Your Water Connection Journey: A Step by Step Guide To Help You Get Connected

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Your water

A step by step guide
to help you get connected
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Your water
connection How will I work with you to
journey get my new water connection?
We’ll work closely together to Throughout your journey you’ll
each complete different tasks. see the ‘Your task’ and ‘Our task’
This is because Water Industry colours. These will guide you on
We’re on hand every step of the way in legislation dictates what work we who does what, and when.
your new water connection journey. can or can’t do on your land and
also holds us both responsible to Your Our
Here’s a handy guide to keep you on track. task task
ensure water quality standards are
maintained for your health and
safety. Rest assured, we’re here to
support you, from Step 1 to Step 5.

Apply Evaluate Construct Check Complete

How long will my water

connection take to complete?
Quick information This depends on how quickly you It also depends on the type of
If you’re installing a new water connection to be supplied are able to complete your tasks. connection you require and the
by a recently laid water main, for example on a housing We can’t make your water location of your water connection.
estate, jump to Step 3: Construct connection until you have More information on time scales
completed some of your tasks. can be found in this guide.

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Register Make an application Check application

• Set up an account on your • Once logged in, complete • We’ll check your
online portal InFlow. an application for a water application to make sure
connection. we’ve understood your
• If you’ve already set up an
• The application takes around requirements and have
account, log in to InFlow to
15 minutes to complete. everything we need.
get started.
• If you don’t have internet • Please include as much
access, please give us a call information as possible
and we can help. so that we have a good
Timescales to
understanding of your
project and time scales.
check your application

Regulatory timescale:
What is InFlow? 5 calendar days
InFlow is your online portal.
Here you can apply and pay online, have
real-time visibility of your connection
journey and review and track progress.
You’ll receive updates from our team, Anglian Water:
upload and download documents and No later than 4 calendar days
Your Our
action work through InFlow. task task

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Evaluate What is a Make payment
Project survey?
Legally we’re unable to work on your • Once you’re happy with your
A land, so we need you to lay some of survey and cost information,
the external pipework first. make payment.
Project Survey & cost This pipework runs from your
project up to a location we’ve
We’ll complete your survey agreed with you in your project
and cost information. survey (usually at the highway Your pipework
We’ll provide guidance on:
boundary). This is your supply pipe. and our pipework
We’ll then lay a pipe from our water
• The pipework you
main (normally in the road) to meet
need to lay. the external pipework you or your
• How to lay your contractor have laid. We’ll also
pipework. install an external stop tap.
• The cost of the work. Your Surveyor will explore all
external pipework location options
• How long it will take us to
with you and provide you with the
complete our part of your
most cost effective solution for
water connection.
your project.

Timescales to complete project survey & cost

Anglian Water
28 28 calendar days
7 7 calendar days
Your Our
task task

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Lay your pipework Arrange a
pipework check What’s a
• Using the guidance provided, • Find out How to lay your pipework check?
• Once you have laid your
lay your external pipework ready pipework. The Water Supply (Water Fittings)
external pipework, book in
to meet our water main. Regulations 1999 are a legal
your pipework check. We
• This will be from your project requirement to ensure water
need to check that it is safe
to the location provided in your quality is kept safe. They’re similar
and ready for connection.
Project survey. in nature to Building Regulations
• We can complete your and Gas Regulations.
check either by coming to They include information on how
see you, or using our video underground pipework and internal
Do you need a water connection for? plumbing must be installed.

Did you know?

If you use one of our approved contractors to lay your external
pipework, you’ll get a discount. You also don’t need to arrange
A non-residential Fire protection Field use Any property with a pipework check - we’ll move straight to Step 3D instead.
property (troughs, agriculture water reuse systems
and recreation) (eg. rainwater harvesting)

We’ll need to make additional This is because the type of plumbing

checks on your plumbing or fittings. you are installing is classed as higher
This is in addition to your external risk to water quality. We’ll provide
pipework check. bespoke guidance for your project at
Your Our
Step 2A on what we’ll be checking. task task

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Complete Before we connect... Make water
pipework check connection
• We’ll complete your pipework After your external pipework • If your external pipework is
check with you. These checks check looks safe, we may need safe, we’ll be in touch to let
will take approximately 20 you to chlorinate your external you when we’ll make your
pipework. This stops contaminates
minutes. water connection.
entering the water supply when
• We’ll be looking at the we make your water connection. IMPORTANT, please read about
external pipework that you Don’t worry, not every water Average connection timescales.
have laid from your project connection requires this!
to the location in your
Appoint a retailer
Project survey.
If your water connection is for a Timescales to
• If we need you to make any
non-residential property, or for
adjustments, we’ll talk you a temporary build supply, you’ll
complete your water
through how to make them. need to appoint a retailer who connection
you’ll pay your water bill to at this
point. Traffic sensitive project
months 3 months
Timescales to
complete external
pipework check 14
Most projects
days 14 calendar days
7 calendar days

Video call or
we’ll come to
see you

Your Our
task task

Call: 0345 60 66 087 • Email:

After we’ve connected Connection for a house
or multi-occupancy Connection for a
temporary build supply?
Once we’ve made your connection, we’ll reinstate the area to its original
condition within 3 days. The amount of water you’ll receive will be slightly
different depending on the type of water connection you need.


• If you’re installing a new • You’ll receive a full flow of

water connection, you’ll water and a water meter will
receive a small flow of water be fitted.
to test the internal fixtures
Your journey ends here – no
and fittings such as showers
need to move to Steps 4 & 5!
and toilets.
Please move to Step 4 & 5.
Connection for a non-
residential property or


are installing bespoke

• Where you’re replacing an plumbing?
existing water connection, (fire protection, field use, water reuse)
you’ll receive a full flow of
water. We’ll fit a water meter
if you’ve requested one.
Your journey ends here – no • You may or may not receive a
need to move to Steps 4 & 5! flow of water. Your engineer
will agree this with you.
You may or may not need to
move to Step 4 & 5.

Your Our
task task

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A Complete
Complete fixtures & fittings
Arrange a fixtures check Complete fixtures check
• Install your internal fixtures

and fittings in places such as • Once your internal • We’ll complete your fittings

bathrooms, toilets, kitchens appliances are installed, check with you. These checks
Fit water meter
and utility rooms. book in your fixtures and will take approximately 30
• Take a look at How to install fittings check. We need to minutes. 
see that they have been • If your fixtures and fittings
your fixtures and fittings. • We’ll be looking at all internal
installed safely, ready for look safe, we’ll fit a water
• If your property is higher risk, fixtures and fittings, and
your meter fit and full flow meter, allowing a full flow of
your engineer will have given some external appliances
of water. water into the property.
you bespoke guidance for such as outside taps.
• We’ll leave you with a
your plumbing and fittings. • If we need you to make any
Welcome to your new
adjustments, we’ll talk you
property guide with
through how to make them.
Did you know? information on how to set up
What’s an If you use one of our approved a new customer account with
plumbers to install your fixtures Anglian Water.
internal fixtures and
fittings check?
and fittings you’ll get a discount. Timescales
You also don’t need to arrange a
to complete your
Similar to your external pipework fixtures check*.
check, we need to check all fixtures check
Sorry - this doesn’t apply to projects
internal plumbing to make sure that are non-residential or are installing
bespoke plumbing.
water quality remains safe.
Project visit
7 calendar days
Your Our
task task

Call: 0345 60 66 087 • Email:

Call: 0345 60 66 087 • Email:
For further information
Please contact our water connections team
if you have any further questions about
your water connection journey.

Call: 0345 60 66 087


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