2248652-Through A Darkend Forest

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Introduction of Series

I’m Justin Blasdel, and I thank you for reading my works.

This particular series is all about mini-campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons 5th
Edition. Each mini-campaign is numbered, and that number is meant to be the level
of character it is designed for. “1st of 20” is meant for Level 1 Characters. It goes all
the way to 20, so your DM can continue the series as if it is one long campaign.
I will admit that each mini-campaign was not designed to give enough XP to
level the characters up after completion. The focus was to make complete missions.
So, if you do run through all 20, it will have to be based on the milestone system.
Also, each one has homebrewed NPCs and items, as well as references to official
NPCs from official D&D books.
There is a loose storyline for the series. They are based on the Forgotten
Realms universe, and they start at the Flooded Forest in the South and end in the
Northern end of the Border Forest. The descriptions of each location will be based on
a location in the Forgotten Realms, but feel free to rewrite them as necessary.
These mini-campaigns are meant to be a few things. One, you can use them to
help level up your Players’ Characters. Two, they provide a nice detour from a long-
lasting campaign. Three, they offer a chance to still play a game when one or more
Players are absent. Four, they can be a stand-alone series for an exciting and diverse
When I playtested the series with my friends at Game Portal in Mountain
Home, Arkansas, I had a plethora of different Players. Sometimes I’d only have two,
and once I even had to accommodate eight. One week I’d all physically built
characters, and the next I’d have all magic wielders. I had one or two character deaths,
but I never TPK’d the party. This series is meant to be fun. Dangerous, but not
certainly lethal in the right circumstances.
Feel free to change them up to your preferences and the group’s needs. D&D
is meant to be played. As long as everyone has fun, that’s the right way to play. If
you have any questions for me, or spot a few errors, feel free to contact me. And of
course, please rate the mini-campaigns. I need all the publicity I can get.

Copyright Information: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms,
the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League,
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. - is material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
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Mini-Campaign Eleven
Through a Darkened Forest
Story Summary for Storytellers

Continuing from the Dalelands and into the Cormanthor forests, the party is
informed that the roads have been much more dangerous to travel than usual. The
reason for this is that the enigmatic city Myth Drannor is under siege by demonic
hordes once again. The city will most likely not fall, but the danger is never
completely gone. Most travelers have decided to flee for their lives, but the party
moves forward in search of fortune.
Eventually, they reach a small hunter/gatherer village by the name of Laon. It
is not accustomed to visitors, and the villagers all look at the party with suspicion. At
the tavern, the party meets an elder human named Koen Holten. He has lived in
Cormanthor, and he knows all the secret pathways towards safer destinations.
While following an overgrown path, angry storms brew above. By nightfall,
the rains begin and force the party to retire underneath a rock ledge. They set up
camp and wait out the storm, only to find that Koen Holten has naturally passed away
at nightfall. The path is easy enough to follow.
Another day of travel passes, and those who aren’t able to resist his charms
have dreams of Vyl: a mysterious fae spirit called a Guyreechdainn that’s able to hide
in people’s bodies. He talks to them telepathically, but only to express how much
they entertain him with their trivial mortal limitations.
The party moves on (if they don’t find a way to remove him), and find a small
travelling band of demon merchants. Luckily for the party, Vyl casts Seeming on
them, disguising them as arcanaloths. The babau merchants and their quasits are
more than happy to sell their wares to fellow fiends. They sell magical items at a very
low cost, but each item is cursed.
The party continues forth, and they eventually meet a guarding post of elvish
warriors. If the party is brandishing their cursed items, the elves see the party as
fiends and attack. If the party is able to persuade the elves that they are not fiends, or
if they ask the elves help in ridding themselves of the Guyreechdainn, the elves do
have a solution for both. Up ahead on the road, there is a magical pool by the name of
Clanea’s Grace. Those who bathe in it together are rid of any spiritual infestation.
However, there is a party of Muck Mocks (poisonous ogres) whom are trying to
poison it forever. If the party kills the Muck Mocks, they can bathe in Clanea’s Grace.
If the party kills the elves and doesn’t learn any of this, they will naturally pass by the
magical pool and have a chance to fight the Muck Mocks anyway.
Once the party bathes in Clanea’s Grace, the Guyreechdainn’s spell is broken.
It is forced out, but it is thankful for its brief time with the party. As thanks, it creates
three diamonds worth 1,000GP each as a gift. The party is now able to travel
unhindered through Cormanthor.

Player’s Introduction
Cormanthor, the “Home of Wild Dreams”, is a mysterious forest with one
root in the Material Plane and the others seeped in the Feywild. The cool air that
blows through the trees holds an electricity within it, and there only need be a curious
mortal to act as a lightning rod. Everything is alive, and much of it holds an alien
intelligence. Kicking a rock at a rat might seem innocent, but the Cormanthor forest
remembers every offense, no matter how insignificant.
Cormanthor has enemies as well, and currently the denizens of the Abyss are
sharpening their claws for war. Black ichor naturally wells up throughout the forest,
and from it spawns despair and cruelty. Demons crawl through these tears, and their
hunger for purity is relentless. Nightmares and Illusions go hand in hand in these
lands, and travelers would do best to ignore what they don’t wish to give life.

Travelling from the Dalelands towards Cormanthor, the party has been
interacting with refugees travelling Southward for safety. Myth Drannor, the fabled
city of the most regal High Elves in the lands, is currently under attack. The denizens
of the Abyss have managed to assemble their forces and are moving for war. Though
Myth Drannor has survived through worse, no one is every truly safe in such times.
Eventually, the party encounters what was a rend in the fabrics of reality. The
best explanation is that it looks like a tar pit had exploded in the middle of an
overgrown forest. Hot black liquid bubbles at the bottom of a crater in the soil. The
liquid has splattered over all nearby trees, and its poisonous qualities are already
causing the death of nearby foliage. At the corner of the pit, there is a path dug out by
what looks like to be hundreds of creatures. A Survival check DC 10 will reveal that
many creatures have made their way out of the pit. A follow up Arcana check DC
15 will reveal that the claw marks and length of the bodies would suggest humanoids
probably of a Fiendish nature. There is nothing else left behind.
The road was destroyed by the explosion and the escaping horde, but a side
path is easily found. After a few hours travel, the party reaches the hidden village of
Laon. It is built around a natural wellspring on the side of a rocky hillside. It’s
citizens are isolationists, and they don’t take too kindly to strangers. All the people
(half-elves) stop what they’re doing and observe the party. If asked about work, the
people will say there is no work available in Laon for adventurers. However, if asked
about safe travels through Cormanthor, they will tell the party to go to the tavern and
ask for a human named Koen Holten.
In the Tavern, Koen can be seen alone and nursing a beer.

Koen Holten, a human commoner, is a man who only shines when around
friends. On his own, he might as well be a bump on a sad, sad log. With others, his
face brightens, he slicks back his wild hair, and he smiles with his crooked teeth. He
welcomes anyone who would spend time with him, and he absolutely loves to travel
with companions.

Koen orders beers for the entire party, and he sits and listens to their stories
and troubles. He engages them and tries to keep them talking as long as possible.
When asked about traveling through Cormanthor, he happily offers his services. He’s
walked these woods since he was young, and he knows all the secret paths. He
charges 100GP for his services.

Since there are no rooms for the party, he offers them to share his tent outside
of Laon. The next day, they are off to travel safely through the forest. Or so the party
The party can make a Survival roll DC 15. Success reveals that the clouds
are coming and an will most likely rain. Koen doesn’t mind it and thinks it will pass
by. An hour later, the party can make a Survival roll DC 15 to make the same
observation, but with the added knowledge that the clouds will likely storm. If they
succeed, Koen finds a cave for them to sleep safely for the night. If they fail, they are
caught in the middle of a flash storm, and they must roll Acrobatics at DC 15 to keep
from having all their property soaked and washed away. Either way, they find a cave
to sleep away the storm.
The next morning, the party will eventually discover the body of Koen Holten.
A Medicine roll DC 16 will reveal that Koen died of natural causes. If they
Investigate his body at DC 10, they’ll find a map that shows a path towards a
location titled “Clanea’s Grace”. If they don’t find the map, the party can continue
down the worn down path they were following.
Near dusk, the party rolls Survival at DC 10 to find a nice place to set up
camp. Failure means no dry logs for a fire. When the party falls asleep, they all must
make a Charisma saving roll. The lowest roll means the Guyreechdainn chooses
that player to possess. That player must make a Charisma saving roll at DC 17.
Success means that the Guyreechdainn moves to the player with the next lowest
score. This will continue until the last player, who will automatically fail the roll.
The possessed player will have wild dreams of multiple location throughout
the universe: watching defective Modrons being broken by other Modrons, being a
Yuan-ti priestess who eats people whole, feeling the airflow from an angels wings as
they fly away, et cetera. When they wake up, they are telepathically spoken to by Vyl.

*For a full description of my Homebrew creation of the Guyreechdainn, please go to

the end of this document.

Vyl, a guyreechdainn, is an alien being from a world of interchanging

perceptions. His natural curiosity for experiences has brought him to many places,
and he is always looking for new ones. His abilities have kept him mostly safe
throughout his existence, and so he does not fear hardly anything. He is positive and
cheery, if impolite and annoyingly inquisitive.

Vyl speaks to the party incessantly. He doesn’t speak too much about his past
experiences, but he does not stop asking about every little thing the party experiences.
Unless they have the ability to magically expel Vyl, he stays within the possessed
character’s body. If the character is forced to 0HP, Vyl will try to body hop to a new
character. Whether or not the party is able to expel Vyl, they will do best to continue
down the path.
At one point, Vyl warns them about trouble up ahead. He senses the presence
of the Abyss. The players can make a Stealth roll at DC 15 to discover a traveling
band of yugoloths who have set up merchant shops. Specifically, there are 3 babau
with 3 quasits each (9 quasits total). Without permission, Vyl casts seeming and
disguises the party as arcanaloths. Those who are able to resist retain their normal
If the party walks to the yugoloths and are disguised, they are welcomed with
much encouragement. If a few of the party have retained their forms, they will have
to pretend to be slaves. If they do not, they must roll a Performance check of DC 13
to keep the babau calm. They must make this roll individually for all 3 babau. If the
entire party does not look like an arcanaloth, then the babau will attack.
The babau will have many wares to sell. They will be at a greatly reduced
price, but all the items are cursed (and subject to the “cursed items” rules). The party
will not be able to determine that such items are cursed, unless they do so through
magical means. The spell identify will not reveal the curse. In addition to any
individual curses each item gives, they will also make the wielder be identifiable as a
fiend in addition to whatever they are, plus any damage specific to a fiend will now
affect them too.

Thigdin’s Hut

Thigdin likes to fidgit with his right eye when assessing a new customer, and
he likes to revel in being a yugoloth with other yugoloths.

Medallion of Thoughts (1,200GP): All thoughts read are of a negative/evil perspective.

Goggles of Night (200GP): Also see into Ethereal Plane and attract a Ghost during
Bracers of Defense (700GP): Reduce Max HP by 1 Character Level.
Animated Shield (600GP): Deflects Missile Attacks to nearest ally.

Azakkan’s Hut

Azakkan constantly sharpens her razor horn while looking at herself in a

hand mirror. Even when engaged in selling items, she still looks at the mirror.

Periapt of Wound Closure (1,500GP): Automatically fail one Death Saving roll for
nearby allies.
Wand of Magic Missiles (800GP): If there are allies within 20ft of target, each magic
missile becomes fireball.
Stone of Good Luck (2,000GP): A -1 modifier to ability checks and saving throws to

Mugonath’s Hut

Mugonath likes to cook the fat of animals and drink it straight. He thinks
himself a gourmet cook and offers fat drinks to anyone who wishes.

Ring of Spell Turning (9,800GP): Remove highest Spell Slots.

Pipes of Haunting (600GP): All creatures, even allies, must make the same roll
against Fear.
Lantern of Revealing (3,00GP): Must make Wisdom saving roll of DC 13 during use,
or see an illusion of a random NPC.

After leaving the merchant babaus, the party continues their on their path. A
day later, they must make a Perception check at DC 16. Success reveals the nine
elves guarding a decrepit stone archway over the path. There is 1 druid and 8 knights,
all high elves. The party must immediately roll a Stealth check at DC 13 or be
If noticed, or if the party simply approaches the group, the elves declare that
they are soldiers of the Myth Drannor Army of Purelight, and they are the guardians
of this hidden pathway.

Elator Damlo, a knight, is a calm and seasoned soldier. He carefully listens

to those around him, and he contemplates all fairly. His expressions are generally
lacking, but he has the look of a kind person.

Elmyra Daljor, a druid, hides her face underneath her cloak, for she does not
want others to see her slightly glowing green eyes. She is very guarded, and she
responds quickly to danger.

Elator demands that the party identify themselves and claim their business in
Cormanthor. If they don’t, then he will refuse passage and demand that the party goes
back the way they came. The party’s refusal will result in a battle.
If the party calmly explains their purpose, Elator will ask for Elmyra to sense
the party’s true purpose. Her hands glows white as she mutters some ancient, magical
rites. If the party has any cursed items, she will proclaim them to be fiends. If the
party wishes, they can explain their current predicament with any reasonable ability
roll at DC 18. Success will convince Elator to hear them out. Failure will result in
If the party does not fight the elves, Elator will reveal that further along the
path there is the holy site known as Clanea’s Grace. It’s magical waters are known to
cleanse the spirit of any mortal, thus removing any magical curse or unwanted spirit.
An Arcana check at DC 14 will allow a character to assume the pool casts remove
curse and possibly dispel evil and good. Such a pool would remove both the cursed
items the party might have, and it will remove the annoying Vyl.
However, Elator warns that there is a small group of muck mocks infesting the
area. He explains that muck mocks are ogres who sweat poison, and these are trying
to poison Clanea’s Grace for all eternity. He cannot offer the party any assistance, but
he thanks them greatly if they swear to destroy the creatures.
It takes a few hours travel before finding Clanea’s Grace and the four Muck

* Please refer to the Clanea’s Grace map.

*For a full description of my Homebrew creation of the muck mocks, please go to the
end of this document.

When the party destroys the muck mocks, they may take a bath in the heated
waters of Clanea’s Grace. Once they do so, the water sparkles like the night sky, and
all of the party is unattuned to their cursed items. Vyl is also ejected outside of the
party. If they so wish it, they can battle him. If they don’t and decide to either
forgive or ignore him, Vyl gives the party three diamonds worth 1,000GP each for
their troubles and leaves the Material Plane.
After drying off, the party is free to continue on their travels.


Appendix A: NPCs
Medium Fey, Chaotic Good

Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 136 (16d8 + 64)
Speed: 30ft, fly 90ft

STR: 18(+4) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 18 (+4)

INT: 17 (+3) WIS: 20 (+5) CHA: 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: WIS +9, CHA +9

Skills: Insight +9, Perception +9
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immuniites: Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Truesight 30ft, Passive Perception 19
Languages: All, Telepathy 120ft
Challenge: 11 (7,200XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +4

Fey Weapons. The fey's weapon attacks are magical. When the fey hits with any
weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8 radiant damage (included in the attack).

Fey Charm. The fey targets one humanoid or beast that they can see within 30 feet of
them. If the target can see the fey, it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
or be magically charmed. The charmed creature regards the fey as a trusted friend to
be heeded and protected. Although the target isn't under the fey's control, it takes the
fey's requests or actions in the most favorable way it can.
Each time the fey or its allies do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat
the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts
24 hours or until the fey dies, is on a different plane of existence from the target, or
ends the effect as a bonus action. If a target's saving throw is successful, the target is
immune to Fey Charm for the next 24 hours.
The fey can have no more than one humanoid and up to three beasts charmed
at a time.

Innate Spellcasting. The fey's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17).
The fey can innately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:

At will: plane shift

1/day each: major image, seeming, sunburst

Invisibility. The fey magically turns invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, or until
its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the fey wears or
carries is invisible with it.

Magic Resistance. The fey has advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects.

Body Hop. One Humanoid that the fey can see within 5 ft. of it must succeed on a DC
17 Charisma saving throw or the fey now inhabits the target's body. The fey can't be
targeted by any Attack, spell, or other Effect, and it retains its Alignment, Intelligence,
Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being Charmed and Frightened. It doesn't gain
access to the target's knowledge, Class Features, or Proficiencies. It can use it's
healing touch ability, but only on it's host or anyone the host touches.
The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 Hit Points, the fey ends it as a
Bonus Action, or the fey is turned or forced out by an Effect like the Dispel Evil and
Good spell. When the body hop ends, the fey reappears in an unoccupied space within
5 ft. of the body. The target is immune to this fey's Possession for 24 hours after
succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.

Multiattack. The fey makes two melee attacks.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) radiant damage.

Healing Touch (3/Day). The fey touches another creature. The target magically
regains 20 (4d8 + 2) hit points and is freed from any curse, disease, poison, blindness,
or deafness.

Change Shape. The fey magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a
challenge rating equal to or less than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its
true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by
the new form (the fey's choice).
In a new form, the deva retains its game statistics and ability to speak, but its
AC, movement modes, Strength, Dexterity, and special senses are replaced by those
of the new form, and it gains any statistics and capabilities (except class features,
legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new form has but that it lacks.

In the early times of creation, when the gods were first realizing their
potentials, the trickster god Erevan was able to make Corellon laugh for the first time
ever. Corellon was contemplating on the nature of duality, and Erevan asked him if
he would like to hear the greatest joke ever told. Corellon smiled and agreed that he
would indeed love to hear such a joke. Erevan’s response was “So would I.”
Corellon laughed, and his first laughter spiraled outward into hundreds of little
patterns which formed into beings of chaos, curiosity, and delight. These are the
They are quite powerful creatures, but their inquisitive and jovial nature rarely
puts them into harms way. They prefer to experience through others, rather than to
cause conflict directly. They are rarely seen in the Feywilds. They prefer to travel
through all of the realms to experience as much as they possibly can. They love new
experiences, but they absolutely loathed boredom. If forced to defend themselves,
they will shine in a white haze of glory and kill all those around them. They might do
the same thing if they’re forced to experience dullsome exercises.

Muck Mocks
Large Giant, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 13 (hide armor)

Hit Points: 771 (9d10 + 21)
Speed: 40ft

STR: 19(+4) DEX: 10 (+0) CON: 16 (+3)

INT: 5 (-3) WIS: 7 (-2) CHA: 7 (-2)

Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 8

Languages: Common, Giant
Challenge: 4 (1,100XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Venomous Ichor. A creature that touches the ogre or hits it with a melee Attack while
within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) poison damage.

Multiattack. The ogre makes two attacks.

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Foolish Beginnings. The Abyss is home to an endless amount of horrors that wish to
rend the material plane to pieces. Such creatures, from lowly slave all the way up to
Demon Lords, writhe in their self-made chaos, waiting for a chance to expand their
realms. Sometimes, a gateway between realms naturally opens, and the Abyss gets a
chance to see the exotic treasures of other places. But sometimes, they get less than
what they bargained for.

Monkey Do. On one such occasion, Juiblex managed to rend the planes enough to
allow passengers into the Abyss. It was visited by a starving ogre named Diarott who
was looking for anything to eat. Juiblex reached out to the creature with one of its
pseudopods, fully expecting the ogre to swipe at it. Instead, Diarott saw the corpses
floating in Juiblex and figured if Juiblex had to eat, then it could be eaten. Diarott
opened his mouth and tried to consume the pseudopod.

Violent Reaction. No sentient being had ever before tried to consume Juiblex.
Perplexed, it kept Diarott as a prisoner. Well, more as a pet. Over time, it began to
like Diarott. It found other ogres for him to “socialize” with, and Diarott became the
pack leader. Juiblex decided to bless his pets, and allowed them to consume a piece
of him. The ogres transformed into dark and ravenous creatures, and their bodies
were forever cursed.

Like Father. The Ogres began to sweat a poisonous sludge from their pores. The
process left them always feeling like their skin is on fire. Annoyed and wanting
freedom, Diarott and his tribe escaped capture. Over time, this tribe called themselves
the “Muck Mocks” and began to prosper in certain areas of the Abyss. Diarott’s
descendants inherited this ailment, and to date they are always trying to find a way to
reduce the pain of their burning, itchy skin.

Appendix B: Maps

Clanea’s Grace Map


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