MMB) ages between 18.7 ± 0.2 and 17.1 ± 0.2 Ma from phlogopite
extends from Moulmein north to Mogok, then along an micas in marble hosted ruby deposits in the MMB. Bertrand
arcuate belt that connects north directly to the eastern et al. [1999] reported late Oligocene to early Miocene
Himalayan syntaxis [Mitchell, 1993; Mitchell et al., 2007], Ar/40Ar ages ranging from 26.9 ± 1 Ma to 16.6 ±
south of the Jiale fault (Figure 2). Although poorly exposed, 0.3 Ma on biotite and muscovite from rocks along the Shan
the MMB in Burma has long been of interest because it scarp. They interpreted these as ages of metamorphic

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Figure 2. Geological map of SE Asia, Burma, and the Andaman Sea region north to southeastern Tibet,
showing the major suture zones, faults, and terrane boundaries.

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Figure 3. Geological map of the Mandalay-Kyanigan area, modified from Mitchell et al. [2007].

Figure 4. Geological map of the Belin-Kyaukse area, modified from Mitchell et al. [2007].

events. Because metamorphism reached kyanite and silli- Andean-type granite magmatism was widespread along the
manite grade, the 39Ar/40Ar method will, however, only Burma margin throughout the precollisional period [Mitchell,
reveal later cooling, not timing of peak metamorphism. 1993]. Zircon rim ages of 43– 30.9 Ma suggest that new
These cooling ages may also not be related to motion along zircon growth occurred during a postcollisional high-grade
the Sagaing fault, because the Mogok rocks were clearly metamorphic event in the late Eocene –Oligocene [Barley et
metamorphosed prior to shearing along the Sagaing fault. al., 2003].
[7] Barley et al. [2003] reported the first sensitive high- [8] In this paper we describe the central part of the MMB,
resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb age data from in particular two regions centered on the Mandalay hills –
the MMB. These authors reported zircon ages of Jurassic, Kyanigan region, north of Mandalay (Figure 3), and the Belin
mid-Cretaceous and early Eocene time, confirming that quarry – Kyaukse region, south of Mandalay (Figure 4). We

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present new U-Pb isotope dilution thermal ionization mass ing Indian oceanic lithosphere that extends north from the
spectrometry (ID-TIMS) and U-Th-Pb laser ablation – multi- Bay of Bengal beneath Bangladesh [Rao and Kalpna, 2005;
collector – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer A. Bally, personal communication, 2005]. A belt of Late
(LA-MC-ICPMS) geochronological data to constrain the Cretaceous granodiorites and diorites and Cenozoic vol-
timing of metamorphism and granitioid magmatism. We canics (with associated porphyry and epithermal copper
combine these age data with structural and thermobarometric deposits) extending north of Mount Popa [Mitchell, 1993]
constraints to determine P-T conditions and timing of major suggests that this subduction zone may have been relatively
structural, metamorphic and melting events along the MMB. long-lived.
Finally, we use these new data to compare the evolution of the
MMB to regional tectonic provinces across Tibet and South- 2.2. Sagaing Fault
east Asia. [12] The MMB follows the eastern flank of the Sagaing
fault to about 80 km north of Mandalay where it is displaced
2. Geology of Burma to the east and follows an arcuate trend north toward the
eastern Himalayan syntaxis (Figure 2). The N-S striking
[9] The geology of Burma, together with eastern Ban- Sagaing fault is a 1200 km long right-lateral strike-slip fault
gladesh and eastern India has traditionally been divided into that runs most of the length of Burma and cuts the western
three terranes, the Indian plate to the west, the Burma margin of the Mogok belt (Figure 2). It connects south to
microplate west of the Sagaing fault and the Shan-Thai the active back-arc spreading center in the Andaman Sea via a
block, east of the Sagaing fault (Figure 2). The presently series of short transfer faults [Vigny et al., 2003; Curray,
active Indian plate boundary is the east dipping Andaman 2005]. Right-lateral displacement has been estimated
subduction zone that continues onshore along the western at 330 km [Curray, 2005], or less than 100 – 150 km
margin of the Indo-Burman range accretionary prism. The [Bertrand and Rangin, 2003]. Mitchell [1993] proposed an
eastern margin of the Burma microplate is the right-lateral offset of 450 km based on the displacement of pre-Albian
Sagaing fault that has accommodated some of the northward ophiolitic rocks from the Mount Victoria belt in the west to
motion of India subsequent to the collision. the Tagaung-Myktyina belt, north of Mogok, in northern
Burma (Figure 2). Morley [2004] mapped a series of strike-
2.1. Burma Microplate slip duplexes in a region 250 km wide east of the Sagaing
[10] The Indo-Burman (Arakan-Yoma) ranges are com- fault. The major strike-slip fault systems in Thailand include
posed mainly of Late Cretaceous –Paleogene marine sedi- the NW-SE striking left-lateral Mae Ping (or Wang Chau)
mentary rocks unconformably overlying Upper Triassic fault and the Three Pagodas fault [Lacassin et al., 1997;
flysch-type sediments and associated ophiolitic rocks, Morley, 2004]. Apatite fission track ages show evidence of
thought to be the southern continuation of the Indus – late Oligocene – early Miocene cooling and exhumation
Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone [Mitchell, 1993]. These rocks extending along the Thai-Burma border [Upton, 1999;
are in tectonic contact with a belt of mica schists (Mount Morley, 2004]. The 40Ar/39Ar mica ages from Mogok rocks
Victoria-Kawlun belt) to the west. The western part of the adjacent to the Sagaing fault range from 30 to 18 Ma, with
Indo-Burman ranges are dominantly Eocene to Quaternary ages younging to the north [Bertrand et al., 1999]. Together
molasse conglomerates and sandstones, part of a pile of with some older apatite fission track ages of 40 –36 Ma
sediments, up to 20 km thick beneath the Ganges delta, that along the Mae Ping fault zone [Upton, 1999; Morley, 2004],
were eroded from the Himalaya [Curray, 2005]. The Paleo- these data suggest that not only do the metamorphic and
gene sediments are continuous south to the Andaman – magmatic ages predate strike-slip motion but also that most
Nicobar Islands where they overlie ophiolite complexes of the exhumation and cooling occurred prior to movement
and form the forearc sediments to the active volcanic arc on the Sagaing fault [Bertrand and Rangin, 2003].
to the east (Barren Island – Narcondam volcanoes, the north-
ward continuation of the Sumatra – Java volcanic arc). 2.3. Northern Burma and the Jade Mines Belt
[11] To the east of the Indo-Burman ranges a series of [13] Three metamorphic belts splay off from the Sagaing
sedimentary basins (Chindwin, Minbu and Pathein basins) fault in northern Burma, the Jade Mines belt, Katha-Gangaw
show intermittent subsidence from mid-Cretaceous to Mio- belt and the Tagaung-Myitkyina belt (Figure 2). High-grade
cene time followed by basin inversion and east-west com- gneisses of the Katha-Gangaw ranges pass eastward to the
pression during the Pliocene-Pleistocene [Pivnik et al., schists of the Tagaung-Myitkyina belt, which are thought be
1998]. Beneath these basins the Burma seismic zone shows to the northern continuation of the MMB [Mitchell et al.,
a narrow, east dipping, steeply inclined subduction zone 2007]. The Katha-Gangaw belt south of Myitkyina, may be
revealed by recent earthquakes extending down to at least the offset equivalent of the Mount Victoria – Kawlun belt
200 km [Ni et al., 1989; Guzman-Speziale and Ni, 1996]. in the west [Chhibber, 1934; Mitchell, 1993]. All of
Above this seismic zone two large calc-alkaline andesite- these metamorphic rocks are low-/medium-pressure – high-
dacite stratovolcanoes (Mounts Popa and Taungthonlon), temperature rocks whereas the Jade mines belt has been
and the smaller Mount Loimye, were active from Pliocene subjected to high-pressure metamorphism. Serpentinized
to recent times [Stephenson and Marshall, 1984] suggesting peridotites occur as boulders in alluvial deposits together
that the seismic zone may represent a thin slab of subduct-

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with pure jadeite, amphibole jade and kyanite-bearing

omphacite jade. Goffé et al. [2002] determined eclogite
facies P-T conditions P > 14 kbar and T  550– 600°C
overprinted by 8 kbar and 500 – 550°C amphibolite facies
conditions. Jadeite + quartz and omphacite + zoisite +
kyanite blueschists record similar high pressures but lower
temperatures around 400– 450°C [Goffé et al., 2002]. We
speculate that late Mesozoic ophiolitic rocks obducted onto
the Burma microplate were later metamorphosed during east
dipping subduction, and then exhumed to the surface prior to
dextral shearing along the Sagaing fault.
[14] The relationship between the Jade Mines belt and the
MMB is not clear, partly because they are separated by
strands of the Sagaing fault. Although both belts contain
high-grade metamorphic rocks there are some fundamental
differences between the two. Ultramafic rocks including
harzburgites, dunites and wehrlites, are common in the Jade
Mines belt, but rare in the Mogok belt. Gem-quality pure
jadeite within peridotite is present only in the Jade Mines
belt. Sapphire-bearing nepheline syenites are not present in
the Jade Mines belt, but are present in the Mogok belt where
the host rock phlogopite– diopside marbles contain gem-
quality rubies and spinel [Iyer, 1953; Kane and Kammerling,
1992; Waltham, 1999].

2.4. Shan-Thai Block, Eastern Highlands

[15] The Shan-Thai block is continuous with the Qiang-
tang and Lhasa blocks of central Tibet to the north and the
Malay Peninsula, including the central granite belt of
Cobbing et al. [1986, 1992] to the south. The Shan-Thai
block is bounded to the east by the Sukhotai-Lao fold belt
and the Nan-Uttaradit suture [Barr and McDonald, 1987]
separating the Shan-Thai block from the Indo-China block
of eastern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Final suturing
occurred during the Late Triassic [Mitchell, 1977]. The
Shan-Thai block east of the Sagaing fault includes the
metamorphic rocks of the Mogok belt, Jurassic-Cretaceous
granites that are continuous south to the western Thailand
Sn-W-bearing granite belt (western granite belt of Cobbing
et al. [1986, 1992]), and Late Carboniferous– Lower Perm-
ian Mergui Group sediments [Mitchell, 1992, 1993].
[16] Most of the Shan-Thai block is composed of Cam-
brian to Triassic sedimentary rocks structurally overlying
metamorphic rocks (Chaung Magyi Group of Mitchell
[1992]), and overlain by Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous
red beds. Apatite fission track dating of these red beds in
northern Thailand indicate maximum burial between 70 and
Figure 5. (a) Xenoliths of sillimanite schist within K- 50 Ma [Upton, 1999] suggesting that metamorphism was
feldspar augen gneiss from Kyauskse. Sample M54 came older than this. The Mergui Group is a distinctive unit of
from the sillimanite schist at this locality and indicates sedimentary rocks comprising Upper Carboniferous
the metamorphism and high grade were Oligocene in age and Lower Permian mudstones, slates and rare limestones
(29.3 ± 0.5 Ma). (b) Biotite granite dike (sample M33) that bounds the eastern margin of the MMB and extends
showing flow banding intruding and crosscutting earlier from Mandalay at least as far south as Phuket [Mitchell,
biotite granite sills, migmatites, calc-silicates, quartzites, and 1992, 1993] and into Sumatra [Barber et al., 2005]. The
pelitic bands from Belin quarry. (c) K-feldspar augen gneiss metamorphic rocks (Chaung Magyi Group of Mitchell et al.
(sample M4) showing in situ melts of quartz + tourmaline [2007]) may be structurally continuous with the MMB
leucogranite (sample M5) from Kyanigan quarry. Melts and possibly also with some major metamorphic core
seams percolate through the preexisting fabric of the augen complexes in NW Thailand, the Doi Inthanon and Doi

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Figure 6a. Photomicrograph of part of the M54 probe section, showing the typical mylonitic
sillimanite-bearing domain at top right, but primarily showing the coarse white mica and andalusite-
bearing domain that may reflect a zone of late high-T fluid infiltration. Garnet 2 is in the center left,
andalusite is the pale gray moderate relief phase in the lower right.

Suthep core complexes [Dunning et al., 1995; Barr et al., phism, calculated with the Grt-Bt geothermometer of
2002; MacDonald et al., 1993]. Holdaway [2000] (calibration 5AV) in combination with
THERMOCALC 3.25 in average P mode for the assem-
blage Grt (inner rim) + Bt + Ms + sillimanite (Sil) +
3. Mogok Metamorphic Belt (MMB)
[17] The MMB includes a variety of paragneisses,
orthogneisses and migmatites with at least two, possibly
more, generations of tourmaline + garnet (Grt) + biotite (Bt) ±
muscovite (Ms) leucogranites. The main lithologies ex-
posed are diopside + phlogopite + spinel + tremolite
marbles and calc-silicates that host gem-quality rubies.
Some marbles are exceptionally pure. Micaceous quartzites
are common and pelitic rocks relatively rare. Sillimanite,
kyanite, and staurolite-bearing schists and gneisses occur
around Kyanigan and elsewhere along the MMB. One
sample of highly deformed sillimanite gneiss, also contain-
ing garnet, biotite and earlier relic andalusite, partly
replaced by late muscovite, was collected from Kyaukse
(sample M54; 21°3602500N; 96°903300E; Figures 4 and 5a)
for U-Th-Pb dating. This sample contains weakly zoned
garnets, where Mn decreases slightly toward the rim, then
shows a sharp increase at the rim itself (Figures 6a and 6b).
Mg shows a similar but inverted pattern. These features are
characteristic of almost homogenized garnet that has un-
dergone late retrograde resorption. We infer that the rock Figure 6b. Compositional zoning profile across the largest
was intensely deformed at high temperatures, in the silli- analyzed garnet in sample M54. Error bars are 2 sigma
manite stability field. The best estimate for peak metamor- uncertainties on the cation mole fraction.

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Table 1a. Microprobe Analyses From Sample M54


Grt Bt Ms Pl

Location location 2 inner rim location 2 mean location 2 mean location 2 mean
SiO2 36.72 35.02 45.72 60.45
TiO2 0.00 2.02 0.73 0.01
Al2O3 21.09 19.35 36.37 25.19
Cr2O3 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.05
FeO 32.45 20.27 0.92 0.10
MnO 6.57 0.18 0.03 0.00
MgO 2.31 8.17 0.50 0.00
CaO 1.61 0.10 0.01 6.35
Na2O 0.26 0.29 0.56 7.77
K2O 0.00 9.22 8.92 0.02
ZnO 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.02
Total 101.03 94.69 93.83 99.96

Number of oxygens 12 22 22 8
Si 2.960 5.391 6.108 2.689
Ti 0.000 0.234 0.073 0.000
Al 2.004 3.512 5.727 1.320
Cr 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.002
Fe 2.187 2.610 0.103 0.004
Mn 0.449 0.023 0.003 0.000
Mg 0.278 1.874 0.099 0.000
Ca 0.139 0.017 0.002 0.302
Na 0.040 0.085 0.146 0.670
K 0.000 1.811 1.521 0.001
Zn 0.000 0.005 0.003 0.001
Sum 8.058 15.566 13.787 4.989
Mg/(Mg + Fe) 0.113 0.418 0.491

plagioclase (Pl) + quartz (Qtz) is 625 ± 25°C and 4.8 ± the augen gneiss (sample M4) and intruding along the
0.9 kbar. Garnet-biotite temperatures for the retrograde dominant fabric in the gneiss (Figure 5c). Field relations
equilibrium of garnet outer rims are 550 ± 25°C (Table 1a). in Kyanigan quarry supported by geochronological data
[18] In Belin quarry (21°4005800N; 96°074400E) a quartz + suggest that the leucogranites were derived from in situ
plagioclase + K-feldspar + biotite granite dike 1 – 1.2 m melting of the augen gneiss, a protolith not usually thought
wide, with a weak flow banding fabric cuts across diopside + to be a suitable source rock. Another tourmaline + garnet +
spinel marbles and calc-silicates interbanded with layered two-mica leucogranitic gneiss (sample M52; 21°3602.900N;
felsic gneisses, sillimanite gneisses, migmatites and early 96°0805900E) was collected from Kyaukse (Figure 4), also
biotite granite sills that contain xenoliths of the metamorphic for dating.
rocks (Figure 5b). Ductile fabrics in the gneisses are trun- [20] In the northern MMB around Mogok town the
cated at the margins of the dike and therefore must be earlier youngest phase of magmatism appears to be a suite of
than the dike. Sample M33 was collected for U-Th-Pb dating nepheline syenites that contain gem quality sapphires in-
from this locality to constrain the minimum timing of truding marble, gneiss and cutting metamorphic fabrics. In
metamorphism and associated ductile fabric development the southern part of the MMB, a biotite syenogranite from
(see section 4). Yesin Dam yielded a U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) age of 22.6 ±
[19] K-feldspar augen gneisses represent metamorphosed 0.4 Ma, interpreted as the magmatic age [Barley et al.,
intrusions of biotite granodiorite– granite that have been 2003]. The youngest igneous phase in the MMB in the
subjected to high-temperature metamorphism and postcrys- Mandalay area is a suite of undeformed biotite granites and
tallization ductile deformation. Sample M4 (22°0501400N; syenogranites that crosscut all earlier lithologies and ductile
96°0901300E) is a heterogeneous granitic gneiss (K-feldspar > fabrics. Similar late granites include the Nattaung granite
plagioclase) from Kyanigan quarry containing bands of sheets to the south [Mitchell et al., 2007]. Others form large
rounded, millimeter-sized garnets, sillimanite-rich stringers, plutons that may be part of a regional batholith. These
scattered biotite, some tourmaline and relic andalusite. include the undeformed Sedo granite and the Kabaing
Unzoned garnets are presumed to have been in equilibrium granite in the Mogok area; the latter has an 40Ar/39Ar age
with Bt, Sil, Pl, Kfs and Qtz at the maximum metamorphic of 15.8 ± 1.1 Ma [Bertrand et al., 2001].
temperature reached. Garnet-biotite geothermometry com- [21] Deformation fabrics along the MMB are variable and
bined with THERMOCALC 3.25 in average P mode gave a there are at least two phases of ductile fabric formation,
relatively poorly constrained result of about 680°C at 4.9 ± each cut by crosscutting undeformed granitc dikes. Early,
1.7 kbar (Table 1b). In situ quartz + tourmaline + garnet ductile metamorphic planar fabrics have also been subjected
leucogranite melts (sample M5) are seen emanating from to subsequent clockwise rotation and dextral shearing along

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Table 1b. Microprobe Analyses From Sample M4


Grt Bt Pl Pl Kfs

Location core with Sil with Bt with Grt mean

SiO2 36.18 35.27 63.01 63.08 65.48
TiO2 0.00 2.54 0.01 0.00 0.02
Al2O3 20.68 19.53 23.43 23.06 18.98
Cr2O3 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03
FeO 34.81 21.39 0.10 0.08 0.06
MnO 3.85 0.22 0.01 0.00 0.01
MgO 3.01 6.85 0.02 0.00 0.00
CaO 0.86 0.01 4.12 3.79 0.05
Na2O 0.20 0.17 9.22 9.35 1.84
K2O 0.00 10.22 0.22 0.22 14.83
ZnO 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.07
Total 99.60 96.33 100.23 99.64 101.36

Number of oxygens 12 22 8 8 8
Si 2.956 5.390 2.783 2.800 2.976
Ti 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.000 0.001
Al 1.991 3.518 1.220 1.207 1.017
Cr 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001
Fe 2.378 2.733 0.004 0.003 0.002
Mn 0.266 0.028 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mg 0.366 1.561 0.002 0.000 0.001
Ca 0.075 0.002 0.195 0.180 0.002
Na 0.032 0.050 0.789 0.805 0.162
K 0.000 1.991 0.013 0.012 0.860
Zn 0.000 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.002
Sum 8.066 15.579 5.009 5.009 5.025
Mg/(Mg+Fe) 0.134 0.364

the Sagaing fault [Bertrand and Rangin, 2003]. Kinematic lyzed samples of schist, gneiss and leucogranite for petrol-
indicators, such as rotated porphyroclasts and C-S fabrics ogy, thermobarometry and U-Th-Pb dating.
are common, but do not give a consistent sense of shear
along the belt. It is clear, however, that all the ductile
deformation fabrics were imposed prior to shearing along
4. Analytical Methods
the Sagaing fault. Later NNW-SSE aligned stretching line- [24] This study makes use of two complimentary analytical
ations related to regional NNW-SSE transtension are prom- techniques, isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrom-
inent along the length of the MMB [Bertrand and Rangin, etry (ID-TIMS) and laser ablation–multicollector–inductively
2003]. coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICPMS) to
[22] Chhibber [1934] originally considered the metamor- obtain U-Th-Pb isotopic data. All geochronology analytical
phism as Precambrian age. Searle and Haq [1964], Thein et work was undertaken at the Natural Environment Research
al. [1998] and Mitchell et al. [2004] regarded the diopside – Council Isotope Geoscience Laboratories (NIGL) at the
tremolite marbles of the MMB as metamorphosed equiv- British Geological Survey. Zircon, monazite, xenotime and
alents of Permian and Ordovician limestones exposed in the thorite were separated by standard crushing, heavy liquid,
Shan Plateau to the east. On the basis of stratigraphic and and isodynamic magnetic separation techniques. Dated min-
structural analysis, Mitchell [1992] concluded that rocks of erals were handpicked under ethanol, and only the highest
the Mogok belt consisted of both Precambrian metamorphic quality crack-free grains were selected for analysis. Ages
rocks, and Paleozoic units of the Shan Plateau metamor- were calculated using the U decay constants of Jaffey et al.
phosed in the Late Triassic– Early Jurassic and possibly a [1971], and the Th decay constant of Le Roux and Glendenin
final early Miocene event. Barley et al. [2003] dated a suite [1963] and Amelin and Zaitsev [2002]. Pbdat [Ludwig, 1993]
of hornblende-biotite granodiorites from Yebokson, and was used for TIMS raw data reduction and an in-house excel
orthogneisses from the Mandalay hills and Kyanikan as spreadsheet for LA-MC-ICPMS data processing. Calculated
Jurassic – Early Cretaceous (170 –120 Ma). These orthog- ages and data plots for both TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS data
neisses were recrystallized during an Eocene (43 Ma) were generated using Isoplot [Ludwig, 2003]. Tables 2, 3a
high-grade metamorphic event and intruded by a final phase and 3b contain the full data set. All errors in data tables and
of synkinematic leucogranites and hornblende syenites concordia plots are quoted at the 2s confidence level.
between 35 and 23 Ma [Barley et al., 2003].
4.1. ID-TIMS
[23] In order to constrain the ages of peak metamorphism
and magmatism along the MMB in more detail, we ana- [25] Prior to dissolution selected monazites, zircons,
xenotimes, and thorites were washed in distilled 2N

10 of 24
Table 2. Mogok Belt U-Pb TIMS Data

Concentrationsb Atomic Ratios Ages, Ma


Weight, U, Pb, Pb,
a 206 208 206 207 207 206 207 207
Fractions mg ppm ppm pg Pb/204Pbc Pb/206Pbd Pb/238Ud Error Pb/235Ud Error Pb/206Pbd Error Pb-238U Pb-235U Pb-206Pb rhoe
Sample M4
1. mo,1:1, eu, ye, ci, 250 mm (1) 12.9 20702 209.2 37 2517 1.085 0.005443 0.25 0.03312 0.40 0.04414 0.31 34.99 33.09 103.1 0.64
2. mo, 1:1 eu, ye, ci, 300 mm (1) 18.4 14220 346.9 55 2096 3.018 0.006889 0.16 0.04291 0.35 0.04518 0.31 44.26 42.66 45.95 0.46
3. mo, 3:1, eu, ye, 100 mm (2) 7.7 16839 262.1 18 3168 1.530 0.006966 0.15 0.04387 0.19 0.04568 0.11 44.75 43.60 19.34 0.81
4. mo, 3:1 eu, ye, ci, 8.3 14602 222.8 17 2858 1.795 0.006193 0.16 0.03883 0.21 0.04547 0.13 39.80 38.68 30.55 0.79
70 – 90 mm (5)
5. mo, 2:1 eu, ye, 70 mm (6) 2.1 7758 119.4 3.0 2050 1.941 0.005951 0.26 0.03763 0.28 0.04587 0.11 38.25 37.51 9.45 0.93
6. mo, 2:1 eu, ye, 70 mm (7) 2.6 4693 65.02 2.7 3196 1.675 0.005888 0.31 0.03737 0.32 0.04603 0.07 37.84 37.25 0.67 0.98
7. mo, 2:1 eu, ye, 110 mm (1) 4.4 7180 107.6 3.8 3704 1.950 0.005781 0.19 0.03657 0.21 0.04588 0.09 37.16 36.47 8.65 0.91
8. mo, 2:1 eu, ye, 130 mm (1) 3.5 15609 180.1 4.6 4148 1.328 0.005609 0.15 0.03486 0.18 0.04507 0.10 36.06 34.79 51.98 0.84

Sample M5
9. mo, 1:1, eu, ye, 80 mm (4) 4.6 5032 63.90 2.4 3019 1.823 0.005103 0.15 0.03116 0.20 0.04429 0.14 32.81 31.16 94.42 0.74
10. mo, 2:1, eu, gr, oi, ci, 4.1 30852 176.6 100 371.8 0.2866 0.004375 0.21 0.02702 1.77 0.04479 1.76 28.14 27.07 67.21 0.10
80 mm (1)
11. xe, 2:1, eu, gr, ci, 80 mm (1) 5.5 19566 74.94 1.4 19043 0.01322 0.004203 0.11 0.02707 0.13 0.04672 0.07 27.03 27.12 34.80 0.86

Sample M33
12. th 2:1 – 3:1 eu, dg, oi, 9.0 133683 2029 73 8878 1.024 0.008460 0.14 0.05472 0.16 0.04691 0.07 54.31 54.10 44.83 0.88
80 – 100 mm (2)
13. zr 3:1 – 5:1 eu, cl, ci, 16.0 1960 171.0 24 692.9 0.1164 0.008266 0.34 0.05381 0.67 0.04721 0.58 53.07 53.21 59.84 0.51

11 of 24
200 – 400 mm (4)

Sample M52
14. mo 2:1 – 3:1 sub, ye, 5.7 2446 143.5 14 424.6 9.123 0.006626 0.92 0.04040 1.07 0.04422 0.54 42.57 40.21 98.70 0.86
60 mm (8)
15. mo 2:1 – 3:1 sub, ye, 3.6 1595 99.70 4.1 568.8 10.24 0.006366 0.59 0.03825 0.81 0.04358 0.55 40.91 38.12 134.5 0.73
60 mm (9)
16. mo 2:1 – 3:1 sub, ye, 5.1 3544 224.7 12 639.0 10.15 0.006524 0.73 0.04034 0.77 0.04485 0.24 41.92 40.15 64.09 0.95
60 mm (11)

Sample M54
17. mo 1:1 – 3:1 sub, cl, oi, 6.6 2824 56.37 10 550.6 3.931 0.004571 0.51 0.02943 0.82 0.04669 0.64 29.40 29.45 33.45 0.62
30 – 40 mm (48)
18. mo 1:1 – 3:1 sub, cl, oi, 13.2 2159 41.14 14 601.7 3.643 0.004657 0.65 0.03019 0.74 0.04701 0.35 29.95 30.20 49.93 0.88
30 – 40 mm (50)
19. mo 1:1 – 3:1 sub, cl, oi, 19.6 3095 58.60 30 613.2 3.544 0.004681 0.33 0.03050 0.81 0.04726 0.74 30.10 30.51 62.48 0.40
30 – 40 mm (50)
Fraction abbreviations are mo, monazite; zr, zircon; th, thorite; xe, xenotime; l:w aspect ratio; abr, air abraded; eu, euhedral; sub, subhedral; ye, yellow; gr, green; dk, dark green; cl, colorless; oi, opaque
inclusions; ci, colorless inclusions; length (mm); (x), number of grains analyzed.
Maximum errors are ±20%. Weights were measured on a Cahn C32 microbalance or calculated from grain dimensions measured on binocular microscope photos.
Measured ratio corrected for mass fractionation and common Pb in the 205Pb/235U spike.
Corrected for mass fractionation, spike, laboratory blank Pb and U, and initial common Pb [Stacey and Kramers, 1975] (calculated at 30 Ma, with an uncertainty of 2% propagated through calculations).
The laboratory blank Pb composition is 206Pb/204Pb:207Pb/204Pb:208Pb/204Pb = 17.46:15.55:37.32. Quoted errors are 2 sigma (% for atomic ratios, absolute for ages).
The 207Pb/235U – 206Pb/238U error correlation coefficient is calculated following Ludwig [1993].

Table 3a. U-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS Data

Uncorrected Isotopic Ratios Uncorrected Ages

a 207 207 206 238 207 235 b 206 238 207
Name U, ppm Pb/ Pb 2s, % Pb/ U 2s, % Pb/ U 2s, % Rho Pb/ U 2s, Ma Pb/235U 2s, Ma
Sample M5 Xenotime
004-1 8999.81 0.05 3.27 0.00 2.51 0.03 4.12 0.61 30.87 0.78 31.20 1.30
004-2 8788.20 0.05 3.45 0.00 2.51 0.03 4.27 0.59 30.93 0.78 31.46 1.36
005-1 2727.78 0.05 7.75 0.01 2.52 0.04 8.15 0.31 35.21 0.89 35.39 2.93
005-2 2389.79 0.05 6.59 0.01 2.54 0.03 7.06 0.36 34.58 0.88 33.92 2.43
009-1 17097.54 0.05 3.08 0.00 2.50 0.02 3.97 0.63 24.61 0.62 24.31 0.98
009-2 19557.67 0.05 2.60 0.00 2.51 0.02 3.61 0.70 24.37 0.61 24.63 0.90
003-1 12629.68 0.05 2.80 0.00 2.51 0.03 3.76 0.67 25.01 0.63 25.43 0.97
003-2 16817.97 0.05 2.86 0.00 2.54 0.02 3.82 0.66 23.89 0.61 23.91 0.92

Sample M33 Thorite

005-1 79941.47 0.05 6.63 0.01 3.13 0.06 7.33 0.43 59.55 1.87 59.50 4.48
005-2 72605.58 0.05 6.64 0.01 3.18 0.06 7.36 0.43 58.48 1.87 58.93 4.45
005-3 82615.32 0.05 6.63 0.01 3.09 0.06 7.32 0.42 59.39 1.85 58.87 4.42
015-1 80845.68 0.05 7.00 0.01 3.25 0.06 7.72 0.42 57.91 1.89 61.41 4.87
015-2 85196.17 0.05 6.67 0.01 3.14 0.07 7.38 0.43 60.07 1.89 63.97 4.86
006-1 72864.14 0.05 6.65 0.01 3.27 0.06 7.41 0.44 56.35 1.85 57.18 4.35
006-2 92129.50 0.05 6.65 0.01 3.10 0.06 7.34 0.42 58.88 1.84 58.85 4.43

Common Pb Corrected Isotopic Ratiosd Common Pb Corrected Ages

c 207 207 206 238 207 235 b 206 238 207
f206% Pb/ Pb 2s% Pb/ U 2s% Pb/ U 2s% Rho Pb/ U 2s (Ma) Pb/235U 2s, Ma

Sample M5 Xenotime
004-1 1.04 0.04 15.68 0.00 2.48 0.03 15.88 0.16 31.24 0.78 28.38 4.56
004-2 0.48 0.04 14.03 0.00 2.50 0.03 14.25 0.18 31.40 0.79 28.53 4.12
005-1 3.38 0.04 50.04 0.01 3.11 0.03 50.13 0.06 35.04 1.09 27.79 14.03
005-2 2.43 0.04 53.83 0.01 3.28 0.03 53.93 0.06 34.78 1.14 27.34 14.83
009-1 0.67 0.04 10.81 0.00 2.46 0.02 11.09 0.22 24.93 0.61 21.44 2.40
009-2 0.81 0.04 9.30 0.00 2.46 0.02 9.62 0.26 24.67 0.61 22.31 2.17
003-1 0.85 0.04 13.31 0.00 2.54 0.02 13.55 0.19 25.41 0.65 23.30 3.19
003-2 0.29 0.05 10.36 0.00 2.49 0.02 10.66 0.23 24.34 0.61 24.71 2.66

Sample M33 Thorite

005-1 0.09 0.05 3.37 0.01 3.42 0.06 4.80 0.71 60.05 2.06 58.12 2.87
005-2 0.09 0.05 3.70 0.01 3.46 0.06 5.07 0.68 59.10 2.05 59.34 3.09
005-3 0.10 0.05 3.34 0.01 3.39 0.06 4.75 0.71 60.03 2.04 60.51 2.96
015-1 0.45 0.05 4.09 0.01 3.50 0.06 5.39 0.65 58.11 2.04 58.77 3.25
015-2 0.38 0.05 3.44 0.01 3.44 0.06 4.87 0.71 60.42 2.09 61.10 3.06
006-1 0.17 0.05 4.83 0.01 3.52 0.06 5.98 0.59 56.57 2.00 55.86 3.43
006-2 0.11 0.05 3.43 0.01 3.38 0.06 4.82 0.70 59.75 2.03 60.03 2.97
U content in ppm accurate to approximately 10%.
Rho is the error correlation defined as err206Pb/238U/err207Pb/235U.
Percentage of 206Pb that is common.
Isotopic ratios are corrected for common Pb. Common Pb correction based on a single-stage model [Stacey and Kramers, 1975] and the interpreted age
of the crystal.

HNO3 at 60°C followed by ultrapure water. Monazites and <0.1 pg U. All data were reduced assuming a maximum
and xenotimes were then spiked with a 205Pb/235U tracer, of a 10 pg procedural blank, the remainder being allocated
dissolved in 10.5 N HCl at 180 C for 3 days in Parrish-type to common Pb intrinsic to the mineral. The common Pb
PFA Teflon microcapsules [Parrish, 1987], dried down and isotope composition was estimated using the two-stage
converted to chloride form with 3.1 M HCl at 140 C for model of [Stacey and Kramers, 1975].
12 hours prior to chemistry. Zircon and thorite dissolutions
were performed with 29M HF trace HNO3 for 3 days at 4.2. LA-MC-ICPMS
240 C, and converted for chemistry as with xenotime and [26] Separated grains were mounted in 25 mm epoxy
monazite. U and Pb chemical separations followed [Krogh, resin discs, doubly polished to reveal equatorial cross
1973] with modifications [Corfu and Noble, 1992]. Data sections and carbon coated. Backscatter electron (BSE)
were obtained on a VG 354 mass spectrometer with an ion- images were acquired for all grains using a scanning
counting Daly detector following [Noble et al., 1993] and electron microscope (SEM) (Figure 7). Grains that dis-
on a ThermoElectron Triton fitted with a modified Mascom played complex BSE patterns were further imaged for Y
high linearity ion-counting secondary electron multiplier and Th using an electron microprobe (EMP) in order to gain
(SEM) [Noble et al., 2006]. Procedural blanks were <10 pg Pb information on the internal compositional zonation and

12 of 24
Table 3b. U-Th-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS Data

Uncorrected Isotopic Ratios Uncorrected Ages Common Pb Corrected Isotopic Ratiosd Common Pb Corrected Ages
206 208 206 208 206 208 206 208
Name ppm Th/Ub Pb/238U 2s% Pb/232Th 2s, % Pb/238U 2s, Ma Pb/232Th 2s, Ma f206%c Pb/238U 2s, % Pb/232Th 2s, % Pb/238U 2s, Ma Pb/232Th 2s, Ma
Sample M4 Monazite
0.0062 8.75 0.0018 5.19 40.1 3.5 36.8 1.9 0.9 0.0063 7.73 0.0018 6.05 40.5 3.1 36.4 2.2
A 020-1 31726 4.0 0.0102 8.76 0.0031 5.20 65.1 5.7 62.4 3.3 0.2 0.0103 7.25 0.0030 5.49 65.9 4.8 61.5 3.4
A 017-1 43727 4.1 0.0065 8.75 0.0019 5.20 41.7 3.7 37.7 2.0 0.6 0.0065 7.30 0.0018 5.68 42.1 3.1 37.0 2.1
A 017-2 45001 3.9 0.0061 8.75 0.0017 5.30 39.1 3.4 33.4 1.8 0.3 0.0061 7.22 0.0017 5.53 39.1 2.8 33.4 1.8
A 005-1 42607 3.8 0.0063 8.74 0.0016 5.20 40.6 3.6 33.2 1.7 0.5 0.0064 7.28 0.0016 6.11 41.1 3.0 33.1 2.0
A 003-1 30134 3.1 0.0060 3.77 0.0018 3.06 38.5 1.5 36.2 1.1 0.2 0.0061 4.36 0.0018 3.79 39.4 1.7 35.6 1.4
A 007-1 34690 8.7 0.0093 3.81 0.0030 3.06 59.7 2.3 59.8 1.8 1.3 0.0095 4.61 0.0029 3.43 60.8 2.8 59.4 2.0
A 004-1 32367 4.8 0.0063 3.76 0.0020 3.09 40.7 1.5 39.7 1.2 1.9 0.0063 4.38 0.0019 3.67 40.2 1.8 38.6 1.4
A 010-1 38409 3.7 0.0058 3.75 0.0017 3.06 37.4 1.4 35.1 1.1 0.3 0.0060 4.20 0.0018 3.78 38.3 1.6 35.4 1.3
A 012-1 39931 3.5 0.0055 3.79 0.0016 3.07 35.4 1.3 32.4 1.0 0.8 0.0056 4.23 0.0016 3.70 36.2 1.5 31.7 1.2
B 015-1 115887 13.5 0.0100 3.78 0.0029 3.15 63.9 2.4 58.9 1.9 0.6 0.0102 4.13 0.0029 3.14 65.2 2.7 59.0 1.9
B 015-2 104227 12.9 0.0096 5.16 0.0029 3.15 61.4 3.2 58.4 1.8 0.1 0.0096 4.27 0.0029 3.17 61.9 2.7 58.3 1.9
B 013-1 46209 4.1 0.0064 5.06 0.0020 3.07 40.8 2.1 39.5 1.2 0.5 0.0064 4.16 0.0019 3.40 41.3 1.7 39.1 1.3
B 004-1 22829 3.4 0.0069 2.99 0.0019 3.97 44.1 1.3 39.2 1.6 1.2 0.0069 3.62 0.0019 5.36 44.1 1.6 37.7 2.0
B 010-2 58879 5.6 0.0062 2.95 0.0019 3.98 39.7 1.2 38.4 1.5 0.6 0.0063 3.13 0.0019 4.17 40.4 1.3 38.5 1.6
B 013-2 49077 4.0 0.0062 3.04 0.0018 4.02 40.1 1.2 36.7 1.5 0.7 0.0063 3.04 0.0018 4.11 40.5 1.2 36.2 1.5
B 016-2 43854 3.8 0.0061 2.95 0.0019 3.98 39.4 1.2 38.7 1.5 0.5 0.0062 3.07 0.0019 4.37 40.1 1.2 38.7 1.7
A 005-2 30341 4.3 0.0064 2.92 0.0020 4.04 41.2 1.2 39.6 1.6 0.3 0.0066 3.36 0.0020 4.53 42.4 1.4 40.2 1.8
A 012-2 42895 4.2 0.0062 2.95 0.0018 3.98 39.6 1.2 37.2 1.5 0.8 0.0062 3.37 0.0018 4.44 39.8 1.3 36.6 1.6

13 of 24
Sample M5 Monazite
L 001-1 30150 0.8 0.0036 2.27 0.0012 2.61 22.9 0.5 24.3 0.6 0.2 0.0036 2.09 0.0012 4.04 23.3 0.5 23.9 1.0
L 001-2 32605 0.8 0.0037 2.14 0.0012 2.63 23.6 0.5 24.8 0.7 0.2 0.0038 1.81 0.0012 4.01 24.2 0.4 24.6 1.0
L 003-1 31945 5.1 0.0051 2.23 0.0016 2.66 32.9 0.7 33.3 0.9 0.4 0.0051 3.12 0.0016 3.73 32.6 1.0 32.8 1.2
L 005-1 33072 0.9 0.0036 2.21 0.0012 2.64 23.5 0.5 25.2 0.7 0.4 0.0037 1.90 0.0012 4.16 23.8 0.5 24.5 1.0
001-3 13108 0.9 0.0039 2.35 0.0013 2.78 25.1 0.6 25.9 0.7 0.2 0.0040 2.60 0.0012 8.47 25.4 0.7 24.1 2.0
L 006-1 33906 1.0 0.0037 2.19 0.0012 2.68 24.0 0.5 24.9 0.7 0.4 0.0038 1.94 0.0012 3.45 24.5 0.5 24.3 0.8
R 011-1 22827 6.3 0.0053 2.27 0.0018 2.68 33.8 0.8 36.2 1.0 1.9 0.0053 3.24 0.0018 3.57 34.0 1.1 35.6 1.3
R 001-1 21716 0.9 0.0037 2.18 0.0012 2.65 23.7 0.5 25.1 0.7 0.4 0.0037 1.97 0.0013 4.13 24.1 0.5 25.3 1.0
R 001-2 20470 0.8 0.0037 2.17 0.0012 2.69 24.0 0.5 25.1 0.7 0.2 0.0038 1.95 0.0012 5.77 24.4 0.5 24.3 1.4

R 002-1 19543 1.0 0.0038 2.18 0.0013 2.62 24.7 0.5 26.4 0.7 0.8 0.0039 2.05 0.0012 4.52 24.9 0.5 25.0 1.1

Sample M52 Monazite

004-1a 29687 11.9 0.0072 1.71 0.0023 1.20 45.9 0.8 46.6 0.6 1.3 0.0073 3.05 0.0023 2.26 47.0 1.4 47.3 1.1
031-1 57865 36.2 0.0081 2.02 0.0023 1.38 52.0 1.1 45.7 0.6 4.9 0.0079 6.30 0.0023 1.58 50.8 3.2 45.9 0.7
002-1 33747 26.9 0.0072 1.91 0.0020 1.38 46.0 0.9 40.3 0.6 2.7 0.0068 9.19 0.0020 2.79 44.0 4.1 40.0 1.1
025-1 70684 24.5 0.0074 1.77 0.0023 1.29 47.8 0.8 45.7 0.6 0.0 0.0073 3.65 0.0023 1.54 47.1 1.7 45.8 0.7
018-1 66773 24.2 0.0074 1.64 0.0022 1.35 47.3 0.8 45.0 0.6 1.4 0.0078 3.82 0.0022 1.72 50.0 1.9 45.4 0.8
027-1 80775 21.4 0.0075 1.65 0.0023 1.21 47.9 0.8 46.3 0.6 2.5 0.0076 3.15 0.0023 1.42 49.0 1.5 46.9 0.7
032-1 22670 33.2 0.0072 3.12 0.0020 2.14 46.3 1.5 40.4 0.9 8.4 0.0068 17.25 0.0020 3.44 43.8 7.6 39.6 1.4
032-2 36888 30.9 0.0065 2.62 0.0022 2.10 41.5 1.1 45.1 0.9 4.9 0.0073 8.25 0.0023 2.68 46.7 3.9 46.6 1.3
028-1 80465 30.5 0.0072 1.54 0.0024 1.91 46.1 0.7 47.6 0.9 5.8 0.0068 4.11 0.0023 2.21 43.4 1.8 46.9 1.0
015-1 43631 33.6 0.0072 1.57 0.0022 1.84 46.2 0.7 44.0 0.8 4.7 0.0067 7.45 0.0021 2.49 42.8 3.2 43.0 1.1
007-1 41255 23.0 0.0081 1.65 0.0023 1.73 51.9 0.9 46.3 0.8 2.9 0.0088 5.86 0.0023 2.51 56.5 3.3 47.0 1.2

Pb/232Th 2s, Ma
growth history. BSE, Y and Th images were also used to



select spot locations for analysis. U-Th-Pb isotope spot
Common Pb Corrected Ages
analyses (35 mm diameter  20 mm deep for monazite,
50 mm diameter  15 mm deep for xenotime, and



208 10 mm diameter  5 mm deep for thorite) were obtained via
a laser ablation – plasma ionization multicollector mass
spectrometer (LA-MC-ICPMS). The method employed here
U 2s, Ma



modified from Horstwood et al. [2003] uses a pseudosi-
multaneous static acquisition with an extra static acquisition
to collect 232Th.

Isotopic ratios are corrected for common Pb. Common Pb correction based on a single-stage model [Stacey and Kramers, 1975] and the interpreted age of the crystal.




5. U-Th-Pb Geochronology
Th 2s, %




5.1. M4 K-Feldspar Augen Gneiss, Kyanigan Quarry

Common Pb Corrected Isotopic Ratiosd

[27] Monazites separated from Kyanigan augen gneiss




(M4) are translucent yellowish-green squat subhedral


prisms with long axes typically ranging from 100 to


180 mm in length. BSE images (Figures 7a – 7c) reveal a

complex chemical petrography with the majority of grains
U 2s, %




displaying patchy zoning where significant portions of the

grain have been recrystallized. Some crystals preserve a
multidomain (in BSE) core mantled by a thick, relatively


homogeneous rim. Remnant oscillatory zoning is also


preserved in a few crystals. All of the grains examined

contain abundant microinclusions predominately of quartz
Th 2s, Ma f206%




and K-feldspar with rare zircon and thorite also present.

Sample M33 Thorite

5.1.1. ID-TIMS
[28] Eight single and multigrain flawless subhedral mon-

azite fractions were analyzed by ID-TIMS with the results

Normalized to Th/U ratio of the standard and is therefore corrected for Th-U plasma fractionation.

shown in Figure 8a. All analyses are reversely discordant

and form an array above and parallel to concordia with
Uncorrected Ages


Pb/235U ages ranging between 33.1 and 43.6 Ma. As the

end-members of the ID-TIMS data array have not been


replicated, the maximum and minimum ages of metamor-

U 2s, Ma

phic monazite in this rock cannot be determined with any


degree of confidence. In an attempt to resolve the age of this

rock additional grains were analyzed by LA-MC-ICPMS.


5.1.2. LA-MC-ICPMS

[29] Nineteen analyses were obtained from 13 grains via


the LA-MC-ICPMS method (Figure 8b). The majority of

Th 2s, %


analyses display minor reverse discordance, as noted in the

TIMS analyses, which we attribute to the incorporation of
Uncorrected Isotopic Ratios

excess 230Th leading to an excess of 206Pb [Schärer, 1984;


Parrish, 1990]. With this in mind we take the 208Pb*/232Th


Th content in ppm accurate to approximately 10%.


(where Pb* represents the radiogenic Pb, the total Pb minus


common Pb) dates as the most reliable estimates of the ages

U 2s%


of these grains. The data show two distinct clusters, one at

31 Ma to 40 Ma and the other at 59 Ma. On the basis
Percentage of 206Pb that is common.

of good agreement between the youngest ID-TIMS and LA-



MC-ICPMS analyses our best estimate of the cessation of


monazite growth recording high-grade metamorphism in


M4 is 31– 33 Ma. We interpret the oldest age component in

Table 3b. (continued)



the younger group of analyses (at 40 Ma) to represent the

earliest phase of monazite growth associated with this

metamorphic event.. In the light of the ICP data, the two


> 40 Ma TIMS monazite analyses are interpreted as

representing mixtures of 31– 40 Ma and 59 Ma domains.

The remaining 4 analyses define a 208Pb*/232Th weighted



mean age of 59 ± 1 Ma with a mean squared weighted

14 of 24

Figure 7. Backscatter electron (BSE) images of minerals analyzed. Circles represent positions of LA-MC-
ICPMS spot analyses with the ages (208Pb*/232Th ages for monazite and 207Pb/235U ages for xenotime and
thorite) for each analysis. Prefixes M, X, and T refer to grain type: monazite, xenotime, and thorite,
respectively. Note that gray scale intensities are not necessarily directly comparable between images. Sample
M4, K-feldspar augen gneiss, Kyanigan quarry: (a) image of grain M-A22 which comprises a thick
homogeneous rim surrounding a complex multidomain core that contains inclusions of K-feldspar, (b) image
of grain M-B15, an older grain that preserves patchy zoning where portions of the grain have been
recrystallized; (c) image of grain M-B10, this grain preserves a multidomain core mantled by a thick, relatively
homogeneous rim. Sample M5, Tourmaline quartz leucogranite Kyanigan quarry: (d) image of grain X-R3,
displaying oscillatory zoning with large ovoid zircon inclusion, (e) image of grain X-R4, internally
homogeneous grain with a thin 24 Ma(?) rim; (f) image of grain X-R5, surrounded by a rim of 24 Ma(?)
xenotime; (g) image of grain M-L1, an example of a typical monazite from M5, a large homogeneous grain
with little internal structure evident; (h) image of grain M-R2, a homogeneous grain with faint oscillatory
zoning toward the center of the grain; (i) image of grain M-R1, a homogeneous grain with rare microinclusions
of quartz and K-feldspar. Sample M52, Tourmaline 2 mica leucogranite Kyaukse hills: (j) image of grain M-
25, an equant grain with patchy zoning; (k) image of grain M-32 a homogeneous core surrounded by a thin
rim, the core contains numerous inclusions of quartz; (l) image of grain M-4, in which an equant core has been
partially resorbed prior to overgrowth of a thick, and in places oscillatory zoned, rim. Sample M33, Biotite
granite dike, Belin quarry: (m) image of grain T-006; (n) image of grain T-005; (o) image of grain T-015. The
three images show evidence of alteration, in the form of hydration along cracks and near inclusions. Outside
the altered areas the grains are internally very homogeneous. Sample M54, Kyanite staurolite schist, Kyaushe
north: (p) and (q) image of representative monazite grains showing inclusions of muscovite, quartz, and
ilmenite; (r) field of view showing typical textural setting of monazite (arrowed), occurring as elongate grains
subparallel to foliation within mica-rich pods: bt, biotite; ms, muscovite; qz, quartz; kfs, K-feldspar.

15 of 24

deviation (MSWD) of 0.98 [Wendt and Carl, 1991]. We tation is corroborated by four U-Pb xenotime analyses that
tentatively interpret this age to record an earlier syncolli- give a 206Pb/238U – 207Pb/235U concordia age of 24.5 ±
sional(?) metamorphic event. The presence of an older 0.3 Ma (MSWD of concordance 0.41, probability of con-
monazite population along with relic andalusite suggests cordance 0.52) [Ludwig, 1998]. These ages are slightly
that these rocks have undergone at least two metamorphic younger than the 27 Ma ID-TIMS xenotime and monazite
events: an initial event at >59 Ma (equivalent to the Belin data, indicating the two ID-TIMS analyses are probably
quarry metamorphic rocks, see section 5.4) that was subse- mixtures of 24.5 Ma overgrowths with minor older inher-
quently overprinted by a further, protracted metamorphic itance. LA-MC-ICPMS data indicate that both monazite and
event ranging in age from 40– 31 Ma. xenotime preserve older age components at 31– 32 Ma
[30] Prior to our work Barley et al. [2003] used a and 35 Ma. One of the ID-TIMS monazite analyses is in a
SHRIMP ion microprobe to obtain U-Pb zircon ages from similar age range also reflecting an older age component,
a sample of biotite augen gneiss (UB 055A), collected from although it cannot be discerned whether this age is a mixture
the same locality as our sample M4. Their data indicate that of 31– 35 Ma domains or reflects a single discrete age. We
the zircon protolith age of the gneiss is 171.2 ± 2.9 Ma with thus interpret these ages to reflect inheritance from at least
43.4 ± 0.8 Ma recrystallized overgrowths which they two distinct age populations, either from the melt source,
interpreted to record the timing of high-temperature meta- (equivalent to M4) and/or xenocrysts that were entrained
morphism. Our new data suggests that zircon recrystalliza- from wall rocks during emplacement.
tion occurred between 2 and 4 Ma earlier than monazite in
the same rock. We suggest that the youngest zircon and 5.3. M52 Tourmaline 2 Mica Leucogranite Kyaukse
monazite ages record slightly different periods during the Hills
same high-T metamorphic event, highlighting the need to [34] South of Belin quarry the Kyaukse ridge exposes
use multiple chronometers to fully assess the timing and augen gneisses and sillimanite + garnet gneisses intruded by
duration of high-grade metamorphic events. discordant dikes of tourmaline + muscovite + biotite leu-
cogranite, which have undergone later deformation and
5.2. M5 Tourmaline Quartz Leucogranite Kyanigan metamorphism. A sample from one of these deformed dikes
Quarry (M52) was analyzed by both ID-TIMS and LA-MC-
[31] A sample of garnet-tourmaline leucogranite (M5) ICPMS. Monazites separated from M52 are 180 –250 mm
was dated in order to establish both the timing of in situ long subhedral prisms that are light yellowish green in
melt generation and the minimum age of metamorphism in color. All grains contain abundant micro inclusions of
the Kyanigan area. Monazite and xenotime were separated quartz and K-feldspar and minor zircon. BSE images reveal
from M5 and three reconnaissance analyses obtained by a complex chemical petrography. A few grains preserve
TIMS, and more extensively analyzed by LA-MC-ICPMS. remnant oscillatory zoning, but the majority display lobate-
BSE imaging of xenotime indicate that they either have cuspate recrystallization structures on the 10 mm scale and
well-developed oscillatory zoning throughout or comprise a have no consistent core-rim relationship either within single
compositionally homogeneous core surrounded by a thin, grains or within the grain population (Figures 7j– 7l).
higher (relative to the core) Th rim (Figures 7d – 7f). 5.3.1. ID-TIMS
Monazites are relatively homogeneous with numerous [35] Three reconnaissance single grain monazite analyses
microinclusions of quartz and K-feldspar (Figures 7g– 7i). were obtained, illustrated in Figure 8e. Although reversely
Faint oscillatory growth zoning is occasionally evident. discordant, the 207Pb*/235U ages of two grains overlap
5.2.1. ID-TIMS within error, giving a mean age of 40.2 ± 0.3 Ma. The
[32] The three TIMS analyses of xenotime and monazite third analysis is younger at 38.1 ± 0.3 Ma. In order to refine
are illustrated in Figure 8c. Xenotime and monazite grains these age data we utilized the higher spatial resolution of
have 207Pb/235U ages of 27.1 ± 0.1 Ma and 27.1 ± 1.0 Ma, LA-MC-ICPMS to obtain further analyses.
while a second single monazite grain is older at 31.2 ± 5.3.2. LA-MC-ICPMS
0.1 Ma. The 27.1 ± 0.1 Ma monazite grain is unusual in that [36] Eleven U-Th-Pb analyses were acquired from ten
although it is reversely discordant its 208Pb/206Pb ratio is monazite grains (Figure 8f). Eight analyses define a reversely
significantly lower than other monazites analyzed in this discordant linear array on a 208Pb*/232Th– 206Pb*/238U con-
study. This low ratio, coupled with the high U content and cordia plot and give a weighted mean 208Pb*/232Th age of
presence of opaque inclusions suggests that some of the 46.3 ± 0.6 Ma with an MSWD [Wendt and Carl, 1991] of
inclusions may have been a uraniferous mineral such as 2.7. Two near-concordant analyses are significantly younger
uraninite. The spread in ages obtained warranted further than the main population with a mean age of 39.9 ± 0.9 Ma.
detailed study using LA-MC-ICPMS. A further single spot analysis has an age of 43.0 ± 1.1 Ma.
5.2.2. LA-MC-ICPMS [37] We interpret the 46.3 ± 0.6 Ma age to reflect the age
[33] Ten U-Th-Pb monazite (Figure 8d) and eight U-Pb of intrusion of the granite dike and the youngest ages of
xenotime (Figure 8c) analyses were obtained from 7 and 38.1 ± 0.3 Ma (ID-TIMS) and 39.1 ± 0.8 Ma (LA-MC-
4 grains, respectively. Eight concordant U-Th-Pb monazite ICPMS) to record the timing of subsequent metamorphism.
analyses yield a weighted mean 208Pb*/232Th age of 24.5 ± These data also indicate that an earlier metamorphic episode
0.4 Ma (MSWD 0.79) which we interpret to reflect the occurred prior to emplacement of the M52 dike (see next
crystallization age of this leucogranite body. This interpre- section). On the basis of simple modeling of U and Th data

16 of 24

Figure 8

17 of 24

along with further BSE observations we infer that the variable Pb loss affecting the ID-TIMS zircon and thorite
43 Ma LA-MC-ICPMS spot analysis is a mixture of fractions. This interpretation is consistent with BSE observa-
39 Ma and 45 Ma components. The overlap between the tions (Figures 7m–7o), in which all 15 thorite grains imaged
age data from M52 and the age of metamorphic monazites contain altered regions, and the 59 Ma 207Pb/206Pb age of the
from M4 suggest that this dike is the result of a partial zircon fraction. The higher spatial resolution of the LA-MC-
melting episode that is temporally coincident with, and ICPMS technique allowed us to avoid areas of alteration and
possibly genetically related to high-T metamorphism of the obtain analyses free from significant Pb loss, whereas the
Kyanikan augen gneiss. thorite fraction analyzed by TIMS was not air abraded to
minimize Pb loss. As a result we take the 207Pb*/235U LA-MC-
5.4. M33 Biotite Granite Dike, Belin Quarry ICPMS thorite concordia age of 59.5 ± 0.9 Ma as our best
[38] Thorite and zircon were extracted from M33 and estimate of the magmatic crystallization age of this rock.
analyzed by ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS. Most M33
zircons are colorless to pale brown, euhedral, 40– 200 mm 5.5. M54 Sillimanite Gneiss, Kyaukse North
long crystals, >50% of which have pitted surfaces (pits 5 mm), [41] A sample of sillimanite gneiss from Wei Bu, on the
and many of the latter zircons contain colorless to opaque north side of the Kyaukse ridge (M54) contains abundant <
inclusions. Those chosen for analysis were euhedral, color- 50 mm equant monazite grains. The vast majority of monazite
less squat prisms, 80 – 200 mm long, with unpitted outer occurs within mica-rich pods along biotite grain boundaries
surfaces. These selected zircons were moderately air abraded and was dated to further constrain the timing of metamor-
[Krogh, 1982] to reduce Pb loss. (Urano)thorites (17 wt % phism. SEM examination of the monazites reveals that
SiO2, 56 wt % ThO, 20 wt % UO, 0.4 wt % PbO) are doubly they contain muscovite as well as quartz and ilmenite
terminated, euhedral green translucent crystals that range (Figures 7p–7r).
from squat (2:1) (length: width aspect ratio) to elongate (5:1). [42] Three single grain monazite fractions were analyzed
The majority of grains examined contain inclusions of zircon, by ID-TIMS. One analysis is entirely concordant and two
quartz, and K-feldspar. Along some cracks, at the rim, and in are slightly normally discordant (Figure 8h). A regression
the vicinity of inclusions the crystals are darker in BSE, lower line through all three data points yields a lower intercept age
in Si, Pb and U and higher in P, Ca, Fe, Y and (OH) suggesting [Ludwig, 2003] of 29.3 ± 0.5 Ma, MSWD 0.4 which is our
that these regions have undergone hydrous alteration. Away best estimate for the timing of high-grade metamorphism
from the altered areas the crystals are internally very homo- affecting this rock. The normal discordance of two of the
geneous in terms of their appearance in BSE (Figures 7m–7o) data points indicates that there is a component of inheri-
as well as U, Th and Pb concentrations. tance, but because the data are all close to 29 Ma no age
5.4.1. ID-TIMS significance can be placed on the calculated upper intercept.
[39] A single grain zircon fraction gives a 206Pb/238U–
Pb/235U concordia age of 53.1 ± 0.2 Ma, MSWD (of
concordance) = 0.93, Probability (of concordance) = 0.33
6. Suggested Chronology for Mogok Belt
(Figure 8g) [Ludwig, 1998]. A single grain thorite fraction [43] Combining our data with zircon SHRIMP data of
also analyzed is slightly reversely discordant, yielding a Barley et al. [2003], we conclude that the rocks from the
Pb*/235U age of 54.1 ± 0.1 Ma. Mandalay and Kyanigan areas show a protracted period of
5.4.2. LA-MC-ICPMS sillimanite-grade high-temperature metamorphism lasting
[40] Seven U-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS spot analyses were from at least 43 to 29 Ma (possibly from 45 to 24 Ma)
obtained from five grains. Five of the analyses are entirely with intermittent periods of crustal melting producing
concordant, one is slightly reversely discordant and one leucogranites at 45.4 Ma and 24.5 Ma (Figure 9). These
subconcordant analysis is significantly younger than the rest, ages may correspond to the regional Sedo-type granites
suggesting a small amount of Pb loss has affected this analysis. (plus Yesin dam, Nattaung granites) which crosscut all
Taking the five concordant analyses gives a 206Pb/238U– earlier rocks and fabrics along the Mogok belt.
Pb*/235U concordia age of 59.5 ± 0.9 Ma, MSWD (of [44] Mitchell et al. [2007] inferred two pre-Tertiary
concordance) = 0.98; probability (of concordance) = 0.32 orogenies in Burma based on stratigraphic and structural
(Figure 8g) [Ludwig, 1998]. We attribute the 5 Ma discrep- arguments, an Early Permian event and an Early Jurassic
ancy between the ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS ages to event. Mid-Permian limestones overlie a regional unconfor-

Figure 8. Concordia diagrams showing U-Th-Pb ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS isotope data. (a) U-Pb ID-TIMS
monazite data from sample M4, K-feldspar augen gneiss, Kyanigan quarry. (b) U-Th-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS monazite data
from M4. (c) U-Pb ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS monazite and xenotime data from sample M5, tourmaline quartz
leucogranite Kyanigan quarry. (d) U-Th-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS monazite data from M5. (e) U-Pb ID-TIMS monazite data
from M52, tourmaline 2 mica leucogranite Kyaukse hills. (f) U-Th-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS monazite data from M52. (g) U-Pb
ID-TIMS zircon and thorite and LA-MC-ICPMS thorite data from M33, biotite granite dike, Belin quarry. Dashed ellipses
are those rejected from the final age determination, see text for details. (h) U-Pb ID-TIMS monazite data from M54, kyanite
staurolite schist, Kyaushe north.

18 of 24

mity above strongly folded Carboniferous Mergui Group with an inherited component at 58 ± 1 Ma. The garnet –
and older rocks, some of which are metamorphosed. A tourmaline leucogranite sweat from adjacent to this sample
second major regional unconformity separates Lower Ju- at Kyanigan gives a crystallization age of 24.5 ± 0.7 Ma,
rassic deformed turbidites from overlying Middle and with inherited metamorphic(?) components at 30.9 ± 0.5 Ma
Upper Jurassic clastic sedimentary rocks. Mitchell et al. and 34.9 ± 0.6 Ma. The deformed leucogranite dike from
[2007] tentatively related this deformation phase to the Kyaukse north has a 208Pb*/232Th age of 45.5 ± 0.6 Ma.
eastward emplacement of ophiolite thrust sheets across This dike is very different composition from the older
western Burma. Although the geology does suggest these biotite granite dike at Belin quarry and probably relates
older metamorphic episodes, our data presented here shows more to the postcollisional late Eocene metamorphic event
no evidence of a Permian event. Our new data suggest that rather than the earlier, precollisional Paleocene event.
high-grade metamorphism in the Mogok belt was Paleocene [48] Additional evidence for this metamorphic event
and late Eocene – Oligocene in age (Figure 9). Structural comes from the SHRIMP ages of Barley et al. [2003]. They
data, combined with U-Th-Pb geochronology from the reported late stage zircon overgrowths from both the Man-
Mogok metamorphic belt in Burma, suggest that the chro- dalay hills orthogneiss (47.2 ± 1.3 Ma) and the Kyanigan
nology of deformation, metamorphism and magmatism can hills orthogneiss (similar to our M5 sample) of 43.4 ±
be summarized as follows: 0.8 Ma. The youngest growth zone reported from the
Mandalay hills samples has a mean age of 33.1 ± 0.9 Ma.
6.1. Jurassic – Early Cretaceous I-Type Granite Finally, our sample of sillimanite gneiss from Kyaukse
Intrusion and Metamorphism (171– 120 Ma) north (M54) gives a U-Pb monazite age of 29.3 ± 0.5 Ma.
[45] Widespread I-type calc-alkaline magmatism oc- The puzzling factor in this analysis is why the Oligocene
curred along the Burmese margin during the Jurassic and sillimanite-grade metamorphic event seems to have had no
Cretaceous, as suggested by a suite of hornblende-biotite influence on the older Belin quarry rocks only 6 km north
granodiorites and K-feldspar augen orthogneisses. These of the Kyaukse locality. We propose that our Oligocene
rocks are similar to the precollisional granitoids of the ages of metamorphism also provide the best estimate for the
Ladakh and Gangdese batholiths in south Tibet [Honegger age of rubies in phlogopite marbles and calc-silicate rocks
et al., 1982; Schärer et al., 1984; Weinberg and Dunlap, of the MMB.
2000] and are interpreted as forming along an active
continental margin above an oceanic subduction zone. 6.4. Late Oligocene– Early Miocene Granite
Barley et al. [2003] dated zircons at 171.7 ± 2.1 Ma from Magmatism
the Mandalay hills granodiorite and 120.9 ± 0.9 Ma from [49] This is probably the youngest thermal event recorded
Yebokson granodiorite. There is some older inherited mon- from the Mogok belt, producing mantle-derived syntectonic
azite at about the same age in the M4 augen gneiss sample hornblende syenites (35–23 Ma [Barley et al., 2003]) and
from the Kyanigan quarry. Zircon cores from a similar crust-derived leucogranite melts (24.5 ± 0.7 Ma age of tour-
sample of augen gneiss from Kyanigan hills have a mean maline leucogranite from Kyanigan quarry). Cobbing et al.
age of 170.1 ± 1.1 Ma [Barley et al., 2003] interpreted as [1992] and Barley et al. [2003] described a suite of strongly
the magmatic age of the orthogneiss protolith. peraluminous potassic syenogranites that crosscut all regional
fabrics and appear to be the youngest phase of igneous
6.2. Paleocene – Early Eocene Metamorphism intrusion. These rocks occur along the entire MMB and include
[46] The main evidence for Paleocene metamorphism the Sedo leucocratic biotite granite batholith. A sample from
comes from Belin quarry where a series of highly deformed the Yesin dam area gave a mean SHRIMP age of 22.6 ± 0.4 Ma
metamorphic rocks (calc-silicates, amphibolites, migmatites) [Barley et al., 2003]. Ar-Ar cooling ages from the Mogok belt
are cut by late biotite granite dikes that show only a weak span 22 to 16 Ma [Bertrand et al., 1999], postdating the high-
magmatic flow foliation (Figure 5b). The deformation and temperature metamorphic and magmatic events.
metamorphism in the gneisses clearly have to be older than
the magmatic age of the biotite granite dike (M33) which is 6.5. Pliocene-Quaternary Volcanism (6 –0 Ma)
59.5 ± 0.9 Ma. Other evidence for Paleocene metamorphism [50] Three major calc-alkaline stratovolcanoes occur at
includes the 58 ± 1 Ma inherited component to the K- Mounts Loimye, Popa and Taungthonlon in central Burma
feldspar + sillimanite + biotite + tourmaline orthogneiss at (Figure 2). Latest Miocene – Pliocene latites, rhyodacites
Kyanigan. Protolith rocks could include Carboniferous and ignimbrites are interbedded with arenaceous sediments
slates, Permian-Triassic limestones, and Triassic, Jurassic and overlain by Pleistocene to Recent basaltic andesites and
and early Cretaceous granites and granodiorites. pyroclastic flows at Mount Popa [Stephenson and Marshall,
1984]. The composition and geochemistry of these lavas
6.3. Late Eocene – Oligocene Metamorphism suggest that magmas were derived from hydrous melting
[47] Considerable geochronological evidence now exists above an oceanic subduction zone. This has major impli-
to support a late Eocene – Oligocene phase of metamor- cations for the Burma seismic zone, along which deep
phism that lasted at least from 37 to 29 Ma and possibly as earthquakes down to depths of 250 km have been recorded
long as 45 to 24 Ma (Figure 9). The K-feldspar augen gneiss underlying central Burma [Ni et al., 1989]. It remains
from Kyanigan gives a metamorphic age of 37.4 ± 1.3 Ma unclear how far north the old oceanic lithosphere extends

19 of 24

Figure 9. Time chart showing all U-Th-Pb age data from Burma. Our ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS
data (crosses) and SHRIMP ages (squares) of Barley et al. [2003] are compared with the U-Pb data from
the NW Thailand metamorphic core complexes [Dunning et al., 1995; Barr et al., 2002] and U-Pb ages
from granites along the Red River Shear zone in Yunnan and Vietnam (age data from Schärer et al.
[1994], Zhang and Schärer [1999], Gilley et al. [2003], and Chung et al. [1997, 2005]). Timing of
shearing along the Red River shear zone is from Searle [2006].

beneath the Bay of Bengal but if the Burma seismic zone is (Figure 9). The Doi Inthanon complex has protolith
an active subducting slab of oceanic lithosphere, it must Pb/238U zircon ages of circa 211 ± 4 Ma and 203 ±
extend northeast across eastern Bangladesh. 4 Ma from 2-mica K-feldspar orthogneisses, reflecting the
original ‘‘I-type’’ plutonism, and monazite ages of 84 ± 2
and 72 ± 1 Ma, interpreted to represent timing of peak
7. Wider Tectonic Implications metamorphism [Dunning et al., 1995]. The Doi Suthep
7.1. Northwest Thailand orthogneiss near Chiang Mai has U-Pb zircon and monazite
ages of 40.0 ± 0.5 Ma, interpreted as the age of metamor-
[51] Metamorphic core complexes in NW Thailand have
phism and mylonitization [Barr et al., 2002]. The youngest
similar lithologies and age relationships to the MMB
magmatic phase in NW Thailand appears to be the Mae

Figure 10. Time chart comparing all the published U-Th-Pb age data from the southern margin of the Asian plate. The
Lhasa block of southern Tibet does not expose deep crustal metamorphic rocks, but the along-strike rocks from the Hindu
Kush and Karakoram are compared to those of the Mogok belt in Burma.

20 of 24

Figure 10

21 of 24

Klang biotite granite – leucogranite which has 206Pb/238U from sillimanite gneisses in the Hunza Karakoram [Fraser
zircon and monazite age of 26.8 ± 0.5 Ma [Dunning et al., et al., 2001], and our pre-59 Ma Paleocene metamorphic
1995], similar to the youngest tourmaline leucogranite from event in the Mogok belt might suggest that initial India-Asia
Kyanigan in Burma. The geology of NW Thailand seems to collision (50 Ma [Zhu et al., 2005]) and the crustal
have an overall analogous evolution to that of the MMB thickening that followed was earlier than previously
with older Triassic (211 – 203 Ma), Jurassic and Early thought. Alternatively, this Paleocene metamorphic event
Cretaceous, mainly I-type granites overprinted by strong was unconnected to India-Asia collision. Postcollision Mio-
metamorphism up to sillimanite grade and ductile deforma- cene metamorphism and crustal melting known from the
tion during the Late Cretaceous (84 –72 Ma) and also during MMB is also apparent from across the southern Karakoram
the late Eocene – early Miocene (40–21 Ma). [Parrish and Tirrul, 1989; Schärer et al., 1990; Fraser et
al., 2001] and sporadically along the Hindu Kush range in
7.2. Red River Shear Zone, Yunnan and Vietnam Pakistan [Hildebrand et al., 1998].
[52] Interesting comparisons can also be made father
afield to exhumed metamorphic rocks along the Red River 8. Conclusions
shear zone in Yunnan and North Vietnam (Figure 9). Older
Triassic metamorphic rocks have been exhumed along the [54] Our field and structural data, combined with thermo-
Red River fault zone with regional garnet growth and barometry and U-Th-Pb geochronology, indicate that the
metamorphism during the Oligocene – early Miocene (34 – MMB represents a middle to lower crustal section exhumed
21 Ma [Gilley et al., 2003]) and overprinted in metamorphic during the Tertiary by compressional deformation, prior to
core complexes away from the fault at around 26 Ma [Nagy dextral strike-slip motion along the Sagaing fault. The
et al., 2000]. An important phase of metamorphism and Burma microplate was probably continuous northward to
localized leucogranite melting occurred between 35 and the Lhasa block, which formed the southern margin of the
22 Ma [Schärer et al., 1990, 1994; Zhang and Schärer, Asian plate with semicontinuous Andean, I-type magma-
1999]. Alkali granites in North Vietnam (FanSiPan granite) tism (diorite-granodiorite-granite magmatism and associated
have a U-Pb age of 35 Ma and are related to a regional high- calc-alkaline andesitic volcanism) from at least Early Juras-
alkali magmatic event producing hornblende syenites and sic to Early Cretaceous time. Calc-alkaline magmatism in
volcanics across central Tibet, Yunnan, Laos and North the Lhasa block probably extended from the Early Creta-
Vietnam. This may be related more to a very large scale ceous to circa 50 Ma, the timing of India-Asia collision,
Tibetan-type mantle anomaly during the period 40– 30 Ma whereas similar I-type magmatism in the MMB extends as
[Chung et al., 1997, 2005], which may have extended west far back as the Middle Jurassic (circa 170 Ma [Barley et al.,
to Burma. Searle [2006] suggested that all the metamorphic 2003]). These granites can all be linked to the northward
complexes along the Ailao Shan– Red River shear zone in subduction of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere beneath the
Yunnan and Vietnam were formed prior to left-lateral southern margin of the Asian landmass prior to the collision
shearing along the Red River fault, and only the younger of India during the early Eocene.
Ar-Ar ages might be related to transpressional exhumation [55] A significant phase of I-type granitoid magmatism
and uplift. We suggest that metamorphism along both the along the Mogok belt has been dated at Middle Jurassic to
Red River and Sagaing faults is prestrike-slip shearing and Early Cretaceous time (171 – 120 Ma; Kyanigan augen
cannot be directly related to strike-slip generated shear gneiss protolith, Mandalay hills, and Yebokson granodior-
heating as proposed by Leloup et al. [2001] and Lacassin ites and Yepanung-Kalaw hornblende granodiorites [Barley
et al. [1997]. et al., 2003]). Regional metamorphism, migmatization,
biotite granite sill injection and ductile deformation in the
7.3. South Asian Margin Belin and Kyaukse areas occurred prior to 59.4 Ma, the age
of the crosscutting Belin dike. This metamorphic episode
[53] The geological location of the MMB is analogous to occurred before the early Eocene India-Asia collision. A
the Lhasa Block and Karakoram – Hindu Kush terranes second, postcollisional high-grade sillimanite metamorphic
along the southern margin of the Asian plate. Although event occurred between 37 and 29 Ma and may have lasted
few metamorphic complexes are exposed in the Lhasa as long as 47– 24 Ma, when metamorphic zircon over-
block, the Karakoram and Hindu Kush terranes have been growths and metamorphic monazites crystallized. Localized
well mapped and there are numerous U-Th-Pb ages from partial melting resulted in in situ tourmaline + garnet
metamorphic and magmatic rocks (Figure 10). The MMB leucogranite melt pods (24.5 ± 0.7 Ma) and crosscutting
mirrors the thermal chronology of the Karakoram and garnet, muscovite + biotite leucogranite dikes (45.5 ±
Hindu Kush in several ways. The precollisional granodio- 0.6 Ma). Right-lateral motion on the Sagaing fault must
ritic rocks from the MMB [Barley et al., 2003] have similar have initiated after circa 22 Ma and probably after 16 Ma by
Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ages as similar rocks in the which time the MMB had cooled through 350°C (the
Karakoram [Searle et al., 1990; Fraser et al., 2001] and nominal 40Ar/39Ar muscovite closure temperature). These
Hindu Kush [Desio, 1964; Gaetani et al., 1996; Hildebrand data strongly suggest that shear heating on the Sagaing fault
et al., 2001]. Paleocene metamorphism in the MMB as cannot be responsible for metamorphism and melting within
recorded by our age data here mirrors that in the Karakoram the MMB.
[Fraser et al., 2001]. A U-Pb monazite age of 63.3 ± 0.4 Ma

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[56] Striking similarities exist in the structural, metamor- [57] Acknowledgments. This work was carried out using NERC
grant NER/K/S/2000/951 to M.P.S. and a NERC Isotope Geosciences grant
phic, magmatic and temporal evolution of the MMB and to M.P.S. and S.R.N. We are grateful to Myint Naing Win and Myint Thein
‘‘core complexes’’ in northwestern Thailand suggesting that Htay for field assistance and San Myint and KoKo Than for logistics, and
these two areas may be genetically linked. Ivanhoe Myanmar Holdings Ltd. We thank Mark Barley and Bert Bally for
discussions and Claude Rangin and Manuel Pubellier for insightful reviews.
Thanks also Vanessa Pashley to Adrian Wood of NIGL for assistance with laser
ablation mass spectrometry and sample preparation. NIGL publication 848.

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