2248652-Defending The Chosen

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Introduction of Series

I’m Justin Blasdel, and I thank you for reading my works.

This particular series is all about mini-campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons 5th
Edition. Each mini-campaign is numbered, and that number is meant to be the level
of character it is designed for. “1st of 20” is meant for Level 1 Characters. It goes all
the way to 20, so your DM can continue the series as if it is one long campaign.
I will admit that each mini-campaign was not designed to give enough XP to
level the characters up after completion. The focus was to make complete missions.
So, if you do run through all 20, it will have to be based on the milestone system.
Also, each one has homebrewed NPCs and items, as well as references to official
NPCs from official D&D books.
There is a loose storyline for the series. They are based on the Forgotten
Realms universe, and they start at the Flooded Forest in the South and end in the
Northern end of the Border Forest. The descriptions of each location will be based on
a location in the Forgotten Realms, but feel free to rewrite them as necessary.
These mini-campaigns are meant to be a few things. One, you can use them to
help level up your Players’ Characters. Two, they provide a nice detour from a long-
lasting campaign. Three, they offer a chance to still play a game when one or more
Players are absent. Four, they can be a stand-alone series for an exciting and diverse
When I playtested the series with my friends at Game Portal in Mountain
Home, Arkansas, I had a plethora of different Players. Sometimes I’d only have two,
and once I even had to accommodate eight. One week I’d all physically built
characters, and the next I’d have all magic wielders. I had one or two character deaths,
but I never TPK’d the party. This series is meant to be fun. Dangerous, but not
certainly lethal in the right circumstances.
Feel free to change them up to your preferences and the group’s needs. D&D
is meant to be played. As long as everyone has fun, that’s the right way to play. If
you have any questions for me, or spot a few errors, feel free to contact me. And of
course, please rate the mini-campaigns. I need all the publicity I can get.

Copyright Information: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms,
the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League,
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. - is material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
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Mini-Campaign Fifteen
Defending the Chosen
Story Summary for Storytellers

Going Northward from the old city of Phlan, the party travels along the
Zhentilar Trail that continues to the West of the Dragonspine Mountains. Though
Zenthil Keep would have been a natural place to search for work, the sundered city
offered little more than beggars and tight-fisted politicians. The dwellers there
warned that along Dragonspire Mountains, the drow regularly attack the settlements
and abduct people. Those unfortunate souls are then taken underground, where they
work as slaves.
As the party continues Northward, the climate changes to dry and very cool. It
is not the season of snowfall, but that time is not too far off. After a week of travel,
the party can see a small city with very high stone walls. A Perception check reveals
that the cottages and farmlands have been recently razed. Most likely, the city was
attacked last night. As the party rides towards the city, there are villagers trying to
gather what remains of their lost property.
The gates are open, and a few guards ask the party to state their business.
After the party reveals that they are looking for work, the guards lead the party to the
Seneschal Douzzogin Shadowhead. She is a female dwarf in charge of the border city
Boramahl. The city has the size and population of a village, but the castle and walls
were built to withstand major assaults.
Douzoggin informs the party that a band of drow warriors attacked last night.
The drow don’t usually attack during this season, nor do the usually attack so
brazenly. However, the drow abducted 50 or so citizens. Seneschal Douzzogin can
offer 5,000GP for the retrieval of the citizens. She believes that most of them should
be alive, being that the drow always abduct people to turn them into slaves. However,
if less than half are alive, she will only pay 2,500GP.
The party then tracks the small band of drow warriors. At night, they come
upon an encampment, which is holding a total of 45 human and dwarf slaves at it’s
edges. In the center is a few tents, one which is marked with many dark symbols.
The party attacks, and they must fight 5 drow soldiers, a mage by the name of Magus
Illussess Granec, and 4 Coo-Ettins. After doing so, they find that one teenage girl was
being kept hostage in the main tent. Her name is Kine Fisk. She is adorned with gold
necklaces, fine silks, and an jeweled crown. If the party can read Elvish, there are
many scrolls laid upon a cover. There are too many to read quickly, but after many
hours, they reveal the girl to be a foretold source of dark magic.
The party returns to Boramahl at dusk, and they are paid in full (if they
managed not to kill too many citizens). The local Cleric of Berronar Truesilver,
Tundrid Lavagrip, reads the scrolls and examines the girl. She sees that the fates has
deemed the girl to bear much power when she comes of age, but she is not destined to
be evil. She completely believes the drow will return in full force to retrieve the girl.
Seneschal Douzzogin orders everyone to retreat inside the city walls, and
offers to pay the party to stay to help defend the city. The next night, shouting can be

heard in the distance. An army of 500 drow warriors marches down the road towards
Boramahl. Seneschal Douzzogin knows that the people are safe behind the wall, so
she does not worry. At this time, a Redeemed Drider stands before the army and
motions for attack. After running at full sprint to arrive at the city walls, the Drider
climbs the walls and then uses a magic wand to cast Shatter.
If any spot of the wall has Shatter cast upon it three times, that part of the wall
falls. If the players manage to kill the Redeemed Drider, the drow army retreats. If
the wall shatters, they must kill the Redreemed Drider and 10 drow soldiers. If they
are victorious, Seneschal Douzzogin orders Tundrid Lavagrip to bring the girl back to
Zenthil Keep (if the walls fall). It is there where Kine Fisk might be better protected,
or at least transported elsewhere. The survivors of the attack also leave for Zenthil
Keep. If the wall does not fall, then Tundrid stays along with Kine.
To the party member who gave the killing blow to the Redeemed Drider, Kine
Fisk touches them and gives them a magical boon. That individual now understands
Sylvan, gets Darksight 60ft, and gains Fey Ancestry (if they didn’t have it before). If
they had all three of these abilities already, then they gain the ability to cast Summon
Demon without any components needed for a maximum of 1/Day.

Player’s Introduction

Beyond the protection of the civilized world, there are evils not wholly natural
in origin. There exists other, more evil forms of life and alien beliefs on how to
survive. Such lands are alien to those with a kind heart, and brave men find
themselves crouching their backs like frightened cats. These are not the lands of
light-bringing gods. These are the Dragonspire Mountains.
Though it does keep to its namesake, these Mountains hold many more
frightening creatures than dragons. Denizens of the dark creep up through the cracks
of deep caverns, and they greedily strike out at easy prey. Day is but a moment of
safety for the surface dwellers, and then it is quickly gone, leaving honest workers of
the land to be hunted like prey. These lands are not welcoming, not giving, and not
merciful. Had these mountains been barren of gold, silver, and precious stones, they
would have all together been abandoned. But…greed finds a way.

The party is travelling Northward on horseback along the Zhentilar Trail,

which curves around the far Eastern reaches of the Dragonspire Mountains. To the
East of this path lies the Border Forest, and to the North is the grassy plains of the
Ride. The weather begins to grow dry and cold, as the path leads upwards in
elevation. The few trees and bushes in the are are coniferous, and everything else is
covered in short grass. The land is arable, but only after much backbreaking tilling.
While this area is not particularly hospitable, there is a main trail that leads to
the gold trade. Dwarves have claimed much of the territory, and their cities dig deep
within the ground to strike at thick veins of gold. The gold is smelted, purified, and
then sent southward to be minted as gold coins. Because of the gold, many supplies
and people migrate upwards towards these dangerous mountains.
The Dragonspire Mountains is known for two legendary red dragons, who
deem the whole range as their joint territory. However, those beasts are rarely seen.
What is seen much more are roaming bands of orcs, and organized military strikes by
the drow. Both attack the settlements relentlessly. The orcs attack to steal supplies
and resources. The drow attack to get slaves.
The drow abduct many surface dwellers throughout the year. They take them
underground to mine the mountains, or to build underground structures. It is almost a
certain death, or at least a very bleak existence. The cities and villages of the area
plead with nearby cities to defend the gold trade, but to no avail. All the nearby cities
are weakened for one reason or another, and they dare not risk their protection by
sending away their armies.
So, both gold and slaves are profitable markets, and will seemingly remain to
be for the future.
Zhentil Keep is the last large city before the path begins. It is here were the
party is able to purchase goods for their travels. Zhentil Keep itself would seem like a
good place for adventures, had it not been recently sacked by a convergence of many
orc tribes. Now all that remains are beggars and tight-fisted politicians. The only
place to make money is along the trail.
If the party wishes to stock up on supplies, this is where they may do so.
Common Items are easily obtainable. Uncommon Items are much harder to come by.
The party may make an Investigation check at DC 15. Success reveals a small shop
with a city guard at its door. It is a collection of herbs and artifacts, and the owner is
Reid Heavyjaw.

Reid Heavyjaw, a mage dwarf, is middle-aged with a peg leg and a lame
disposition. His greatest weakness is gold, and he runs his business shrewdly. The
tighter he squeezes, the more gold he believes he’ll make.

Reid will be able to sell 6 healing potions for 50GP each, 3 greater healing
potions for 300GP each, and 1 superior healing potion for 3,000GP.

Once the party is ready, they begin their way along the Zhentilar Trail. For a
week, the party continues along the trail with a few interesting sights. There are many
small villages which have been build very closely to the trail. The further North the
party travels, the more and more they see burned down remnants of villages that once
were. If they choose to investigate, they make make a Survival check at DC 14.
Success reveals that the attackers were orcs. Multiple rolls along the way will give no
consistent timeline of the attacks. Some are days old. Others are months.
Eventually, at about mid-morning, they see a city in the distance. It is a
fortified castle with farmlands stretching out from it. A Perception check at DC 17
will reveal a few miles away that the farmlands were very recently razed. Some
buildings are still smoking, yet the castle remains untouched. When the party is
closer, they can see this much more clearly.
The people of the fields are digging through their burnt houses. Some are
looking for valuables, and others are looking for dead. If the party asks what
happened, the villagers respond with “Damn drow slave traders!” This is the border
city Boramahl, and it is the last city before the hidden dwarven cities further in the
mountains. Because of this, it gets hit randomly throughout the spring and summer
seasons, and the drow steal many individuals for the slave trade.
When the party reaches the city, the doors are wide open. Two guards move
towards the adventurers and ask them to state their business. As soon as the party
reveals they are looking for adventuring jobs, the guards guide the party into the city.
Inside, the buildings are very thin and build upwards along the 60ft high walls. There

is not much commerce here, other than for the gold exchange and related vaults.
Today, such places are locked down and closed for business, which is customary for
the day after an attack.
Eventually, the guards lead the party to the Law House where the Seneschal
Douzzogin Shadowhead can be seen listening to advisors detail the crop losses.

Seneschal Douzzogin Shadowhead, a female dwarf knight, is a very self-

controlled leader. She realizes that everyone lives in a constant state of dread, and
that leads to everyone being stressed and anxious. She tries to keep herself calm and
as direct as possible. If someone tries to test her resolve, she simply leaves them.

The guards announce to the Seneschall Shadowhead that adventurers are here
to save the abducted. Everyone in the hall applauds the group. Seneschal
Shadowhead ask them to come forth and retell of their greatest feats. After listening,
she considers if they are up to the task. An Insight check at DC 20 reveals that she is
grinding her teeth at the mention of cost. She says that if the party is able to return
twenty-six of the over fifty abducted citizens, she will pay them a total of 5,000GP.
If less than that but above ten are returned, she will pay 2,500GP. Less than ten will
only be 500GP.
These are her terms, and she is not willing to negotiate. She has no magical
items to spare, nor any healing potions. However, she offers the healing services of
the Cleric Tundrid Lavagrip once they return. After the party signs the contract, they
may leave as soon as they wish.
The only structure within Boramahl that is not related to gold, crops, or the
law is the religious Sanctuary of Berronar Truesilver. If the party decides to visit,
they will see a young dwarven woman sewing together torn shirts.

Tundrid Lavagrip, a young female dwarf acolyte, is unusually quiet in words

and in movement. She is a careful listener, and she only gives advice if it’s offered.
She believes people are wanting to heal their own wounds, but they need other people
to talk to in order to do so. She is more than happy to be patient to watch such things

Tundrid is immediately able to guess that the party is adventurers here to

reclaim the lost citizens. She thanks them for their work, even if they are being paid
for it. The party may ask her questions, but she isn’t able to answer anything beyond
the fact that a band of less than twenty attacked the city. She tried to fight them, but
she realized it was a loosing battle. She had to retreat behind the walls. She explains
that there were drow soldiers, coo-ettins, and a mage. She does think it’s odd that the
drow would come for slaves out of the usual season and that they attacked the city
directly, but she hasn’t been able to determine why they did.

* For a full description of my Homebrew creation of coo-ettins, please go to the end

of this document.

She will offer to pray to Berronar Truesilver (the dwarven goddess known as
the “Peacemaker”) only if the party requests it.

Once the party decides to leave, one of the guards goes with them for a mile.
He acts as a guide to where the drow were last seen going. At that point, he returns to
Boramhal and wishes them good luck.
The direction leads to a deep path winding within the crag of two large
mountains. A Survival check at DC 15 will reveal that the drow and slaves
definitely went into the crag. If the player rolled higher than a 20, they also know
that the drow moved at top speed. A History check at DC 14 will reveal that the
drow are weaker during the daylight, and they might be trying to move as quickly as
possible to have safety during the day. This suggests that the drow are not
underground yet.
If the party travels at top speed, they will arrive at the drow camp near Sunset.
Within the crag, there is no direct light, but 5 drow soldiers and the 1 drow mage are
asleep. There are 4 coo-ettins keeping watch as they are half asleep, and the still
living 44 commoners are in the center. If they do not hurry and keep a look out for
attacks, then they reach the drow camp just as all the NPCs are waking up.

*Please refer to the Drow Camp map.

If the party does not arrive early, the drow soldiers, drow mage, and the coo-
ettins are preparing for departure. They are packing up their tents, checking on the
horses, and hassling the villagers with threats of violence.
The coo-ettins do not drop an loot, but the drow soldiers drop 2d6 SP and the
drow mage drops 5d6 GP.

After the party defeats the drow forces, they can investigate the large tent
painted in symbols in more detail. Inside, there are many scrolls laid upon a silk
cover on the ground, and a human girl who is adorned with gold necklaces and a
silver crown that adds up to a total of 250GP. The girl is just about thirteen, blonde
hair, blue eyes, and she has a very cold stare. If she is talked to, she reveals her name
to be Kine Fisk and that she is an orphan. However, she refuses to talk more. If the
party rolls Intimidation or Empathy at DC 20, Kine will reveal that she has
nightmares about darkness and spiders, and that the drow mage called Magus
Illussess Granec kept saying that she was “chosen”.
If the party can read Elvish, they can study Magus Illussess’ scrolls at a
Investigation check at DC 14, which will take a few hours. Success reveals that the
specifics of Kine’s dreams foretells that the girl to be touched by darkness. She is
fated to be a powerful wizard and scion of Lolth’s powers. If the party uses spells to
detect any magic on Kine, they reveal she is still a normal human teenage girl.

(If the party decides to kill Kine Fisk, she is considered a commoner and will
die easily. The drow will follow the party back to Boramahl and vow to raze the city
out of revenge in the name of their lost divine-touched.)

When the party returns to Boramahl, the city rejoices in the return of their
citizens. Depending on how many survived the rescue, Seneschal Douzzogin
Shadowhead pays the appropriate amount of GP. Douzzogin asks the party what
they found among the drow, possibly to answer the question as to why the drow
abducted citizens at the wrong time of year. If they tell her about Kine Fisk and the

beliefs of Magus Illusses, Douzzogin immediately heads for the council of Cleric
Tundrid Lavagrip.
Tundrid is more than willing to help, and she is troubled that evil has come for
such a young girl. Tundrid has the girl sit down in the center of the Sanctuary of
Berronar Truesilver. Tundrid sits down across from her, and the two pray to Berronar.
After ten minutes, Tundrid gasps and lets go of Kine. She claims Berronar Truesilver
gave her a vision of the girl’s future, which was full of darkness and bloody warfare.
Kine is indeed destined for power, and if the drow capture her, she will become a
powerful wizard for the forces of evil.
Tundrid still believes there is hope for Kine, and she swears to devote her life
to the protection and education of Kine. If the party suggests killing Kine, Tundrid
will swear that she will sacrifice herself to protect the innocent. Tundrid also believes
that the drow will come for the girl, and that Boramahl will be attacked the next night.

(If the party killed Kine Fisk, Tundrid instead receives visions on her own
about how an army of Drow will march to Boramahl and slay the ones who slayed the
‘chosen one’.)

Believing in Tundrid, Seneschal Douzzogin Shadowhead will give orders to

fortify the city. She is completely confident that no one will be able to infiltrate the
city, for the walls of Boramahl have never been breached. She believes the drow will
wear themselves out, and that the resulting loss will weaken the slave trader’s army.
Though Douzzogin is not sure about Kine Fisk, she sees this as an opportunity.
Douzzogin offers the party 500GP to stay and fight.
The party has a day to prepare. Tundrid Lavagrip will heal any wounds that
are not relieved after a long rest. She will also keep Kine closely with her, and she is
going to barricade the Sanctuary from the inside at dusk.

At dusk, there are a total of 20 dwarven scouts posted along the castle walls of
Boramahl. They are keenly watching the horizon for any sign of the drow. The air is
tense, but everyone believes in the strength of the walls. The greatest number of
forces that attacked Boramahl were 100, and the city survived. There is a feeling of
impending victory, until they hear the noise.
The party can make a Perception check at DC 15. Success reveals that the
noise is shouting from a large number of people in the distance. When they make it
up to the city walls and look outwards, those with darksight can make a Perception
roll at DC 17. Success reveals that an army of about 500 drow soldiers are very
loudly marching their way towards Boramahl. The 20 dwarven scouts, plus the 30
volunteer commoners within the city all move towards the wall facing the incoming
When the army is about 610 feet away, they halt and repeat a drow elven war
chant. Eventually, a redeemed drider makes its way to the front of the army.

* For a full description of my Homebrew creation of redeemed drider, please

go to the end of this document.

The redeemed drider does not make a sound. Instead, it raises its hands in the
air, and all the drow soldiers prepare their bows. When it lowers it’s arms, all of the
bows are fired. The party may hide behind the walls for full coverage. If they do so,

they are not immediately hit by the incoming arrows. This is also the time when the
redeemed drider begins to rush towards Boramahl.
It will be able to travel 100ft per turn through the use of it’s ability spider leap.
If a party member decides to attack, they will possibly be hit by the flying arrows of
the drow soldiers.

*Shooting at the redeemed drider will open the party member to attack, which will be
three attacks from a spy. The party members will receive half cover. If the party
member decides not to attack but are still hiding behind the wall, they receive one
attack attempt while under three-quarters cover. The reason this is not full cover is
because of the angles the drow archers are firing. The party may wish to hide
completely elsewhere.

Once the redeemed drider reaches the walls, it will be able to scale them in an
entire jump with it’s wand of shatter in hand. It will then immediately use the wand
to cast shatter upon the wall, which will grow cracks. If the redeemed drider is able
to cast shatter 3 times upon a single wall section, the wall will break and allow the
drow army to invade.

*Please refer to the end of this document for details about the wand of shatter.

*Please refer to the Boramahl city map for details.

A: Law House
B: Gold Treasury (Vault is protected by a complicated locking mechanism only
opened by the Seneschal’s Key; DC 28, 10,000GP in raw materials)
C: Sanctuary of Berronar Truesilver
D: City Household of Seneschal Douzzogin Shadowhead
E: Household of Inner City Dwellers
F: Official Offices and Practices (such as the Doctor and Scribe)
G: Tavern/Market
H: Lead Farming Family Housing
I: Blacksmith and Tanner

1-13: Sections of the stone wall.

If the redeemed drider is successfully attacked after casting shatter, it will

move to a new wall location. If the wall falls, then the party must attack the
redeemed drider and 10 drow soldiers at a time.

If the party managed to kill the redeemed drider without any walls falling, the
drow army retreats. Boramahl is saved, and the people rejoice. Tundrid Lavagrip
believes the Sanctuary is a safe enough place for Kine, and she will train the girl in
the way of purity and goodness.
If the wall fell, then the drow army only retreats after the redeemed drider is
killed. In this scenario, half of the city’s population is dead. The remaining citizens,
along with Seneschal Douzzogin Shadowhead, prepare to travel and seek refuge in

Zhentil Keep. Tundrid Lavagrip will bring Kine with her and hope to find a safe
enough refuge for the cursed girl.

Before the party leaves, Kine Fisk walks up to the party member who gave the
killing blow to the Redeemed Drider. She touches them and gives them a magical
boon. That individual now understands Sylvan (if they didn’t before), gets Darksight
60ft (if they didn’t have it before), and gains Fey Ancestry (if they didn’t have it
before). If they had all three of these abilities already, then they gain the ability to
cast summon demon without any components needed for a maximum of 1/Day.
Though Tundrid Lavagrip is troubled by this gift, she allows it as an act of


Appendix A: NPCs
Large Giant, Lawful Evil

Armor Class: 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 96 (12d10 + 30)
Speed: 40ft

STR: 21(+5) DEX: 8 (-1) CON: 17 (+3)

INT: 6 (-2) WIS: 10 (+0) CHA: 8 (-1)

Skills: Perception +8
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 18
Languages: Giant, Undercommon
Challenge: 4 (1,100XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Two Heads. The ettin has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving
throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the ettin has disadvantage on attack rolls, as
well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Wakeful. When one of the ettin's heads is asleep, its other head is awake.

Multiattack. The ettin makes two attacks: one with its warpick and one with its

Warpick. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5)
piercing damage.

Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5)
bludgeoning damage.

A stronger variant of their parent race, the Coo-Ettins are dwellers of the
underdark. Though brought there unnaturally by the Drow, the Coo-Ettin have
adapted to their surroundings through natural selection and cruel breeding programs.
While the first captured Ettins were rebellious beasts, the Coo-Ettins are domesticated
and subservient to their Drow masters.

Becoming Obedient. The Drow are well versed in the slave trades, and they have
experimented with the many surface-dwelling races for a long time. Occasionally,
they were fortunate enough to find an Ettin. A Queen of one city saw the potential of
having two-headed servants who never completely sleep, and so she ordered every
captured Ettin to be brought to her city for controlled breeding. Generations of Ettin
were thinned over centuries, until the obedient Coo-Ettins emerged.

Following Orders. Coo-Ettins abandoned their old weapons, and were given tools
more appropriate for the Underdark. They also adapted their senses to the darker
terrain, and their eyes and ears grew enormous. Unfortunately, they cannot see well
in the light, but it is considered to be a fair trade of abilities. Coo-Ettins are also
hardier than their parent race, but that’s because the Drow schedule more nutritious
meals for their favored slaves.

Band of Monsters. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of the Drow was to make
the Coo-Ettin cappable of working with their own kind. The Coo-Ettins willing group
together, and they protect and defend each other. Individual Coo-Ettins still bicker
with their own heads, but some traits can never be bred out.

Redeemed Drider
Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 22 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 204 (18d10 + 105)
Speed: 30ft, climb 30ft

STR: 24(+7) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 24 (+7)

INT: 13 (+1) WIS: 20 (+5) CHA: 16 (+3)

Saving Throws: WIS +10

Skills: Perception +10, Stealth +13
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Passive Perception 20
Languages: Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge: 15 (13,000XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +5

Superior Fey Ancestry. The drider is immune to being charmed, and magic can't put
the drider to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The drider's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
18), and spell attack modifier is +9. The drider can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:

At will: true strike, counterspell

1/short rest each (5th Spell Slot): banishment

Spider Climb. The drider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Spider Jump. The drider's jumping distances are tripled (long jump is a total of 72ft
and high jump a total of 30ft). The drider can jump as an action, and distances are not
restricted to the drider's full movement per turn, unless the drider performed the dash

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drider has disadvantage on attack rolls, as
well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Web Walker. The drider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.

Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one Large
or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the
restrained creature can make a DC 16 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a
success. The effect ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 10 hit

points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
psychic damage.

Multiattack. The drider makes three attacks, either with its sword legs or its spined
hair. It can replace one of those attacks with a bite attack, web attack, or cast a spell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (2d4) piercing
damage plus 17 (4d8) poison damage. Target must succeed on a Constitution Saving
Throw at a DC of 20. Failure means that the target is Poisoned.

Sword Legs. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d10 +
10) slashing damage plus 13 (2d8) poison damage.

Spined Hair. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9
(1d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 13 (2d8) poison damage.

Driders are the mutation of a Drow and Giant Spider, and they serve as
reminders of what happens when a Drow fails their goddess Lolth. Such creatures are
doomed to crawl in the caves of the Underdark forever, or until their eventual demise.
Sometimes such creatures see their state as a second chance, and they rise to the
challenge of regaining their goddess’ favor. Most fail, but occasionally, a drider
manages to perform an extraordinary feat in the name of Lolth. When they do, Lolth
‘forgives’ them and blesses them with even greater strength than before.

Forgiveness. Redeemed Driders (or simply, “The Redeemed”) wear the sign of Lolth
as a red symbol upon their abdomen. It is a bright, scarlet red, and the Redeemed bear
them with pride. The Drow no longer consider the Redeemed as low as slaves, but
they’re still not equals either. These monstrosities usually stand on the front lines of
battle. While their lives may not be as long lived as their former people, they can at
least die with honor.

Appendix B: Maps

Drow Camp Map (w/o grid)

Drow Camp Map (w/ grid)

Boramahl City Map (w/o grid)

Boramahl City Map (w/ grid)

Appendix C: Items
Wand of Shattering
Wand, rare

This wand has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its
charges and cast the spell shatter.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into dust and is destroyed.


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